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Just dinged 50; what a sham.


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I dinged 50 four days ago. I was kind of shook to go into the shark tank (Warzones and Ilum). After a couple of hours, I saw that it wasn't as bad as people made it out to be. I was actually holding my own better against the 50's than I did in the 10-49 bracket. I didn't have great gear. Had level 40 mods in my gear and I held my own. I did get my *** spanked some, but not as bad as I thought I would.


Right now, I have 3 pieces of champion gear and 2 pieces of centurion gear. I'm moving up slowly but surely and I have gotten a whole lot better at pvp overall. All I can say is stick to it and learn from your mistakes. Gear does play a part, but knowing your class and working as a team trumps all. Good luck in the shark tank lol. :)

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My first 5 WZ experiences (all Huttball) have resulted in the enemy team scoring 5 points quick, then farming for 12 minutes. I have no PVP gear and going up against Battlemasters is insanity.


I'm asking because I really don't know: How am I supposed to gear up if I can't even get a kill, let alone win a match? I've heard the horror of Ilum and as a result, haven't even traveled there yet.


Seriously, there's nothing fun or enjoyable about getting smashed in 3 seconds every time you leave the spawning area. It's really frustrating to see Battlemasters camping right on your goal line waiting for you to jump down to them for a quick death or desert the group.


Is there any hope for a fresh lvl 50 in PVP? I'll appreciate any advice.


Autorun: Set it, and forget it!

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I dinged 50 four days ago. I was kind of shook to go into the shark tank (Warzones and Ilum). After a couple of hours, I saw that it wasn't as bad as people made it out to be. I was actually holding my own better against the 50's than I did in the 10-49 bracket. I didn't have great gear. Had level 40 mods in my gear and I held my own. I did get my *** spanked some, but not as bad as I thought I would.


Right now, I have 3 pieces of champion gear and 2 pieces of centurion gear. I'm moving up slowly but surely and I have gotten a whole lot better at pvp overall. All I can say is stick to it and learn from your mistakes. Gear does play a part, but knowing your class and working as a team trumps all. Good luck in the shark tank lol. :)


Thanks! You just described what I'm experiencing. Those first 5 matches back to back were crazy. Subsequent matches have been much more balanced and fun, even though I'm yet to be part of winning pug.

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My advice is keep playing. It will take about 2 weeks before you get geared out with some PvP gear and you won't be getting completely crushed anymore...though taking on bms will be a challenge. I hit 50 about 2.5 weeks ago and I already have full champ/cent PvP gear. It's a bit of a grind, and it sucks at first, but everyone had to do it at some point.
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Thanks! You just described what I'm experiencing. Those first 5 matches back to back were crazy. Subsequent matches have been much more balanced and fun, even though I'm yet to be part of winning pug.


I'm glad to hear its getting better for you. I'm having fun with it and meeting some good peeps. Not to mention being a Pub on my server is a challenge in its own right. But I love the challenge. It has made me a better pvper and makes the wins that we do get that much more enjoyable. :)

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Even if he saved up 1 bag and 1000/1000 comms, and has level 49/50 Gear/Mods, he'll still be getting killed in seconds. You can throw on some baseline crap yourself though and try it yourself, if you are sure they are only dying in seconds because the players they are going against are so 1337 @ PvP.


Go ahead, for laughs. Put on 2 cent pieces, and a champ piece, along with some 49-50 trash from the Trade Market or crafting. What do ya need all that money you're hoarding for anyways? Then duel your buddy wearing his regular Champ/BM set. He will beat you if he button smashes auto-attack.


It's broken, denying it doesn't help the developers improve the game. Expecting players to play something broken for any length of time is unreasonable when this *GAME* is competing for leisure time with alot of other stuff.


100% lies.

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after hitting 50, my 1st 20 games as an ungeared noobish lvl 50 isnt so bad.

can get 6 medals and 250k dmg on the average.

just be a little more careful, pick your fights.

respec as a pure healer, pure tank, or as something more of a support specs.

never go soloing and go with your teamates 100% of the time.




there's this one game where none in my team is geared and our opponents has 4 near full BM players, its was a close fight but we still won.


teamwork, skill and knowledge can change the course of battle.

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In 2 weeks of average WZ's you can have 4-5 champ pieces with the bonus, as well as the rest cent. That's enough to hold your own.


You forget that those people who are BM's have PLAYED more and are "better players" as well. They know the WZ layout and strategies better.


I can assure you that your team likely has some BM's on it, and the enemy likely has some BM's. It all evens out in the end.


Suck it up a few weeks, gear up and you'll do fine. PvE is the same, lol. Until you do some HM's you can do ops, and until you do regular ops you can't do NM... it's how the game is played.



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You forget that those people who are BM's have PLAYED more and are "better players" as well. They know the WZ layout and strategies better.


Heh, you can say that, but when you rolled their level 40 alt 5 times with your level 15 alt in a WZ the day before it's hard to accept that they magically got more skilled just by changing to the other character.


Legacy names and single server queues mean you are killing the same people all the time, you're fighting their mains with yours, and their alts with yours.


While it's gratifying to know that they really are bad and only gear allows them to kill you, it's also frustrating.

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I hit 50 and had about 260 expertise right away. 90 Cent and 42 Champ comms from 1k/1k + banked bag. I also re-modded everything with minimum level 49 blue mods, a lot of purple ones too. All my gear at level 50 within five minutes was minimum level 49. After doing the dailies, I was already at 300 expertise.


I have had zero issues except against our servers main established premade BMs.

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It took me about 3 weeks of quite casual play, im valor 51 now and have 10 champ pieces rest is centurion.... Stop whining about being killed in 3 seconds. Put in some effort and you will be on par with everyone else in a few weeks.


Wrong you hit 50 before they changed champ bags. I also have a 50 that hit 50 before the so called 'buff'. But I also have a jugg that hit 50 the tuesday the change went live.


On my jugg im now valor 57. And still missing champ ear, implant, off hand and the pants. I also got lucky twice and with the 5% chance got champ belt and relic...


my operative who hit 50 a week or two before the change is missing 1 champ item and is valor 40...


Everytime i inspect a toon that hit 50 before the change i know simply because they will have a lot more champ gear and lower valor.

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Sounds like the OP just got rolled by a set premade who was pretty good. That happens to me occasionally and if it looks like i get the same opponents 4-5 times i cool it for a while and go do something else. No one likes to be clown stomped but at the same time if you just come back after a while it isn't so bad. Also, i went from no pvp gear to cent with a few champ pieces in about a week and a half after I hit 50- the trick is even if you're going to lose don't give up- try and take enough bastards down with you so you can sack away some medals in the process :).


Quitting is the only sure way you won't progress at all in PvP.

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Even if he saved up 1 bag and 1000/1000 comms, and has level 49/50 Gear/Mods, he'll still be getting killed in seconds. You can throw on some baseline crap yourself though and try it yourself, if you are sure they are only dying in seconds because the players they are going against are so 1337 @ PvP.


Go ahead, for laughs. Put on 2 cent pieces, and a champ piece, along with some 49-50 trash from the Trade Market or crafting. What do ya need all that money you're hoarding for anyways? Then duel your buddy wearing his regular Champ/BM set. He will beat you if he button smashes auto-attack.


It's broken, denying it doesn't help the developers improve the game. Expecting players to play something broken for any length of time is unreasonable when this *GAME* is competing for leisure time with alot of other stuff.


... i regularly PvP in my PvE gear on raid days, when i dont feel like spec'ing back to my PvP spec or getting my PvP gear out of the bank.


Other than the two pieces of columi i have, (been unlucky with the auto-assigned loot) my gear is all level 49/50 craftable/daily quest reward modded with a PvP weapon.


I do just fine.

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Well, I'd say ~32-49 is where it's at. That's where you have some class defining abilities starting to come into play.


14 at a bare minimum, for sprint.


Felt the need to comment on this. One to Fifty is where TOR shines. Once you are at Fifty? Well it gets kind of boring to be honest. That goes for both PvP and PvE.

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I have heard this so many times, loads of players do this simply because they can't face being farmed over and over and over while they grind the tokens.


10-49 is far more fun than 50 pvp and thats not the way it should be.




So higher level people like 49s beating up on level 14s is fun but Geared 50s beating up on fresh off the boat 50s is broken


Anyone who says 10-49 pvp is where its at is


(a) not good enough to pvp at 50

(b) feels the need to fight noobs to feel better about losing to non noobs


MMO pvp is about progression plus skill..... go play a RTS if u wanna do skill combat with = settings

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My first 5 WZ experiences (all Huttball) have resulted in the enemy team scoring 5 points quick, then farming for 12 minutes. I have no PVP gear and going up against Battlemasters is insanity.


I'm asking because I really don't know: How am I supposed to gear up if I can't even get a kill, let alone win a match? I've heard the horror of Ilum and as a result, haven't even traveled there yet.


Seriously, there's nothing fun or enjoyable about getting smashed in 3 seconds every time you leave the spawning area. It's really frustrating to see Battlemasters camping right on your goal line waiting for you to jump down to them for a quick death or desert the group.


Is there any hope for a fresh lvl 50 in PVP? I'll appreciate any advice.


Yes. Work with your team. Coordinate out of the door.


For Huttball specifically, never let yourselves be drawn into fights on your side. Know when to pack it in and control middle. Wait for teammates. Don't run 1 at a time into them as you spawn, wait on the ledge or in the spawn room, you get 2-3 opportunities to get past the door.

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My first 5 WZ experiences (all Huttball) have resulted in the enemy team scoring 5 points quick, then farming for 12 minutes. I have no PVP gear and going up against Battlemasters is insanity.


I'm asking because I really don't know: How am I supposed to gear up if I can't even get a kill, let alone win a match? I've heard the horror of Ilum and as a result, haven't even traveled there yet.


Seriously, there's nothing fun or enjoyable about getting smashed in 3 seconds every time you leave the spawning area. It's really frustrating to see Battlemasters camping right on your goal line waiting for you to jump down to them for a quick death or desert the group.


Is there any hope for a fresh lvl 50 in PVP? I'll appreciate any advice.


1st ) All those BM geared players that kill you....Do you ever asked yourself how they got that gear? They were never in your place before? They didnt lvled to 50 and farmed for gear? I dont think Bioware magicaly gave it to them as soon as they ding 50....


2nd ) Again all those ppl that now are BM gear...they found it harder to gear up with champion bags before fix.... Now with 1 week gameplay, u are full centurion set with some champion pieces...


3rd ) You expect to get pvp gear, withoit doing pvp ilum quest...........

Sure...its so hard to run around in middle and collect armaments....it takes so much gear and skill...


4rth ) Blame bioware for not giving you the Best PVE and PVP gear available in game, the momment u dinged 50... those cruel, heartless bioware developers.....

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1st ) all those bm geared players that kill you....do you ever asked yourself how they got that gear? They were never in your place before? They didnt lvled to 50 and farmed for gear? I dont think bioware magicaly gave it to them as soon as they ding 50....


2nd ) again all those ppl that now are bm gear...they found it harder to gear up with champion bags before fix.... Now with 1 week gameplay, u are full centurion set with some champion pieces...


3rd ) you expect to get pvp gear, withoit doing pvp ilum quest...........

Sure...its so hard to run around in middle and collect armaments....it takes so much gear and skill...


4rth ) blame bioware for not giving you the best pve and pvp gear available in game, the momment u dinged 50... Those cruel, heartless bioware developers.....


lol +1

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BTW, off topic: Is there ANY other way to get merc comms other than that silly 3 to 1 exchange? I've been reading these forums and haven't been able to find a clear answer. Sometimes they can be found in chests, sometimes not, etc...


Outlaw's Den on Tatooine (the free-for-all PvP zone).


4 chests spawn on a 2-hour independent timer. Each contains 20 Merc commendations and a few thousand credits. A chest will spawn in a random location in the zone 2 hours after it was last looted.


If you keep all four locked down you can get 80 Merc commendations every 2 hours, but you will sometimes have to fight other people who are looking for the same chests.


If you want more detailed info feel free to send me a PM

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Yeah, I jumped the gun with this post. I've been grinding hard and have earned several champ bags, although I must say that farming armaments along with 8 others when no pubs are around is pretty lame.


I posted this fresh out of getting utterly destroyed 5 games in a row by geared premade teams. At that point I hadn't experienced a balance "team" match and thought that these smash-fests were common place.


They're not!


I've been having some fun PvPing, and now that I've got several Centurion pieces and a Champ piece, I'm liking it even more.


Thanks to all of you that offered help and advice.

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I leveled to 50 and BM gear on my Marauder when level 50's in full champ/bm gear were mixed in with the level 10's. Over the last week, yes ONE WEEK, I leveled a Powertech Pyro from 1-50 and 50 valor.


  1. The sub 50 bracket is a JOKE, 99.99% of the players are TERRIBLE and don't have a damn clue as to what they're doing.
  2. I had 7% expertise rating at level 46.
  3. I had 15k health at 50.
  4. The very second I dinged 50 I had a champion earpiece and centurion implants/belt.
  5. Within 2 warzones I had centurion legs.
  6. Within 2 hours of dinging 50 I had both dailies done and my Ilum weekly done, which netted my centurion boots.
  7. Within 1 hour I had another champ bag, giving me a champion chest.
  8. I have 1300 Aim and 15.5k health less then one day after dinging 50.
  9. I regularly top the damage charts, usually 1.5/2x the damage of the next guy.
  10. I get 7-9 medals a match.
  11. My /played is: 3 days, 5 hours.


The problem is that the vast majority of players in this game have the first reaction of "omg QQ it's not me it's the game". The sad part is that they don't even want to improve themselves, they want to sit contently at terrible status and ask Bioware to make everyone else just as terrible as they are so that they can compete.




^ I didn't even do 1/2 of that and I was already wrecking face in the 50 bracket.




No, it only sucks for you because you feel that you should have a win button. You can't stomach losing and you refuse to work through any adversity at all.


While I understand ur intent, u have 3.25 days played in in 7 days. Some of us have jobs, wives, responsibilities, etc. Sorry, u don't pass for the majority.

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My first 5 WZ experiences (all Huttball) have resulted in the enemy team scoring 5 points quick, then farming for 12 minutes. I have no PVP gear and going up against Battlemasters is insanity.


I'm asking because I really don't know: How am I supposed to gear up if I can't even get a kill, let alone win a match? I've heard the horror of Ilum and as a result, haven't even traveled there yet.


Seriously, there's nothing fun or enjoyable about getting smashed in 3 seconds every time you leave the spawning area. It's really frustrating to see Battlemasters camping right on your goal line waiting for you to jump down to them for a quick death or desert the group.


Is there any hope for a fresh lvl 50 in PVP? I'll appreciate any advice.


OP this is something lots of people faced. even the elitist that want to make you belive they were born with battle master gear.


the thing is you don't grind it like in wow. you do dailies and get a bag. keep struggling like the rest you will ge tbetter and you will eventually get the gear you need I got 3 pieces myself last night.


they are just farming now becuase they know soon everyone will be on a level playing field. its the ones who have to face a challenge that will get better than them.

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Perhaps you should have planned a little better in advance of hitting level 50 and saved some Merc & Warzone commendations. You are a fresh level 50 and expect to be able to hold your own with people in Champion and Battlemaster gear? It takes time and a little effort. There's not much that can be done if you are being 'camped' at the spawn, of course, but I am guessing that it isn't as terrible as you make it out to be.


PS: It's no different than dinging 50 in the morning and wondering why you keep dying and doing low damage on your first raid that evening.


oh yeah 3 pieces of PVP gear would have REALLY save him if he saved up for 6 champ bags! Stop apologizing for BAD DESIGN. There is no starter PVP gear you can craft to be at some kind of footing with the pvpers. This is bringing less people into PVP not more so please get a clue.

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Yeah, I jumped the gun with this post. I've been grinding hard and have earned several champ bags, although I must say that farming armaments along with 8 others when no pubs are around is pretty lame.


I posted this fresh out of getting utterly destroyed 5 games in a row by geared premade teams. At that point I hadn't experienced a balance "team" match and thought that these smash-fests were common place.


They're not!


I've been having some fun PvPing, and now that I've got several Centurion pieces and a Champ piece, I'm liking it even more.


Thanks to all of you that offered help and advice.


Good to hear.

YOu probably were up against the same premade over and over.

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