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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Legendary items should NOT come from raids


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Hopefully, the other end game content geared towards non-raiders. Content that would require better gear.


Not wanting to raid =/= not wanting to do anything to improve your character at end game.


There are some of us that prefer more crafting and less raiding. Some of you may say that is a "BORING" play style. However those of us that craft want the opportunity to not only improve our gear but to improve yours. We want more of a purpose in this game and if they do like SWG "star wars galaxies" did and make crafting obsolete by offering only the best stuff through raiding and alienating the crafting side (about 50% of the population) then you kill the game altogether. Some of us prefer the "boring" side of the game. We like to raid from time to time. To join in with others and play but we dont want to be forced to do it all the time. In the games current state we are forced to do it all the time if we want to craft the best items.


All we ask is to make those rare items available through other means than group raids. GO ahead and make it hard, long, and/or expensive to get but make it obtainable through single player means.


There are a lot of us single players in the game. Just because you don't know us doesnt mean we aren't worth keeping. When was the last time you bought that Lorrdian Gemstone on the GM, or the hard to get Coruscant Gemstone, or maybe a Rare Metal, Companion gift, weapon, or Amor mod.



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I cant understand their logic of making it come from raids.


SOOO easy and simple. Wow managed to place a long series of quests or material requirements to craft legendary weapons.


This games miss so much opportunity for content, this is just one factor.

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There are items I would love to craft. They require Biometric Crystal Alloys. Apparently these alloys are only available through boss drops during Hard Mode flashpoints. On top of that only one drops and it is a roll item. Imagine that, a roll item with 8 players. 5 to 7 of which are most likely raiders and non crafters. Then you add the fact that the item is bound and cannot be sold. So now we go through the hard point again. Standing a 1 in 8 chance of getting that item, but hey, the guy that got the item the last time just won the roll again. So we go through again. 1 in 8 chance, someone else gets it. Remember, this item cannot be sold since it is bound. Maybe about the 4th or 5th try I get one. But wait, it takes 3 to build the item. So now we are blessed with the opportunity to go through another 15 to 20 times to finally get 3 of these alloys.


Is it worth building these items now? By this point I am ready to log off and go to bed!

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What you wanted was a single player game not a multi-player game.


Does the OP have a point in that there should be some Legendary items outside of raiding? Yes they do. However I suspect that like you and others that keep posting drivel like this that they just don't want to have to do what is required to get said item.


OMG I don't get to see or experience or get certain content because I don't want to group with other players. The Devs need to change that content to where I can do it solo as I pay my 15 bucks a month and should be able to do it the way I want to do it. Seriously? It is up to you what you experience or don't.


Now to the OP's point. While you have a point in that not everything that is uber cool should come from raiding, you also need to realize that some things need to only come from certain kinds of content..


Current legendary items are the best items in the game for raiding. As such they need to only come from raiding.


Now if you had come here and said, you know legendary items look really cool. Very few people will ever get them even from raiding and that's fine. However there is nothing that a solo player can get that looks really cool and takes tons of hours to get. How about adding in something that requires tons of hours to get, looks really cool and gives a nice strong boost to our companions while we are wearing it?


That I would support, why? simply put your not asking for multi player content and gear to be changed to fit your play style. You are instead asking for something that is comparable but only boosts solo player style at that point.


Sorry I call Nonsense! This game is about gear progression after lvl 50. Nothing else but that. You have people that wish to solely play Single, you have people that like to group for flashpoints but not Raids. You got people that wish to do Raids as well and you got those that wish to craft and sell items. oh and lets not forget about the PvPers.


There is no wrong in each playstyle and each playstyle has its own rights to gear progression. This includes Legendary items and artifacts.


Again No one is asking for to have it handed out. People are giving ideas on how to make it a challenge for the single player, the crafter etc. There is nothing wrong with that. These type of people wish to progress along the gear line without Raiding and that is there right.


Just as it is your right to go along the gear line by using the raid mechanics. However it is not your right to have a certain type of gear, in this case legendary, to be solely for raiding. Its the biggest nonsense ever heard.


Raiding is in no way shape or whatever better then any other playstyle. The only thing that it depends on the is the players preference.


Basically, raiders saying it should be only from raids is nothing but a egoistic style.

Edited by LexiCazam
Rude - quote
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Sad little forum moderators, you allow stalking and insults but delete the post and hand out a warning in relation to the post written by the victim. Give me a reason to cancel my sub, no idle threat.



Nice effort Syrellis but some people just cant be told, the poster in question disliked my suggestion in the link provided below so now trolls my posts



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I don't really care about raid gear because I don't raid. I am more concerened with having to do HM flashpoints to get anything good at 50. With the new bag setup and the accesibility of pvp, I rather just collect champion gear. IMO raiding has niche appeal, the idea of me having to roll a item i need is a feature in mmo's I have never liked. It is this kind of gameplay that shows that single player rpgs will never die. Everyone does not like playing for hours in a group for a chance at getting a item when you can do that solo.
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Legendary items should NOT come from raids.


Only a very small percentage of players raid and if you make legendary items available only from raids, an even tinier percentage will have it.


Dont make it so that only a fraction of a fraction of players will even have it.


Make it so that anyone can go through a long, expensive process to obtain it.

But dont restrict it to a subset of raiding people.


i completely agree with all of this.

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I disagree. Players who are willing (in a MMO) to go to the effort to get a group togther and learn team skills and use the team to do a group mission should get more rewards than anything a player does solo.


Working in a team is harder than working solo so it should reward you more.

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I cant understand their logic of making it come from raids.


SOOO easy and simple. Wow managed to place a long series of quests or material requirements to craft legendary weapons.


This games miss so much opportunity for content, this is just one factor.



You realize in every single case, those wow 'quests' all involved raids at some point during the chain. Usually on heroic too, not regular.




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You realize in every single case, those wow 'quests' all involved raids at some point during the chain. Usually on heroic too, not regular.





Well, unless you're talking about vanilla WoW legendaries (Thunderfury, Hand of Rag, now-unobtainable Atiesh), those didn't come from heroics at all. :p

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I cant understand their logic of making it come from raids.


SOOO easy and simple. Wow managed to place a long series of quests or material requirements to craft legendary weapons.


This games miss so much opportunity for content, this is just one factor.


Every single legendary from WoW required raiding - most of it required a LOT of raiding. Occasionally heroics as well.



[sulfuras, Hand of Ragnaros] is obtained by combining the [Eye of Sulfuras], a rare drop from Ragnaros, with the [sulfuron Hammer], which is crafted by blacksmiths.

[Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker] is obtained first by obtaining two rare drops in the Molten Core, then by combining them with a large amount of crafting materials and defeating a special raid boss.

Atiesh, Greatstaff of the Guardian was obtained by collecting several drops in Naxxramas and completing a brief quest. This weapon was unique in that there were different versions with different stats for each different caster class.


Burning Crusade


In The Burning Crusade, the Twin Blades of Azzinoth drop off of Illidan Stormrage and [Thori'dal, the Stars' Fury] off of Kil'jaeden instead of being quest rewards.


Wrath of the Lich King


[Val'anyr, Hammer of Ancient Kings] is obtained via drops in Ulduar and a short quest, similar to Atiesh.

[shadowmourne] is crafted after a long and arduous quest line in Icecrown Citadel.




[Dragonwrath, Tarecgosa's Rest], crafted by caster classes through a long quest chain involving the Firelands raid.

Added in patch 4.3.0, the Fangs of the Father, two legendary daggers (main hand and offhand) that are only usable by all three Rogue specs. Combat Rogues will be made to use these daggers as well without a DPS loss. The questline will revolve around the pure black dragon from the egg in the Badlands and features several Rogue-centric elements.

Edited by aznthecapn
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  • 3 weeks later...
ok so im playing earlier on imp side and my friend picks up an item reward from his BH class quest (Hoth i think) and its neither blue nor purple but darker, exactly like the Legendary colour scheme......and its all open mod slotted like an Orange item and comes with a base dmg rating even open modded (with/out mods added) but i thought they wernt introducing Legendary items in game yet...well not at least until 1.2 :-s anyone care to shed any light?
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  • 2 weeks later...
Oh lordy, here's this argument again.


Ten Years of Bullsith, condensed:


Team Raid: You don't need top gear if you're not raiding, be happy with non-raid stuff for non-raid content.


Team Everyone Else: But we're all paying the same fee and want equal opportunity to have the best stuff.


Team Raid: So go raid, everyone has equal opportunity to raid.



Team Everyone Else: No, we don't all have equal opportunity to raid because we don't all have equal access to people to raid with.



Team Raid: So get a guild, make friends, stop being bad, etcetera, then raid.



Team Everyone Else: But we've got guilds and friends and we're not bad, or wouldn't stay bad any longer than you did before you knew a raid; the problem is time.


Team Raid: Maybe this game just isn't for you.



Team Everyone Else: Bullsith, it's that we don't have time to raid, which is about raiding, not playing the other 95% of the game.


Team Raid: So be happy with non-raid content and non-raid gear.


Team Everyone Else: NO!


Team Raid: GDIAF! Stop being lazy! I can do it, I've been doing it since December of 1408, I raided for 800,000 years and practically invented not standing in the bad with 500 other people, it's all E-Z Mode anymore and you're just too lazy to do it!


Team Everyone Else: Don't care! We've had the same problems since 1408 when we couldn't raid for 800,000 years because our Husband-Wife-Job-Kids-Disabilities-Different Opinions-Time constraints didn't Allow/Enable/Encourage/Help us do so!



Team Raid: You're all bads. GDIAF.


Team Everyone Else: Raid finder pl0x!


Team Raid: NO! Mass hysteria!


Team Everyone Else: Raid finder pl0x!


Team Raid: OM EFF'n G NO, NO AND NO SOME MORE! Don't ever have one or the earth will explode in a giant fireball and everyone will DIE!


Team Everyone Else: Raid finder pl0x!



Eventual Bioware Announcement: We're pleased to announce, for patch A.B.CD, our new Operation Roster! Now you'll be able to match-make and team up for the most challenging content with just a few simple clicks on our shiny new Roster GUI, now with 'O'god please make the people outside the building with pitchforks go home, we haven't seen our families in weeks.' technology!



Team Raid: NOOOOOOOOOOOARGHAKJASL:KJSGKJJSKNEHNJKL:SD:KLGJ!!11!!11!!1!!one!!!1!1eleven!!1KL:!jklj!!!! We're unsubscribing NAO!



Team Everyone Else: Hey, remember that thing you told us about dying in a fire? GDIAF. Ten years ago is that way. ----------> Oh, and we win.



Team Raid: A*()UJI#TKL:SDKSL:DFKJ *)#UJ)JI WKLSDJF WE HATE YOU ALL! You destroyed the game/our lives/our will to live/the internet!



Team Everyone Else: *The user you are trying to verbally abuse cannot be reached for comment at this time. Please leave a message on the Operation Roster sign-up page if you'd like to contact this user!*






The end.


AWESOME, +100m

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They need to make a group content Legendary, and a single player Legendary.


The group one should be better stat wise for obvious reasons.


because other wise you would be unable to sneer at 'casuals' or as they are known by we the laypeople......people with LIVES (the mear sight burns my eyes, some one console me with content only .01% of the player base accesses).

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Legendary items should NOT come from raids.


Only a very small percentage of players raid and if you make legendary items available only from raids, an even tinier percentage will have it.


Dont make it so that only a fraction of a fraction of players will even have it.


Make it so that anyone can go through a long, expensive process to obtain it.

But dont restrict it to a subset of raiding people.


I'm what most would refer to as a "Casual Player", and I disagree. Legendary Items should be rare, should be owned by a tiny percentage. If everyone had them, they wouldn't be very Legendary anymore.

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Uruare, don't forget your sequel. I'll start it for you:



Team Everyone Else Healer 1: Stop standing in the fire! Stop standing outside my heal range! Keep the boss and his AoE away from me!



Team Everyone Else Main Tank: I'm dying, I'm dying. Why aren't the healers doing their jobs!?



Team Everyone Else DPS 1: Let me tank the boss, I'm uber leet!



Team Everyone Else Fail-Druid: Res plz!



Team Everyone Else DPS 2: <AFK>



Team Everyone Else Healer 2: brb bio



Team Everyone Else Main Tank has died.



Team Everyone Else Main Tank: sdkofjhdf8888qghijaeorghjWEPIJ



Team Everyone Else Fail-Druid: Res plz!



Team Everyone Else DPS 2: Disconnected From Server



Team Everyone Else Healer 2: What did I miss? Why am I dead?



Team Everyone Else DPS 1 Hearths to bind point.



Team Everyone Else Main Tank: We could have done it with better heals! Stupid healers can't do their jobs!



Team Everyone Else Healer 1: It's the Main Tank's fault! If you weren't so stupid I could have kept up with damage!



Team Everyone Else DPS 1: I'm in ur house, raidin' ur fridge!



Team Everyone Else Fail-Druid: Res plz!



Team Everyone Else DPS 1 has left the group.



Team Everyone Else Healer 2: So, should we res and try again?



Team Everyone Else Healer 1 has left the group.



Team Everyone Else Main Tank has left the group.



Team Everyone Else Fail-Druid: Res plz!



Team Everyone Else Healer 2: /t Team Raid, Do you have room for another?



Team Raid: /t Team Everyone Else Healer 2, Nope, we don't run PUGs.



Team Everyone Else Healer 2: /t Team Raid, But I really wanted to get my Chestpiece of Sparkle Ponies.



Team Raid: /t Team Everyone Else Healer 2, We cleared that boss a couple of months ago.



Team Everyone Else Fail-Druid: Res plz!



It continues from there. Kind of predictable, really.



Team Everyone Else Huntard: Itz all mine!

Edited by HeavensAgent
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Legendary items should NOT come from raids.


Only a very small percentage of players raid and if you make legendary items available only from raids, an even tinier percentage will have it.


Dont make it so that only a fraction of a fraction of players will even have it.


Make it so that anyone can go through a long, expensive process to obtain it.

But dont restrict it to a subset of raiding people.


A small percentage? Lol have you ever played an mmo? Raiding is what 50-60% of people do, at least. At some point I'm sure more than that give it a shot. Yeah you have to do the hard stuff to get the good stuff. If you want free pretty colors and numbers open "paint"

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  • 2 weeks later...

The number of people who actually raid in a modern mmo is extremely small.

Not even anywhere close to 20% of total population.

Check your stats.


Raiders make the most noise though.


A small percentage? Lol have you ever played an mmo? Raiding is what 50-60% of people do, at least. At some point I'm sure more than that give it a shot. Yeah you have to do the hard stuff to get the good stuff. If you want free pretty colors and numbers open "paint"
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The number of people who actually raid in a modern mmo is extremely small.

Not even anywhere close to 20% of total population.

Check your stats.


Raiders make the most noise though.


really? cause at guild summit bw posted the numbers of 38% of 50s, not accounts, have been to an operation.

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If that's the case, you should probably ask about the % of Accounts, since each account=each player.

Many people have multiple lvl 50 characters.


Also, what's the % of regular raiders?

If i joined a pug raid once since december and didnt down any boss, was my character considered part of the 38%?


I would bet you that the % of regular raiders out of the entire SWTOR population is extremely low.


Say, let's use your numbers.

If even 50% of those people regularly raid on a weekly basis, the total population who raid is only 19%.


Catering to 19% of a game population is not good business sense.



really? cause at guild summit bw posted the numbers of 38% of 50s, not accounts, have been to an operation.
Edited by Reeny
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