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Civil War turret defense


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So how many people should be at a node for defense in this WZ? In my experience it is better to have 2 people on it unless we are dominating. Is it correct that only one person should be on defense? This is what some people told me on my server and I just can't see it being as effective as 2. According to them me and a buddy are bad players for playing D and holding mid.


What's the consensus on this? 1 or 2 players at a turret?

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I run with a pre made and we leave our full tank spec vanguard by himself. In order for them to cap it they have to do some crazy CC coordination to keep him from interrupting. Other then that it takes them a good while to try and kill him while at least 1 or 2 of us comes to help.
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i am comfortable holding a node myself because its going to take more than 1 guy to down me, but if its not me, i'd want 2 there because an individual might not call incs until he's already dead


under crazy circumstances, like if you dont take another node in the next minute they're going to double up in points and they hold 2 nodes already, i've abandoned a turret entirely to go all in. this usually doesn't work but at this point its the only option because bad odds are still higher than 3 capping the other team.

Edited by bicuspid
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I run with a pre made and we leave our full tank spec vanguard by himself. In order for them to cap it they have to do some crazy CC coordination to keep him from interrupting. Other then that it takes them a good while to try and kill him while at least 1 or 2 of us comes to help.




Im darkness so i stealth it up by myself, if 1 shows up i dont really bother asking for help as i can just cc him and well kill him. If i see a group coming ill throw the heads up and I have held 5 off a node before my team can back me up.

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The guys who say they defend with 1 guy are not only grossly overconfident but don't seem to understand that almost no one attacks a node with only one person because the defender has an advantage. In particular, stealth defenders have a huge advantage because they can always wait until you try to cap the node to come out of stealth, with virtually no chance of being discovered before then.


If you're defending by yourself the only thing that is going to keep you alive is the LoS from the turret itself, not because of whatever skill you may think you have.

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The guys who say they defend with 1 guy are not only grossly overconfident but don't seem to understand that almost no one attacks a node with only one person because the defender has an advantage. In particular, stealth defenders have a huge advantage because they can always wait until you try to cap the node to come out of stealth, with virtually no chance of being discovered before then.


If you're defending by yourself the only thing that is going to keep you alive is the LoS from the turret itself, not because of whatever skill you may think you have.


i can and do it all the time. I dont need to kill all the attackers, just keep them off long enough for backup.

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In my experience, you need at least 2 on the turret at one time and at least 1 other guy within LOS of the turret. 2 right at the turret in case of cc's and one guy in LOS in case they have 3-4 guys in stealth. You want 3 each on the sides defending and maybe 2 putting some pressure on mid so they can't organize a large attack. The goal at the beginning is to take both sides and defend using the side transports. You want to predict which way the other team goes so you have a number advantage so look where the other team goes first and send enough to match them at least.
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The guys who say they defend with 1 guy are not only grossly overconfident but don't seem to understand that almost no one attacks a node with only one person because the defender has an advantage. In particular, stealth defenders have a huge advantage because they can always wait until you try to cap the node to come out of stealth, with virtually no chance of being discovered before then.


If you're defending by yourself the only thing that is going to keep you alive is the LoS from the turret itself, not because of whatever skill you may think you have.


or because you call inc when they're still 15 seconds from actually getting to you, so unless you die instantly your team will have reinforced by then. 1 is not ideal but if you need 7 somewhere you need 7 somewhere.



if they have a bunch of stealth so you're acutally getting jumped by 2 guys + 1 guy you can see, and you're alone...well then your team f'd up because they have 7 vs 5 somewhere else and no one noticed that something was wrong and to go to your point

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I agree with most of these guys that 2 should be at a node for most scenarios. A good tank can defend solo though.


And that only if he can manage to DOT the shadow/assassin that just "sapped" him the moment he used his out of jail CD. Otherwise he will definitely be thrown some distance away by overload, while the shadow/assassin slows him, vanishes and sprint away to LOS him using the turret. The time is just enough to cap. Then the situation reverses.

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And that only if he can manage to DOT the shadow/assassin that just "sapped" him the moment he used his out of jail CD. Otherwise he will definitely be thrown some distance away by overload, while the shadow/assassin slows him, vanishes and sprint away to LOS him using the turret. The time is just enough to cap. Then the situation reverses.


the guy would have to be standing in a pretty stupid place for this to happen. like at the edge of the platform or something. he'd also have to waste his trinket for no reason. theres 0 reason to trinket in a 1 on 1 situation except to save the node.


i'm not saying its impossible, but they'd have to do a lot of things wrong and its never happened to me.

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If you have a middle and a side, you should have 6 in the middle and 2 on the side.


If you have both sides, you should have 3 on the left side, and 5 on the right.


Call if you're being attacked on the sides, and have 5 people max on the side being attacked.


4-5 people playing properly can hold a side forever if they use the fast speeder.


NEVER have less than 2 people in the mid even while a side is being attacked.


If you only control one turret there should only be one person guarding it, preferably someone with stealth and/or dots.

Edited by EternalFinality
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let me tell u how i do it with 2nd sin next to me


i use my force pull and start fight my mate goes to cast if he sees him i use spike 2 sec + 4 sec stun after that and slow but its rarely needed


the other way sleep on the target its 8 sec start to cap then 2nd sin sleeps again

if he uses cc break then stun if it doesnt help have to kill but most of the time it works

we can also vanish and sleep again with no cc break no way to interrupt the cast 2nd time


so if 2 ppl guard a node its much harder to capture compared to one no matter if tank or healer or damage spec

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The question shouldn't be about how many defend; but how effective the team can react when a node is being attacked. I solo defend all the time in Alderaan, and when I see 2 or more coming my way, it's very easy to put in chat "inc x 2, 3 or 4", in which my team sends X amount to assist. If your team is holding West/East...then obviously you would put 2 or more on each node.


However, if my team is struggling to take a second node, I can hold down the fort by myself so they can take another. The issue normally comes up when a team is losing, and 2 carebears stay at the only node their team holds, and cry in Ops chat about defending. If you only have 1 node and your team is struggling, it's a good idea to forfeit 1 extra player from defending, to give your team the best chance at capturing successfully.


If you're team is losing, have your tank defend a node by himself. If the Opfor wants to risk sending 2+ more peeps to take your tanks node, then this leaves 6 of their players defending 2 nodes, which usually ends up bad for them. The tank shld be able to hold off the 2 for a bit (especially a tank with 18 sec DoT's), while your 7 players shld be grabbing at a minimum 1...and hopefully the other 2 nodes in short order. This usually works best when holding West/East...not so much mid due to the quick zerg, but this also depends on your tanks ability.


The bottom line, communication and situational awareness are bigger factors in Alderaan than the other 2 WZ's (IMO). It's a longer distance to cover for one, but requires split second judgements on what your team needs to do, whether attatcking or defending. As I mentioned, I am easily comfortable holding a node by myself, and can call out incomings quick enough for my team to assist if I need to. One thing I do see often by single defenders is, burning their CC breaker on short mez's...then getting the longer CC afterwards. Some people just freak out, and some can do just fine. Not too complicated IMO.

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Ok. I can understand if we are getting crushed then it might be good to leave one. We were nowhere near losing when these guys started talking crap. The way I figured it, mid would be the easiest to take since they land right there so 2 of us were good on D.


Anyway, I'm glad that a lot of you guys agree with me.


I have held a spot solo before, but IMO it's not ideal. IF you can see players coming towards you, then calling Incoming usually works. If you get hit up by a few stealthers while solo, you're usually SOL.

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let me tell u how i do it with 2nd sin next to me


i use my force pull and start fight my mate goes to cast if he sees him i use spike 2 sec + 4 sec stun after that and slow but its rarely needed


the other way sleep on the target its 8 sec start to cap then 2nd sin sleeps again

if he uses cc break then stun if it doesnt help have to kill but most of the time it works

we can also vanish and sleep again with no cc break no way to interrupt the cast 2nd time


so if 2 ppl guard a node its much harder to capture compared to one no matter if tank or healer or damage spec


This SO badly. Especially when the guy capping the turret stands on the other side of it to LoS the defender. I was left as the lone defender.... we weren't loosing. I called for a 2nd defender. Sure enough I notice someone capping on the other side of the turret, hes about a second in as I start to move around to get in LoS. The other stealther CC's me. I use CC break, I get hit with a knockback+stun+snare. It was the kind of coordination that I can only have wet dreams about with pugs. I don't know how many times I attempt this with another pug only to have them attack the other person with me as I try to peel/stunlock for them to cap. Le sigh. However, in line with internet ****tardism, my team basically reacted with a "someone go help the n00b who can't solo defend a node" when we got it back. Yes a geared tank with a medpac and some good CD usage/kiting/los humping/dot abusing can hold a node for a while. However, when 2 stealth classes coordinate their CC to **** with you, you are hopeless alone against it.


The ONLY time you leave one person in a node is when you are losing. If we have one node you stick someone there to yell really loudly when INC is coming. If the enemy is approaching double your score, you abandon a node and use the /pray method of defense. As someone else said... the odds of (the team who is about to win/focusing on defense) ninja'ing the node are smaller than the odds of your team pulling a 3 cap out of its ***. Now I've been on a team that 3 capped the enemy at 5 HP remaining... and held it to for a full ~300 HP of theirs for a win (MOST EPIC GAME EVER THAT *********** QUITTERS NEVER GET TO PLAY)... It can happen... once every 3-4 blue moons :p

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I play an Op and usually guard the left by myself. Anytime I see anyone incoming, I ask for help 1 (means 1 inc). I can usually hold a cap off for about 20-30 secs if I get jumped by 2 (1 was stealth) which gives enuf time to get reinforcements. Holding right minimum of 2 and same for center.
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