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So if SWTOR runs on the Heroengine then.....


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Um, no. I'm saying is that some are expecting 2012 tech. When it would have been impossible to make a game starting in 2008 with 2012 tech unless they happened to have a time machine handy.


But but but....DOOOOM!!!!!! Don't go raining on their parade while they're trying to complain about no rain effects. Clearly, since this is a high-tech space opera type futuristic game, then the developers should have been able to build said time machine and obtain a better engine.

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Bioware doesn't have the current hero engine, they bought a prototype of the hero engine, and then had to develop the rest of it themselves.


This is coming from the guy who created the hero engine. Most of the problems with the hero engine, are because of Bioware's programmers, not the hero engine.

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I can argue different. Some of the most beloved games in history have by todays standards bad graphics. But yet even now are still fun to play. While good graphics has never made a bad game good.


Before I log off, I repeat in-case you misread:


Indeed, but it doesn't prove that good graphics are antithetical to good game-play, does it?


'Good graphics' and 'good' game-play (matter of perspective again for both but...) are not mutually exclusive.

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While good graphics makes a game look awesome, ultimately good game play trumps good graphics.


However, since TOR lacks good gameplay and is palpably a pathetic presentation on assisted movie-making albeit with very cliched and forgettable story-lines, good graphics might have been their savior.


For a game that focuses on story, they do have some of the most forgettable story-lines I have read.


And your signature line brags about having completed the end game content. Yawn. YOu hate the game but are proud of beating it? I repeat: YAWN.

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Bioware doesn't have the current hero engine, they bought a prototype of the hero engine, and then had to develop the rest of it themselves.


This is coming from the guy who created the hero engine. Most of the problems with the hero engine, are because of Bioware's programmers, not the hero engine.


I read several articles several months ago about how EA basically hires kids straight out of college because they're dirt cheap... they basically "break them"... making them jaded towards gaming in general, etc. LOL


Then you've got this infamous article...



Edited by Sizzurps
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Give them time. :)


Im sorry but I feel that this is just not acceptable anymore. There are WAY too many MMO options out there right now for a new game to be given time to become what people expect for release.


Outdated graphics, outdated UI, and virtually no innovation at all (except voice and MAYBE* story) is not a good way to launch a game and expect people to stick around until it matures.


It just feels like Bioware relied too heavily on the Star Wars and Bioware names to carry them. I hope they were right but man I feel like it was a mistake.



*FYI, i stated maybe on the story because not all of the stories are very good. The consular story is repetitive and boring with a really blah ending.

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Bioware spent entirely too much time and resources on the story and forgot or didn't have the time to make the game aspect.


Which is really too bad, because far all of the stories I've played are pretty lack luster. Bountry Hunter's Story is meh. Inquisitor started out good but flopped, and so far the Sith Warrior is starting to go the same way.



Essentially Bioware wrote a book when they should have been making a movie. Unfortunately in this genre the movies are always better than the books.



In hind sight adding the "4th pillar" was a terrible game design move.


You have no evidence of money spent in any department at EA/Bioware.


You cannot make this claim in any way, shape or form.


Money spent on voice acting does not have a hard affect on the development process.


Until you can prove your assertion that they "wasted" money on voice acting I suggest you leave your ridculous comments to yourself.

Edited by Arkerus
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They need to flip the switch on better assets handling before the other. Design wise... the HEROengine is the Renault Dauphine of engines.





Oh come now. You can do better than that. That was on ly 9 on the list. Don't you want to go for the full hyperbolic gusto and call it the #1 worst car of all time?

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Before I log off, I repeat in-case you misread:


Indeed, but it doesn't prove that good graphics are antithetical to good game-play, does it?


'Good graphics' and 'good' game-play (matter of perspective again for both but...) are not mutually exclusive.

Yes they are mutually exclusive. If you have good addicting/fun gameplay graphics don't matter. Edited by Genkin
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I read several articles several months ago about how EA basically hires kids straight out of college because they're dirt cheap... they basically "break them"... making them jaded towards gaming in general, etc. LOL


Then you've got this infamous article...




Yes. Disgruntled laid off employee rages inconsolably on blog. Never seen that before.

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Um, no. I'm saying is that some are expecting 2012 tech. When it would have been impossible to make a game starting in 2008 with 2012 tech unless they happened to have a time machine handy.


Hmmm, now, I have limited programming experience, but what I hear you saying is that if I start a project now, in 2012, with existing technology, and build nothing in to it to take in to account any changes/advances in that technology, I am essentially producing a 2012 product no matter when I actually release it. Right?


So, it takes me 3 years to get my game ready for "prime time" but its based upon 2012 technology... its essentially a 2012 game in 2015. Right?

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I read several articles several months ago about how EA basically hires kids straight out of college because they're dirt cheap... they basically "break them"... making them jaded towards gaming in general, etc. LOL


Then you've got this infamous article...




I stopped at "An anonymous BioWare Mythic employee". If they cannot stand by what they say by revealing who they are and let their experience speak for their credibility. Anything they say should be taken as fiction.

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And your signature line brags about having completed the end game content. Yawn. YOu hate the game but are proud of beating it? I repeat: YAWN.


That's for credibility to show that I have actually played the game and given it all the benefit of the doubts. I have tried everything it has to offer. And have waited patiently for them to improve things.


And also it is to counter those "expert" posters who seem to "love" the game from 14 levels they spent on their first toon.


I hate it because even after trying so hard at making myself fall in love with the game, I am feeling disillusioned. This is a Star Wars MMO -- and I was really, really looking forward to it. It was also probably the only chance for a lot of SW fanboys here to get their hands on a decent SW MMO.


And I really, really want 1.2 to succeed so that I can continue persuading myself to keep subscribing beyond that. Trust me; I don't want to quit on the game either.


I am just disappointed and wish Bioware had done a better job with the gameplay.

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Hmmm, now, I have limited programming experience, but what I hear you saying is that if I start a project now, in 2012, with existing technology, and build nothing in to it to take in to account any changes/advances in that technology, I am essentially producing a 2012 product no matter when I actually release it. Right?


So, it takes me 3 years to get my game ready for "prime time" but its based upon 2012 technology... its essentially a 2012 game in 2015. Right?


Or you could take the Duke Nukem route and try to update very year and take 10 years to produce garbage.

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Link re: claim that it was an artistic decision please.


It may also have something to do with wanting to make sure servers are running smooth, graphics issues are taken care of etc. prior to implementing it. I can just imagine the QQ-post tsunami over "every time it starts raining my compueter blows up!!!!!" or other such things. IT BEARS REPEATING: IT HAS ONLY BEEN 2 MONTHS.


Curse you and your logic! ;)


I'm am always surprised by many player's unrealistic expecatations for how long it takes to prototype, code, build art assets, and test new MMORPG content.


This stuff takes time. Real time, not twitter time or instant message time. Players would be a lot less stressed if they accept that new content comes in 4-6 month cycles.

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I read several articles several months ago about how EA basically hires kids straight out of college because they're dirt cheap... they basically "break them"... making them jaded towards gaming in general, etc. LOL


Then you've got this infamous article...




Disgruntled employee tells all?



Too bad his information didn't match up with the investor meeting.


He's just a PO'd guy who got fired. Even if what he said is partially true, I don't see anything damning in his rants. Break downs in project management? That happens everywhere, even in Blizzard. It happens every day in corporate America. He spends the whole rant talking about Warhammer, which we all know sucked anyway. No one fixed it. It fell apart.


SWTOR has full teams working on it. They post almost every day. They post to tell us when they are going to post. Could they have fixed some launch items. Yeah, but so could ANY GAME.


However, I am sure working conditions could be better. EA is not good for that. We all know that.

Edited by Arkerus
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Curse you and your logic! ;)


I'm am always surprised by many player's unrealistic expecatations for how long it takes to prototype, code, build art assets, and test new MMORPG content.


This stuff takes time. Real time, not twitter time or instant message time. Players would be a lot less stressed if they accept that new content comes in 4-6 month cycles.


Let me speak on their behalf though: I WANT IT NAO NAO NAO OR DOOOOOOOOOOOM!!!!!!!

Edited by Blotter
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The question is really whether or not that feature exists in the version of the Hero engine that BioWare purchased, and then modified. The version of Hero Engine that BW purchased to develop on is a good 4 years old.


Just because the hero engine is boasting new features from their more recent versions, doesn't mean that we will ever see it in SWTOR.



They are not limited by the engine. Think of the hero engine as a base, but those parts can be completely swapped out. Bioware can re write code, add code and modify code. All they wanted was a frame work to start on. Don't listen to all the idiots crying saying because of the engine this game can't do X & Y. They can do whatever they want with the engine...its evolving. 5 years from now, you will see this.

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So, you agree that SWTOR is cutting edge MMO for 2008 (the year they started to program it). Right?
Unless you think it's realistically feasible to program a game with tech and tools that doesn't exist yet. Edited by Genkin
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Yes. Disgruntled laid off employee rages inconsolably on blog. Never seen that before.


Past is prologue...




They won the lawsuit.


"In May 2008, 'EA_Spouse' blog author Erin Hoffman, speaking to videogame industry news site Gamasutra, stated that EA had made significant progress, but may now be falling into old patterns again. Hoffman said that "I think EA is tremendously reformed, having made some real strong efforts to get the right people into their human resources department," and "I've been hearing from people who have gotten overtime pay there and I think that makes a great deal of difference. In fact, I've actually recommended to a few people I know to apply for jobs there," but also claims that she's begun to hear "horror stories" once again."

Edited by Sizzurps
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That's for credibility to show that I have actually played the game and given it all the benefit of the doubts. I have tried everything it has to offer. And have waited patiently for them to improve things.


And also it is to counter those "expert" posters who seem to "love" the game from 14 levels they spent on their first toon.


I hate it because even after trying so hard at making myself fall in love with the game, I am feeling disillusioned. This is a Star Wars MMO -- and I was really, really looking forward to it. It was also probably the only chance for a lot of SW fanboys here to get their hands on a decent SW MMO.


And I really, really want 1.2 to succeed so that I can continue persuading myself to keep subscribing beyond that. Trust me; I don't want to quit on the game either.


I am just disappointed and wish Bioware had done a better job with the gameplay.


Funny how all it does is ruin your credibility. Irony doesn't mean "full of iron."


If you hate it, despise it, think it's crap, etc., then you don't play it all the way through. You act like an adult, put it down, walk away and stop trolling the forums trying to get everyone else to hate it like you supposedly do.

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