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Open World PvP is ALIVE!!!!!!


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So tonight, guild Exile, took the sith spaceport on Hoth. We denied the entire planet to the sith for hours and hours. Any sith that came in died fast and could not get away from the base or us. Anyone that had to leave hoth had to use their fleetpass.


This message to you idiots out there saying this game has no openworld pvp....i call BS. Man up...get a couple of ops together and go take an opposite factions spaceport. This is called denial of resource.


We had hours of fun. The sith tried to shake us from the planet, but we took them all out.





Nice mate :) what server is that on ? Cheers from Empire player :) hope we meet for duel somewhere :)



What is wrong with you guys?? This shows all that is wrong with this community. To the OP (as a sith player) great job!


And to all you haters, you should really ask yourself exactly why you are playing games? The OP has understood it, but you apparently dont and i feel pity for you.


The game is all about FUN! Not grinding endlessly for some new gear, so you just can start all over again and grind some more and better gear. Taking a spaceport and having fun is what this game should be about. Thats all that matters. I feel sorry for you people that has lost your way.


+1 Nicely said ! :)



Guys its Open PvP server ;) don't forget it ! If you afraid of dyeing roll PvE server !


...and if you seriously are afraid of dyeing in computer game -well don't play :)

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Nice mate :) what server is that on ? Cheers from Empire player :) hope we meet for duel somewhere :)





+1 Nicely said ! :)



Guys its Open PvP server ;) don't forget it ! If you afraid of dyeing roll PvE server !


...and if you seriously are afraid of dyeing in computer game -well don't play :)


Death Wind Corridor East Coast.

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The reps on my server (Warriors Of The Shadow) did this crap. What this idiot is missing is that dying in the spaceport and rezzing at med station sends me to the med station outside.


Anyhow, when the rep did that on my server, we got an ops group and cleared them in like 10 mins just like we do all day every day on Ilum.


I still appreciate what you guys did. Pretty cool.

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Answers in Orange.


No, you are not getting it. All the things you listed is just your subjective views.. and it shows that your not getting it.


Yeah. I get it. I did something like that. Read topic before you comment.


My guess are that you are fairly young, and havent experienced real open world pvp in the era before wow. (and early wow did also have some great open world pvp in SS/TM)

Maybe they didnt get their pixel reward for being a good dog and doing what BW wanted you to do, but that is not the point. Its about them having fun!. Don't you get it?


You guesed wrong. And sad thing - I don't play WoW. I tried it once but I stopped around lvl 20 (pretty fast). I love PVP. I started playing TOR again JUST because PVP got some FIX and there is more comming.

I do enjoy world PVP and I don't need reward for it. Good fight is my reward. My valor rank is good proof of that. 9/10 WZ I'm Ops leader.

I'm just saying that wasting people few levels below you in large group is not fun at all.

Also OP claim he disrupt Sith Empire while he didn't do a thing about disrupting us.


Gear grind is still going on. Ilum is in Sith Hand. Reps are owned in WZ. Dailies are going on. Some lvl 40 folks needed to queue for WZ instead of advancing story for few hours. Nothing important.


Lack of response from Imps is clear message - they failed. It's like a barking dog. You don't do a thing because it's just loud nose and he don't bite at all.


I am a really fan of sandbox games, where the main interaction is between players, not between player and devs like in themepark mmos and swtor. What they did, was to choose to create a event of their own. On their own terms. And the feeling when you do something like that is so much better than being a good dog and drooling for the next pixel reward from the developers.


Yeah but it was pathetic event. As I said. I could block Tatooine BY MYSELF. That was something. And it was something to tell about and laugh about. Blocking Hoth ? Why not some important planet ? I could gather 10 folks, travel to some random planet, sit at some point in republic space and... what... do screenshoots ? :p Sorry but if you think this is fun - then I'm sorry for you.


I have fun when I have a challenge. My fun is ONE VS ONE with some skilled Rep. My challenge is ballanced WZ when people win / loose just by seconds. My fun is attacking GROUP of players, kill someone and still be able to get away with it alive. My fun was to kill low lvl dude standing next to lvl 50 dude before lvl 50 could do something. My fun was to observe like 4 guys run around spamming AOE and stuff like that to find me.

My fun was to go to Ilum and kill some folks that are equal to me in terms of lvl and gear.


As I said - creating event like that in place where they could accomplished something is fun. Hoth ? Well... it's somewhere near bottom of my fun list :p Just saying.


They didn't just hang around there, doing nothing for some hours. They created their own player made event. High level siths did try to stop them. They all had some great PvP. And FUN! Do you remember what that is?


In other words - they did something useless and after some folks send info to fleet - they got owned by Imps. That summary. I still would love to see +22 people on Ilum when Reps are owned and not on some low lvl planet that my Bounty Hunter (lvl 50) didn't visit after he end it. And I didn't visit it because there is no challenge killing low lvl folks. World event ? I have "world events" every day. I just move past the border and go to Rep territory. Sometimes alone (stealth player) and sometimes in groups.


You are apparently so brainwashed, that you claim that they didnt do anything to disrupt the level 50 grinding routine, like that was a goal in itself. That they didnt disrupt your dog vs owner reward for doing pointless tasks is you loss. Not theirs. I would gladly go to a low level planet and fight republics all day instead of continue the pointless, mindless grinding routine. And a lot of sith did.


You are keep trying but you still failed mate. Winning 3 warzones take around half hour since it's hard to loose any warzone against republic. When we lost something it's usually hutball. Sometimes you have luck and have loot of healers. On some WZ that great advantage. Then for another 30 min I do Ilum. This my pvp daily - yes - for better gear.


Then I move to Ilum and if Ilum is empty I fly around planets when there are daily missions and lvl 50 players.


Again - owning low lvl area with high lvl player or large group is like beating kids in sandbox because you are too scared to go for adults like you :p And this is what they did.


But, by all means, don't let any real fun ruin disrupt you gear grinding. Be a good dog. Here! Have a pixel!


Thank you. I will take that pixel and kill you with it. But I will wait until you grow up to my lvl and my gear so I could have a CHALLENGE in game. Beating kids is not my thing.

Edited by DariuszPol
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The reps on my server (Warriors Of The Shadow) did this crap. What this idiot is missing is that dying in the spaceport and rezzing at med station sends me to the med station outside.


Anyhow, when the rep did that on my server, we got an ops group and cleared them in like 10 mins just like we do all day every day on Ilum.


I still appreciate what you guys did. Pretty cool.


LOL we had the group split up. 1 group sitting at the shuttle where people come in, 1 group sitting at the rez point killing them. The shuttle group would murder the guys coming in, and the rez point group would kill them when they rez. Win Win.

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Answers in Orange.


@ dariuszpol, you still dont get it. In a couple of weeks i forsee you making a thread called "pvp sucks im unsubbing" like other people do.


If all you do is spam wzs and go to ilum to spam your aoe at the enemy, then i pity you my friend. Maybe find a guild that is more interested in having fun than farming wzs and ilum?

Edited by Allmightyprom
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The reps on my server (Warriors Of The Shadow) did this crap. What this idiot is missing is that dying in the spaceport and rezzing at med station sends me to the med station outside.


Anyhow, when the rep did that on my server, we got an ops group and cleared them in like 10 mins just like we do all day every day on Ilum.


I still appreciate what you guys did. Pretty cool.


Cool you clear out the opposing faction on Ilum when you out number them 3 to 1. Good job.

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Sorry but NPCs, low levels and camping a spaceport isn't PvP.


It's effectively portal camping while they trickle through 1 by 1.



What you have done, is no different to what Empire are doing at the Republic base in Ilum every evening. Same thing, different location.


Good on you for trying, but the problems that exist currently are not really something the playerbase can address, there needs to be something from the creators in terms of real objectives/pvp zones. Not some rediculous afterthought/minigame.

Edited by Soazak
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need more of this on our server :)

two day ago, me (bounty hunter) and friend (Sith warrior) went into one republican base on tatooine. Using companions, his stealth, my speeder etc we were able to sneak past guarding elites and find a place inside a base behind one house where we went out of combat. We've found a house there we can go inside, Reps has some quests there, some small hospital etc, as there was some doctor npc and some beds with patients. So we took free beds, sit (there should be some sleep option :) and wait what will happen.....:D

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@ dariuszpol, you still dont get it. In a couple of weeks i forsee you making a thread called "pvp sucks im unsubbing" like other people do.


If all you do is spam wzs and go to ilum to spam your aoe at the enemy, then i pity you my friend. Maybe find a guild that is more interested in having fun than farming wzs and ilum?


Why you are telling me what I will do ? I know that myself best. Grow up kid. All I did saw there was bunch of people too afraid to go against Imps so they went to low lvl planet that is not even important in any way in large group just to feel like winners for a while :p


It's like gang of armed adults would go to kids sandbox and beat them because they cannot win against anyone else :p With people like in this guild I understand why you loose 9/10 warzones.


If you see fun in this - OK. I'm not. I play GAMES. Games that give me a challenge. This is why I love PVP. You never know what enemy will do. What you did - in my opinion - is pathetic :)

Edited by DariuszPol
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LOL we had the group split up. 1 group sitting at the shuttle where people come in, 1 group sitting at the rez point killing them. The shuttle group would murder the guys coming in, and the rez point group would kill them when they rez. Win Win.


Join Warzone, Leave Warzone = Insta Port to Fleet.


Thus said, your "clever" maneuver is somewhat pointless.

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Why you are telling me what I will do ? I know that myself best. Grow up kid. All I did saw there was bunch of people too afraid to go against Inq so they went to low lvl planet that is not even important in any way in large group just to feel like winners for a while :p


It's like gang of armed adults would go to kids sandbox and beat them because they cannot win against anyone else :p


If you see fun in this - OK. I'm not. I play GAMES. Games that give me a challenge. This is why I love PVP. You never know what enemy will do. What you did - in my opinion - is pathetic :)



you still dont get it.



hitting the imps on ilum with 22 guys more is a waste of time. in prime time at least, they will still be trapped in their base.



at least these 22 guys had some fun, if the imps didnt want to respond in big enough numbers then they missed out.


come on, there has to be tons of imp bms lurking around after their dailies are done. they wouldnt be missing out on anything by responding.



your part about armed adults in a sand box reminds me more of the imps on ilum, relying on gross faction imbalance because they cant win a fair fight in the open world. on my server, when numbers are even close to even on ilum, we wipe the floor with them.

Edited by Pat-Rat
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Hard to believe the imp population just let it ride...I personally would not do what you did but I sure would have enjoyed responding.


I hope bioware implements the cross server Qing soon it's going to be fun stomping these crate farming "battlemasters" on imbalanced servers.

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Why you are telling me what I will do ? I know that myself best. Grow up kid. All I did saw there was bunch of people too afraid to go against Imps so they went to low lvl planet that is not even important in any way in large group just to feel like winners for a while :p


It's like gang of armed adults would go to kids sandbox and beat them because they cannot win against anyone else :p With people like in this guild I understand why you loose 9/10 warzones.


If you see fun in this - OK. I'm not. I play GAMES. Games that give me a challenge. This is why I love PVP. You never know what enemy will do. What you did - in my opinion - is pathetic :)


Hey look...a brand new thread doing what i think you will be doing in a couple of weeks.




Brand new...and its all about how boring WZ and ilum is.

Edited by Allmightyprom
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Hey look...a brand new thread doing what i think you will be doing in a couple of weeks.




Brand new...and its all about how boring WZ and ilum is.


Eeeee... explain me this. You showed me post of some whining folk who can't do a thing in a warzone because he is bad to show me why bunch of people attack low lvl planet that is not important in ANY WAY because they are loosers who can't win against people at their own lvl ? Failure is a failure.


Still... good job! Keep trying.




PS: When my alt reach lvl 50 he will have lvl 50 valor. 6 championg bags that will give him some champion equipment and enough comms to buy more champions / centurion stuff. Then after another 10 lvl I will be able to start gathering BM. I'm thinking that this guy joined PVP around lvl 50 realizing that he have nothing. He don't have gear, he don't have skill and he don't even know how to play his class.


PS2: Ask this guy to join you. Let him kill some low lvl folks on some remote location so he could feel a winner for a while since he is too weak to fight against people on his lvl.


PS3: Yes, I too don't like that PVP is gear based and not skill based. But hey - nothing to do about it right now. Get BM, be on equal with your folks and own everyone below.

Edited by DariuszPol
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So tonight, guild Exile, took the sith spaceport on Hoth. We denied the entire planet to the sith for hours and hours. Any sith that came in died fast and could not get away from the base or us. Anyone that had to leave hoth had to use their fleetpass.


This message to you idiots out there saying this game has no openworld pvp....i call BS. Man up...get a couple of ops together and go take an opposite factions spaceport. This is called denial of resource.


We had hours of fun. The sith tried to shake us from the planet, but we took them all out.




I'm a fan of Open World PvP, I love random encounters in the open world, especially when it's an even match, I also like the idea of storming bases, but in my opinion what your guild was doing is just a bit one sided and on an ego trip.


It's within the rules granted, but I think too much of this will see some re-designs from BioWare.


So you stormed the Spaceport on Hoth, ok I'm cool with that. That's a good achievement, you got down all the guards and were able to hold the base. Bravo, credit where due!


But picking off randoms here and there when they port in vs a 22-man guild attack?!! There is no challenge, plus no opportunity to stage a defense. Plus it means the person has absolutely no option but to leave the planet which gives them grief amongst other things. And you say "We denied the entire planet to the sith for hours and hours"?!! Why did you feel the need to stay there for that amount of time? You done the job, you proved you can go in and hold a fortress, why not head to another planet and try there also.


So not really seeing how that was fun, but hey, if that's what you need to do to make yourself feel great then ok.


Can I suggest in future if you REALLY want to make a name for yourself and your guild, arrange with a Sith Empire guild to meet you on the field of play :) By having a force equal to yours whilst holding the base, that's a GREAT achievement.


Otherwise you're just a bunch of gankers.

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Can you enter WZ while in combat? Can you join a queue while dead and getting insta killed by other players? Try it.


You can enter a WZ in whatever state you like. How do you think people escaped the mighty Ilum Republic-Base-Med-Center-Spawn-Camp after 1.1.0 came live? :rolleyes:

Edited by rainbow
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Furthermore, I see from your pic your guild were literally standing on the port-in spaceship on Hoth. Correct me if I'm wrong.


I believe these port-in ships should be in a shield protected instanced hanger with a taxi NPC inside. This enables people to port in to the planet without dying on arrival, they can also get around the planet and carry on with their quest.


It also enables a defense to build, making it more of a equal fight. They can prepare on the other side of the shield and attack with strategy.


In a discussion with a friend of mine, he made the comment that this lends the advantage in the home raids favour. My reply was "well yeah, they don't call it 'home' for nothing". He laughed and agreed.


However, in the attackers defense, any person(s) who tries to engage in pvp once they leave the instanced area, cannot get back in until the fight is over - they die or win.

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So tonight, guild Exile, took the sith spaceport on Hoth. We denied the entire planet to the sith for hours and hours. Any sith that came in died fast and could not get away from the base or us. Anyone that had to leave hoth had to use their fleetpass.


This message to you idiots out there saying this game has no openworld pvp....i call BS. Man up...get a couple of ops together and go take an opposite factions spaceport. This is called denial of resource.


We had hours of fun. The sith tried to shake us from the planet, but we took them all out.




Good job! I'm from the Empire and I would appreciate Republic trying some more of that on my server.

This is real world PVP. I quite do not understand those people saying you wasted your time because there was no reward...guess what they really enjoy is just gear grinding while they play a Warzone hundreds times again.

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