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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

I like the way they wait until March(LEGACY?)


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I think they waited until March to Implement the 'Legacy' System to entice players to Subscribe again.


Why March?


Well lets see...

Christmas has just gone, the game was launched right before December 20th

(at this point Most players would have bought 60-day gametime cards as The CCard Billing System is so Awful)



  • 1 Standard Star wars: The Old Republic game WITH a Free 30days
  • 60-day gametime card = 90days


This would Last you until March 20th More or Less.


I hear they are releasing the 'Legacy' system at this time(March).

Do you think that this is CLEVER marketing Strategy? or Selfish?


I mean 30 Days AFTER Launch (when CCards are cancelled before they are billed) they make a big thing about how Special the 'FOUNDER' Title is.


right Now its February 19th, I wouldnt expect them to implement new patches or Mention anything new about the game. Why Would They?


But When March 20th Comes (the Month where most of the 60-Day GT subs run out).

I guarantee you guys that, This is when they'll Start Paying a lot more attention to the sales. They will Want to Keep gamers Enticed.


I wouldnt be Suprised if March 20th is the day that the Legacy System would Finally be implemented.


Please Don't Say the Generic cliche... "Oh Other MMO's do that all the time.. its Normal".

Other MMO's didn't make this so Blatantly obvious to see what they are doing.

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But how many are now unsubbing because 1.2 comes too late?


However many feel the need to. It's an unknown number of people whose patience isn't high enough to wait. Pretty standard...there are those who are patient and there are those who are not. The impatient ones tend to have a frustrating time with new release MMOs. The patient ones...not so much.

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They also sent people emails with a picture of their highest level chars best companion ( in my case Mako ) saying something along the lines of


"Resub and continue your adventures with Mako, she misses you... "


I mean really???? Do you think we're all 12 and still have little stuffed bears??

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They also sent people emails with a picture of their highest level chars best companion ( in my case Mako ) saying something along the lines of


"Resub and continue your adventures with Mako, she misses you... "


I mean really???? Do you think we're all 12 and still have little stuffed bears??


Or...adult enough to see the whimsy and not be all offended by it. :)

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didn't we already have this conspiracy theory? back in January? People claiming they where holding the 1.1 patch to keep people subscribed before the free 30 days. Then they released it before the 30 days was up.



So how do you know this patch is coming out AFTER march 20th? I haven't heard of any fixed date yet.

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didn't we already have this conspiracy theory? back in January? People claiming they where holding the 1.1 patch to keep people subscribed before the free 30 days. Then they released it before the 30 days was up.



So how do you know this patch is coming out AFTER march 20th? I haven't heard of any fixed date yet.


It isn't even really a conspiracy theory, because for-profit companies making strategic release decisions to maximize income isn't exactly a secret of economics. I'd be incredibly shocked if BW didn't take resubscription schedules into account when planning releases.

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I don't like it as I see it as part of their plan, like most companies, to string together content/patches to maximize profits.


I'm not savvy on all mmo's but it makes sense to do it like this, for them, it also makes them look bad to anyone who pays attention. Especially those who were in beta or those who just read to see how much they haven't done. Talk about what can or can't be done all you want but the end result is the game isn't finished and has numerous little things wrong with it, missing or just implemented badly.


The worst part of this to me is the attitude of the people in charge letting things go as they are, not taking ownership of their mistakes or showing that they really care about the customers through continual contact with them. No 10 cherry picked questions with often vague answers doesn't count nor does locking topics to say "please use this thread to talk about stuff" while they 'monitor' it but don't actually participate in it.


Because I don't like it, the way they are running this game, I didn't sub and won't until more is added or I feel they change direction from taking advantage of people's love for SW, Bioware, or just other MMO.

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Pretty standard...there are those who are patient and there are those who are not. The impatient ones tend to have a frustrating time with new release MMOs. The patient ones...not so much.


The above should be a loading screen message tbh. Nicely done.


“Perhaps there is only one cardinal sin: impatience. Because of impatience we were driven out of Paradise, because of impatience we cannot return.” :w_cool:

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I'll give you another example. Blizzard suckered millions in to buy the year sub plan on the premise that MoP would be out someitme in that time frame. So has MoP been announced yet? Also, they included another dangling carrot...D3, which has been delayed (again) and with no concrete release date. Coincidence? Nope, its called creative marketing.
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I think they waited until March to Implement the 'Legacy' System to entice players to Subscribe again.


Why March?


Well lets see...

Christmas has just gone, the game was launched right before December 20th

(at this point Most players would have bought 60-day gametime cards as The CCard Billing System is so Awful)



  • 1 Standard Star wars: The Old Republic game WITH a Free 30days
  • 60-day gametime card = 90days


This would Last you until March 20th More or Less.


I hear they are releasing the 'Legacy' system at this time(March).

Do you think that this is CLEVER marketing Strategy? or Selfish?


I mean 30 Days AFTER Launch (when CCards are cancelled before they are billed) they make a big thing about how Special the 'FOUNDER' Title is.


right Now its February 19th, I wouldnt expect them to implement new patches or Mention anything new about the game. Why Would They?


But When March 20th Comes (the Month where most of the 60-Day GT subs run out).

I guarantee you guys that, This is when they'll Start Paying a lot more attention to the sales. They will Want to Keep gamers Enticed.


I wouldnt be Suprised if March 20th is the day that the Legacy System would Finally be implemented.


Please Don't Say the Generic cliche... "Oh Other MMO's do that all the time.. its Normal".

Other MMO's didn't make this so Blatantly obvious to see what they are doing.


Dont count on a full llegacy sytem in march. i gurantee it will be a rather bland and drab system.

This whole game supports very basic MMO features i suspect they will give us some very fluffy features nothing that increases your Characters power in anyway. probaly mostly supporting the reroll aspect of their game thats where the majority of their planned end game was anyhow.

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Heres a thought for all of you, if you cant wait and enjoy the game and other aspects it offers, then **** nobody wants a bunch of crybabies who level their toon to 50 in one day anyway. I mean if you seriously dont have anything else to do other than wait on the legacy quest, you should re-evaluate your life geezuz ppl, haha this is waaaay to hilarious.








and flame me all you want for this post, but, deep down inside you ppl know im right, so just quit the game and leave the crying in an email to yourself b/c i can assure you, nobody cares.

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They also sent people emails with a picture of their highest level chars best companion ( in my case Mako ) saying something along the lines of


"Resub and continue your adventures with Mako, she misses you... "


I mean really???? Do you think we're all 12 and still have little stuffed bears??


I thought that was pretty cute. lol

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Heres a thought for all of you, if you cant wait and enjoy the game and other aspects it offers, then **** nobody wants a bunch of crybabies who level their toon to 50 in one day anyway. I mean if you seriously dont have anything else to do other than wait on the legacy quest, you should re-evaluate your life geezuz ppl, haha this is waaaay to hilarious.








and flame me all you want for this post, but, deep down inside you ppl know im right, so just quit the game and leave the crying in an email to yourself b/c i can assure you, nobody cares.


Why would choosing to wait for the Legacy system before playing be a reason you should reevaluate your life?


Having a reason NOT to do something isn't selfish, or an indication of any type of self-entitlement. It's being able to decide what is worth doing and what isn't, in your own personal opinion.


Being patient and WAITING isn't a sign of immaturity so there is no "growing up" required. Infact, what the hell are you even talking about? Sigh.

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