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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Repetition not even the worst part of the game.....


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Well, I have to say, it's not gone un-noticed by most of us that the creative minds designing the missions got stuck at.....kill this mob...on way have a bonus for killing x amount of sub-mobs, err, rinse and repeat. That is fine for most of us drip-fed MMOers who can cope with this lack of imagination while we're pushing towards the end result of raiding.


However, the one thing I have to say is more irritating than this lack of thought and creativity for the paying customer is something as mundane as having to run from my ship, through airlocks, spacestations etc when I have a perfectly good speeder. There is little excuse when the likes of Nar Shad and corellia allow you to ride inside to have to make us waste quite as much time on inter-planetary transport. We all know the devs will try and get away with as many time-sinks as possible to extend the game while levelling, but come on guys.......when you've got a speeder and are lvl 50, let us use it and at least give us a little breather here. Trust me, the repetitive boredom only goes so far, ask age of conan players, pretty game, innovative combat system, but killed by the lack of originality in the quest system.


I personally am done with WoW, but had hoped so much that a newly designed MMO would have some new ideas, they are sadly lacking to date, but have coped with this for the change of scenery and space-age storyline, but it's already getting old and not sure a release of legacy rewards is going to be enough to make me re-subscribe next time around if someone with common sense does not bonk the devs on the head with an originality stick.


I post this more as a plead to the devs than a troll to try and get something for the player to stay for, as I would really like to be given at least some hope for my monthly fee =)

Edited by Babalonian
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Repetitive content is really nothing new to newly released mmo's


My "repetitive" complaint with this one is more with the artwork used to create the worlds. ie ..same model for both factions fleet stations, same design for most space ports ..most environmental art reused ad-nausium ..etc.


They put so much time and effort into the VO's, everything else suffered.

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Repetitive content is really nothing new to newly released mmo's


My "repetitive" complaint with this one is more with the artwork used to create the worlds. ie ..same model for both factions fleet stations, same design for most space ports ..most environmental art reused ad-nausium ..etc.


They put so much time and effort into the VO's, everything else suffered.


I disagree. The art work in TOR is great. The Imp ships for one are awesome looking. Very much better looking than the Republic ones. I took 6 weeks to level my Jedi Shadow to 50 and would often stop and survey the surroundings, noticing the greatly done art work.


To the OP...If you are very disappointed now with TOR and are thinking patch 1.2 will make you want to stay, I hope it does. But I would'nt hold your breath. Patch 1.2 will be a great one for those who "allready" enjoy the game. Sort of like icing on the cake. But if you donot like the cake to begin with, the icing will not help much.

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Repetition doesn't bother me so much. Neither does tedious travel, on its own.


What kills me are the ~half dozen loading screens you're forced to endure when traveling from planet to planet.


Half a dozen? Are we exaggerating some here? Those donot bother me at all. Then again, I am in no rush and have lots of patence.

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I disagree. The art work in TOR is great. The Imp ships for one are awesome looking. Very much better looking than the Republic ones. I took 6 weeks to level my Jedi Shadow to 50 and would often stop and survey the surroundings, noticing the greatly done art work.


To the OP...If you are very disappointed now with TOR and are thinking patch 1.2 will make you want to stay, I hope it does. But I would'nt hold your breath. Patch 1.2 will be a great one for those who "allready" enjoy the game. Sort of like icing on the cake. But if you donot like the cake to begin with, the icing will not help much.


I agree that the worlds as a whole have some pretty breathtaking vista's. I'm speaking to the building and structure artwork. It's like they created two or three architectural design sets and just reused them over and over.

Edited by Grecanis
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Actually, the bonus quests are probably the best kill-quest system I have ever seen.


Whenever I play WoW and decide "Hm... Maybe I'll level a bit on my lvl 15 rogue". For every quest that says "Pick up X amount of X", I sort of expect it to pop up a bonus quest to kill a certain amount of the mobs running around there, so when I see no bonus quest I start cursing at Blizzard for copying all the dumb **** from this game and not the most innovative kill-system to have ever been in an MMO.

Edited by Senatsu
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Half a dozen? Are we exaggerating some here? Those donot bother me at all. Then again, I am in no rush and have lots of patence.


There's a minimum of four on the basic planets (elevators to the hangars plus on and off the ship). There's more if an orbital station is involved.


So, no, not an exaggeration.

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... having to run from my ship, through airlocks, spacestations etc when I have a perfectly good speeder. ...
Just curious, but do you drive your car through the mall or the grocery store? Do you teleport to work? I'm thinking probably not in all three cases. Imagine today's airports with folks driving around inside in their own flying speeders.


As far as interstellar space travel -- if it takes a couple of days to get to the moon, how long should it take to get across the galaxy? True, TOR is a high tech world but to get from one planet to another in less than 5 minutes isn't really a time sink.


Regarding having to kill mob after mob, if you have suggestions for quests that are interesting and worthwhile and don't involve shooting something or gathering something or running here, there and yon, please post it in suggestions so they can incorporate it into the game.

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i feel there are some good points in this thread myself.


the game is very much dulled down with all the tedium of kill X, gather Y, and travel to Z.


this is not new or innovative, and slapping fresh graphics on top of an ancient system doesnt make it magically better somehow.




The way they already have the game designed so you go into your private quest areas they could have done some truly epic things with this game, yet it just doesnt happen.


your private quest areas are just as boring as the rest of the world.




also the loading screens are a bit obnoxious.


loading screen to view the galaxy, loading screen to leave my ship, loading screen to leave the hangar, loading screen to use the elevator, loading screen to enter the general area...


the optimization seems nothing short of a decade old.

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Well, I have to say, it's not gone un-noticed by most of us that the creative minds designing the missions got stuck at.....kill this mob...on way have a bonus for killing x amount of sub-mobs, err, rinse and repeat. That is fine for most of us drip-fed MMOers who can cope with this lack of imagination while we're pushing towards the end result of raiding.


I will agree that the quest system is the same as every other MMO. But how do you make it original? I personally can't think of any way to change it from any other MMO.


I mean I guess we could go back to EQ days where you ran to an experience giving zone which could take anywhere from 30 minutes to several hours depending on your level and then sit for 4-5 straight hours pulling the same mobs over and over again.


However, the one thing I have to say is more irritating than this lack of thought and creativity for the paying customer is something as mundane as having to run from my ship, through airlocks, spacestations etc when I have a perfectly good speeder. There is little excuse when the likes of Nar Shad and corellia allow you to ride inside to have to make us waste quite as much time on inter-planetary transport. We all know the devs will try and get away with as many time-sinks as possible to extend the game while levelling, but come on guys.......when you've got a speeder and are lvl 50, let us use it and at least give us a little breather here. Trust me, the repetitive boredom only goes so far, ask age of conan players, pretty game, innovative combat system, but killed by the lack of originality in the quest system.


I hate running too and wish that our speeders worked every where. However compared to my time spent on EQ, I can live with this kind of running!


I personally am done with WoW, but had hoped so much that a newly designed MMO would have some new ideas, they are sadly lacking to date, but have coped with this for the change of scenery and space-age storyline, but it's already getting old and not sure a release of legacy rewards is going to be enough to make me re-subscribe next time around if someone with common sense does not bonk the devs on the head with an originality stick.[/Quote]


Name an inventive MMO that has managed to become popular? Every MMO that has tried to be different has failed. Becoming pay to win is failing. I too was hoping to see something different but lets face it if they had gone too inventive from the norm they alienate casual gamers and the game ends up dying.


I was really hoping to see a combination of theme park and sandbox blended together.



I post this more as a plead to the devs than a troll to try and get something for the player to stay for, as I would really like to be given at least some hope for my monthly fee =)


I think you need to add solutions to your post. Why do the Dev's need to come up with the solutions? How would you change the questing so it was different from kill x or collect x kind of quests? How would you make changes to the game to make it more unique?


My hope is to see a true 50 PVP planet with PVE elements. You hit the planet and are automatically flagged for PVP. Blend the PVP and PVE quests and make sure that both sides are forced to cross each others path when questing.

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Well, I have to say, it's not gone un-noticed by most of us that the creative minds designing the missions got stuck at.....kill this mob...on way have a bonus for killing x amount of sub-mobs, err, rinse and repeat. That is fine for most of us drip-fed MMOers who can cope with this lack of imagination while we're pushing towards the end result of raiding.


However, the one thing I have to say is more irritating than this lack of thought and creativity for the paying customer is something as mundane as having to run from my ship, through airlocks, spacestations etc when I have a perfectly good speeder. There is little excuse when the likes of Nar Shad and corellia allow you to ride inside to have to make us waste quite as much time on inter-planetary transport. We all know the devs will try and get away with as many time-sinks as possible to extend the game while levelling, but come on guys.......when you've got a speeder and are lvl 50, let us use it and at least give us a little breather here. Trust me, the repetitive boredom only goes so far, ask age of conan players, pretty game, innovative combat system, but killed by the lack of originality in the quest system.


I personally am done with WoW, but had hoped so much that a newly designed MMO would have some new ideas, they are sadly lacking to date, but have coped with this for the change of scenery and space-age storyline, but it's already getting old and not sure a release of legacy rewards is going to be enough to make me re-subscribe next time around if someone with common sense does not bonk the devs on the head with an originality stick.


I post this more as a plead to the devs than a troll to try and get something for the player to stay for, as I would really like to be given at least some hope for my monthly fee =)


You have obviously never been that troubled by running round Stormwind, to the tram, waiting for tram travelling on tram, gone to Ironforge, run through Ironforge and done what you need to do . Found your way through Wetlands to the boat got to the other kingdom, got all the flight paths, swam to Feathermoon, struggled to Darkshore, boat to Darnassus and then back and rinse and repeat. Obviously easier today but interestingly loads want it back the way it was. I walked all the way through Northrend just to prove that I could get to 80 without a mount. It really is all in the mind if you are truly enjoying yourself. I am enjoying myself and as with Stormwind I expect to walk places. Its way more realistic that way.


And me, well I'm staying cus its a blast. And I really do hope they keep the game structured as it is, cus it is different from the others... primarily cus you are always up against multiple mobs and you get the help. Great concept instead of the... one on one you get in WoW and Rift. Also having the different grade of mob and grouping is great for levelling as you can choose your own pace of progression. ie take on the elite or not. Take on the heavy or not. And now they have these healers that you need to work into the system and the roaming Sith.. my goodeness that was a surprise. Nothing like that in WoW or Rift. Rift is the worst cus really if you like you can take on every mob one at a time. WoW wasn't that much different.

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Just curious, but do you drive your car through the mall or the grocery store? Do you teleport to work? I'm thinking probably not in all three cases.


OMG.....I drive to work of course....but then I also get paid for that inconvenience...if by this quote you are suggesting that MMOs should be based in reality...then without being too insulting, please let me suggest you step outside your front door a little more often.


Personally I play an MMO for relief from the stresses of RL, not to replicate it.

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Just curious, but do you drive your car through the mall or the grocery store? Do you teleport to work? I'm thinking probably not in all three cases. Imagine today's airports with folks driving around inside in their own flying speeders.


As far as interstellar space travel -- if it takes a couple of days to get to the moon, how long should it take to get across the galaxy? True, TOR is a high tech world but to get from one planet to another in less than 5 minutes isn't really a time sink.


Regarding having to kill mob after mob, if you have suggestions for quests that are interesting and worthwhile and don't involve shooting something or gathering something or running here, there and yon, please post it in suggestions so they can incorporate it into the game.


Just curious,but when you are going to work,do you go out of your way every day to slaughter 20 people with your gun or lightsaber? since we are bringing "real world" into this?

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I have to believe that the long walks through the planetary ports is intentional, but not so much as a time sink. You are in the main area the second you arive at Republic Fleet. I think the long walks are there to make it painful so that everyone gravitates around Fleet during "down time". If you just need to train skills, are you going to Fleet or are you going to closest planet. I'm going to Fleet, I can be done with it at Fleet in less time than it takes to walk through most space ports.
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Repetition doesn't bother me so much. Neither does tedious travel, on its own.


What kills me are the ~half dozen loading screens you're forced to endure when traveling from planet to planet.


Loading screens insterspered with a run every single time, is a killer. :(

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You have obviously never been that troubled by running round Stormwind, to the tram, waiting for tram travelling on tram, gone to Ironforge, run through Ironforge and done what you need to do . Found your way through Wetlands to the boat got to the other kingdom, got all the flight paths, swam to Feathermoon, struggled to Darkshore, boat to Darnassus and then back and rinse and repeat.


Yup, been troubled by all that. I think you should note in my OP that I asked for this to be eased for Lvl 50's. We have all run through plenty of identical spaceports and orbital stations by that point for it to be entertaining

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They put so much time and effort into the VO's, everything else suffered.


This pretty much sums up everything wrong with the game, and why people are screaming about [insert complaint]. They got some great voice actors, good animations and story arcs, but that's pretty much it for the game. Just story voice overs with a haphazardly strung together infrastructure to call it an MMO.

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Just a further note on the thread. I note that a number of people have commented on the loading screen elements. TBH, that I can cope with to keep the world/instance sizes etc to a manageable level thus reducing lag issues in busier areas, I can sit back and chill during loading, as opposed to the constant left/right running through the spaceports etc.


And please let me stress again from my OP, although i make mention of the repetitive missions, I also state this is something I can accept atm, even if I had hoped for more. It may obviously start to get worse after a few more weeks of the same dailies day in day out, but I appreciate how difficult it would be to code a dynamic type quest system.


I also disagree with the poster who lamented the graphics, I personally quite like the job done on the graphics and how lag free the environment is compared to certain games, I just wish they had made it a little more open world rather than follow this path, with limited options for free travel (tatooine excepted)

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Just curious, but do you drive your car through the mall or the grocery store? Do you teleport to work? I'm thinking probably not in all three cases. Imagine today's airports with folks driving around inside in their own flying speeders.


As far as interstellar space travel -- if it takes a couple of days to get to the moon, how long should it take to get across the galaxy? True, TOR is a high tech world but to get from one planet to another in less than 5 minutes isn't really a time sink.


Regarding having to kill mob after mob, if you have suggestions for quests that are interesting and worthwhile and don't involve shooting something or gathering something or running here, there and yon, please post it in suggestions so they can incorporate it into the game.


This is a rather silly rebuttal, considering we can't even fly or land our own ships freely anywhere.


You can't pick and choose your references to realism.

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Well, I have to say, it's not gone un-noticed by most of us that the creative minds designing the missions got stuck at.....kill this mob...on way have a bonus for killing x amount of sub-mobs, err, rinse and repeat. That is fine for most of us drip-fed MMOers who can cope with this lack of imagination while we're pushing towards the end result of raiding.


However, the one thing I have to say is more irritating than this lack of thought and creativity for the paying customer is something as mundane as having to run from my ship, through airlocks, spacestations etc when I have a perfectly good speeder. There is little excuse when the likes of Nar Shad and corellia allow you to ride inside to have to make us waste quite as much time on inter-planetary transport. We all know the devs will try and get away with as many time-sinks as possible to extend the game while levelling, but come on guys.......when you've got a speeder and are lvl 50, let us use it and at least give us a little breather here. Trust me, the repetitive boredom only goes so far, ask age of conan players, pretty game, innovative combat system, but killed by the lack of originality in the quest system.


I personally am done with WoW, but had hoped so much that a newly designed MMO would have some new ideas, they are sadly lacking to date, but have coped with this for the change of scenery and space-age storyline, but it's already getting old and not sure a release of legacy rewards is going to be enough to make me re-subscribe next time around if someone with common sense does not bonk the devs on the head with an originality stick.


I post this more as a plead to the devs than a troll to try and get something for the player to stay for, as I would really like to be given at least some hope for my monthly fee =)


your entire post is moot when you attempt to speak for "most of us".


You certainly don't speak for me and you have no evidence that you speak for anyone but yourself and the relatively few people who have posted in this thread that they agree with you.


So out of 2million+ sold games, about 10 ppl have agreed with you.


how 10 out of 2million is "most" of us is interesting.

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Well, I have to say, it's not gone un-noticed by most of us that the creative minds designing the missions got stuck at.....kill this mob...on way have a bonus for killing x amount of sub-mobs, err, rinse and repeat. That is fine for most of us drip-fed MMOers who can cope with this lack of imagination while we're pushing towards the end result of raiding.


Honestly, all I'm hearing here is "whine, whine, whine", with a touch of self anointed intellectual arm chair quarterbacking. LOL


Kill mob X is what you do in a MMORPG from the time you slip on that first diaper to the time you kill the king boss of the universe. That is what the game is about, that and the aquisition of friends and gear. Did you not understand that going in? Was it a surprise?


What they've done here is to make leveling the least painful, most enjoyable means of getting to raid level ever created. It is completely self contained, you get to watch a mini series while doing it, your character and the game actually come alive with personality and a realism not yet seen in MMORPGs. It is quick and easy


...yet we still have the complainers.


....but now they are complaining that MMORPGS should not be MMORPGs....


Sorry OP. I'm not buying it one bit. I'm loving the game and the system. I love the story line, the companion aspect, the gear aspect, the planetary concept etc...and the MOST people that you are referring to are doing the same. There are only a handful of whiners, and they are contained to these boards.

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your entire post is moot when you attempt to speak for "most of us".


You certainly don't speak for me and you have no evidence that you speak for anyone but yourself and the relatively few people who have posted in this thread that they agree with you.


So out of 2million+ sold games, about 10 ppl have agreed with you.


how 10 out of 2million is "most" of us is interesting.



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I also disagree with the poster who lamented the graphics, I personally quite like the job done on the graphics and how lag free the environment is compared to certain games, I just wish they had made it a little more open world rather than follow this path, with limited options for free travel (tatooine excepted)


Again ..I'm not commenting on how the graphics look ..they look great. I'm saying that just like the missions, there is not much diversity there. Which in itself, greatly adds to the repetitive nature of the game.

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your entire post is moot when you attempt to speak for "most of us".


You certainly don't speak for me and you have no evidence that you speak for anyone but yourself and the relatively few people who have posted in this thread that they agree with you.


So out of 2million+ sold games, about 10 ppl have agreed with you.


how 10 out of 2million is "most" of us is interesting.



Obviously you haven't been to the forums in awhile. Considering there are countless threads saying the same thng as the OP. He is in fact speaking for a very large part part ofthe player base. Just because you have low expectations as a consumer and are happy with regurgitated features used 10 years ago doesn't mean he is wrong.


You fanboys crack me up. Have some respect for yourself as a consumer and demand a better product.


You cam enjoy something and still want it to be improved. This game has it's problems, instead of ignoring the issues how about we fix it?


Fanboys are hilarious. They eat up mediocrity and claim it's perfection.

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