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Sorcerers, seriously what the hell?


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Part of the issue is there isn't much you can do even if you learn all the sorcs/sages tricks. Recently got out of a huttball with 6 sorc on my team. I play an operative, the other team was fairly well balanced. We destroyed them, even though our players were mostly idiots. Why?





Sprint, bubble, pull. Another sorc sprint, bubbles, pulls. Huttball ends. But you say, why not kill them if they are in your end zone?


Sure, when this has happened to me, I try, and its usally a 50/50 chance of it working if I am on top of my game. Normally it ends with me either being cc'd or knocked off a ledge and them going about their business. (I play an op, so thats game over for my damage potential)


Civil war:

Sprint to turret, cap facing away from enemy = free turret start unless a sage counters you.



ae those ever loving doors non stop. Oh you ran out of force? Die, the 3seconds it takes you to respawn will fill that mana back up. Not an ae dmg dealer? Throw down a healer circle and laugh at how nobody ever dies.


Laugh at the posts from people that tend to exagerrate a little bit.

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if you increase the fire damage then tanks who need to carry the ball over that fire at a snails pace get the shaft.


Then don't carry it over? I don't see much of an issue, and I may be being narrow minded, but I see the obstacles as a way to slow down games, tanks don't *need* to carry the ball over the fire, they can wait and with a decent healer backing them they're probably smarter for doing so. Heck, even if I bubble myself I tend to wait unless I have sprint, because a smart opposition wouldn't mind stunning you in it. Also, I didn't mean that as instead of, I was merely pointing out there are ways of buffing/changing other mechanics, because nerfing a class for only PvP has PvE ramifications, there has to be a balance unless they had a PvP buff that changes what skills did in those scenarios which could be cool as well...

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They do NOT do less damage, if you think so your out of your mind! They can easily top the damage chart, provide protection, heal, and wear heavy armor. Oh and tracer, tracer, tracer dead. Move on and cycle again against a non interupt enemy,


Clearly, you have no idea about anything.


Provide protection is Vanguard, and Vanguard protection works crap in PvP, a Vanguard friend of mine doesnt even use shield generator


Again, a Vanguard Assault spec (firespamming) will top damage charts, a Commando Gunnery wont, most aoe has long cd, and grav round/tracer dont do that much damage for the time it takes to cast it (dps)


Vanguards cant heal, their the tank trooper, Gunnery commandos get 1 heal, with long casting time, that costs 1/4 of the ammo bar per cast, and dont heal for much.


Heavy armor does nothing in pvp, it doesnt protect you against non weapon damage.


Grav/Tracer is Commando Gunnery / BH Arsenal.


Merc's are also extremely shallow on the mobility/utility side of things. they're stupid and slow and if you los their missile they will either have to move (they wont) and lose dps or switch targets.


A sorc won't mind if you los him, his dots are still hitting you, he can possibly get you around a corner with an aoe, or if hes really determined he can force speed after you burning an omg30sec-cd


Alot of sorcs do that against me, dot me, then los, redot, then los. And i cant remove the dot, becouse my cleanse dont work against force

Edited by SeloDaoC
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Why so many people in online games prefer to faceroll their face off than achieve something with a little bit of skill? Almost every WZ i enter there are like 6-8 inquisitors in one team. I cant even see map cuz everything is purple, so many stupid lightnings. I never get that, why ppl roll classes that are easy and for newbs, just like ret palas in wotlk, just like frost mages now. Please BW nerf sorcerers. Sick damage, like 3 imbollizes, stun, bubble, bubble-blind, healz, sprint, constant channeled slow, knockbacks. I mean it, what the...? I just was in WZ where total number of players were 16, and there were 13 inquisitors... PvP in SWTOR isn't cool anyway, but sorcerers make it even worse. Please do something about it because this is riddicolous. See ya peeps and may the force be with You.


I am getting so tired of seeing these. Why not try finding a way to beat them rather than complaining because you can't win.


Sages and Sorcerers have the weakest armour in the game, if our attacks and heals weren't strong we would useless. Yes we have a lot of control and powerful ranged attack but if we don't crush our opponents quickly we are the ones who get thrashed. That is just our play style.


Also this game is not just about game play, it's about roleplaying and story which I think you'll find is the main reason people roll these classes, not because they're easy.

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It takes a little skill to play a sorc/sage well - it's possible to be a bad sorc/sage - but really they blow away some of the other classes (jksws, smugglers/ias) in almost every way imaginable (it's possible to be much worse in those other two classes).


I'm pretty sure this is the most imbalanced MMO I've played in a long time. And I hate games that are especially imbalanced against melees. I'm only still playing because it has lightsabers and I have hope the devs will fix it now that they have $. If they don't bother there's always always a few other games/releases coming up soon.


I stopped playing my level 50 Guardian and am leveling a sage. It is a much easier pvp game on my sage (and, of course, the pve is easier but that goes without saying).

Edited by WaywardOne
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I am getting so tired of seeing these. Why not try finding a way to beat them rather than complaining because you can't win.


Sages and Sorcerers have the weakest armour in the game, if our attacks and heals weren't strong we would useless. Yes we have a lot of control and powerful ranged attack but if we don't crush our opponents quickly we are the ones who get thrashed. That is just our play style.


Also this game is not just about game play, it's about roleplaying and story which I think you'll find is the main reason people roll these classes, not because they're easy.


Your light armor is about as useful as heavy armor in pvp, yet you also have bubbles with short cooldowns. Your just as tanky as any other class, but with more dps, heals and cc abilities in one build

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It takes a little skill to play a sorc/sage well - it's possible to be a bad sorc/sage - but really they blow away some of the other classes (jksws, smugglers/ias) in almost every way imaginable (it's possible to be much worse in thos other two classes).

I'm pretty sure this is the most imbalanced MMO I've played in a long time. And I hate games that are especially imbalanced against melees. I'm only still playing because it has lightsabers and I have hope the devs will fix it now that they have $. If they don't bother there's always always a few other games/releases coming up soon.


I stopped playing my level 50 Guardian and am leveling a sage. It is a much easier pvp game on my sage (and, of course, the pve is easier but that goes without saying).


it actually takes a lot of skill to play a sorc well. a good sorc doesnt just derp and get top on everything so stop talking out your backside. Seems to bee too much of this "sorcs are so easy to win with" mentality by people who have never played them or people who allow them to stand and freecast all game then cry when they top damage from free spam aoeing all game.


game most imbalaned? your completely clueless then. you clearly havnt played any other mmo in your life.

Imbalanced against melee? stop being bad and go watch some GOOD melee dps players rip **** up.


lets put 3 sorcs vs 3 marauders in a pit and see who wins. i can guarantee it wont be the sorc


OFC leveling pvp with a ranged dps is is easier. youve gone form a class designed to tank to a class built around utility. *** did you expect to happen?


thats like saying i used to play a rogue in wow.. then i played a shadow priest and it was much easyer.


maybee you should stop being bad before posting crap.



and DO WE REALLY NEED YET ANOTHER BLODY THREAD ON THIS! there is already about 4000 of them post in one of them already and stop filling the screen with pointless qq

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Ha, Everyone complains about sorc. If you went against a team of 5 bh's trust me you would be crying here even more.


Not really, pass sprint, pass sprint, probably score, if not pass sprint. If it was BH's they better all be Powertech and then the extra few slots heals. Because Mercs blow at ball carrying. And neither of these class have both a CC, Interupt, and Stuns. Sage/Sorc are the only classes in the game with all 3.

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Your light armor is about as useful as heavy armor in pvp, yet you also have bubbles with short cooldowns. Your just as tanky as any other class, but with more dps, heals and cc abilities in one build



if you cant interupt the big heal (3sec cast) your bad


if you think the fast heal heals anything more than 2k without force *********** us.. your also bad


if you think bubble (the only defensive cd a sorc has) is op. your bad


if you think your tracer missile spamming class doing 3k crits every 1.5second is worse than a sorc.. your very bad


if you think sorcs "are just as good as any tank class" your very bad and extremely clueless.. or your genuinely that stupid that you hammer a sorc with guard on him and think its bubble.


overall.. stop being bad


do you want me to list all the cooldowns that every other class has to keep themself alive?

im also pretty sure a merc also has self heals too.. as well as several ccs

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Sorcerer/Sage is OP, everyone knows it. The only people that say otherwise play a Sorcerer/Sage, which also happens to be 50% of the population now. :p


its not that they are OP its that there talent trees need to be reordered....hybrid spec is what is OP...u reorder the talents, and they will be brought back into balance.

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Tell all that to sorcerers I put down as Operative :-D It's fun. Yes, they are "cool" but once they under my Hidden strike with buffed crits and srurge + surge stim pack - they my first strike take 40% of their total HP and I score medals for high damage hits.


Before they get up they are almost dead. Trick is to stun them at last second and finish the job :-D


I find not tanking inquisitors easy to kill.

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your completely clueless then. you clearly havnt played any other mmo in your life.



Neverwinter Nights (on aol)














I dabbled in some others and spent a lot of time on some text-based games, too.


This is the most imbalanced game I've played in over 5 years (which, for me, is a long time).


My guardian often gets top damage now that he is Battlemaster and geared. He gets a few MVP votes and racks up 1 or 2 solo kills.


My sage at 19 recently got 5 mvps, 3 solo kills, top heals and higher dam than heals in one game. And he's gotten better since. I think my sentinel got a couple mvp votes and top damage once in his 20s but that was when he had a pocket healer.


My only point is that I know what I'm talking about.



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if you cant interupt the big heal (3sec cast) your bad


if you think the fast heal heals anything more than 2k without force *********** us.. your also bad


if you think bubble (the only defensive cd a sorc has) is op. your bad


if you think your tracer missile spamming class doing 3k crits every 1.5second is worse than a sorc.. your very bad


if you think sorcs "are just as good as any tank class" your very bad and extremely clueless.. or your genuinely that stupid that you hammer a sorc with guard on him and think its bubble.


overall.. stop being bad


do you want me to list all the cooldowns that every other class has to keep themself alive?

im also pretty sure a merc also has self heals too.. as well as several ccs


Stop using the "bad" card, it only makes you look like an idiot, more so, if you write missinformed information that makes you look..bad


Commandos dont have interupt


2k is quite alot, when i cant interupt, it probably crits for more, my own heal dont heal that much, and have just as long cast time, but you can interupt me, and your dots will pretty much nullify that heal.


Bubble is the most powerful form of "shield" beeing able to block one and a half of my attacks (grav round) and its only on 15 sec cooldown.


Tracer missle/Grav round will crit that much yes, every 1,5 sec, commando/bh have around 33% crit, so its only 1/3 of the time theyll crit, a noncrit to a champ geared player will hit for 1500. Your damage on the other hand stacks up with dots, plus that your damage ticks ALOT faster then tracer/grav, your high damage is built into your cc, and you cc last longer. A sorc has more damage per seconds, a commando/merc have more burst, but if you use your stuns correctly while doting, healing yourself and use your normal attack skills, a commando/merc cant do much, their the weakest class once they get hit back, leave them alone however, and theyll wreck havoc.

When you klick your skill, you will instantly start doing damage, when i klick any of autocannon skills, i have to wait 1,5sec+ before i do any damage, making it extremly easy to interupt


Bubble is just as good as my heavy armor, i dont have any real good shields, my heavy armor doesnt mitigate your damage, a commando/merc is pretty much the same as a mage, a long range spellcaster that is very squishy once they get hit back. I die extremly fast to operatives, even though im in full Battlemaster set they get me to 20% in their first attacks when im down on floor.


You have more cc, sprint and your hybrid build provides better heals, makes your damage higher, and makes your bubble better.

Edited by SeloDaoC
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if you think bubble (the only defensive cd a sorc has) is op. your bad


You have force run, and can heal, and have multiple CCs and can snare/root spam. Just because you only have one skill that directly prevents damage doesn't mean Sorcerers don't have much defense.


And Light Armor + Bubble > Heavy Armor + Reactive Shield, been proven already in dozens of threads.

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if one of those 3 sorcs was a healer they'd win by a landslide and everyone knows it.


this is actually an AMAZINGLY balanced mmo which is the only reason sorc stands out so much and why these threads exist.


They will and should continue to exist until the issues are addressed. it's why these forums are here.


Everyone here who has done any decent amount of pvp has seen healing sorcerers use their combination of knockbacks, bubbles, stuns, and speed combined with their plethora of solid heals to survive onslaughts that a healing mercenary or operative would never be able to escape.


Personally I don't even really care about their dps specs. I see gunslingers and troopers top charts almost as often as sages (though ive only seen 515k once or twice done by a sage).


Anyone who says sorcs drop quickly has never seen a skilled one heal in bm gear (which it seems like quite a few imps have gotten by now.. its almost as if they can actually go to ilum or something wierd but thats a whole other can of broken "winning as intended" worms)

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At lvl 50 sorcs are actually weak when compared with other classes. Operatives can kill a sage before the stun wears off. Bh put so much damage down that a sage cannot compete. Melee tears sages up.


All a sage can do is dot and run away. While all classes have a method of slowing, or closing the gap between sages.


At sub 50 yes sages can be op, at lvl 50 pvp only healing and hybrid is viable. Truth.

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Most of us didn't roll because it was an 'easy' class or because we wanted to 'faceroll'.


It's a lot less likely that people started rerolling into sorcs because they later figured out that the class was cool for arpee and a lot more likely that people saw their warzone dominance and rolled because of that.

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Ha, Everyone complains about sorc. If you went against a team of 5 bh's trust me you would be crying here even more.


Except his right and we're not up against 5 Bounty Hunters. Even still it isn't the over population of Sorcerers that's the issue, it's allowing 5 of the same class type into a WZ. What PvP needs in this game is balance is the team makeups. That goes with WZs where I am one of 4 or 5 Shadows.


Don't nerf them, limit them in WZs.

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At lvl 50 sorcs are actually weak when compared with other classes. Operatives can kill a sage before the stun wears off. Bh put so much damage down that a sage cannot compete. Melee tears sages up.


hahaha nice try. You're so totally doing it wrong, an operative shouldn't even be able to get close to you (even while stealth). I manage to get close to and attack many bad sage/sorcs and they don't know how to react, the good ones (many of them in 50 bracket) are almost impossible to kill and requires focus fire from other teammates to kill. Two things: electric binding and backlash, utterly annoying as a melee folk against a sorc/sage that has the right build (mostly hybrids).

Edited by Sookster
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the facts are sorc/sages insane utility , crazy cc , crazy damage , crazy heals more cc

assasins/shasows insane damage reductions through resist and absorb , boost , the most op spell ever! to pull a target team or not towards you...

i would take a team of sith inquis over any other team comp you can come up with ANYDAY...


people complain about bh because of there insane damage but they have so few cc a average heal and no gap closer or escape...yet sith inquis seem to still top the damage in EVERY game also heat is alot worse then the inquis have to deal with i have no problem spaming moves on my sage

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besides the many reasons already mentioned why sorcs are insanely good, the main reason for me is their resource mechanic.


Take BHs and especially snipers for a comparision: they go all out - and gets punished for it. In case of the sniper the punishment (very slow energy regeneration, the lower the energy level) that he is sometimes better of if he dies.


Now, what happens to a sorc if he goes all out? Nothing. Actually I cannot remember having seen a sorc run out of force.


This forgiving energy mechanic plus the sick cc and utility makes the sorcs next to idiot-proof to play.

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