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New Expansion Idea: Classes


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<------- Warning, this will be a pretty long post for I have "some" ideas and is not comfirmed ---->


*edit: No longer being a wall of text, this is my "idea home page" where the reader can redirected the classes/attributes/mechanics/etc.. Due to the length of the original look of the thread, I think a lot of people got overwhelmed by text, so this should clean things up. for you all :) Enjoy!*


In my honest opinion, already the game is really awesome, especially the classes. Stories are well thought out and they're really well balanced in terms of their Republic/Empire counterparts. But, if an expansion did come out in a year or two, two classes I love to see would be the following below:


Imperial Guard and Imperial Officer for the Empire, and Renegade and Republic Spy for the Republic. We see these classes in game, but are completely neglected in terms of story. Sure, they are mobs we have to kill, help out or have to listen to boring monologues. However, the sheer idea of the two being playable-classes is a dream.



Attributes and Combat Mechanics.


Republic: Renegade


Republic: Republic Spy


Empire: Imperial Guard


Empire: Imperial Officer



That's pretty much what I had in mind, I hand't thought of a resource or races that can be RS/IG but for resource it can be like the Trooper/Bounty Hunter and the same races that can be Smuggler/Trooper for Republic and Bounty Hunter/Imperial Agent for Empire.


If you have any better suggestions, feel free to give your opinion. Again this isn't final or even comfirmed, just my personal opinion.

Edited by coldeyeXperience
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Yeah, this looks very cool, but comes across like a hybrid between every class... I don't think we want to make a druid in TOR.


However, I do like how you've laid it out. Perhaps BW can learn from this and use this to define each AC's stats and trees and then go through and say "hrrmm, this talent in the JK Guardian defense tree doesn't meet our 'definition' of the defense tree... I think it needs changed to something different."

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Thanks for all the feedback :)


Honestly to me it looks like a bounty hunter playstyle.


Yeah, this gave me the hardest time thinking for the two classes. However, I did not want another "Pure DPS" class, since it's hard to find a group as a DPS to begin with.


My other concern was the idea of more Melee Classes, since the only ones are Jedi Guardian, Sentinel (Juggernaught and Marauder Empire) and Sith Assassin (Jedi Shadow), I wanted a non-force wielding melee class.


Yeah, this looks very cool, but comes across like a hybrid between every class... I don't think we want to make a druid in TOR.


When it comes down to it, I like the idea of being an "unique class" that can be either melee or range, similar to how the Consular/Inquisitor was done.

Edited by coldeyeXperience
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Unless they add the support type advanced class or something.


Hmmm...Rift tried doing that by adding a "Support" role, but in my opinion, it didn't work so well. Groups were consisted of 4 and a half, where the support mostly CC'd or back-up heal or did some DPS, but wasn't entirely a role that helped the team very much.

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Again with another update, this time I added some new stuff:


Friends and family gave me a cool idea, some more NEW classes.


Again, this is all just a suggestion/opinion.


I thank all those who have took their time reading the Great Wall of China of text, and their opinions.


With the new ideas, the page is even longer and you have to read the thing again... sorry :confused:


But, read at your own will and feel free to discuss your opinions or comments. :)

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Pirate: A former outlaw and renegade; now conscripted to serve as a Republic Privateer.


Somehow screams "SMUGGLER!" on first read.

Faction: Galactic Republic

• Attribute: Toughness.

What's toughness?

• Armor Proficiency: Medium.

• Weapon Proficiency: Vibro-ax.

I like that. I'm interested in seeing more melee classes that don't use lightsabers.


Advance Class: Privateer

• Roles: Melee Tank, Melee DPS.

• Armor Proficiency: Heavy.

• Off-hand: Switchblade, Shield Generator.

• Weapon Proficiency: Vibro-ax, Techsword, Vibrosword.

Good work here.



o Plunder: A privateer further enhances melee skills, and doing tons of damage.

Looks good...

o Coercion: A privateer learns to brush aside pain from enemy fire, and being able to intimidate and overpower enemies.

Not sure "coercion" really works as a title, but I see the idea.

o Enforcement (Shared): Skills in keeping the peace or rather not doing so, while being able to be a formidable combatant.

I'm not really sure what this one is supposed to do...perhaps expound with abilities from them, like in the AC section of game info?

Advance Class: Brigand

• Roles: Melee DPS or Melee Stealth DPS.

• Armor Proficiency: Medium.

• Off-hand: Switchblade.

• Weapon Proficiency: Vibro-ax, Techsword, Vibrosword.



o Martial Skill: The brigand becomes a dangerous storm of raw melee attacks.

Great description.

o Incursion: Enhancing stealth, the brigand can sneak in, take out an enemy or escape from enemy attacks.

Screaming "smuggler" again.

o Enforcement (Shared): Skills in keeping the peace or rather not doing so, while being able to be a formidable combatant.

Overall, I like the Imperial Guard idea a lot better, simply because it fits the storyline better. If you could rename the pirate and pull it away from the smuggler a bit, then I think it would make a bit more sense and be an excellent addition to the game.

Edited by Mirdthestrill
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What they should have done was made three factions.


existing classes minus what i will put in later to substitute for classes i have left out

1. Republic

-Trooper- adv classes=range dps, tank, heals-heavy armour

-knight-adv classes=melee dps/tank

-consular-adv classes=range dps, heals, melee dps, melee tank


2. Empire

-Imperial Agent-adv classes=stealth dps,heals, range dps

-inquisitor-adv classes=range dps, heals, melee dps, melee tank

-warrior-adv classes=melee dps/tank


what they should add:


1. Republic:

(added) SIS agent-same as imp agent, maybe switch up the weapons, something to make this and the agent not exactly the same, although they pretty much are


2. Empire:

(added) Imperial soldier- does the same thing as the SIS agent, subs for the bounty hunter role as ranged dps/heals/tank with heavy armour


3. NEW FACTION: for now named neutral faction, im sure Bioware can think of something better


-put the smuggler and the bounty hunter in here. when you think of it logically, they honestly should not be tied down in either faction. if they are in this neutral faction, it makes them feel more freelance.


-they can also put the pirate class in here as the melee class with heavy armour, similar to the warrior and knight, using a vibro axe maybe. however i thought something more appropriate would be like a shotgun, but with the range of a melee weapon. please comment on that as i could use some ideas to bounce off of.


-for the mage class, i honestly don't know. as a neutral substitution for the consular and inquisitor, perhaps they could use tech gadgets in substitution for the force. again, comment on this please.

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Thanks for the feedback,


first off, yes "Pirate" seems too much like a Smuggler, especially when the Smuggler gets conscripted into the Republic military as a Privateer in the storyline, but I was aiming for an idea (as you pointed out) a non-force using melee combatant. I may change it to something else, but I wanted to go for a total bad*** convict who is given the choice of service in the military or continued jail time.


Many of the specializations are names only, not sure how the mechanics of the class would work. But as the Imperial Guard goes: YES! I totally agree with you, every time I go to Korriban or Draman Kass and see the Imperial Guardsman, I think to myself, "I want to play as you!"

Edited by coldeyeXperience
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What they should have done was made three factions.


existing classes minus what i will put in later to substitute for classes i have left out

1. Republic

-Trooper- adv classes=range dps, tank, heals-heavy armour

-knight-adv classes=melee dps/tank

-consular-adv classes=range dps, heals, melee dps, melee tank


2. Empire

-Imperial Agent-adv classes=stealth dps,heals, range dps

-inquisitor-adv classes=range dps, heals, melee dps, melee tank

-warrior-adv classes=melee dps/tank


what they should add:


1. Republic:

(added) SIS agent-same as imp agent, maybe switch up the weapons, something to make this and the agent not exactly the same, although they pretty much are


2. Empire:

(added) Imperial soldier- does the same thing as the SIS agent, subs for the bounty hunter role as ranged dps/heals/tank with heavy armour


3. NEW FACTION: for now named neutral faction, im sure Bioware can think of something better


-put the smuggler and the bounty hunter in here. when you think of it logically, they honestly should not be tied down in either faction. if they are in this neutral faction, it makes them feel more freelance.


-they can also put the pirate class in here as the melee class with heavy armour, similar to the warrior and knight, using a vibro axe maybe. however i thought something more appropriate would be like a shotgun, but with the range of a melee weapon. please comment on that as i could use some ideas to bounce off of.


-for the mage class, i honestly don't know. as a neutral substitution for the consular and inquisitor, perhaps they could use tech gadgets in substitution for the force. again, comment on this please.


I'd love to see a 3rd faction too, but if you are like me and played DAoC, you would know how hard it was for Mythic to keep balance for all three factions.


Story wise, I think it could work, similar to how "Empire at War" did it, a "neutral" faction that hates both Republic and Empire.

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What they should have done was made three factions.



3. NEW FACTION: for now named neutral faction, im sure Bioware can think of something better


-put the smuggler and the bounty hunter in here. when you think of it logically, they honestly should not be tied down in either faction. if they are in this neutral faction, it makes them feel more freelance.


-they can also put the pirate class in here as the melee class with heavy armour, similar to the warrior and knight, using a vibro axe maybe. however i thought something more appropriate would be like a shotgun, but with the range of a melee weapon. please comment on that as i could use some ideas to bounce off of.


-for the mage class, i honestly don't know. as a neutral substitution for the consular and inquisitor, perhaps they could use tech gadgets in substitution for the force. again, comment on this please.


Hutt Cartel (which they should have done from the beginning...)

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What they should have done was made three factions.


existing classes minus what i will put in later to substitute for classes i have left out

1. Republic

-Trooper- adv classes=range dps, tank, heals-heavy armour

-knight-adv classes=melee dps/tank

-consular-adv classes=range dps, heals, melee dps, melee tank


2. Empire

-Imperial Agent-adv classes=stealth dps,heals, range dps

-inquisitor-adv classes=range dps, heals, melee dps, melee tank

-warrior-adv classes=melee dps/tank


what they should add:


1. Republic:

(added) SIS agent-same as imp agent, maybe switch up the weapons, something to make this and the agent not exactly the same, although they pretty much are


2. Empire:

(added) Imperial soldier- does the same thing as the SIS agent, subs for the bounty hunter role as ranged dps/heals/tank with heavy armour


3. NEW FACTION: for now named neutral faction, im sure Bioware can think of something better


-put the smuggler and the bounty hunter in here. when you think of it logically, they honestly should not be tied down in either faction. if they are in this neutral faction, it makes them feel more freelance.


-they can also put the pirate class in here as the melee class with heavy armour, similar to the warrior and knight, using a vibro axe maybe. however i thought something more appropriate would be like a shotgun, but with the range of a melee weapon. please comment on that as i could use some ideas to bounce off of.


-for the mage class, i honestly don't know. as a neutral substitution for the consular and inquisitor, perhaps they could use tech gadgets in substitution for the force. again, comment on this please.

Hutt Cartel (which they should have done from the beginning...)

OOOOOooooo HELL YEAH!!!! Underworld/criminal faction is what we need!!! :D

Edited by bloodygustav
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*Status update* Pirate/Privateer has been changed to "Renegade" a fromer Imperial Soldier, a prisoner of war who is then conscripted to serve in the Republic Military.


These thugs are harsh, cruel, but somehow loyal to the Republic: is freedom their desire, or is it vengeance for Empire leading them into the hands of the Republic?

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Problem with adding new Classes is that those new Classes would have to not only have Unique Personal Class Storylines between themselves but also have to be completely different from that of the current 8 Classes.


-put the smuggler and the bounty hunter in here. when you think of it logically, they honestly should not be tied down in either faction. if they are in this neutral faction, it makes them feel more freelance.


They can't and won't do that. I say that because do you honestly not see the massive hassle and problems that that would cause?

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Story wise, I think it could work, similar to how "Empire at War" did it, a "neutral" faction that hates both Republic and Empire.


Except not really as there isn't any Organization, Criminal or otherwise, that is big or strong enough to face BOTH the Republic and Sith Empire at the same time. Also, it wouldn't be similar to EAW, because the Zann Consortium didn't hate either the Rebels or Empire.

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Problem with adding new Classes is that those new Classes would have to not only have Unique Personal Class Storylines between themselves but also have to be completely different from that of the current 8 Classes.




They can't and won't do that. I say that because do you honestly not see the massive hassle and problems that that would cause?




Personally, I find it logical to add a third faction just for Smuggler and Bounty hunters: The Hutt Cartel.


If a play decided to join this Faction with there Smuggler/Bounty hunter then they would be fully devoted to Hutt interests. However, central to the story they should give a simple climax where you can show your allied allegiance to the Empire and or the Republic.


Difficult, but not impossible

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Hopefully one of these classes will instigate a system where sword/staff weaponry aren't just companion tools.


Also, need a republic class that uses sniper rifles and an imperial one that uses scatterguns.


Kel'dor as a playable race, Kashyyk as a planet, etc, etc.

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Personally, I find it logical to add a third faction just for Smuggler and Bounty hunters: The Hutt Cartel.


If a play decided to join this Faction with there Smuggler/Bounty hunter then they would be fully devoted to Hutt interests. However, central to the story they should give a simple climax where you can show your allied allegiance to the Empire and or the Republic.


Difficult, but not impossible


Um, what about the current Smugglers and Bounty Hunters? Especially when the current Bounty Hunters report to Dromund Kaas?


Oh, one more thing, the Personal Class Stories are of Specific people, so the PCS of the Bounty Hunter is of a Specific Bounty Hunter who is working more with the Sith Empire then with the Republic or others.

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