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Star Trek online vs TOR (READ)


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I've found that the cons in STO aren't gameplay related, but more of "free subscriber" related. The limit they put on characters and chat is redonk. But still, I find it...I don't want to say better. but more finely crafted game. Like I said, SWTOR isn't bad, I just don't feel inclined to play it. With improvements, It could be great. I just hope that Bioware doesn't get complacent. The bugs needs to be fixed. Everything needs to be improved.


Seriously Finely crafted? did i just read that?! CLEARLY you havent play sto much at all. I gave STo a fair chance, that fair chance was all the way up to getting a Multi vector assault ship. which is Really cool by the way, but by the time i got there i was so bored of the same, "you killed one, now kill 6 more" there is SO much lack of content and creativity it will make you sick REAL fast. Compared to SWTOR, STO is Terrible, There really isnt a story of any kind in STO, and what little story there is it is very generic. Then theres bugs. STO has been out for three years and there are bugs that are still there from launch.


to SAY STO is better made than SWTOR is the dumbest thing i have ever read ever

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Seriously Finely crafted? did i just read that?! CLEARLY you havent play sto much at all. I gave STo a fair chance, that fair chance was all the way up to getting a Multi vector assault ship. which is Really cool by the way, but by the time i got there i was so bored of the same, "you killed one, now kill 6 more" there is SO much lack of content and creativity it will make you sick REAL fast. Compared to SWTOR, STO is Terrible, There really isnt a story of any kind in STO, and what little story there is it is very generic. Then theres bugs. STO has been out for three years and there are bugs that are still there from launch.


to SAY STO is better made than SWTOR is the dumbest thing i have ever read ever


If there is no story in STO, what do you call the Featured Episodes they release? I'll admit the latest one wasn't great, but the one before that about the Romulans (Cloaked Intentions, it was called) was really good.

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STO is better in terms of space combat and immersion. If you could all take off your fanboy goggles for a minute and look at the facts. For a space MMO, the *space* part is incredibly important. For Bioware to just gloss it over with a lame starfox esque space battle system and pre-rendered ships that are not able to be customized, is beyond me. Especially when STO has such a great space segment, and the game is probably not even a third of this game's budget. Another issue. The game would be fine if the space portion was weak and the ground game was fun and engaging. But that is not the case. There are basically 4 classes across the entire game, save maybe a few "special" moves. The story isn't that great. Even childish at times. The game was good at first, but the replay value was subtracted with every level I gained, and the endgame itself is pitiful at best. But the endgame was never an issue for me with early MMOs. I was easily immersed in a game with the ability to make me keep coming back. Even with early mmos with no voice acting, I've found better immersion in games such as Guild wars, SWG, Everquest, so on. Guild wars, as a theme park, never had boring (small) environments. The point is that with its budget and developer, this game SHOULD have been a lot more polished. For what it is, it is fun, but for such a short time that it doesn't even matter.
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Bwa-hahahaha... ok, wait.. HAHAHAHAHA! .. sorry, ok, ok... BWA-HAHAHAHAHA!


Oh goodness, thanks for the laugh OP. Your opinion on this subject gave me one of the best laughs in my MMO experiences of the last several years. I'm still laughing. :)


STO. Seriously? Yes, I said "seriously". STO? I came from STO. I was in both closed and open beta for STO. I had high hopes for STO. I even got a lifetime sub before launch (what a waste that was). But where did it go? No where. Cryptic drove it into early retirement. They drove it into early F2P. And it's even worse now that Perfect World is calling the shots.


And why is STO so horrible? No end-game. Absolutely nothing to do once you reach end-game. Not even grinding. Sure, there are STFs (ie: raiding), but their raiding is a pathetic zerg-fest of unending Borg and suicidal spaz attacks to take out Borg nodes to stop zerg respawning. And the Undine in Terradome are even worse. Sure space-combat in STO is awesome, but it's gameplay that just isn't utilized enough end-game.


OP, just wait until you reach end-game and you'll see why almost everyone left STO and moved on.

Edited by cipher_nemo
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By the way... STO launched with three PvP maps... ground ones were never used unless you were a Klingon at which point you had to do at least one just to level... and in space, three maps... only two were ever used. (The third and most fun one was completely ignored.) But that was because of a bug that didn't let you queue for it for almost six months unless you physically want to its 'queue' mark on the map.


So um... three well done maps with a semi-reliable rotation (Unless you are empire) or the crap that STO had...


(Loved, and still likes aspects of STO space PvP... refuses to get milked by PW to play it though... much like APB good ideas spoiled by insane Asian F2P models.)

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(Loved, and still likes aspects of STO space PvP... refuses to get milked by PW to play it though... much like APB good ideas spoiled by insane Asian F2P models.)


QFT. The Asian producers/developers still don't understand the western MMO market. Unlike their customers, we don't shell out money for French Maid dresses like the Chinese and Koreans playing MMOs at Internet Cafes.

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1. Meh


2. WoW doesnt have dyes....


3. 3 Warzones is fine currently, Rift was the same when it launched, wow had none when launched.


WoW also had 40 man raids that were incredibly difficult and a wide range of gear. Lets also not forget how detailed leveling was and the fact that the game was revolutionary when it launched. SWTOR was neither.


There is a reason why people scream "don't compare SWTOR to WOW (a 7 year old game)" because you really don't want to compare it.


90% of the features in SWTOR originated in WoW as well.

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WoW also had 40 man raids that were incredibly difficult and a wide range of gear. Lets also not forget how detailed leveling was and the fact that the game was revolutionary when it launched. SWTOR was neither.


There is a reason why people scream "don't compare SWTOR to WOW (a 7 year old game)" because you really don't want to compare it.


90% of the features in SWTOR originated in WoW as well.


How can a game be revolutionary when it stole 100% of it's ideas not related to Warcraft lore?

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STO has an awesome character customization system. I cry every time I realize how crayola and permanent my character looks are.


And that's it.


Saying STO has better graphics than SWTOR is an abomination, almost a crime. In fact, trying to entice players to go try STO by saying that is shooting yourself in the foot because once they log in and look at their crappy looking characters running with their goofy wobbly run and "I just sucked a lemon" eyes looking at their crappily rendered buggy world, they are going to be disappointed of being sold something that just isn't real.

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WoW also had 40 man raids that were incredibly difficult and a wide range of gear. Lets also not forget how detailed leveling was and the fact that the game was revolutionary when it launched. SWTOR was neither.


There is a reason why people scream "don't compare SWTOR to WOW (a 7 year old game)" because you really don't want to compare it.


90% of the features in SWTOR originated in WoW as well.

Really? So i guess you forgot the huge gaps in levelling with very sparse quests where it was actually faster to grind? And what wider range of gear?

Edited by lineschmidt
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Do you really think the new games released will be a more finished state when they release!


Most new games take a while to settle down and get things right. Give the devs a chance and give them some constructive feedback that doesnt contain the words "WOW does this or some other MMPORG does that"


The only thing that will happen when the new ones come out is the forum will be a nice place with all the moaners gone!



I will see what I can do about going to the forums of the new & shinny and listen to the weeping, wailing and gnashing of teeth that will follow release. Then I will slip away laughing as both new offerings are roasted by those who boasted with great gladness of their coming.:wea_01:

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WoW also had 40 man raids that were incredibly difficult and a wide range of gear. Lets also not forget how detailed leveling was and the fact that the game was revolutionary when it launched. SWTOR was neither.


There is a reason why people scream "don't compare SWTOR to WOW (a 7 year old game)" because you really don't want to compare it.


90% of the features in SWTOR originated in WoW as well.


Wow was also a train wreck on release, was still having server crash and lag issues well after its 1st year, and most of what it had as features was taken from elsewhere so what was your point?:wea_01:

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I will see what I can do about going to the forums of the new & shinny and listen to the weeping, wailing and gnashing of teeth that will follow release. Then I will slip away laughing as both new offerings are roasted by those who boasted with great gladness of their coming.:wea_01:


Couldn't agree more. Will GW2 be a good game? I have no idea. One thing I am certain of, however: it would be nearly impossible for any game to live up to the insane "all other MMOs will die when GW2 drops" expectations people have for GW2.


Furthermore, people that beta test games tend to be folks that are interested in the game before it even launches, and are therefore more inclined to like it, because they were intrigued and were following it while in development. That's not to say they aren't pointing out it's issues and flaws to the devs, I'm sure they are. However, when the official launch comes and the majority of players are not people that already liked it before it released, then the hatefest WILL begin, as it does in all other MMOs.


And the fact that GW2 is so appealing to PvPers makes it even more likely to attract people that will flame early and often. Trying to appease a large group of PvPers is a lost cause before it even begins. There are simply no MMOs players more difficult to please.

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And the fact that GW2 is so appealing to PvPers makes it even more likely to attract people that will flame early and often. Trying to appease a large group of PvPers is a lost cause before it even begins. There are simply no MMOs players more difficult to please.


I'm looking forward to the release of GW2 for precisely this reason: not to play, but to see if the forums here suddenly become more copacetic...

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Wow was also a train wreck on release, was still having server crash and lag issues well after its 1st year, and most of what it had as features was taken from elsewhere so what was your point?:wea_01:

shhh..don't say that!! You have to let the wow fannies on here have their bone and let them believe WoW had 1 million players in the first 3 days! Shh...you can't say WoW crashed all the time and wasn't even playable for weeks. What are you doing!? You have to go along with the wow fannies who say it had 2 mill players in 3 months and never had crashes and had immersive story with decisions you could make to impact your story. Shhh...you have to say WoW is the best thing ever to hit the universe! Do you have ANY idea what you are doing here!!


SAYING SWTOR IS AWESOME ON A SWTOR FORUM!? blasphemy!!! utter blasphemy



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Thou i could agree SWTOR needs many many things fixed/implemented, talking about the biggest fiasco in MMO history (STO) and trying to compare it with TOR is an insult.


Check my posts, im far from a fanboy, but really ... STO??? oh please



calling STO the biggest fiasco in MMO history? when did you start playing MMO's lol.

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calling STO the biggest fiasco in MMO history? when did you start playing MMO's lol.


maybe not THE biggest...but it's certainly up there.


Gotta feel sorry for the Trekkies. I mean...first the way Search for Spock ended, then the way Kirk died, then Deep Space Nine, Voyager, Enterprise then that horrid animated series then the MMO that cryptic gave em. SPLAH!


Sorry Trekkies :(


Why do they get so many things wrong? It makes me feel sooo bad for Trekkies. Honestly...

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The main issue of late isn't is that Cryptic games aren't fun. Champions Online is actually a very fun game as far as the game itself goes. The issue is that they put out a 2-4 GB client game with about 50% the content they had planned and promised their player base for release (STO without a real second faction and far less primary Federation content and CO with entire zones left out and entire level ranges without quests lines to level through and no real end game even today).


They are still fun little mmo's and worth a second look far after release (CO is coming out with their massive patch April 13th'ish akin to Swtor's 1.2 ... it took them nearly 2 years to do what Bioware did in 3 months!). Their dev team is extremely small though.


STO is likely getting more content as well as CO now that they have new owners but even if you hate Swtor now and leave it, it will still have many times the content pumped out for it in 2 years compared to STO.


Aside from that I cannot understand the OP's point much. Cryptic's client is built from the ground up to have highly customizable characters. It is an engine built for a superhero game initially and adapted to STO. It is a different engine with different strength and weaknesses. With STO you offset customization with a massive lack of content (although I've not followed it closely and I do know it gets more attention than CO).


Personally I always head back to CO to try out the new comic series updates and certain this large new one. I've piggy backed two mmo's several time as CO is always my "fun for a short time" fall back game.

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maybe not THE biggest...but it's certainly up there.


Gotta feel sorry for the Trekkies. I mean...first the way Search for Spock ended, then the way Kirk died, then Deep Space Nine, Voyager, Enterprise then that horrid animated series then the MMO that cryptic gave em. SPLAH!


Sorry Trekkies :(


Why do they get so many things wrong? It makes me feel sooo bad for Trekkies. Honestly...


Wait wait wait hold on...what's wrong with DS9?

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STO has "the Foundry" where you can create your own quests. As a lifer there, it's the only thing that really entices me to pop in occasionally.


Well, that and actual open space combat.


I loved "Enterprise"

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calling STO the biggest fiasco in MMO history? when did you start playing MMO's lol.


I played sto from release to just before they got took over and as i played kdf i can agree with the person your quoting and ive been playing mmos since UO.

Edited by Shingara
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