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What is deception supposed to be good for?


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I am curious as to what people think that design purpose for deception is. Whether or not it is performing up to what it is supposed to be is another question.


On paper, it looks to me that deception was supposed to be the "assassin" spec, but then things changed. The early skills are focused on increase stealth. It also seems to be focused on maul (backstabbing). However, about half-way through it seems to switch to more of a melee mode. By that I mean it seems more focused on longer combats.


Overall my impression is that it due to the close range needed for damage combined with less survivability and the inability to actually kill PvP tagets in a couple of hits, that it is a light tank spec. In other games, light tanks do significant damage, but have less survivability. However, they do less damage that casters.


Does that seem right, or am I missing something?

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Deceptions purpose is to skirt the edge of battle disrupting and killing healers and ranged dps. The spec is more than capable of taking a healer out of a fight for long periods of time which results in your team winning the scrap. Deception doesn't really play as a backstabbing rogue type but more like a spellsword, or battlemage, or a stealth enhancement shaman. At higher gear levels you gain enough timed burst to make short work out of medium and light armored targets but until then it feels a bit lackluster.


Assassins are also very capable light tanks as you said. They double up as the best ball carrier for huttball, bar none. I personally enjoy playing like deception still when I'm in the 27/2/12 spec because you're often under estimated until it too late and you're HD force lightning their tail to a perfectly cooked well done.

Edited by Cowflab
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To me, deception is all about single target dps combined with stealth for getting into and out of sticky situations. It will provide you solid steady dps in almost any situation along with the ability to pick your fights as you see fit.


It is not the easiest playstyle as you have to watch for static charge buildups and Maul procs along with using your dps cooldowns at the right times but if your on top of your game, it can pretty much rock almost anything on your own.

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To me, deception is all about single target dps combined with stealth for getting into and out of sticky situations. It will provide you solid steady dps in almost any situation along with the ability to pick your fights as you see fit.


It is not the easiest playstyle as you have to watch for static charge buildups and Maul procs along with using your dps cooldowns at the right times but if your on top of your game, it can pretty much rock almost anything on your own.


except a darkness sin/shadow. that's right, no matter what you do you'll get **** stomped by another spec in your class. it's sad. :(

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You do more damage than he does, which offsets his higher armor, no reason you can't beat him.


They have comparable damage, way more survivability, and a heal that procs pretty much at will. They also have all the defensive cds you do, a bit better actually, and more armor. I hate to say but the only darkness sins you'll beat as deception are bad ones.

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They have comparable damage, way more survivability, and a heal that procs pretty much at will. They also have all the defensive cds you do, a bit better actually, and more armor. I hate to say but the only darkness sins you'll beat as deception are bad ones.


Thank God that that's the majority of them!

Edited by insendial
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They have comparable damage, way more survivability, and a heal that procs pretty much at will. They also have all the defensive cds you do, a bit better actually, and more armor. I hate to say but the only darkness sins you'll beat as deception are bad ones.


I must say (Im a darkness assassin) that when i see a flying yoyo (voltaic slash) i get soo excited for an easy kill. Ive yet to meet a Deception assassin that can kill me in 1 vs 1 without help.

end of story.

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It's the harassment spec.


We are, (can be), annoying as hell. Travel the flanks and the backlines, find the support lines. Get in for the kill, (quite doable), or harass the living bedjeebus out of them until they have to concentrate on you and/or get help.


Can be quite fun. Can be really frustrating.


I like it. :)

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I think its funny to see this thread just recently started playing my assassin lvl 30 and closing in on gladitor so I have played it quite a bit. I've been looking to talk with other assassins that are up there to find out thoughts on darkness/madness specs, but so far only able to find deception ones. And from what I keep hearing them say madness is the pve spec and deception is the pvp spec. Where I'm at in the tree it doesn't make sense for me to switch to either of the other two trees but once I hit 50 I plan to try them all.


Everything we say good or bad doesn't really mean much now because there are far too many terrible players to give a "sure thing" I beat this as that. I like what they've done made people actually have to have more to work with to win/annoy/whatever then wow for instannce.

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Deceptions purpose is to skirt the edge of battle disrupting and killing healers and ranged dps. The spec is more than capable of taking a healer out of a fight for long periods of time which results in your team winning the scrap. Deception doesn't really play as a backstabbing rogue type


I suppose the question to this, is that is deception really designed for this function, or is it just what it is relegated to? It just seems weird to have stealth, backstab (maul), 1/5 the force of a sorcerer, be called assassin, and it just be a stealthy light tank.


From what you describe, it seems a support class. You support other tanks. You support you side by annoying the other side.


Deception just strikes me as an oddly designed spec. You don't get survivability like a tank, you do good damage, but there is much better dps from tanks, ranged, and force.


To me, it makes sense to go behind enemy lines and take out healers and force users. However, you also need to escape quickly. It just seems to me that deception starts off by improving stealth, but doesn't follow through with high quick level dps that you need to properly carry out the function.


Anyway, thanks for the thoughts.

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