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Is this huge image showing SW = WoW Warrior legit?


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The whole argument is stupid. If we are going to claim mechanics are ripped off from someplace then it is from D&D and other paper and pencil RPGs. A lot of the moves used by Warrior Classes on MMOs and CRPGs in general are taken directly from skills that Warriors have in D&D. Alas I have a background that isn't based on that WoW was the Genesis of MMOs or CRPGs in general.;)


What is about this arguement is most of these guys are barely old enough to play a MMO let alone understand that these idea's came from somewhere else and this this MMO is innovative due to the story line fully voiced and well lets just cut to the chase....Swtor is a fun game and there are no other mmo's that are fully voiced or that are based around a Storyline to guide you from place to place.


What bothers me about them pictures is that how many games do you know that do not have monsters/bosses the look alike in some way.BUT BUT BUT "WoW has something that looks like that obviously its a copy" Persona with common sense says,"Watch the movie and look at the date and then say that wise one!"



Problem solved... there are concepts that all MMO's use there are not many things you can do with a warrior thats innovative.

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So what if the concept is similar? It has to be because this is the "Warrior archetype" that MMO players are familiar with.


And I highly doubt WoW was the first to develop the concept. Hello, Ultima Online called, they want their...well...everything back. :rolleyes:


EDIT: As previous players have pointed out, this archetype goes back to even before UO, to the era of D&D and MUDs and pen-and-paper RPing. But today's gamers don't know anything except WoW, so... :rolleyes:

Edited by LoneRebel
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around 17 points up the Rage tree, Smash doesn't look like Thunderclap, it looks like the hand of God.


The comparison picture doesn't take into account how the abilities mutate when you talent into them. The difference between how different specs in the same class umbrella play in Tor is far more radical than in wow.


I don't think there's any talent build in WoW for a warrior that turns the class into a jackrabbit carrying a lightsaber and a tactical nuclear strike that goes off when he hops every 15 seconds.


this. I could care less that smash shares similar mechanics to t-clap. t-clap is very unimpressive....smash is so cool i look forward to using it. unless i want to IMPALE THEM IN THE HEAD WITH MY LIGHTSABER FIRST !!!! which is even COOLER!


a WoW Warriors shout is this boring, weird thing that you barely hear...Force scream gets in their face and hollers at them (knocking them down with it's ferocity in the process). the first time i heard force scream I was hooked...the jedi version is a saber swing (sorta boring) I had my speaker turned up that day and FS made my chair vibrate. I actually think i giggled a bit inside


The OP link was a perfect example of how you can take some boring mediocre ideas (that are sound mechanically) and make them visibly enjoyable enough to want to use them to see it happen...again and again and again.


Also...even though many of the ideas are the same, the CD's, the timing of skills, the manner in which your talents impact them...it all feels very different. The attack animations aren't up to Aion's level yet, but they are the most enjoyable I've seen in a long time.

Edited by Elyx
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Somebody should find that old WoW to Warhammer comparison...seeing as how its a direct ripoff of Warhammer with different names, threads like these are laughable.


By the way, Warcraft started as a Warhammer game, but Games Workshop and Blizzard had creative differences, so Blizzard just changed the names and released a generic version of Warhammer.

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Argumentum ad personam, well played indeed! (yes, this means you are an idiot)


But don't worry, I see how fruitless further discussion is, so I'll just leave here. How could I have thought fanboyism could be swayed by mere logic, but I stand corrected. Silly me.


Wait, so you made a stupid comment.....and he's the idiot?


It's a list of abilities that are similar, yes. Abilities that are similar for the archetype for pretty much every MMO made...including the ones that Blizzard ripped off when making WoW. Hell, you can similarities within Kotor, and it's just a basic RPG. As for innovation, when has Bioware ever said that combat would be anything but traditional MMO combat?



If you're going to spout on about logic, at least try to use some? It makes you look like less of a d-bag, and more like someone who actually is intelligent. And if you're going to google fallacies, try not to make the exact same fallacy within your own post?

Edited by Jxspyder
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Many of the ability comparisons made in that image are only related by name and not by function. That said, there are many similarities between the two classes, but I don't think there's really much room for unique interpretation when designing an "ironclad juggernaut" type character. I feel that despite the similarities in the two classes' ability names and functions, they play significantly differently that they can't be considering a carbon copy of each other by any means.


As far as the image goes, the comparisons made which aren't quite legitimate include:


Vicious Slash/Heroic Strike: Both are standard rage dumps, however Vicious Slash is on the gcd.


Smash/Thunderclap: Not similar at all since tclap is really only used to apply the attack speed debuff and spread rend, not as a legitimate source of damage itself. The SW's smash is a powerful aoe ability which forms the backbone of the "Rage" talent spec.


Sundering Assault/Sunder Armor: Sundering Assault is the primary rage generating ability for SW's, the armor debuff is and added bonus. Sunder Armor is a much less integral part of the wow warrior's rotation than Sundering Assault is for the SW. A more apt analogy would be Sundering Assault:Devastate, however these abilities still differ in rage generation.


Retaliation/Revenge: Similar defense-activated abilities, but Retaliation is off the gcd and applies a defensive buff to yourself when used, so it has an entirely different function within the rotation.


Saber Ward/Shield Block: This one is certainly clutching at straws. The types of defenses granted by each ability don't really correlate at all other than the fact that they are defensive cooldowns.


Guard/Vigilance: I see guard as more of an evolution of vigilance rather than a copy, but certainly the idea of a targeted protective aura will raise eyebrows.


All of the other comparisons made aren't explicitly defensible and I'm sure BW drew heavy inspiration from the wow warrior, which in turn drew heavy inspiration from warriors of past mmo's. Take out the abilities I have listed from that image and what's left? Cleave? Baseline mmo tank cd's? Charge? Taunts? I don't think Blizzard holds the sole right to the warrior archetype, but that's not to say BW couldn't have made the ability names a little less similar if only to prevent criticisms like this (surprised Blade Storm wasn't brought up in the image, although the abilities aren't similar at all). Regardless, at the end of the day these two classes don't play siginificantly similarly to cause worry in my mind, and I would even argue that the SW is more like a warrior/rogue hybrid in playstyle than a pure warrior. I just hate to see an image like this spread around among people who don't play swtor, as there are many unfortunate ability name similarities which aren't analogous to each other as suggested by the image.

Edited by Hesp
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The whole argument is stupid. If we are going to claim mechanics are ripped off from someplace then it is from D&D and other paper and pencil RPGs. A lot of the moves used by Warrior Classes on MMOs and CRPGs in general are taken directly from skills that Warriors have in D&D. Alas I have a background that isn't based on that WoW was the Genesis of MMOs or CRPGs in general.;)


Psst... I was being sarcastic ;)


On the whole, I frankly don't care. I llike wow, in fact I still do, I just really wanted a change of scenery. This is exactly what I've got, a game I enjoy playing with a great stiry and different setting that I hope will only get better and better as BW are given time to build on the theme.

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