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The sheer number of buttons is just not fun


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EQ and DAOC definitely didnt have ability bloat... I don't think AC2 was active long enough to even attempt ability bloat... pretty much just leaves WoW :p


EQ has ability bloat more than any other game. Mayb not when you played, but yes it is there and has been for a long , long time . Even pre WoW.


Sure you only get X amount of cast gems which slim down the abilities a bit , but there are so many AA abilities there is no way you can represent them all in any UI.


this is ability bloat

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Played a druid, we have entirely different armies of bars and buttons hidden behind the army of bars and buttons. :D


One of the reasons I loved my druid was just that, my shapeshift forms enabled me to have my hotkeys under better control.


Though now that I bought my Naga the experience is much better - though TBH I'm enjoying it more in Mass Effect than in TOR :D

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The number of abilities is fine. The problem is that we aren't allowed macros, which hugely consolidate space.


For example, I have my mount and my threat reduction ability on different hotkeys. However, whether or not I'm going to use these two abilities is completely mutually exclusive depending on whether or not I'm in combat. It would be great if I could make a macro to bind both of these abilities to one key, and have the key toggle between the two in and out of combat.


Baring macros, a different bar for stealth would be a nice start, at least for my class.

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good to see some people are finally seeing reason about the number of abilities.


a large number of them should either be removed or merged with dots or slows being a passive effect.


id also like to point out to any dev that read this--again--that the gunslinger class just makes no sense at all. there should be no shield or shoot from cover requirement on this class at all. the sniper makes sense to be this way but the gunslinger doesnt. i have no idea why this wasnt brought to anyones attention in the beta phase. (well i probably do since the average beta tester is a kissass and wont make any real suggestions for much needed changes before a game goes live)

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I use the same keybind set up I always have. 10key area all bound , keys surrounding the standard asdw movement keys are bound and all numbers across the top.


Have 24 total abilities bound to the keyboard and I use them all at some point.


Wow. That many buttons - really? O_o


I'm a clicker and even against elites on my Merc (lvl 40) I'm clicking maybe 6 different butons (4 or 5 for strong/standard mobs). I seriously can't imagine having to play with that many buttons.... :confused:

Edited by Darth_Sinistor
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I rather enjoy the multitude of abilities. Smashing the same 4 buttons over and over gets old. Keeping up with cd's and knowing when to use your abilities are what I enjoy. Keeps me on my toes.


Actually, I think it is possible to do things with just 4-8 buttons and still keep the game very interesting.


One thing that you could do would be having sequences of abilities, procs and conditions on the enemy alter certain powers. This would make timing and observing the enemies status more important.


For example, instead of an ability that deals x damage against a foe and a second ability that deals 3x damage against a foe when he's stunned or immobilized, you have just the first ability that deals 1x damage against a regular foe, but 3x if he's stunned or immobilized.

If you also have a second ability that that usually deals 2x damage, it becomes important to recognize when you switch from the second to the first.


Currently, a lot of the game is just about waiting for a cooldown to refresh and build this into a rotation.

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Most of the abilities are situational. SOME of them are so situational that they probably shouldn't exist or should be fused with other abilities.




in beta Troopers attacks Mortar Volley & Hail Of Bolts was 1 attack, for some reason they split the attack into 2 different attacks. Making Hail Of Bolts absolutely Useless

I can honestly say the only time I use Hail of Bolts is when sitting in fleet waiting for a warzone

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Wow. That many buttons - really? O_o


I'm a clicker and even against elites on my Merc (lvl 40) I'm clicking maybe 6 different butons (4 or 5 for strong/standard mobs). I seriously can't imagine having to play with that many buttons.... :confused:

You are a merc. That explains everything.


I as jedi shadow cannot keep all abilities I use on 3 bars (left, and 2 bottom) cause out of combat one and in-stealth make it total of over 30 abilities I should use in various circumstances.


I really need additional hotbars. Or switchable hotbars - out of combat, combat, stealth out of combat and stealth in combat. Althoug even one common set of hotbars for stealth would work too.

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Funny. I remember when I played DCUO and everyone complained that there wasnt enough abilities available. Gamers will never be happy.


hehe, I remember that too.


You simply can't please everyone. If bioware cut the number of abilities down they'd only get complaints from people who are currently happy with the system. This is something the OP is just going to have to live with because it's not going to get changed.

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Have you ever played an MMO?


JK and SW have a LOT of buttons to use in either of their Advance Classes, frankly a bit of streamlining would help.


I've played a lot of MMO's and never seen a class before that geuninely needed 30+ keybinds to be played to its full potential.

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My biggest issue is that I don't have enough quickbars to put all of my abilities/buttons/stuff on. In the UI, I turned on all the extra quickbars... but still not enough.


I wish they let you pick how many quickbars to have at the bottom of the screen. I could really use another one... or two.

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The sheer number of buttons the Jedi Guardian at 50 has just destroys the fun I once had while leveling the toon.


Similarly, my Jedi Shadow has a lot of keybinds and you just stare at ur UI buffs for procs. THis is not fun combat at all.


I use a Razer Naga too.

You do not have to use them all. It's a choice, start making some!
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I generally like to look at the game world and combat and not at cooldown shaders in my action bars. This game suffers from that.


Especially when you have one ability on a 45 sec CD that can only be used if the target is stunned - another that can be used if the target is snared - another that costs 5 recources points but can only be used after a proc from another ability that costs you 4 resources which lasts 5 seconds while having a pool of 10 resources (illustration numbers).


This is really overkill. They need to merge and consolidate abilities. Action bar watching is not an immersive game experience.

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I have to agree that the amount of abilities needed on some classes is simply too high, compared to other classes it is also not really balanced.


On my Mercenary I have too little buttons to press, on my Shadow tank on the other side I'm getting issues with having enough hotkeys for everything I need.


Currently I use 1 2 3 4 5 6, Shift + 1 2 3 4 5 6, q e r t g f , shift q e r t g f, mb3, shift mb3, scroll up for 3nd bar for stealth related abilities.


And yet, I have several abilities that I still have to click as I simply do not have enough buttons for all of them (this is not including PvP setups, which include the same plus pvp-consumables and pure pvp abilities).


One example of how you can simply avoid too many buttons:


Almost every AC has an ability that can be used on targets below 30%(or was it 35%) which replaces your normal resource dump and has a short cooldown. Why not simply give for example Double Strike a passive damage buff on targets below 30%, cannot happen more than once every 6 seconds.

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