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REMOVE auto facing from PvP!


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Auto-Facing is just bad for pvp.


It is indeed a "handicap" system so that bad players can still do decent at the game. Keeping the target in front of you is a very basic skill that is learned by every PVPer. Autoface removes the need to be skilled, plain and simple.


Thats all there is to it. "auto" whatever are always bad in PVP.

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Auto-Facing is just bad for pvp.


It is indeed a "handicap" system so that bad players can still do decent at the game. Keeping the target in front of you is a very basic skill that is learned by every PVPer. Autoface removes the need to be skilled, plain and simple.


Thats all there is to it. "auto" whatever are always bad in PVP.


Problem is if removing it just so people can jump back and forth through people with no effort and being no worse off in the end adds 'delay' as a major impact. I bet we've all seen someone try to knockback a person into the fire trap near the scoring line, but ending up knocking him towards the goalline due to delay, we don't need this to be a deciding factor as well in the individual fights.


Imo the best solution for this would be collision detection, as there'd be less impact from delay if you have to run around him instead of running through the person.

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running behind someone doesnt mean you are skilled either


Still, without auto-face it would become at least SOMETHING that add skill to the game, instead of facerolling 1 button and not having to care about anything else.


Running behind someone doesn't take a lot of skill, but turning around to keep LOS isn't difficult either. It's still more interesting than what we have right now.


ATM there is no point in movement in PVP. No point at all. I gave up trying to use my abilities that require to be behind the target, most of the time they do not even work and make me lose precious time. I started spamming my faceroll bread and butter skill, and my performance in pvp improved dramatically. It sucks.

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I think most people complaining about auto face have not played much PVP as a ranged class, but there is a grain of truth in what they say. 2 points


1. It is almost impossible as a merc to use most abilities when a mele class is running through you non stop- both due to game design and server problems/internet issues- you have to be looking right at them when you hit the button, if you are even a little off an instant ability won't fire, so you have to be constantly moving backwards which means you can't use any attack worth a damn (other than HSM).


2. They are right that auto aim does encourage tracer missile spam though- that is because the way it is programmed if you are already targeted/casting something when the mele class starts running around like a moron you continue to cast it, so by hitting TM over and over again you are often doing what is most likely going to land you decent damage since once you hit it their running around is neutralized for a few seconds.


I really don't think the people complaining about this can be that good at the game. In the 50 bracket if I have to engage a mele class 1 on 1 as an arsenal merc I am in trouble unless it is a total n00b. I know once the fight gets going I am doomed to see all kinds of "you cannot see the target" messages popping up even though it appears as if I am looking directly at them (not that this doesn't happen in raged combat either....). I have a merc, a sniper, and a sorcerer and playing the merc vs someone good is by far the hardest. The flip side is pwning n00bs is by far the easiest with the merc since you are basically immortal.


A golden rule of SWTOR pvp is- if you are in anyway complaining about TM spam, you probably suck.

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This would make ranged have to get distance on melee instead of sitting there standing their ground, its no like there aren't a million forms of cc, snares, roots, knockbacks or anything :rolleyes: Edited by Surgin
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Still, without auto-face it would become at least SOMETHING that add skill to the game, instead of facerolling 1 button and not having to care about anything else.


Running behind someone doesn't take a lot of skill, but turning around to keep LOS isn't difficult either. It's still more interesting than what we have right now.


ATM there is no point in movement in PVP. No point at all. I gave up trying to use my abilities that require to be behind the target, most of the time they do not even work and make me lose precious time. I started spamming my faceroll bread and butter skill, and my performance in pvp improved dramatically. It sucks.


Perhaps you sit there facerolling 1 button (though I'm confused about rolling your face across the keyboard on yet only pressing 1 button), but I don't.


And with positionals as well as max & min ranges, there is certainly a point to moving.



Just because you can't get positionals right doesn't mean the system is broken.

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Well thats an different technical issue. Running through players isnt a problem in other games.


The amount of clipping abuse in WoW was redicolous, rogues blinking back and forth and around you.


Why would collision detection be a problem, that way both players had to actually act/react, instead of one just jumping back and forth making a rotation for direction every time the get to the other side, while the other have to pray for delay not affecting him ?


I really don't see why running back and forth through a person having delay help you is considered skill in any way, hell, it even makes melee easier to play.

Edited by Pozz
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Perhaps you sit there facerolling 1 button (though I'm confused about rolling your face across the keyboard on yet only pressing 1 button), but I don't.


And with positionals as well as max & min ranges, there is certainly a point to moving.



Just because you can't get positionals right doesn't mean the system is broken.


It's kinda hard to land positionals when the other guy is always auto-facing you. Auto-face is 100% accurate, the only time you can land a positional is if you spam the button and you catch him in between 2 casts. But by doing so you lose time, so its almost always better to use your other skills.

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The amount of clipping abuse in WoW was redicolous, rogues blinking back and forth and around you.


Why would collision detection be a problem, that way both players had to actually act/react, instead of one just jumping back and forth making a rotation for direction every time the get to the other side, while the other have to pray for delay not affecting him ?


I really don't see why running back and forth through a person having delay help you = skill in any way, hell, it even makes melee easier to play.


I dont mind collision detection. I was just commenting on running through part. At high rated games where people knew how to play, you couldnt run through people cancelling their spells/attacks.

Edited by Forsbacka
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The amount of clipping abuse in WoW was redicolous, rogues blinking back and forth and around you.


Why would collision detection be a problem, that way both players had to actually act/react, instead of one just jumping back and forth making a rotation for direction every time the get to the other side, while the other have to pray for delay not affecting him ?


I really don't see why running back and forth through a person having delay help you = skill in any way, hell, it even makes melee easier to play.


I played a ranged in wow and didnt have too much problem. Theres always CC/snares you can use to gain distance. If you let a melee sit on you, you will lose (AS YOU SHOULD).


Anyway, colision detection would be really cool, but it'll never happen because it would be too taxing on the server.

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It's kinda hard to land positionals when the other guy is always auto-facing you. Auto-face is 100% accurate, the only time you can land a positional is if you spam the button and you catch him in between 2 casts. But by doing so you lose time, so its almost always better to use your other skills.


Or if he is distracted.


Or moving.


Or CCd.


Or doesn't have you targeted (which could be because you are about to start the fight or could be because he quickly changed to CC / heal / whatever another target).



Did you ever stop to think that the game wasn't designed for you to kill someone purely with positionals? That's why you have other attacks too.

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Not really, you couldnt run through good players in WoW either in purpose to cancel their casts.


This. Nowone complained about running trough target in pvp in other games.


Auto facing its just stupid game design. And nowone said I couldnt kill target, its just poor disign

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