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too all the ppl that say play alts.


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making ALTS is not endgame content i hate to tell ya. But , too all you ppl that say make alts, what happens when all your alts become 50? then what? lol you will be bored like everyone else, this is a MMO i want to progress my char not make alts like i would on a single player game.


The game is a couple months old. There will be more end game content eventually.


I'm fairly certain that the people telling the impatient members of our community to "play alts" know that it's not "end game" but more something to do in the game in the meantime until BW releases more content.


If you're bored with the current end game content and making alts does not interest you then why not save your subscription money, take a break from TOR, and resub after more content is added?

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The problem with SWTOR isn't that it lacks end game content. It has lots of end game content for a game that is just over two months old. The problem with SWTOR is that the end game content is far to easy and simplistic.


That being said I like Alts :)

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You say people still play another mmo because theres activities to do other than raiding. Raids in this game can be as small as 8 people. Casual everyday UBRS runs in vanilla WoW were 10 people. If you can't be bothered to get 8 people together to progress your character then maybe you should play a single player game like I've seen you comment in other threads.


i have already done all the flashpoints and operations , except in most of the operations they bug out and waste 3 horus tryin to deal with the boss's buggin out, but i dont complain about the bugs because it is a new game and all.

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children eh? erm, lets see. i have a wife, 3 kids, and have a good full time job that has madatory overtime, i play 5 hours a day and sacrafice sleep, i play at night when the family is in bed, so how am i a child again ? and my children are ages 4,7, and 9


stop playing games and take care of your kids

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Alts clearly is not endgame.


Alts are plenty boring once you've done one each side. The 93%+ of the content that isn't your class quest is all the same stuff. Painful after a while.


Yep, we all want our characters to keep progressing. Few thoughts on that:


  • There is PvP to be done if you're into that sort of thing. Is there any "cap" beyond which you can't progress? I mean, you can certainly cap out on gear, but what about point ranking? Serious question since I don't PvP.
  • There are hardmode Flashpoints and Raids to be done. I can't imagine anyone's fully geared from all of those yet. Maybe they're getting close?
  • This is an MMO. As we've seen with every MMO so far, players will always be able to "complete" the content before the devs can create new content. Hopefully the lag between events isn't terribly long.


What else would you like endgame to look like?

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stop playing games and take care of your kids


i take good care of my kids, and i play games aswell, if you read my post i say i play when the family is asleep and i have time to myself, i sacrafice sleep so i can do what i like because the rest of the time im working / taking care of my family

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Yes but now look at all the content WoW has. Of course it was built up over years.


Fact is TOR has more stuff to do than WoW ever did this many months old.


Of course if you said you played Vanilla you should know that new mmo's take time. If you're the impatient type I'd say MMO's aren't for you.


Except you didn't hit cap in vanilla WoW in a 100 hours of game play...

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Look at your posts.


And if you have 3 kids and play 5 hours a day after you get off work..... well ....... enough said.


so im not allowed to play games after everyone is asleep? why not? please tell me why i would like to know how me looseing sleep effects my family?

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Alts clearly is not endgame.


Alts are plenty boring once you've done one each side. The 93%+ of the content that isn't your class quest is all the same stuff. Painful after a while.


Yep, we all want our characters to keep progressing. Few thoughts on that:


  • There is PvP to be done if you're into that sort of thing. Is there any "cap" beyond which you can't progress? I mean, you can certainly cap out on gear, but what about point ranking? Serious question since I don't PvP.
  • There are hardmode Flashpoints and Raids to be done. I can't imagine anyone's fully geared from all of those yet. Maybe they're getting close?
  • This is an MMO. As we've seen with every MMO so far, players will always be able to "complete" the content before the devs can create new content. Hopefully the lag between events isn't terribly long.



What else would you like endgame to look like?


i would like something like Everquest's AA system in game so i can grind mobs to better my char that dont require gear progression.

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so im not allowed to play games after everyone is asleep? why not? please tell me why i would like to know how me looseing sleep effects my family?


Well this is a bit off topic but lack of sleep has a wide range of negative effects to your health; your safety and those around you (regards to driving and operating machinery); your energy level, attention span, etc. etc.


But no one should be preaching to anyone what to do with their personal time.

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Creating alts have a few bonus factors to it that alot miss. The main point of making alts is to understand the game mechanics and stand points that can make a different class or spec beat you, to create the alts that you fear gives you an understanding on how to defeat them.


To understand there weak and strongpoints, doing this allows you to understand how to play your main class at a stronger point and overcome what others fine overpowered. Every class has a weakpoint and every spec has a strong point and understanding this gives you the understanding to be stronger in pvp.


Creating an alt also allows you to expand your understanding of what make that class, the playstyle and the feeling fo playing it. doing this could in many ways make you realise that another class is better standpoint for yourself, alot of people create a char on the looks and it isnt until you get the feeling of an alt that you realise that you are actualy better standing playing on the alt you make over the main you had.


This means that by creating that alt you have imporved you enjoyment of playing the game.



So no creating alts doesnt create more endgame but it sure can and does improve your enjoyment of endgame.


edit spelling is a bit who ha but ive been to the pub :D

Edited by Shingara
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i would like something like Everquest's AA system in game so i can grind mobs to better my char that dont require gear progression.


OK so you grind mobs, to get more points, to make it easier to grind mobs, to get more points, ad nauseum.


Seems like 6 of one, half dozen of another to me. If your grinding for no purpose except to make your grind easier, why not just "grind" a new alt.

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Can someone point me to the time machine so I can actually play WoW vanilla? It's like comparing a car from 2012 to a car that no longer exists. You don't see too many Gremlins being bought or driven do you?


TOR is competing against WoW today, not 6 years ago.

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Can someone point me to the time machine so I can actually play WoW vanilla? It's like comparing a car from 2012 to a car that no longer exists. You don't see too many Gremlins being bought or driven do you?


TOR is competing against WoW today, not 6 years ago.


For some reason players who are defending SWTOR gameplay can not understand this point at all.

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Can someone point me to the time machine so I can actually play WoW vanilla? It's like comparing a car from 2012 to a car that no longer exists. You don't see too many Gremlins being bought or driven do you?


TOR is competing against WoW today, not 6 years ago.


Features and content are two different things completely. Lets say you founded a car manufacturing company in 2011 and we compared you to Ford.


In features you would compare a 2012 model of your car to a 2012 model Ford. Airbags, air conditioning, navigation, park assist, etc. That would be a good comparision.


However the closest you could get to a car analogy for content would be the ammount of different models you've released over your years of manufacturing. In that regard Ford has a HUGE edge on you as they've been manufacturing for years and years and years compared to your one year.


If you're comparing CONTENT it is absolutely fair to compare WoW at release to SWTOR now. Content, just like the multitude of models of cars manufactured, is something that happens over time as you expand and create.


If you're comparing FEATURES then you have to compare SWTOR now to WoW now. I do find it ridiclious that SWTOR launched without things like an LFG Tool or Guild Banks.

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For some reason players who are defending SWTOR gameplay can not understand this point at all.


Game play is one thing, but content is totally different.


You can definitely expect technologically improved gameplay in a new game, but to expect some exponential amount of matching content is naive at best.


You can only compare the content of a newly released MMO against the history of content in comparable MMO's released....as in Vanilla WoW. (I hate that term).


Did some of you actually expect a new game to match the content of another game that has been adding and polishing content for years now?!

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making ALTS is not endgame content i hate to tell ya. But , too all you ppl that say make alts, what happens when all your alts become 50? then what? lol you will be bored like everyone else, this is a MMO i want to progress my char not make alts like i would on a single player game.


ZOMG IT'S ONLY TWO MONTHS AFTER LAUNCH AND THE GAME ONLY HAD 300-400 or SO HOURS OF CONTENT IN IT FOR MY FIRST CHARACTER AND I DOn't want to lpay any alts or see any other stories even thought that was the main attraction and purpose of the game as advertised before I even bought it...I CAN"T BELIEVE THIS...IT'S HORRIBAD that I was able to spend 500 hours on something within 2 months and there's not a 501st hour of it just for me....even though 90%+ of the rest of th eplayers out there haven't even come close to completing everything...this is a total failure that they didn't have thousands of hours of things to do with JUST ONE CHARACTER right from the get-go....what's that? I'm totally ignoring a big content patch coming out in a week or two? So what!!! I don't care....I'm totally going to ignore that there are content patches coming....this was supposed to be my life from the day I bought it and it's not giving me something to fdo for 15 hours a day 7 days a week so I'm left completely without a life!!!

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Game play is one thing, but content is totally different.


You can definitely expect technologically improved gameplay in a new game, but to expect some exponential amount of matching content is naive at best.


You can only compare the content of a newly released MMO against the history of content in comparable MMO's released....as in Vanilla WoW. (I hate that term).


Did some of you actually expect a new game to match the content of another game that has been adding and polishing content for years now?!



Sorry content and features are not different and the lines are blurred even more when features influence content and vice versa.

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The complaint of lack of content is a valid one, but not for reasons the complainers seem to think. Again there is lots of end game content for a game that just launched. Look at the history of launched titles and you'll see clearly that SWTOR has more then any I can think of. The problem with said end game content is that it's too easy and to quick to complete. BW should have jacked the difficulty on Operations and they would have as many people crying foul.
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Sorry content and features are not different and the lines are blurred even more when features influence content and vice versa.


Yes they are different.


An Operation is content. Guild Banks are a feature. I suggest you look up the meaning of both of those words.

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