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The sheer number of buttons is just not fun


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The sheer number of buttons the Jedi Guardian at 50 has just destroys the fun I once had while leveling the toon.


Similarly, my Jedi Shadow has a lot of keybinds and you just stare at ur UI buffs for procs. THis is not fun combat at all.


I use a Razer Naga too.

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The sheer number of buttons the Jedi Guardian at 50 has just destroys the fun I once had while leveling the toon.


Similarly, my Jedi Shadow has a lot of keybinds and you just stare at ur UI buffs for procs. THis is not fun combat at all.


I use a Razer Naga too.


Welcome to the modern mmorpg, where every game copys the combat system from wow....


Guild wars 2 is going to change that tho

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I liked the Guild Wars 1 combat system. Where you had to choose 8 skills that you were going to bring with you. It made the combat very strategic, you actually had to put thought into your skill make up, plus it became even more strategic when you put into consideration the skill make up of the team you are in. Sometimes having less is actually more.
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well, they could remove the two skills every class seems to have that requires a weak - strong target to be stunned, snared or whatever. It doesn't work in endgame PVE most of the time (at least not when it matters) and doesn't work in PVP. Completely useless, don't even have them on the bar anymore.


As for other skills... I like it, many skills to build into a rotation or priority list is fun, I really don't want to end up like a classic mage spaming 1 button and sometimes hit 1 or 2 others. It's neither challenging nor does it give me any feeling of acomplishment when I can pull it off... because a 3 year old could do it.


So, rather than minimize the available skills I'd like to see improvmenets to the UI in order to have an easier time seeing when what is ready or how long dots are up, especially on bosses dots become very problematic to track, but UI improvements are long overdue... and they should srsly just let addons handle that stuff so everyone can set it up exactly the way they want.. and if you're hapy with what you got, don't get an addon, simple.

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Welcome to the modern mmorpg, where every game copys the combat system from wow....


Guild wars 2 is going to change that tho


only because they are making the game for consoles also, not saying that is a bad thing but that is the reason

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The sheer number of buttons the Jedi Guardian at 50 has just destroys the fun I once had while leveling the toon.


Similarly, my Jedi Shadow has a lot of keybinds and you just stare at ur UI buffs for procs. THis is not fun combat at all.


I use a Razer Naga too.


Umm... re-roll then. I picked this class because its similar to WoW's Warrior. I love the fact that I have 30+ keybinds. It gives us the ability to win every single 1v1 fight if we know how to use our class properly.


Maybe this isn't your class.

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I liked the Guild Wars 1 combat system. Where you had to choose 8 skills that you were going to bring with you. It made the combat very strategic, you actually had to put thought into your skill make up, plus it became even more strategic when you put into consideration the skill make up of the team you are in. Sometimes having less is actually more.

Agreed, not to mention you could cross class - so have warrior-elementist, mesmer-necromancer etc. - the amount of ability combinations was incredibly deep and rewarding to those with creativity.

Edited by Manigma
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I have my bottom center quick slot full completely, and i also have the left one full too. I use the left one for all my buffs, and abilitys i use less are to the far left side of the bottom center quick slot. I also heal with Shift+mouse wheel up, and shift+mouse wheel down. Getting the hang of the UI takes strategy and practice. Edited by Egees
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Welcome to the modern MMO forum where every noob thinks WoW invented one single thing in the MMO genre.


Wow IS the reason why players have to stare at their ability tool bar and watch for flashes and cooldown in mmorpg nowaday.


Unless you can provide me the name of the mmo that requires ppl to do that pre-wow?

Edited by edgalor
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Most of the abilities are situational. SOME of them are so situational that they probably shouldn't exist or should be fused with other abilities.


Like, for instance, the "major damage to weak/normal immobalized" attack should be merged with "major damage to weak/normal incapacitated" attack.


And then that new combined attack should be removed entirely?

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Wow IS the reason why players have to stare at their ability tool bar and watch for flashes and cooldown in mmorpg nowaday.


Unless you can provide me the name of the mmo that requires ppl to do that pre-wow?


I remember having to stare at my skill bar in EQ for Kick, Bash to refresh.


And I recall a similar refresh mechanic in SWG.


So no. WoW not the first. Although like so many other aspects, you could say WoW 'perfected' the need to watch your skill bar.

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havent had any problems with number of abilities . Seems about equal to WoW. Mayb a bit less than rift. Definetly less than Vanguard, way less than EQ


I use the same keybind set up I always have. 10key area all bound , keys surrounding the standard asdw movement keys are bound and all numbers across the top.


Have 24 total abilities bound to the keyboard and I use them all at some point.


Feels familiar to every other game i've played , except a bit faster in swtor.

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