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Rushing through content


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Yeah, I notice this a lot. I group up with person x, y or z and despite the fact that it allready goes quicker then when they play by themselves they:


1) Call their speeder as soon as they come out of combat, not waiting for a clear path out and gamble that their speeder wouldn't get blown up by npc's which they will, after which they get killed :p


2) Don't wait for an elevator to get to the top and just jump hoping that it isn't to far down which it normally is and there is another e-death.


3) Don't heal up after getting out of combat thinking their healing companion or healer they are grouped with will make sure they live which they normally don't. They are going too fast anyways.


4) Complain a lot or kick me out of the group (if I didn't disband myself lol) whenever I don't spacebar smash through conversations which off course I wouldn't hehe or for example when I see a resource node and pick it up.


So there we are, 4 examples of the general community in swtor who are just thinking fast - fast - fast. But now for the questions:


Do you recognize yourself? If so, why aren't you enjoying the game for what it is and why do you just rush to lvl 50, is it so much better there?


Do you recognize this but do you not do this yourself? If so, have you found other people who think the same way and perhaps even formed up a guild? If so, on what server is this?


Flame / troll away :D

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I've noticed it for sure.


I'm still leveling my first character. I haven't seen ANY of the content I'm doing, so I've annoyed the crap out of a few people already because.. No, I won't spacebar through the quest and no I won't rush ahead and try to sneak past a cluster.


Fortunately, I'm a tank so they either suffer through or sit in Fleet spamming for LFG for another hour. :D <- in all seriousness I've made sure to tell my groups this is my first character and I'll be taking my time/enjoying my first time through. I actually haven't run into anyone who has complained about it where I could see it.


This sort of play tends to annoy the crap out of me. However, I can also sympathize with the player that has been through a certain area multiple times. It gets old. You really just want to get it done, get your loot, and move on to the next thing. When you're in that mindset, you don't realize you're not even actually enjoying what you're doing.


This is the new generation MMO PUG. It doesn't help that the majority of encounters are nothing but spam your hotkeys and get it done.

Thank you WoW for training us so.

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I'm another one taking my time and enjoying the content with my wife. I'm a crafter that likes the RE aspect of trying to get better gear. I've got guildies impatiently waiting for us to get to 50 to run flashpoints with them. My main runs with my wife's toon and I have alts that I have sitting in cantinas so I always have one to play with rested XP. Each toon has a different profession so I can make stuff for each of my other toons. You can also blame WOW for this too.
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Last week I had someone thanking me for not smashing my spacebar with cutscenes/conversations.


I first was like "huh" but apparantly that guy pretty much only ran into people that go rush rush rush rush so he was surprised that I was not going "beep beep roadrunner mode".

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These reasons are primarily why I never respond to the general chat spam for "LF1M Tank for such and such"


I am a tank...I only tank for those I know and who I know will not hurl abuse at me for going at a reasonable pace.


You won't believe it, but there was this ONE TIME that I actually marked the mobs with a kill order. *gasp* I know, crazy, right? Seeing as how I was with a group of friends, it all worked out hunky dory and no one died. We probably finished 5 or 10 minutes SLOWER than then average 'hell on wheels' PuG, but oh well...we will still make it to level 50....one of these days.


True story.

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I guess I'm fairly lucky. I only ran into one person who wanted to smash through it, and I'd already been through the flashpoint once before so I was ok with it. I can understand it being tedious after the 5th or 6th time but it is sad that they miss out on the subtle differences in how things react to different characters. For instance I can't help but laugh at the same guy who was almost bowing and groveling to my Sith is lording over my alien bounty hunter.
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I am glad that I am not the only one and that people understand. I first thought it was a pvp server thing (they only care about killing other players) but when I saw the same thing happening on a pve server I started wondering. What is the point of rushing through content in a story driven mmo anyways?


And now I see a thread: 1-50 in 5 days. Sad, lol. Nothing wrong with taking your time to enjoy the game. Endgame? There is plenty of time to do that one's you are lvl 50 anyways.

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I myself spacebar through convos only in instances/dialogues that I've already heard (and expect everyone else to), but as long as something is happening, I don't mind slower pace.

I will however b*tch if there's no action and people are just standing around doing nothing.

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Flashbanging, my term for rushing in this game...you know...Flashpoints...Flashbang...I'm clever...Anyway...that's something that needs to be agreed on ahead of time in the group-up relationship.

Buttt...we've been conditioned by WoW to think impatience is rewarded.

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Space bar is a no-no for me, as well as most other stuff on that list. I will however, occasionally if grouping in a PuG, sometimes tell them, 'Guys, I gotta log in 20 minutes, mind if we hurry this up?' This will result in us skipping some enemies and going for a more direct route.


Just doing it to finish a Flashpoint faster and get to 50 faster? Never.

Edited by SWFTW
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That's interesting, the only time I've run into anybody who insists on mashing spacebar through conversations is when doing Hard Mode flashpoints, and that's because they've likely already done them a few times.


For me personally I've been mashing through everything on all of my alts, but the first time through I enjoyed everything and took my time. The only thing I don't spacebar through is the class stories, because those are actually different. But I'm now on my third character, and everything is just getting dull - to the point where my only real motivation is the class story. If I had an option to do nothing but the class story and that's it then I'd take it in a heartbeat. Maybe a level 20 legacy reward or something? Because as it is I really don't want to go through some of these planets a third time, let alone a fourth.


And I'm going to hit the same thing when I get to working on my Republic characters, too. Only those will be much more spaced out, as I'll be alternating through HM runs on my Empire characters and my Republic characters, so I guess it won't be quite as bad. But I certainly won't be bothering to do any endgame content on them, that's for sure.

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Space bar is a no-no for me, as well as most other stuff on that list. I will however, occasionally if grouping in a PuG, sometimes tell them, 'Guys, I gotta log in 20 minutes, mind if we hurry this up?' This will result in us skipping some enemies and going for a more direct route.


Just doing it to finish a Flashpoint faster and get to 50 faster? Never.


If you're doing Black Talon or Esseles, you're farming points rather than XP, since those are the only two Flashpoints in the game at the moment which have the most social and alignment point junctions.

Unless you travel with a friend or someone else during regular play, it's the only way to get your Social up.

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I recognise this behaviour in myself somewhat - either being hyped up from coffee after a stressful day at the office, or because a couple of my characters are grinding either the Black Talon or Esselles flashpoints for companion affection so the conversations get a bit old after a while... although I still laugh and refuse to skip through any option where I can get my toons to say "Wow... there is incompetent and then there is you guys" at any point.


Having said that, I run through the content very slowly when I am the group leader because I nearly always have at least 1 person who I or one of the other group members are coaching, either in a party role or in the general class/game mechanics. So setting mob orders, CC assignments, letting the tank build aggro before letting DPS loose, these all slow things down. Also, I hold the group out of the instance for a few minutes at the start to establish roles, loot rules, and pacing. Most people appreciate the extra time, and if they want a quick run through, the exit from the group is over there -->, and they can spam in fleet for another group if they want.

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I recognize myself for 1. and 2. :D But I'm like that in normal life too. When I play with my boyfriend who is also the same it's just natural to continue like that :D But I would not be so hasty in a heroic with people that I don't know unless we all agree to make it quick for whatever reason. Edited by Sallakat
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I already took my time going through the content with my first character and aside from the personal storyline. I really don't care for the stories in the general missions anymore and will just spacebar my way through the dialogue and cutscenes. They're not all that engaging, noteworthy, whatever. I understand that some players are new so I don't say anything, but if I see a legacy name for everyone I will probably try to get them to skip as well up until a certain level. After that I don't bother grouping up unless there's specific equipment reward I expect to get.
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Your post me laugh out loud, I like your observations and have often wondered at people like that myself.


The worst group experience I had like this was the first time I did Battle of Ilum with someone like that, who also happened to be the only person in the group who had been in the zone.


He was a marauder and would just charge mobs and bosses without explaining to us any of the tactics or anything, then get irritated when we wiped and moan at us for not already knowing the tactics inside out, no matter how much we mentioned we hadn't been.


Was a nightmare to be honest.

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Your post me laugh out loud, I like your observations and have often wondered at people like that myself.


The worst group experience I had like this was the first time I did Battle of Ilum with someone like that, who also happened to be the only person in the group who had been in the zone.


He was a marauder and would just charge mobs and bosses without explaining to us any of the tactics or anything, then get irritated when we wiped and moan at us for not already knowing the tactics inside out, no matter how much we mentioned we hadn't been.


Was a nightmare to be honest.


I was in a similar situation not long ago on the Taris Heroic "Fall of the Locust". Signed on for a foursome, and zero communication. They just kind of take off without a "and go", rush on ahead when I was dead with a 9min timer...that pissed me off...And someone was needing the whole time.

The epitome of bad grouping.

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I just become enthralled by the stories of the main class quest lines. So when I do alt's I just want to space bar through everything else so i can just see how the class story unfolds!


That being said, I do get bothered when I have to watch a cut scene about why i need to bash some wampas for their tauntaun meat! haha

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I like the story, I only spacebar through content that I have completed multiple times. To me the fun comes from our different choices. I have had this problem where people say things like" feel free to use the spacebar." The answer is the always the same.... NO!


Go play another mmo and run through the story please.

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I spacebar through pretty much everything now that I'm 50. Most of the people I run with spacebar through everything too, but I've never complained because someone didn't. I think it's only fair that people are allowed to follow the story in an mmo that's claim to fame is storytelling.
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If only I could get my wife to do this...I despise cut scenes, videos, the ridiculous amount of time it takes to travel through the god-awful universe. It's just stupid that I should have to make multiple jumps to get from the Empire hub to a planet. It's amazingly painful to sit through a group-mate's agonizing over the role-playing implications of a quest decision point. It's made even worse when the NPC is an alien and they actually have to READ the text.


If I wanted this care-bear crap I'd be playing on a RP server. Instead I'm playing on a PvP server where I've encountered FOUR enemy players outside a warzone so far, and I'm level 43. To make it better, you don't get crap for an open-world kill so there's no real point to engage in the very behavior one would expect on a PvP server - PvP combat.


If they'd invested 10% of the time/effort/$ that they wasted on geography and videos in a wiser fashion, like on market research and gameplay of successful MMO's, they'd have a chance at keeping me. Instead, I'm only here to humor my wife until something better comes out.

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If only I could get my wife to do this...I despise cut scenes, videos, the ridiculous amount of time it takes to travel through the god-awful universe. It's just stupid that I should have to make multiple jumps to get from the Empire hub to a planet. It's amazingly painful to sit through a group-mate's agonizing over the role-playing implications of a quest decision point. It's made even worse when the NPC is an alien and they actually have to READ the text.


If I wanted this care-bear crap I'd be playing on a RP server. Instead I'm playing on a PvP server where I've encountered FOUR enemy players outside a warzone so far, and I'm level 43. To make it better, you don't get crap for an open-world kill so there's no real point to engage in the very behavior one would expect on a PvP server - PvP combat.


If they'd invested 10% of the time/effort/$ that they wasted on geography and videos in a wiser fashion, like on market research and gameplay of successful MMO's, they'd have a chance at keeping me. Instead, I'm only here to humor my wife until something better comes out.


Go back to wow, this is still a Bioware game and most of us are here because of "carebear ****".

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If only I could get my wife to do this...I despise cut scenes, videos, the ridiculous amount of time it takes to travel through the god-awful universe. .


If you absolutley hate cut scenes and videos, why do you bother playing a story based mmo?:confused:

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