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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

'If' the game goes F2P, What happens?


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I'd much rather pay a measly $15 a month and get unlimited access to current and new content than it be F2P and have to pay real money every time they release a new armor set, flashpoint, etc, etc.


Yup, I want back to CoH for a little while before this released. It was far better to resub than deal with all the F2P limitations.

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What'll basically happen if the game goes free to play, (if ever, IMO, it prob won't) is that populations numbers will spike TREMENDOUSLY. Basically, how they earn money is through microtransactions (usually costing a couple USD), and they'll rake up a TON of money that way.


Lineage 2 went free to play, and apparently, their numbers increased by 800%, and earnings skyrocketed. LoL went free to play, and they're STILL going strong. TF2 went free to play, and Valve is probably making a mint off the microtransactions going on.


In fact, the freemium model is definitely more profitable than the subscription model. The reason why WoW is still this profitable is because there are people shelling out tons of money for the "exclusive" mounts, pets, and also server transfers and such and such.


The mentality that most people have is that since it's not required, they can shell out some money for an item that probably isn't necessary, but nice to have. Hell, I probably spend more money a month on F2P games than SWTOR.


Few quibbles with your post:


TF2 is a bad example, because there was never a subscription fee to play online. On top of that, it's been bundled for years in the "Orange Box" along with the Half Life games and Portal.


League of Legends was always free to play.


Blizzard's pet & mount store is a good little moneymaker, but let's not downplay the fact that the majority of WoW's revenue comes from ~5 million NA/EU subscribers, which is a BILLION dollars a year, give or take.


It's a different thing to launch as F2P and have a development & marketing strategy around that, rather than being forced into F2P due to a shrinking player base.

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If the game goes to $19.99 a month... what happens?

Come on lets throw everything out there right?




Go play LotRO if you want to see how it works.

It sucks. F2P is only good if you pay for upgrades. Then it aint free.

Edited by Kourage
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It wont happen ever.


I guess we just have to take your word on it. But in reality, if EA can make more money with it, they will do so. Some could think that SW franchise would be awesome for selling f2p model stuff sicne there is many collectors etc playing this game.

Edited by Forsbacka
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F2P is actually a very, very bad thing. Free to Play literally means free to fail, pay to win. F2P games bring in 400-600% the monthly revenues as compared to a subscription based model, but they are short-lived games because decent players who don't want to simply buy their strength via cash shop microtransactions will leave.
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If it was going to go F2P I wouldn't mind if they still allowed players who wanted to still play on separate servers to those, who are playing for free. I don't really want to sound like a snob but I would rather have separate servers for the two as otherwise technically we subs would be paying tax for the F2P players to play.
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The critics will fall asleep easier knowing they were right about it. They kept chanting this will go f2p and they'll be happy.


People either play the MMO they like or give everyone else a hard time with the MMO they don't like...

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I don't think that'll happen anytime soon. They seem to be pretty competitive in supporting SWTOR... not to mention I doubt EA will let them, for some reason. Warhammer Online has like what, 2-3 servers left for both the US and EUROPE? And that didn't go F2P... though I suspect they didn't want to spend any more resources on the game either, which a transition from P2P to F2P requires. Edited by BrainSplatter
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F2P is actually a very, very bad thing. Free to Play literally means free to fail, pay to win. F2P games bring in 400-600% the monthly revenues as compared to a subscription based model, but they are short-lived games because decent players who don't want to simply buy their strength via cash shop microtransactions will leave.


Not really true. A lot of F2P games with microtransactions don't give you epic gear or anything; a lot of it is cosmetic. It's more like 'play for free and you'll have minimum access; the more you pay, the more access to the game you'll have.'

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I'd much rather pay a measly $15 a month and get unlimited access to current and new content than it be F2P and have to pay real money every time they release a new armor set, flashpoint, etc, etc. Not to mention most games that go F2P gimp the game right out of the gate making several classes/races/planets/etc cost extra money to "unlock".


I wouldn't know, but I'll take your word for it. TOR is likely the first and last MMO that I ever play unless a Mass Effect MMO is released for consoles. From my stance now, I'd much rather just not play the $15 per month and enjoy everything that's already in the game. I'd be willing to pay for future content at reasonable prices that are somewhat comparable to the cost of a subscription.

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Actually, no. F2P sucks. Their only source of revenue is the cash shop (apart from tiny income from maybe launcher ads), and that ensures an ever increasing dependence on cash shop items in order to remain competitive. Those games that are now only cosmetic items will later offer pots that are better than you can get in game, share a different cooldown, something of that sort. Wait for it.


I come from Gravity's F2P Requiem, which is a prime example of this.

Edited by Jarvus
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I guess we just have to take your word on it. But in reality, if EA can make more money with it, they will do so.


Sure... but the thing is, concerning F2P... LucasArts won't let them do so.


Look at SWG.

Edited by Lazirus-
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Few quibbles with your post:


TF2 is a bad example, because there was never a subscription fee to play online. On top of that, it's been bundled for years in the "Orange Box" along with the Half Life games and Portal.


League of Legends was always free to play.


Blizzard's pet & mount store is a good little moneymaker, but let's not downplay the fact that the majority of WoW's revenue comes from ~5 million NA/EU subscribers, which is a BILLION dollars a year, give or take.


It's a different thing to launch as F2P and have a development & marketing strategy around that, rather than being forced into F2P due to a shrinking player base.


I always thought that TF2 wasn't that heavily focused on microtransactions before going F2P... but i guess I was wrong... oh well, it happens.


Also, most of the microtransactions that Blizzard does are almost as expensive as a one month sub to the game, and the fact that you have to pay for server transfers and such are a good chunk of the money they're making from the game.


In addition, F2P games that were once subscription games have once again been revitalized because it brings more attention to them. Games that people probably wouldn't have paid for (hard copy and subscription) now have more users because they're now free to play. Games like LoTRO, DCUO, and Lineage have upped their playerbase many times over, and also, people are more willing to pay a dollar or two at a time for usually cosmetic items, and that stacks up.


Just saying... even if a subscription game goes F2P, it usually succeeds in the long run.

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From what I understand, F2P is actually far more profitable. So theoretically going F2P could mean that the game is going *well*, and they are trying to cash in on it as much as possible.


That being said, most F2P's tend to end up in that descending spiral of going from "pay for cosmetics" to "pay to win".

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people just don't see that 50 cents a day 15 dollars a month is giving them EVERYTHING w/e the game has to offer.


they just don't see that f2p means they will pay more money in the long run for actually playing the game. That's what it is. Well..if you want to have FUN.


PLEASE NO FREE 2 PLAY!! It will make the game go to crap :( *yes trolls..i know, to you it's already crap :p*

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I always thought that TF2 wasn't that heavily focused on microtransactions before going F2P... but i guess I was wrong... oh well, it happens.


My memory might be off, but the hat thing was limited until they started giving the game away. But this is a different beast, because TF2 isn't an MMO & never carried a subscription fee for online pay.


In addition, F2P games that were once subscription games have once again been revitalized because it brings more attention to them. Games that people probably wouldn't have paid for (hard copy and subscription) now have more users because they're now free to play. Games like LoTRO, DCUO, and Lineage have upped their playerbase many times over, and also, people are more willing to pay a dollar or two at a time for usually cosmetic items, and that stacks up.


True, but the tricky thing there is that some of these companies are small & privately held. They don't release quarterly revenue statements.


In other words, Turbine can claim LOTR's revenues increased 300% when they went F2P, but that's a meaningless number when we don't know how much money they were making (or losing!) before that. (Nevermind that LOTR still carries premium subscriptions).


Lineage 2 went F2P after eight years of live release in Korea. That again seems very different than taking about TOR going this route after two months of limited release.

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Yeah. A F2P WoW clone with TERRIBAD voice acting. Have you seen the beta videos? It's very very lulzy.




This game won't go F2P for years, if ever.


I have seen them, many of them, I don't think you have though. The voice acting is nearly the same in SWTOR. Which by the way, SWTOR is far far closer to being a WoW clone then Guild Wars 2 is, unless of course Blizzard made their whole world a dynamic world that changes based on the players actions, not to mention the combat system of the game, and and a whole lot of other things that are innovative for the MMO genre. :rolleyes:

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My memory might be off, but the hat thing was limited until they started giving the game away. But this is a different beast, because TF2 isn't an MMO & never carried a subscription fee for online pay.




True, but the tricky thing there is that some of these companies are small & privately held. They don't release quarterly revenue statements.


In other words, Turbine can claim LOTR's revenues increased 300% when they went F2P, but that's a meaningless number when we don't know how much money they were making (or losing!) before that. (Nevermind that LOTR still carries premium subscriptions).


Lineage 2 went F2P after eight years of live release in Korea. That again seems very different than taking about TOR going this route after two months of limited release.


True enough, but nevertheless, it's a discussion of what might happen if this game with free to play, and I was merely expressing my opinions on what might happen if this game with free to play given some of the past MMOs with subscriptions went free to play (I was off base on a couple points, I'll admit). Hopefully, this game won't go free to play for a while, if ever, and I for one will still be supporting this game, free or paid, until EA or Bioware does something massively messed up and makes me quit in anger.

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It won't happen for awhile. They have a pipeline of content they will release and try to string subs out. I expect more micro-transactions as well. If the assets handling isn't fixed soon... look for D3 and GW2 to put the proverbial "nail in the coffin."


diablo 3...yeah that will put a dent


GW 2 ...it will dent numbers....for one month, people will come back in droves after they realise its a lot of pretty fluff covering the same , limited and shallow interface and combat system of the first game , where you basically press 2 or 3 abilties regardless of what you are doing , and with the removal of the holy trinity , it will be a royal spamfest wich may as well be a fps

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I have seen them, many of them, I don't think you have though. The voice acting is nearly the same in SWTOR. Which by the way, SWTOR is far far closer to being a WoW clone then Guild Wars 2 is, unless of course Blizzard made their whole world a dynamic world that changes based on the players actions, not to mention the combat system of the game, and and a whole lot of other things that are innovative for the MMO genre. :rolleyes:


the combat system is the most shallow, uninteresting pos ive ever wasted my time playing


sorry but its a lot of pretty fluff covering what is basicaly teh same combat system from the first one, wich utterly SUCKED


also LOL at the videos with stupid looking ratchet&clank looking races , im sorry but it looks just like the first one, yes awsome graphics , but it was basicaly as interesting as playing a fps

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diablo 3...yeah that will put a dent


GW 2 ...it will dent numbers....for one month, people will come back in droves after they realise its a lot of pretty fluff covering the same , limited and shallow interface and combat system of the first game , where you basically press 2 or 3 abilties regardless of what you are doing , and with the removal of the holy trinity , it will be a royal spamfest wich may as well be a fps


/facepalm don't talk about Guild Wars 2 unless you actually know what you are talking about. Let me put it this way... if you are saying that the combat of Guild Wars 2 is the same as Guild Wars 1, that means you barely know anything about the game... at best you are making assumptions based on Guild Wars 1, and probably just going by misinformation given by people just like you making the post you just made :rolleyes:

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the combat system is the most shallow, uninteresting pos ive ever wasted my time playing


sorry but its a lot of pretty fluff covering what is basicaly teh same combat system from the first one, wich utterly SUCKED


also LOL at the videos with stupid looking ratchet&clank looking races , im sorry but it looks just like the first one, yes awsome graphics , but it was basicaly as interesting as playing a fps



Yup, just what I thought, you don't know anything, probably haven't even seen any videos. The combat is not the same as Guild Wars 1 at all, and you just proved it with your statement above.


oh, also, the combat system of SWTOR is the same as Guild Wars 1, only difference is that Guild Wars 1 combat system is more strategic then SWTOR is because you actually have to think about what skills are you going to bring into combat with you, think about what your team mates are bringing with them as well and make a team that has synergy in their skills, rather then have all the skills at your disposal like in SWTOR. SWTOR, WoW, yeah those are shallow combat systems, but still very fun games.

Edited by Wolfeisberg
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