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If I'm a BM trying to get my 3 daily wins, why would I stay if we're getting killed?


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No I don't care about pride if what I'm working to achieve (A Battlemaster bag) is probably not going to drop anything anyways.




Edited after seeing responses to the thread:


So the guys saying that I need to L2P and that I'm part of the problem as to why I'm losing (which I'm obviously not talking about EVERY WZ)... Probably the dumbest comments I've seen if you've actually played lvl 50 PvP. It's IMPOSSIBLE to solo a premade of 4 decent Champion geared players. IMPOSSIBLE to solo 3 decent Champion geared players. And VERY HARD to solo 2 decent Champion geared players.


I'm just saying... If there's no penalty for leaving, why would I waste 10 minutes in a warzone where I know that I'm going to lose while I could be ... A) trying to win a warzone that counts towards my daily or.... B) Leveling an alt



Another edit for the extremists: I DON'T LEAVE EVERY WARZONE I'M DOWN IN. I can see you guys sitting there thinking... "This guy leaves every warzone" I think you know when you aren't going to win a warzone, easily win a warzone, or have a very competitive warzone. Sometimes there's just simply more talent on the other team and there's nothing you can do.

Edited by Kentontudor
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it's your game, do whatever makes you happy. the only consequence you might suffer is that your name might become known as a quitter when your team is losing (even though you're reason is not /ragequit). that could come back to bite you in the future. if you're ok with that possibility, go ahead.
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No I don't care about pride if what I'm working to achieve (A Battlemaster bag) is probably not going to drop anything anyways.


And there you have your problem. You only play to get a battlemaster bag. You don't play because you like PvP - at least not primarily.

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Went 3-1 in a guild Battlemaster premade last night. Our loss was due to hopeless pugs in alderaan, but we stuck it out to work on capping points against decent defense.


Some people will just nut up and play, because we know the next WZ is most likely a win anyway.


You should try it.

Edited by AcerLerxt
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Dont stay, leave, and dont come back. This isnt the game for you and stop screwing it up for everyone else.


Unlucky for you, I'm definitely coming back. And I'll more than likely kill you in a WZ.


But If I'm solo queueing when I don't have any guildies on, and I get into a WZ and we're getting spawn camped by the other team that's a premade... that's not that fun.



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No I don't care about pride if what I'm working to achieve (A Battlemaster bag) is probably not going to drop anything anyways.




Edited after seeing responses to the thread: ... So the guys saying that I need to L2P and that I'm part of the problem... Probably the dumbest comments I've seen if you've actually played lvl 50 PvP. It's IMPOSSIBLE to solo a premade of 4 decent Champion geared players. IMPOSSIBLE to solo 3 decent Champion geared players. And VERY HARD to solo 2 decent Champion geared players.


I'm just saying... If there's no penalty for leaving, why would I waste 10 minutes in a warzone where I know that I'm going to lose while I could be ... A) trying to win a warzone that counts towards my daily or.... B) Leveling an alt


Your problem is that you're PvP'ing for the sole purpose of getting Battlemaster gear and then (presumably) using that to roll over people. If the situation is not preferable (I.E. you aren't getting your gear, or you aren't rolling over people), you quit. This leads me to believe that you don't actually like PvP, but rather you like the gear chasing, carrot-on-a-stick mentality so prevalent in recent MMO's. It's likely that you would enjoy PvE more so than PvP, as you do not appear to have the proper mindset for it.


Once you have Battlemaster gear, what will you do? No longer PvP? What if you do PvP and you're losing then? You have nothing more to work towards, will you still leave? Or will you not PvP at all? If not, why bother getting the gear in the first place? I imagine you're not going to work towards other ranks and titles since you mentioned that pride isn't an issue for you, it's all about the gear.

Edited by vindianajones
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I really don't fault the player for leaving. I fault the poor design. Typically if we are getting crushed and im going to get over 7 medals I will stay. Honestly though once you hit battlemaster you really dont care you just want to finish your dailies for your bags. Only reason I stay is because want to hit 70 valor for the next tier of stuff whenever that might come. To put no downside for quitting is Biowares problem. I mean I dont wanna waste tons of time either, if the option to leave with 0 consequence is there I think many people will take it and I honestly don't blame them. I mean to think people would not leave is funny to me it was always done, almost all current games have a drawback for leaving early. So if there is a drawback and you are willing to take the penalty then more power to you. With 0 drawback of course it will be overdone.
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What is wrong with everyone? Are you all brain dead?



1) Why would I care about farming medals if I'm a BM already?


2) I'm always playing the objective to try and win the game.


3) Sometimes with the terribly low geared team that you have, it's absolutely impossible to win a warzone against a premade.


4) Having one Battlemaster on your team means nothing if you've got a bad PUG.


5) Of course I can 1v1 almost anyone, but 2v1 and 3v1 is a different story.


6) You guys should L2P and you're the suckers for actually staying in the WZ while you're getting spawn camped.

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Your problem is that you're PvP'ing for the sole purpose of getting Battlemaster gear and then (presumably) using that to roll over people. If the situation is not preferable (I.E. you aren't getting your gear, or you aren't rolling over people), you quit. This leads me to believe that you don't actually like PvP, but rather you like the gear chasing, carrot-on-a-stick mentality so prevalent in recent MMO's. It's likely that you would enjoy PvE more so than PvP, as you do not appear to have the proper mindset for it.


Once you have Battlemaster gear, what will you do? No longer PvP? What if you do PvP and you're losing then? You have nothing more to work towards, will you still leave? Or will you not PvP at all? If not, why bother getting the gear in the first place? I imagine you're not going to work towards other ranks and titles since you mentioned that pride isn't an issue for you, it's all about the gear.



Ok so you aren't a BM... I loved PvP'ing from Valor level 1 to about 45... then to me, and almost everyone else I've ever talked to about this game, it was just about reaching Battlemaster and eventually gearing up to Battlemaster gear. I don't dislike the PvP, I've just done so much of it, it's not fair to say that I don't enjoy it anymore.


And yes, I'm playing the game to solely gear up at this point.

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Ok so you aren't a BM... I loved PvP'ing from Valor level 1 to about 45... then to me, and almost everyone else I've ever talked to about this game, it was just about reaching Battlemaster and eventually gearing up to Battlemaster gear. I don't dislike the PvP, I've just done so much of it, it's not fair to say that I don't enjoy it anymore.


And yes, I'm playing the game to solely gear up at this point.


This is what I don't understand. If you're sick of it, what's the point of even gearing up anymore? I imagine once your Battlemaster set is complete, you'll enjoy it for a very brief time and then just stop all together. It's probably better to just cut your losses now and find another source of entertainment.


And I'm not trying to be rude, FYI. This is just my perspective.

Edited by vindianajones
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This is what I don't understand. If you're sick of it, what's the point of even gearing up anymore? I imagine once your Battlemaster set is complete, you'll enjoy it for a very brief time and then just stop all together. It's probably better to just cut your losses now and find another source of entertainment.


And I'm not trying to be rude, FYI. This is just my perspective.


What in the heck are you talking about?


So you're saying that after all the grind, and after I've got full BM... That I'll want to PvP all day and every day?


The fun in the game is all about gearing up and making your character better.


Now let me explain, if I could earn more than 2 Battlemaster bags a day... then you better believe that I'd be PvP'ing all night... But that's not the case. The system is broken and you're trying to tell me that I don't like the game. I do like the game, and I'm playing it the way BioWare is intending for Battlemasters to play it.


Move along.

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If you are only doing pvp for the dailies, why are you pvping at all? pvp gear sucks for pve and is not really that great for pvp either.


If you are queuing for a warzone at all it should be because you want to pvp, not because you feel some need to complete a pvp daily which is useless for you anyway since you obviously do not enjoy pvp in this game.

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All hail the op!


Like being a tracer spamming BM merc means anything. Like grinding to 60valor by owning Ilum just because your Emp takes skill right? Or farming through warzones for 30k valor takes skill.


The lack of skill based pvp and competitiveness in this game makes me sick. OP can only play a warzone if its a for sure win...pffh




One day TOR will have real pvp. Then op can complain that he needs buffs because he cant compete instead of crying over one BM bag.

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If you are only doing pvp for the dailies, why are you pvping at all? pvp gear sucks for pve and is not really that great for pvp either.


If you are queuing for a warzone at all it should be because you want to pvp, not because you feel some need to complete a pvp daily which is useless for you anyway since you obviously do not enjoy pvp in this game.





But I don't enjoy getting clown-stomped by a Pre-made when my team is made up of PUGS with 12k health.


I usually complete my dailies for my BM bags, then I PvP on my republic alt. So do you still say that I hate PvP?



THE. SYSTEM. IS. BROKEN = The point of this thread.

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All hail the op!


Like being a tracer spamming BM merc means anything. Like grinding to 60valor by owning Ilum just because your Emp takes skill right? Or farming through warzones for 30k valor takes skill.


The lack of skill based pvp and competitiveness in this game makes me sick. OP can only play a warzone if its a for sure win...pffh




One day TOR will have real pvp. Then op can complain that he needs buffs because he cant compete instead of crying over one BM bag.



LOL @ the easy mode Marauders and Sorcerers telling me that I can't PvP.


Stay out of my thread if you don't know what you're talking about.

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But I don't enjoy getting clown-stomped by a Pre-made when my team is made up of PUGS with 12k health.


So you only enjoy pvp when your team is winning, eh? Typical.


I usually complete my dailies for my BM bags, then I PvP on my republic alt. So do you still say that I hate PvP?



THE. SYSTEM. IS. BROKEN = The point of this thread.


So you dont even like your imp character but you play it anyway even though you have no interest in playing it beyond completing a daily.


What will you do when both characters are fully geared? You will only play your republic then.

So why not just stop bothering with your imp now instead of getting frustrated?

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Unlucky for you, I'm definitely coming back. And I'll more than likely kill you in a WZ.


But If I'm solo queueing when I don't have any guildies on, and I get into a WZ and we're getting spawn camped by the other team that's a premade... that's not that fun.




When you are being dropped into a losing WZ in mid-game, you do know that it happened because someone else has already whinequit that particular WZ, right?


<Nelson Munce voice> Haa haa!

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...pvp gear sucks for pve and is not really that great for pvp either.


PvP gear doesn't suck for PvE, it isn't as good as comparable PvE gear because expertise is useless in PvE and trades a stat that is useful.


PvP gear is much better than comparable PvE gear because of the advantage of expertise in the PvP environment.

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