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Question for Beta Testers (long term ones)


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Were most of the issues or recommendations / feedback you gave ignored OR are most of those fixes/changes in game now?


What about the Crafting mission pop-up, especially when on the GTN, did you recommend fixing this or did you really like it?

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Were most of the issues or recommendations / feedback you gave ignored OR are most of those fixes/changes in game now?


What about the Crafting mission pop-up, especially when on the GTN, did you recommend fixing this or did you really like it?


Utterly ignored.


For the most part, any feedback, and believe me there were truckloads of detailed objective feedback was both ignored, and shot down by Fanboys.


There was a 32 page thread about how opening your bags caused you to lag. It was just an "Oh, btw" type thread.


...it was 1 post about the lag, and 32 pages of fanboys ripping the OP.



Walk and open and close your bag. The game commits suicide.

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Utterly ignored.


For the most part, any feedback, and believe me there were truckloads of detailed objective feedback was both ignored, and shot down by Fanboys.


There was a 32 page thread about how opening your bags caused you to lag. It was just an "Oh, btw" type thread.


...it was 1 post about the lag, and 32 pages of fanboys ripping the OP.



Walk and open and close your bag. The game commits suicide.


I just tried this and the game becomes a slide show!


Now while I wasnt a long term tester I did partake in the 4 day California data center test, the feeling I got from the devs at the time was they didnt care what we had to say about anything other than latency.


I also read a lot on leak sites that testers felt they were being ignored during beta.

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Most was pretty much ignored. We had very very little communication with the devs, in the 4 months that I tested. A good one was just after Marauder buffs, we were still wondering about the juggernaut buffs. We were told that it was comming soon and that it had already been on internal testing for a long time. That was the second last build. Im still waiting for the changes lol.
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A good one was just after Marauder buffs, we were still wondering about the juggernaut buffs. We were told that it was comming soon and that it had already been on internal testing for a long time. That was the second last build. Im still waiting for the changes lol.


Yeah, nearly 6 months waiting on that Jugg/Guard revamp that they promised was coming. Not surprisingly, they haven't said a word about it in a very long time. Of course, if this was a Smuggler issue, GZ would be all over it.

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Utterly ignored.


For the most part, any feedback, and believe me there were truckloads of detailed objective feedback was both ignored, and shot down by Fanboys.


There was a 32 page thread about how opening your bags caused you to lag. It was just an "Oh, btw" type thread.


...it was 1 post about the lag, and 32 pages of fanboys ripping the OP.



Walk and open and close your bag. The game commits suicide.


well this explains a lot...

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There were some minor things here and there that I can recall them changing (though to be honest it is hard to gauge how much if those changes actually occurred due to feedback), however, anything major was pretty much ignored.
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Were most of the issues or recommendations / feedback you gave ignored OR are most of those fixes/changes in game now?


What about the Crafting mission pop-up, especially when on the GTN, did you recommend fixing this or did you really like it?


this wont last long threads like this lead to nothing!

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There were some minor things here and there that I can recall them changing (though to be honest it is hard to gauge how much if those changes actually occurred due to feedback), however, anything major was pretty much ignored.


Sounds very much like WAR. :(

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Utterly ignored.


For the most part, any feedback, and believe me there were truckloads of detailed objective feedback was both ignored, and shot down by Fanboys.


There was a 32 page thread about how opening your bags caused you to lag. It was just an "Oh, btw" type thread.


...it was 1 post about the lag, and 32 pages of fanboys ripping the OP.



Walk and open and close your bag. The game commits suicide.


And yet somehow I don't think I've seen anyone complain about that since launch.

Would that mean the problem got fixed prior to launch? ;)


There were (in my way of thinking about it) three types of feedback:

1) legitimate bug posts

2) constructive criticism of ways to improve existing systems

3) pipe dreams


For #1, lots of these got addressed during the course of beta, some did not, some are probably still there to be fixed. There were quite a few quests that were bugged, placeholder graphic images with "Default" on them, the infamous orange pixel, crew skill panes that just mysteriously went empty (got biochem up to 100+ twice and watched it disappear) and many many more.


Some bugs, like in any software, have simple, obvious fixes. And the "best" bugs have fixes which have minimal impacts on other systems meaning less testing to make sure the fix didn't mess up something else. But, like the dev post from a week or two ago, some bugs prove very hard to duplicate meaning that finding the root cause is troublesome in the first place, let alone the code fix and subsequent testing.


Now then, one can argue that's when you delay launch to squash those. Unfortunately that chose is rarely left in the hands of the devs these days. BW has (imo) showed decent (not great or fantastic) progress in getting rid of the ones that are still plaguing folks.


For #2, yes, lots of constructive feedback was given. Some merely to say people didn't like how something worked. Others offered possible solutions that then got batted around. To say the suggestions were "ignored" would imply the devs didn't care. I honestly don't think that was the case. I think anything they thought had potential for fitting into their direction of the game was given a chance to survive an developers' debate if it was worth doing. But here's the thing, just because you're invited to a beta in no ways means you as the tester are going to receive a response, let alone a detailed one, on why your suggestion didn't make it into the game. So you can either choose to put a chip on your shoulder and claim the devs ignored you or you can *shrug* and simply think they didn't see the merit in the suggestion. Or, you can hold out hope that maybe the idea was liked but was back-burnered while other more important things got addressed first. From what I've seen, some was actually implemented (ability to craft with mats still being in your bank instead of your immediate inventory is one off the top of my head), others appear to be in the works per the dev blogs (yes, things like dual spec were requested before the game launched) and I'm sure many others were given the thumbs down.


#3 is simply those folks that came in expecting something quite a bit other than what this game was going to be at launch and for the foreseeable future. The ones that wanted this to be SWG-2 or EvE with better PvE. Those ideas probably did not get much consideration simply because it was quite obvious they weren't going to fit the mold of the game the devs were looking to deliver. If some of those ideas were listened to and taken to heart, the devs would have stripped the transmission changing gears and instead of playing a game right now we'd be seeing announcements of "Delayed until at least Q2'13.

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From the time I beta tested the things brought would be shot down by fanboi or dev saying there are multi servers with different builds and they do not owe anyone an explanation to any changes no matter how dumb they were. We should be honored to beta test, this is not a demo blah blah blah. As a crafter it pained me each time a new build came out. The one good change was moving the boots and wrist crafted items iirc to synthweave and armormech. I did see some good things like not all the stuck taxis ect.
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A lot of bugs were fixed, but some were ignored. Even more worrying is that a lot of the bugs in the game now, were in beta, and they said they were working on them. That means they have been working on some bugs that are still in the game, since July (when I started testing).


A lot of the suggestions that were offered, were ignored or were simply shot down. We were even told once that BW didn't really need us testing; that their internal teams found almost all the bugs.


About the GTN. For almost all of beta, it did not even have the crappy Search we have now. That was put in right before the big beta weekends. Many threads about the GTN were answered with a canned "We are continuously working on make the GTN interface better." That was from back in Sept. So yeeeaahhhhh.


Basically this is BW's first MMO. Their swelled egos and pride from making great single player games blinded them. They bit off more then they could chew, and are playing catch-up now. Hopefully they can pull it off. There is a great game here, it just needs a lot more work.

Edited by Agarwaenn
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Utterly ignored.


For the most part, any feedback, and believe me there were truckloads of detailed objective feedback was both ignored, and shot down by Fanboys.


There was a 32 page thread about how opening your bags caused you to lag. It was just an "Oh, btw" type thread.


...it was 1 post about the lag, and 32 pages of fanboys ripping the OP.



Walk and open and close your bag. The game commits suicide.


Pretty much sums up the whole experience as a beta tester for this **** game.


Bioware received MUCH feedback about many of the issues currently bogging down their baby (poor pvp, performance issues, quest bugs, lack of real endgame content). Most of it was buried under fanboys trying t naysay SIMPLE FEEDBACK about what people were experiencing in their gameplay.


The rest was completely ignored or worse tagged with a -Soon TM logo (remember those jugg/marauder reworks? lolol.


I've long since canceled after i got lvl 50 in early january through very casual play (no more than 2-3 hours a day if at all). The game is pretty much dead for people who were looking for something with substance to curb their mmo needs. Fanboys will be fanboys, paying out of their wallet for something totally ****** no matter how much they tell themselves things are not what they are.

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This is a loaded question that assumes a false premise. If you submit a report or bring up an issue, it gets seen by someone. It is then forwarded to the proper people. By definition nothing is being ignored.


Now, if by ignore you mean nobody publicly addressed it and the issue is still there...sure that might not be "nice", but it doesn't mean anything beyond what it is.


The only thing you can begin to call ignored is if the problem is still there when the game shuts down. Until that time, every issue has a chance to be examined. That being the case, nothing will ever be ignored.

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This is a loaded question that assumes a false premise. If you submit a report or bring up an issue, it gets seen by someone. It is then forwarded to the proper people. By definition nothing is being ignored.


Now, if by ignore you mean nobody publicly addressed it and the issue is still there...sure that might not be "nice", but it doesn't mean anything beyond what it is.


The only thing you can begin to call ignored is if the problem is still there when the game shuts down. Until that time, every issue has a chance to be examined. That being the case, nothing will ever be ignored.




I think the definition is; really big issue being raised in beta (or later when on Public Test Server) and them being ignored and it going Live as is anyway (and the issue then staying for weeks, month or in some cases even, years).

Edited by Goretzu
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Utterly ignored.


For the most part, any feedback, and believe me there were truckloads of detailed objective feedback was both ignored, and shot down by Fanboys.


One day, in a distant future, fanboys will realize that their mindless defense of developers hurts the game they love more than any troll out there.

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