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Open World PvP is ALIVE!!!!!!


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What you did was meh. Its passable. Camping a spaceport isn't really anything awesome. I just have a feeling that your server is so out of the way your guild hasn't faced any real PvP guilds. Guilds From Crucible Pits, Saber of Exar Kun, Anchorhead would have came and crushed you guys again and again until you gave up.


Good job on making all the level 40's miserable though :)

Edited by Naethion
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OP, awesome job! I'm from Ultima Online days and loved the rush of open world pvp where the players made the action and story happen, not the game or the devs.


This thread reminds me of the other day where as a Jugg (47) I was on Alderaan at Castle Panteer trying to get the datacron w/ a type 3 big body (muscles) and having trouble getting thru the little door. Bioware needs to fix this btw. I was reading some advice on my other computer when i noticed I was getting attacked.


2 Republic players in their low 30s (one shadow and another char) got the jump on me, but sadly me and Jaesa put them down fast. I then noticed them later on going up an elevator on the other side of the main hall w/ some other players. Naturally curious, I headed up too. I walked into a tiny room full of 8 red names (4 players w/ pets) ... we fought and I ended up beating all of them. (Next time just paralyze my pet *hint hint*).


They must've gotten upset and came back w/ lots of people and killed me off - it was pretty fun! I did take offense to their *hit talking while I was dead, so after rezzing on the spot and dying a few times, I chose the med center instead and full healed up. I got back to them just as they were fighting a champion mob (bad luck for them) ... I wiped them all out and killed the champ mob too. I proceeded to RP (im on a rp/pvp server) the evil passage guardian and battled the group a few times before having to go out for some errands - some of the most fun open world pvp I've had in a while.


A few notes:

- I normally do not attack players that are much lower lvl than me.

- I felt that they attacked me first and wanted to pvp, so game on.

- I felt that 2 vs. 1 or 4+ vs. 1 is a decent battle if the other side was willing.

- I dont res camp and give my opponents fair time to heal up etc. - no fun otherwise

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What you did was meh. Its passable. Camping a spaceport isn't really anything awesome. I just have a feeling that your server is so out of the way your guild hasn't faced any real PvP guilds. Guilds From Crucible Pits, Saber of Exar Kun, Anchorhead would have came and crushed you guys again and again until you gave up.


Good job on making all the level 40's miserable though :)


cool story bro.

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What you did was meh. Its passable. Camping a spaceport isn't really anything awesome. I just have a feeling that your server is so out of the way your guild hasn't faced any real PvP guilds. Guilds From Crucible Pits, Saber of Exar Kun, Anchorhead would have came and crushed you guys again and again until you gave up.


Good job on making all the level 40's miserable though :)


You guys would've got ate just like everyone else. Hush.

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You can obviously tell who plays Imp in this thread and is choked they didn't think of it first.


GJ to the OP and the repubs on his server.


Oh because its soooo original. This has been done before, we held the Pub spaceport on Hoth with only ten or so. Clearing ten people wasn't spectacular enough to bother with I guess because virtually no one show up and after 90 minutes we gave up.

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You can obviously tell who plays Imp in this thread and is choked they didn't think of it first.


GJ to the OP and the repubs on his server.


Not thinking about it 1st and not bragging on the forums are two very different things. My guild has enjoyed the hospitality of Alderaan's republic cantina a few times already :p

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So tonight, guild Exile, took the sith spaceport on Hoth. We denied the entire planet to the sith for hours and hours. Any sith that came in died fast and could not get away from the base or us. Anyone that had to leave hoth had to use their fleetpass.


This message to you idiots out there saying this game has no openworld pvp....i call BS. Man up...get a couple of ops together and go take an opposite factions spaceport. This is called denial of resource.


We had hours of fun. The sith tried to shake us from the planet, but we took them all out.




Ignore the haters, awesome work. Thank you for showing people what world PvP means.

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This I don't get. Why should you always get something, when did the need to get a pixel reward take control of you? Shouldn't playing and killing opposite players be enough fun and reward in itself? Isnt that what gaming is about? It's sad when people feel the need to get rewarded for everything they do. You are like dogs, the game give you small rewards for tricking you to do stuff you dont really wont to do.


Take your power back, don't be a dog. Have fun on your own terms.


The very thing that makes these type of games such as SWTOR and WOW successful is the constant gain of levels and items/gear. S'how they keep you hooked.


They should be satisfying the majorities hunger for the rewards for world pvp, realistically there's no disadvantage to providing that.


You, sir, are a fool.

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I highly encourage all people do try this at least once a week as a guild event. Get some sith alts on the station and stir them up by shouting out "help we are being camped by 20 republic on <insert planet name>"


It will get them riled up and coming to storm you out of the place.

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No they shouldn't have, since they were too busy owning Ilum and WZs for valor/commendations aka getting geared. While the republic was stroking their little e-peens against lvl 40 NPCs.


I guess the republic was tired of losing so they had to pick a fight they could win..


this^ *chuckles*

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We've done it to the Republics several times on both hoth and alderaan on our server. And they utterly fail at being able to kick us out. Last night me and another lvl 50 locked down hoth from the repubs for over and hour wiping the defense response forces 6 times before the combined forces of the Players and NPCs got us out. The emo rage from the republics was epic and they even talked about petitioning Bioware for harassment and exploiting game mechanics they were so pissed. This is the kind of dislike and fervor the PvP servers need to make them fun. The problem is to many lvl 50s cant be bothered to leave illum or their precious WZs to make the real pvp in this game constant.
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I play Empire and I have to say good job.


I can't see why people are saying that Illum is time better spent than this. This involves real fighting, with a real objective, and the people who you kill are trying not to be killed. This could turn into a massive PvP battle if the other side gets enough people to try and take it back.


I have to believe that randomly attacking another faction's city is better than Nascar any day of the week.

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So tonight, guild Exile, took the sith spaceport on Hoth. We denied the entire planet to the sith for hours and hours. Any sith that came in died fast and could not get away from the base or us. Anyone that had to leave hoth had to use their fleetpass.


This message to you idiots out there saying this game has no openworld pvp....i call BS. Man up...get a couple of ops together and go take an opposite factions spaceport. This is called denial of resource.


We had hours of fun. The sith tried to shake us from the planet, but we took them all out.





first of you just show us only one image with your guild mates .... bring some pvp pictures or never happened .


second tell us how the hell the other faction ask for help WHEN there is no any GLOBAL CHAT option !?!?!


Sorry mate .... but your story is no true or the facts where very limited in action and you are making them bigger than they are ... it is common behavior between gamers , hunters and fishermen ;)


ΝΟΤΕ . i and my friends asked from devs to bring openworld pvp questing in open pvp planets 1 year ago ( 8th option in poll in the next link ) but who are listening us ? .... http://www.swtor.gr/content/poll-features-you-hope-swtor-borrows-other-games#pollfield-244-0

Edited by SWTOR-GR
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Well the high level Sith on that server should have responded...could have led to some real nice PVP.


Exactly. We are in factions for a reason. PVPers should salivate at the chance to group up and go kick out a group of invaders. It's not the OPs fault if the opposite team doesn't care enough to defend it's territory.

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What you did was meh. Its passable. Camping a spaceport isn't really anything awesome. I just have a feeling that your server is so out of the way your guild hasn't faced any real PvP guilds. Guilds From Crucible Pits, Saber of Exar Kun, Anchorhead would have came and crushed you guys again and again until you gave up.


Good job on making all the level 40's miserable though :)


And how did you arrive at all of this out of curiosity? Have you PVPed on every TOR server?


Again, the goal of attacking like this is to pick a bigger fight and maybe, take some of the Sith hordes off of Ilum for a while.

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