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Speed buffs/charges should not be able to be used while holding the ball


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What does that have to do with the topic?


Seriously, you actually had to ask that?!? The OP wants to remove tactics from the game because he deems them to difficult to over come. So lets reduce the WZ to a point that no tactics will be required.


There, simple enough?

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Huttball is a big team play game and needs everyone to work together effectively. Each side has the ability to use speeds/jumps etc, but the good teams learn to adapt to those situations.


I think the bigger issue is how a 100% Slow/Root IS NOT affected by resolve.

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Seriously, you actually had to ask that?!? The OP wants to remove tactics from the game because he deems them to difficult to over come. So lets reduce the WZ to a point that no tactics will be required.


What I don't get is why you think that's a valid argument in regards to the topic.


He's talking about basically two skills that I tend to agree are a bit OP for scoring in Huttball. If you can defend the use of those two abilities while holding the ball, do so.... but to just start spouting out hyperbole and bad logic like you're doing doesn't make a lot of sense.


OP: Force run is OP while holding the ball.


You: Ok, lets removes every skill in the game.


Me: Logic fail detected :eek:

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WARRIOR - ability to jump to enemy on the bridge and score

MAGE - ability to speed up and score

KNIGHT - grappling line to bring down enemy carrier or help our carrier to cross fire and score

ROGUE - he can sneak to enemy base and wait for carrier that go below bridge


Now tell me what ability you would take "because they have advantage"

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Huttball is a big team play game and needs everyone to work together effectively. Each side has the ability to use speeds/jumps etc, but the good teams learn to adapt to those situations.


I think the bigger issue is how a 100% Slow/Root IS NOT affected by resolve.




Singlehandely magically "flying" from center to the line with the ball =/= tactics. It is just some dudes have magic and some - not.


It is about bringing tactics on the table by removing ability to use magic while holding the ball. not removing magic altoghether.


Use you magic, fly forward, receive a pass and score! Tactics, you see?

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in addition, you should not be able to use any other abilities specific to your class.



and walking forward has been disabled too


you must now walk backwards across the goal line


Nah, you must be rooted - you should only be able to pass the ball.:D

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WARRIOR - ability to jump to enemy on the bridge and score

MAGE - ability to speed up and score

KNIGHT - grappling line to bring down enemy carrier or help our carrier to cross fire and score

ROGUE - he can sneak to enemy base and wait for carrier that go below bridge


Now tell me what ability you would take "because they have advantage"


Play for a while and see which ones work very easily and which don't.....

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Singlehandely magically "flying" from center to the line with the ball =/= tactics. It is just some dudes have magic and some - not.


It is about bringing tactics on the table by removing ability to use magic while holding the ball. not removing magic altoghether.


Use you magic, fly forward, receive a pass and score! Tactics, you see?


Yeah but all that skills make Hutball more dynamic. Observe and react. Bounty Hunter can pull back that "speeder" any time. Or you can take ball and... use speed run to get it away from our base. It work both ways. Same with stealth. Enemy is not going to bridge ? There is a JK ready to jump or stealth somewhere close. And stuff like that.

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Force Sprint has a short duration and is easy enough to interrupt - anyone who can leap, choke, CC, whatever can stop them in their tracks and the buff will be over once they're free.


Predation has a longer duration and affects nearby team-mates but it either requires the use of a long cooldown or to have built up sufficient resources and then held them rather than spend them on damage increases so they can't just grab the ball and use it without having done some damage beforehand.


I don't particularly think either is unfair - a decent team would have at least one person back defending, surely? A grapple, CC, knockback, etc will still ruin their day. If all of your team is in your pit or in the middle or whatever then I guess it makes it easy for them to score but that'd be the case regardless really.

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Bounty Hunter can pull back that "speeder" any time.


If only it worked like that ^




Some of you act like you've never played a WZ at all before.


You really mean to tell me you've played a lot of Huttball and havn't noticed which classes tend to score most often and most easily?

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He's talking about basically two skills that I tend to agree are a bit OP for scoring in Huttball. If you can defend the use of those two abilities while holding the ball, do so.... but to just start spouting out hyperbole and bad logic like you're doing doesn't make a lot of sense.


OP: Force run is OP while holding the ball.


You: Ok, lets removes every skill in the game.


Me: Logic fail detected :eek:


Charge is required so that the game doesn't turn into a defensive turret fest, it forces sorcs and mercs (often tracer spammers) to jump down to the same level and expose themselves and their goal to the enemy team, rather than being able to sit on the higher ground and free fire more than they even do now. Right now, the only class that has this option is the sniper, but they're forced to be immobile when doing so.


Without being forced down, a ranged heavy team could simply knock a ball carrier down, and then focus fire any enemy player that dares come near their line (because for them it's a <5s trip, for the enemy its a 40 second run)


But if you don/t remove charge, you can't remove force sprint as it's basically the equivalent style of skill, distance closer/creator.

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You wouldn't be punished for your class, you'd only lose the ability while holding the ball .Why is that so hard to understand? The playing field would be leveld so that certain classes aren't the premere scorers in Huttball. Any time you're not holding the ball you'd be free to use your abilities as usual.
Here's a rather obvious question. What exactly is wrong with different classes having different roles in a WZ?


In capture the flag scenarios in other games, it's pretty much always tanks who are the premier flag carriers/cappers, simply because they are the best for that role. Why should it be any different in Huttball where the mobile classes are the premier cappers because they are best for it? It doesn't mean they are 'better' or 'worse' than other classes, they just do different things.

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If only it worked like that ^




Some of you act like you've never played a WZ at all before.


You really mean to tell me you've played a lot of Huttball and havn't noticed which classes tend to score most often and most easily?


Yeah I know them. ANY TANK is going below bridges and pass me, stealth operative ball. Trick is to throw me down before I can get the ball and pass the line.

6:0 in less than 5 min in every match if you have team that know what to do.


There are tricks for EVERY class and you ask to "nerf sorcs" just to complain about other 3 later. Play as Sorc if you want and get over it.


And no. I don't play as Sorc. I'm Operative. Stealthy annoing one.

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Charge is required so that the game doesn't turn into a defensive turret fest, it forces sorcs and mercs (often tracer spammers) to jump down to the same level and expose themselves and their goal to the enemy team, rather than being able to sit on the higher ground and free fire more than they even do now. Right now, the only class that has this option is the sniper, but they're forced to be immobile when doing so.


Without being forced down, a ranged heavy team could simply knock a ball carrier down, and then focus fire any enemy player that dares come near their line (because for them it's a <5s trip, for the enemy its a 40 second run)


But if you don/t remove charge, you can't remove force sprint as it's basically the equivalent style of skill, distance closer/creator.


That's a good point ^


Nice to see someone make a valid argument for a change.


However.... Why can't they jump up without the ball and wait for a pass? That's a tactic I'd be ok with.


Here's a rather obvious question. What exactly is wrong with different classes having different roles in a WZ?


There's a difference between having a different role and just scoring more easily than other players.

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Yeah I know them. ANY TANK is going below bridges and pass me, stealth operative ball. Trick is to throw me down before I can get the ball and pass the line.

6:0 in less than 5 min in every match if you have team that know what to do.


There are tricks for EVERY class and you ask to "nerf sorcs" just to complain about other 3 later. Play as Sorc if you want and get over it.


And no. I don't play as Sorc. I'm Operative. Stealthy annoing one.


I play each class. Scoring as a sorc is vastly easier then with the other classes.


What you're talking about in your first example is PASSING. That's how it should be. Also, you're taking a risk by staying out of the fight while you wait for your tank to get to you. That's a team based tactic.


Speed sprinitng solo with a bubble to the goal is not a "tactic", it's an easy score.

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Sure melee is currently under par with range.


But a jug jumping from ally to enemy for a cap with no way of stopping them is horrid.


the speed speaks for itself its just an unfair skill.


Oh and force choke/stasis should be a full resolve bar this is a long damage CC.


So you prefer Hutball to be a 0-0 game where who holds the balls last wins?


Hutball do favor some classes, but its also a team play.


Im a scoundrel, I make sure the road is clear for our sage, vanguard or guardian that will run the ball.


I mean, I dont even understand why this thread is started. Makes no sense at all, unless it was a joke and we are laughing together. Cause it is a tad funny I give you that.


Why dont we all take away our skills and only have our base "auto" attack to use, and we are good to go.

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I play each class. Scoring as a sorc is vastly easier then with the other classes.


What you're talking about in your first example is PASSING. That's how it should be.


Speed sprinitng solo with a bubble to the goal is not a "tactic", it's an easy score.


I can agree on that sorcs and sages have a far too easy time in Huttball, where they can first bring the ball bearer to them, then getting the ball passed to them and speed running even through fire.


But its how the game is, we need to learn to defend better, mark key enemy players like sages and sorcs, and ensure they are "tagged".


I think hutball is amazingly fun though.

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I can agree on that sorcs and sages have a far too easy time in Huttball, where they can first bring the ball bearer to them, then getting the ball passed to them and speed running even through fire.


But its how the game is, we need to learn to defend better, mark key enemy players like sages and sorcs, and ensure they are "tagged".


I think hutball is amazingly fun though.


This doesn't make any sense. You agree certain classes have it too easy... but then go on to say it's up to the rest of us to just defend better, while these other classes get an easier time of it? WHy? because "that's the way the game is"..... You might think huttball is fun... but I think it would be more fun if it actually took team work and passing to score rather than one class with force run.

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He's talking about basically two skills that I tend to agree are a bit OP for scoring in Huttball.


And I am sure everyone could come up with two different skills. How about the "Pulls" or knock backs? We going to remove them next as well? At what point do we finally stop removing abilities (that more than likely the complaining players character doesn't have and thus doesn't impact them) end?


Singlehandely magically "flying" from center to the line with the ball =/= tactics. It is just some dudes have magic and some - not.


Use a snare, stun, root or pull him the hell back. You act like hitting fore speed suddenly teleports them half way across the map. They are still vulnerable, beating the crap out of someone is not always the best way to win at Huttball. Controlling the field of play will win you more games than beating the snot out of a ball carrier.

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