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What is the point of a companion gift cooldown?


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Lol I don't think that's gonna happen.. The cooldown doesn't add any form of immersion.. In fact it takes away from it.. If I wanted to give someone 10 gifts at one time I could..


I wouldn't say "hey happy birthday Bob.. here's one present"... Then awkwardly stare at Bob for 30 seconds until I could give him another.. Another 30 seconds of awkward silence until I give him another present, and so on, and so on...


Would it harm Bob in any way if I overloaded him with presents? Why does he need a present blocking force field to protect him? Are they afraid he is going to get to excited if I give him too much at one time and have a heart attack?




The only thing that would make it more immersive than to wait for a while between each gift, would be if they inserted a Loading Screen in-between each gift giving.


That would truly be perfect!


We can dream of the perfect immersive game, maybe some day. :)

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you just said:

you can still spam the gifts.

except that you can't spam them.


and that is exactly the point.

you're not supposed to spam them, it's an incentive to use higher tier gifts.

yes YOU CAN use lower tier, but it will take your 30 minutes.


now you understand the point of the cooldown.



But you can still spam them, it just takes longer (and more of your clicks do nothing).


You get much more immersion that way too, if you really want to feel absolute immersion print a picture of the Loading Screen on your printer and than hold it in front of your eyes in between giving each gift.


Utter bliss! :D

Edited by LexiCazam
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This forum broke my immersion.
Forums do that by default.


The only thing that would make it more immersive than to wait for a while between each gift, would be if they inserted a Loading Screen in-between each gift giving.
Or they could force us to use orbital stations by only allowing us to give gifts when inside one. Edited by Ansultares
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Would be great if you got a bonus sending them on a mission during the cool down. Kind of like a buff where you get extra results or crit chance if they start the mission while under the Companion Gift cool down buff.


I like this idea, it would give Companion Gifts a use even for max affection people.

Also, I'd like it if identical gifts stacked in inventory.

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To be honest I'd be more happy with the cool down, IF all the companion affection quests didn't always bug and not let you do them till the end of a chapter of the main quest, then give you 5 or so in a row.


It does completely break the immersion of the system, as your companion won't talk to you for ages (despite telling you they want to) followed by a load of conversations that clearly are supposed to be over days if not weeks (from the dialogue) in one after another in a few mins.

Edited by LexiCazam
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I suspect it's there because there was some bug or miscalculation on the server's end whereby you could get more (or less) affection than intended by spamming the ability. If I had to guess I'd say the cooldown was there just to prevent there being any potential for it happening.


Even if there isn't a bug, I suspect it's there as a "just in case".


Not defending Bioware by the way - I think it's irritating and unnecessarily long. Just trying to understand why it might exist in the first place.

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This is the problem with the SWTOR community. You all fight about the little details of a system, when the whole thing needs to be revisited and revised. Same thing with the exhaustion zone thread--it's not the mechanics of the exhaustion zone that people need to be fighting to change, it's the linearity, restrictiveness and demanding a more "creative" way to stop you from going to the planet's edge.


So with this, why not demand that companion affection actually MEAN something? Should it not improve your companion's combat skill? How about their chance to crit on recipes? How about unlock special abilities? How about open up quests that allow you to obtain mounts or cosmetic gear? How about unlock more customization options? I mean the list of missing features with companions could go on-and-on.


Who gives a damn about the gifts -- an absolutely pathetic solution to affection gain -- when it won't net you any major returns in the end?


I'm not asking for something like all of that because I'm a realist. The game isn't even two months old yet, I'm not asking for it to be this big amazing in depth game where affection unlocks cool stuff. I HOPE it gets that way in the future, but realize the game is too young and there are things that take priority over that. All I'm asking for is something simple like a silly cool down removed.

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It serves no real purpose other then to annoy the hell out of me when I buy 15 companion gifts and have to spend eight minutes giving them to my companion. That 30 seconds is so trivial it serves absolutely no other purpose..So why does it exist in the first place?
it's to cut down on the people who buy 63 level 1 companion gifts to go from 0 to 4000 affection (cost 12600 credits, by the way).
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you just said:

you can still spam the gifts.

except that you can't spam them.


and that is exactly the point.

you're not supposed to spam them, it's an incentive to use higher tier gifts.

yes YOU CAN use lower tier, but it will take your 30 minutes.


now you understand the point of the cooldown.



He is saying you CAN go to the auction house or to a vendor and fill your inventory with gifts and sit there and take the easy way around the affection system. If they wanted to prevent that, the cool down would be ten minutes or something. 30 seconds is just some stupid trivial number that exists for NO REASON other then to annoy us and keep us playing longer hours so that they can put up adds saying "Our players have played this many hours! you should too!"

Edited by LexiCazam
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If there wasn't a cool down you'd level your companion's affection too fast and that would make people mad that you did it so fast they'd blame you for ruining that aspect of the game.


Then some would say it was BW's fault you leveled your companion's affection so fast by making it too easy and therefore couldn't look to that as something to do anymore.

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If there wasn't a cool down you'd level your companion's affection too fast and that would make people mad that you did it so fast they'd blame you for ruining that aspect of the game.


Then some would say it was BW's fault you leveled your companion's affection so fast by making it too easy and therefore couldn't look to that as something to do anymore.


You still CAN just ignore your companions to level 50, then just buy them pretty things and spam the hell out of your clicky button and STILL get around that aspect of the game...It just takes longer, but it doesn't keep me form standing infront of the companion gift vendor for 8 minutes spamming gifts.

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you just said:

you can still spam the gifts.

except that you can't spam them.


and that is exactly the point.

you're not supposed to spam them, it's an incentive to use higher tier gifts.

yes YOU CAN use lower tier, but it will take your 30 minutes.


now you understand the point of the cooldown.


Or they can just make those gifts not give affection once the affection bar hits a certain level then you use higher level gifts from mission skills or the GTN.

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It serves no real purpose other then to annoy the hell out of me when I buy 15 companion gifts and have to spend eight minutes giving them to my companion. That 30 seconds is so trivial it serves absolutely no other purpose..So why does it exist in the first place?


To prevent you from buying 15 gifts and going from 0 affection to 1543 affection in two seconds. Yeah, it's annoying, but it's there. I think personally there should be an "invisible" timer or only allow so many gifts given before they get "gift burnout" and you have to wait five minutes before giving another gift. Say, three to five gifts in a one-minute timeframe. Each gift could provide a stacking 20% chance to "burn out" on the next gift, with a timer that expires one minute after the last gift given.


Just a thought to make it easier to use two gifts or so, but prevent people from piling on the gifts to max out a companion in two seconds flat.

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The whole idea of the gift system is silly anyway. It largely just exists for dark side players who want to be an evil, ruthless monster - but still want to get that romance option with that cute light-side girl over there.


It worked alright in DA, yeah, because there was a finite supply. But in an MMO, where the supply is infinite? It's basically just saying that companion can love you because you can keep throwing gifts at him/her, as you commit horrible acts of unspeakable evil on people right after - then give him/her gifts again to make them love you again.


(Of course the reverse applies. Being light side, wanting a dark side lover etc. etc., but the generalization is that it probably only exists for a dark side player who wants to get that light-side companion)

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