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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

A Look At The Old Republic


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The game is such a huge success, but where are the full servers now? Even at peak hours only a handfull of servers reach heavy population.


I didn't have high expectations for such a linear game, however I didn't think the server populations would be this bad after two months.


If your thinking about buying the game, just wait for it to go free to play in six months or less. From what they have done so far, I doubt anything will change between now and then.

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It was fun at first. Enjoyed it the first month. Played through the second. Last one is the third. Will end after. I'll go to war with other guilds, too. swtor has no future

Edited by Mesa
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The game is such a huge success, but where are the full servers now? Even at peak hours only a handfull of servers reach heavy population.


I didn't have high expectations for such a linear game, however I didn't think the server populations would be this bad after two months.


If your thinking about buying the game, just wait for it to go free to play in six months or less. From what they have done so far, I doubt anything will change between now and then.

With a SW IP and a decent studio it's really easy to sell 1+ million boxes. Look even Trion sold that much with a new IP and a totally unknown studio.


Now what's depressing is not only the severs have been emptying faster than in AoC and WAR but the people in charge seems totally clueless of how to properly fix the game. That's sad because they have access to some easy quick win and they just need to show to the players they are aiming in the right direction. Which they aren't doing right now.

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The game is such a huge success, but where are the full servers now? Even at peak hours only a handfull of servers reach heavy population.


I didn't have high expectations for such a linear game, however I didn't think the server populations would be this bad after two months.


If your thinking about buying the game, just wait for it to go free to play in six months or less. From what they have done so far, I doubt anything will change between now and then.


Servers are as Full as Ever, Remember that update where they said they would improve Bandwidth and Reduce Queues? Yeah that't why.

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You are assuming that everyone that is unsatisfied by the game actually bothers to come to the forums and complain. Which is not the case. I have 10 friends that stopped playing and none of them cba to get into the forums and even try to get themselves heard as they got so bad response by tickets.


Turn on your sarcasm detector. I was making fun of the guy for posting his "facts and figures".


I am unhappy with the game as it is right now. I just canceled my sub, and will be looking for a new game to play.


Shame, I was really, really hoping that they would fix issues with class combat balance. I really believe now that the devs actually think that they have a balanced game. Sad.


I wonder if Lucas knows how pathetic they made the Knight? I find it hard to believe that he would sign off on that.

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These forums are the real PVP, I haven't too much logged into the actual game for lack there of.... Imperials are the ones on these boards who have logic, use statistical analysis, understand gaming concepts, know what and do whatever it takes to win. Republics are the ones blinded by fanboyism, don't compare or relate this game to anything released in the past 5 years (I mean why do that?), believe that if they hold their butt cheeks really tight and pray really hard, This !@#$fest if a game will actually become gold.


All republics can say is "Why are you here then? this game must truly be great" I'm here because I want to be on the forums, heck if I had known this would be the end product before I went out an bought an extra two months.... I wouldn't be here... and if 1.2 doesn't pan out I like many of the imperials on this board will leave, taking a huge population of once jaded jedi with us.


Oh wait (dumbitdown) you do see I've been talking about the forums this entire time in regards to imperials and republic right?


We all know if this was some random company, with a random new IP it would have bombed, majority play it for saber combat... and lore... but like lucas has always done IS F IT UP...



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These forums are the real PVP, I haven't too much logged into the actual game for lack there of.... Imperials are the ones on these boards who have logic, use statistical analysis, understand gaming concepts, know what and do whatever it takes to win. Republics are the ones blinded by fanboyism, don't compare or relate this game to anything released in the past 5 years (I mean why do that?), believe that if they hold their butt cheeks really tight and pray really hard, This !@#$fest if a game will actually become gold.


All republics can say is "Why are you here then? this game must truly be great" I'm here because I want to be on the forums, heck if I had known this would be the end product before I went out an bought an extra two months.... I wouldn't be here... and if 1.2 doesn't pan out I like many of the imperials on this board will leave, taking a huge population of once jaded jedi with us.


Oh wait (dumbitdown) you do see I've been talking about the forums this entire time in regards to imperials and republic right?


We all know if this was some random company, with a random new IP it would have bombed, majority play it for saber combat... and lore... but like lucas has always done IS F IT UP...





I sense a dragon coming and whatever force powers you have you are just an appetizer to it. Won't even make make it fart!

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Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ has been an incredible hit, becoming the fastest-selling MMO of all time with over a million players starting their own Star Wars™ saga in the first 24 hours! See for yourself what just a few of these players have to say about their experiences with the game in this new video!



Watch Now


stateing false information again aren't we miss woods

there is the 9000 error countless bugs and nodes that still dont work pvp boots log out in warzones and i am sure there are more issues

Instead spreading false information get the devs to work out the bugs thats what there job is instead inventing new bugged stuff patch 1.1 was a epic fail before that it was perfect but your devs ruined it

That you call perfect i call it improve-able and you better do that soon

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These forums are the real PVP, I haven't too much logged into the actual game for lack there of.... Imperials are the ones on these boards who have logic, use statistical analysis, understand gaming concepts, know what and do whatever it takes to win. Republics are the ones blinded by fanboyism, don't compare or relate this game to anything released in the past 5 years (I mean why do that?), believe that if they hold their butt cheeks really tight and pray really hard, This !@#$fest if a game will actually become gold.


All republics can say is "Why are you here then? this game must truly be great" I'm here because I want to be on the forums, heck if I had known this would be the end product before I went out an bought an extra two months.... I wouldn't be here... and if 1.2 doesn't pan out I like many of the imperials on this board will leave, taking a huge population of once jaded jedi with us.


Oh wait (dumbitdown) you do see I've been talking about the forums this entire time in regards to imperials and republic right?


We all know if this was some random company, with a random new IP it would have bombed, majority play it for saber combat... and lore... but like lucas has always done IS F IT UP...




You've introduced like nine logical fallacies in this argument, starting with argumentum ad hominem and working your way down petitio principii. The list of assumptions and ill drawn conclusions is even greater then that.


....and this is not the "end product", the greatest of your assumptive fallacies.

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stateing false information again aren't we miss woods

there is the 9000 error countless bugs and nodes that still dont work pvp boots log out in warzones and i am sure there are more issues

Instead spreading false information get the devs to work out the bugs thats what there job is instead inventing new bugged stuff patch 1.1 was a epic fail before that it was perfect but your devs ruined it

That you call perfect i call it improve-able and you better do that soon


Actually, this argument supersedes the accusations being asserted. ;p

Edited by Blackardin
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3 weeks after I get to the lvl 50... I am bored on a most populated server...I have full most valuable gear pve and pvp, done all...and what now?....thats how games with high linear path finishes...


...and now, you wait for the rest of the population to catch up, under the per-defined linear path laid out at inception. Then you proceed to race ahead once again, complete the content at an accelerated pace, find yourself bored once again....


....then you wait once again. ;p

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stateing false information again aren't we miss woods

there is the 9000 error countless bugs and nodes that still dont work pvp boots log out in warzones and i am sure there are more issues

Instead spreading false information get the devs to work out the bugs thats what there job is instead inventing new bugged stuff patch 1.1 was a epic fail before that it was perfect but your devs ruined it

That you call perfect i call it improve-able and you better do that soon


Actually she isn't...just because certain people are upset over their pet issues doesn't mean that millions aren't enjoying the game.


Also it's been my experience that insulting Bioware employees is the quickest way to permanently lose your account.



The more you know. :rolleyes:

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Still want to know why that he knew it was a sith just because he saw a red lightsaber.


Then at timestamp :28 they say its 5 am for prelaunch then scroll past a window with all these people up early in the morning Dec 13th ready for the game. If you didnt notice it was daylight outside. Another fail.


Because one of the usual identifiers of a Sith in the Star Wars universe is a red lightsaber, emo-wannabe-tough guy edgy "Dark Jedi" in this game notwithstanding. Quit being dense about what is an obvious exception to the norm. Sheesh.


Really though, everyone is missing the big thing about that video, the most important part...


Miraluka as a bonafide Sith.

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I dunno about you guys, but the negative comments are exactly why I clicked on this thread. It is delicious. They are so angry and indignant, and all they can do is roil in these forums upsetting themselves. Bioware could sell tickets to this show!
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Once again, this game is already dying, thanks to couteless bugs, lack of end game content and really borring experience. My LOL server is almost empty durring a week and most of my friends already canceled substriction. Besides that PVP is really bad as ...... and Illum is a joke. Sometimes I wonder if any of Bug Ware developers or even testers ever tried Illum. With i7 proc, 8GB RAM and latest Geforce you get max 7 FPS. Are they syrious?. Every single patch which has been relased, brings new bugs. Whats that? Is Bug Ware trying to claim some kind of insurance which covers this project in case of failure ?. It seems to be ...

I cannot wait for new patch, lol. No its not true. I am canceling my subs today, than I will wait for first feedbacks regarding new "content" (btw its going to be real mess, lagancy will just force you to play this game with new toons, over and over again. I got so borred with first time, why I would do it again. Of course, because these guys who are plaing 24/7 will always kick your a.... on pvp, thanks to lagancy bonuces etc. good luck). Every idea you have guys, forces tousands of ppl to leave. Good Job Bug Ware :)

Edited by Kozakkoo
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Actually, players kill MMO.


Yes, thay are. Only if thay are disapointed, feel ripped off, and getting obssed playing this game, because bugs, quality of this product and horrible customer service. :) I would personally shut down this game a month ago.

Edited by Kozakkoo
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Once again, this game is already dying, thanks to couteless bugs, lack of end game content and really borring experience. My LOL server is almost empty durring a week and most of my friends already canceled substriction. Besides that PVP is really bad as ...... and Illum is a joke. Sometimes I wonder if any of Bug Ware developers or even testers ever tried Illum. With i7 proc, 8GB RAM and latest Geforce you get max 7 FPS. Are they syrious?. Every single patch which has been relased, brings new bugs. Whats that? Is Bug Ware trying to claim some kind of insurance which covers this project in case of failure ?. It seems to be ...

I cannot wait for new patch, lol. No its not true. I am canceling my subs today, than I will wait for first feedbacks regarding new "content" (btw its going to be real mess, lagancy will just force you to play this game with new toons, over and over again. I got so borred with first time, why I would do it again. Of course, because these guys who are plaing 24/7 will always kick your a.... on pvp, thanks to lagancy bonuces etc. good luck). Every idea you have guys, forces tousands of ppl to leave. Good Job Bug Ware :)


Things a Blizzard employee might say.

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