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Vote for user created voice acting!


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Wow. A lot of fun. Well I want to say thanks to all those who commented! The producers emailed me and said it was a go!!


....hahaha not really.


But there are a lot of great points...about puberty....and puberty....and 30 year olds (like myself).




Again a lot of fun thanks for replying!

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Users could record their own voice parts


No! Never! Not, no! I'm sorry, but this is a terrible idea.

I mean.. did you even imagine how it would sound? And what's next? "Upload your photo and see your face on your toon and NPCs"?


No, please, we sound bad. All of us sound really bad... with a few exeptions. Those exeptions already do the voices =)

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The plan is simple.


Users could record their own voice parts and upload them to this very website (being rewarded if we upload a good amount?)


This would primarily be for those non-talking characters, those that developers didn't have time to complete or for our own characters!


Obviously there would be one major issue in terms of expletives, sexual references. This would be the biggest hurdle. Maybe the solution would be a blog like interface that would have to be approved by an approx number of other users first.


Please vote if you agree!!



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I would love to have user created voice acting, although i would probably replace all of the jedi consular's voiceovers (male) with another nolan north voiced character just to hear something funny in a flashpoint, imagine rescuing


during the Maelstrom Prisoner flashpoint and the first thing the consular says is "hey wassa-matta you altair?"

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I'd like to have R. Lee Ermy record a voice over for my BH.


I would say restrict it to NPCs out in the world and only be 1-2 liners like "Hey there", or "Incoming Fire!" (from NPCs in combat), or "It's dangerous out there".


Just small lines added to the current non-talkative NPCs.


Sure would liven the world up I think, while getting a ton of community support.

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like the Jedi say you have to trust in your allies. that being said along with quality control and a computer program that screens out explicit content (this is more likely a technological possibility that will come out in the next couple years) this is very possible. with help on these very blogs users could vote/flag content and SWTOR could add 10 a month. in the future a program could do it automatically.


if u dont like that idea than there could be an option to turn it off.


lastly. one word> Comicon.


there are thousands of people who take this stuff very seriously and would

do a great job at voice acting just as good as they do dressing up.


as far as quality thats a joke. im a sound engineer. most usb condensers

sound the same and would sound good enough for this. a lot of bands from Bjork to Underoath record on 99 dollar mics. after good eq they would sound good enough.


plus there is software coming out soon that can remove the room sound.

Edited by NoaFlux
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like the Jedi say you have to trust in your allies. that being said along with quality control and a computer program that screens out explicit content (this is more likely a technological possibility that will come out in the next couple years) this is very possible. with help on these very blogs users could vote/flag content and SWTOR could add 10 a month. in the future a program could do it automatically.


if u dont like that idea than there could be an option to turn it off.


lastly. one word> Comicon.


there are thousands of people who take this stuff very seriously and would

do a great job at voice acting just as good as they do dressing up.


as far as quality thats a joke. im a sound engineer. most usb condensers

sound the same and would sound good enough for this. a lot of bands from Bjork to Underoath record on 99 dollar mics. after goof eq they would sound amazing enough.


plus there is software coming out soon that can remove the room sound.


Very well put.


I personally love the idea!

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Could it be fun, sure. I bet many folks will want to leave their mark on the virtual world and get their 3 seconds of fame. However I think professional voice actors deserve more credit than they get and I wouldn't want to screw them over a paying gig as likely users would submit their soundbytes for free.
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I think most people miss the point...


They show a conversation with no voice acting applied to it... with the text on the screen instead...


They have a contest where players can submit audio files to overlay on the videos.


People at BW screen the audio tracks and pick the winners. Any audio tracks with words NOT in the scripe would disqualify - so no "profanity" would ever make it into the game.




There are a good number of people out there with high quality equipment and a good voice who would submit some good tracks.



I don't think it's a bad idea. Would be a bit of work on BW's part, but it gets the community involved.

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Regardless of all the attempts to make this work, it just won't.


It's a bad idea. User-recorded voices will never fit into the game.


Just take a look at Baldur's Gate II. The voices recorded by Bioware weren't spectacular, but they sounded far better than the best user-recorded stuff.


And while I'm aware that voice actors come from the general public, the hope that you'd find some budding voice talent in your player pool is a bit too optimistic to be realistic. The majority of (movie/video/tv) actors make bad voice actors. The two are really pretty different talents. There is some crossover, but not really at the top levels. What makes you think that "the community" is any better?


Perhaps I've just been spoiled by far too many Bioware games. I found the voice acting in Witcher to be embarrassing. Deus Ex: HR was merely acceptable. Skyrim was fine, but unimpressive. Two Worlds, though... that game was hilariously horrible, and judging by the stuff I've heard on the internet, most of the submissions would be about that quality.


I guess it comes to this: Unless someone in "the community" can match the sound quality of a studio recording and manage to avoid sounding like they're doing a stage production, I don't want it in my game. At least Witcher, Deus Ex, and Skyrim had consistency.

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i want to defend the actors. this would in no way interfere with their career. it would only make them look better. there would be a noticeable difference because I think most users would add FUN and INTERESTING content to UNIMPORTANT CHARACTERS. also at times the quality of the acting and the recording data would be noticeable, not in a bad way, but just in a unique and special way (think lo-fi recording artists, or rappers who go for a high quality sound using cheap mics)



it would also be cool if we could leave special items with these "idle" characters and add our own unique puzzles or questions with a unique answers in order to get special items or a tip from the users.



anyway that might be too much. i will be the first to admit there are countless other things the SWTOR team has to work on(camera angle, fonts, companion in the way!). but this idea sounds even more fun! puzzles are great!


again, i know countless kids, adults, professionals, novices with recording software, good microphones, and talent. it would be very easy to record a one liner high quality mp3 and upload it to SWTOR.com for a vote.


That sums it up for me. It's kind of annoying when these 'idle' Star Wars characters don't say anything.

Edited by NoaFlux
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