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  1. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Imperial Officer: An enlisted officer in the Imperial Army. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Faction: Sith Empire • Attribute: Subtlety. • Resource: Power • Armor Proficiency: Light. • Weapon Proficiency: Blaster Rifle. Advance Class: Dragoon • Roles: Healing, Range DPS. • Armor Proficiency: Light. • Off-hand: Generator. • Weapon Proficiency: Assault Cannon Specializations: o Apothecary: Advances the Watcher's technology to treat wounds and heal their allies in combat. o Sentry: The Watcher is key in combat, to scout ahead to find and eliminate enemies, especially the unseen ones. o Subterfuge (Shared): To get away quickly or to keep the enemy on their toes in combat, these tricks and traps are essential. Advance Class: Watcher • Roles: Range DPS or Range Stealth DPS. • Armor Proficiency: Light. • Off-hand: Generator. • Weapon Proficiency: Blaster Rifle. Specializations: o Surveillance: Up in the frontlines, the Dragoon's goal is to take out the enemy and get out quickly. o Reconnaissance: Focuses on using stealth and tricks and traps to take out the enemy. o Subterfuge (Shared): To get away quickly or to keep the enemy on their toes in combat, these tricks and traps are essential. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you want to learn about the other classes or attributes, go to my main thread which links to the other classes, click the link below. Main hub.
  2. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Republic Spy: Member of the Republic Strategic Information Service (SIS) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Faction: Galactic Republic • Attribute: Subtlety. • Resource: Power. • Armor Proficiency: Light. • Weapon Proficiency: Blaster Rifle. Advance Class: Ranger • Roles: Healing, Range DPS. • Armor Proficiency: Light. • Off-hand: Generator. • Weapon Proficiency: Sniper Rifle. Specializations: o Corpsman: Teaches the Ranger to heal and treat critical wounds in the heat of battle. o Pathfinder: The Ranger is a survivalist who tracks down and eliminate their foe, those seen and unseen. o Stratagem (Shared): These tactical skills leave the enemy stunned with utilities and tricks that can turn the tide of battle. Advance Class: Infiltrator • Roles: Range DPS or Range Stealth DPS. • Armor Proficiency: Light. • Off-hand: Generator. • Weapon Proficiency: Blaster Rifle. Specializations: o Covert Ops: The infiltrator is all about time, a quick trigger finger, and planning perfect execution. o Espionage: Enhances stealth technology for the Infiltrator and close-range combat for guerilla or hit-and-run tactics. o Stratagem (Shared): These tactical skills leave the enemy stunned with utilities and tricks that can turn the tide of battle. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you want to learn about the other classes or attributes, go to my main thread which links to the other classes, click the link below. Main hub.
  3. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Imperial Guard: Proud and Loyal Guard of the Emperor ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Faction: Sith Empire • Attribute: Morale. • Resource: Dominance • Armor Proficiency: Medium. • Weapon Proficiency: Force Pike. Advance Class: Bloodguard • Roles: Melee Tank, Melee DPS. • Armor Proficiency: Heavy. • Off-hand: Darkblade, Shield Generator. • Weapon Proficiency: Force Pike, Electorstaff, Techstaff. Specializations: o Honor Guard: This training of the Bloodguard allows them to become an unstoppable hand of the Emporer. o Devotion: Bloodguards know no pain and never surrender, defending allies while absorbing enemy attacks. o Valor (Shared): Teaches the greatest honor in serving, while being able to charge into battle without fear, pain and remorse. Advance Class: Executioner • Roles: Melee DPS or Melee Stealth DPS. • Armor Proficiency: Medium. • Off-hand: Darkblade. • Weapon Proficiency: Force Pike, Electorstaff, Techstaff. Specializations: o Verdict: The Executioner further trains into stealth and exploiting foes when they are vulnerable. o Execution: The Executioner is trained to become a deadly force that spares no one. o Valor (Shared): Teaches the greatest honor in serving, while being able to charge into battle without fear, pain and remorse. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you want to learn about the other classes or attributes, go to my main thread which links to the other classes, click the link below. Main hub.
  4. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Renegade: A former Imperial, now prisoner of war and conscript to the Republic Military. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Faction: Galactic Republic • Attribute: Morale. • Resource: Dominance. • Armor Proficiency: Medium. • Weapon Proficiency: Vibro-ax. Advance Class: Privateer • Roles: Melee Tank, Melee DPS. • Armor Proficiency: Heavy. • Off-hand: Switchblade, Shield Generator. • Weapon Proficiency: Vibro-ax, Electorstaff, Techstaff. Specializations: o Enforcer: A renegade further enhances melee skills and a devestating brawler. o Toughness: A renegade learns to brush aside pain from enemy fire, and being able to intimidate and overpower enemies. o Martial Skill(Shared): Skills that literally takes the fight to the enemy and utilities that assist in combat. Advance Class: Brigand • Roles: Melee DPS or Melee Stealth DPS. • Armor Proficiency: Medium. • Off-hand: Switchblade. • Weapon Proficiency: Vibro-ax, Electorstaff, Techstaff. Specializations: o Plunder: The brigand becomes a dangerous storm of raw melee attacks. o Menace: Enhancing stealth, the brigand can sneak in, take out an enemy or escape from enemy attacks. o Martial Skill (Shared): Skills that literally takes the fight to the enemy and utilities that assist in combat. ----------------------------------------------------------- If this idea were to be happen, the voice of this character would be Imperial (ie: British). Since the Sith have Bounty Hunters who are not "imperial" it would be fair to have a non-"American" accented playable character. Companions would be other prisoners (either criminals or POW's) or outlaws in general: pirates, smugglers, bounty hunters, drifters, whatever. ------------------------------------------------------------ If you want to learn about the other classes or attributes, go to my main thread which links to the other classes, click the link below. Main hub.
  5. Guess what? Another update I just can't be satisfied. Now I made this thread a central hub to divert readers to the rest of the classes and mechanic/attribute discussions. Have fun.
  6. This thread is designed to show the classes' new attribute system and combat mechanics. Nothing in this thread is confirmed and only opinion and speculation. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- New Attributes: Morale: Increases melee and critical chance with tech-weapon damage and skills and decreases some damage taken. Subtlety: Increases damage, healing, and critical strike and critical healing with Tech based skills and boosts their combat probes. New Resources: Dominance: This resource works similar to how the Rogue in WoW or Rift, where you build up combos and then use a finishing strike or ability that uses up the charges to null. Many will argue that this will be similar to Jedi Knight or Sith Warrior's focus and rage, respectively; no, there are only six charges. If the Dominance points are at max, it is advisable to spend the points ASAP. Power: This resource works similar to Wow Cataclysm-era Hunters, Officers/Spies use Power whenever they do attacks or summon a Probe. When they are out of or low on Power, they cannot use many offensive/support abilities, otherwise the Officer/Spy will have certain abilities that recharge the Power. Unlike Smugglers and IA who’s Energy recharges every second, theirs do not recharge, they need to use these Power-generating abilities to recharge their Power resource. New mechanics: Morale-users: The object for these classes is to build and max up Dominance points (or Combo Points in other games). Instead on a target, the resource bar will tally each point. Finishing moves (or Executions in-game) will be unlocked once Dominance points are equal or greater than one, and will scale each point until it maxes out at six. o Tanks gain a chance to gain a combo (Dominance point) when taking damage. Use Finishing moves to increase defenses, a mini-heal, or to deal damage. DPS'ers gain a chance to gain a combo when completing an execution/finishing move or when attacking with combo-creating abilities. Use Finishing moves to increase melee speed and to deal damage. Subtlety-users: This is a “pet-based” class, where they summon a temporary Probe droid to assist in combat in a particular role, kind of similar to Shaman’s totems from WoW. o Healers (Ranger/Dragoon) can summon a Healing Probe to assist in healing, while other talents will aid the Officer/Spy in healing in general. The Probe can be cancelled or destroyed in combat. o Damagers use an Assault Probe that aids in combat, doing damage along with the creator for a very short period of time. o Stealth-based DD's (Watcher/Infiltrator) use a Sapper Probe that aids in combat, dealing damage along with the creator, and when killed, duration ends, or simply detonated, will cause an explosion, dealing an AE attack around it. o Officer/Spies of any role can have a Sentry Probe that supports the creator or group by decreasing incoming damage to all members in the party/operation. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you want to learn about the other classes or attributes, go to my main thread which links to the other classes, click the link below. Main hub
  7. This. Although I disagree in some of your points, I do aprove. Most people, and I stress that, want to choose a class with a unique play style from other classes, whereas WoW (as you stated) made many classes very similar to one another, but different in name only. I don't want ToR falling for the same thing.
  8. This is what I think how Bioware's share tree specializations work: it's a Utility tree that can have points be put in, but just increase an ability/stat/etc. Or it's one of those "pick a play-style you like" kind of things. Otherwise, I think your idea would be cool, but it wouldn't be really balanced if everyone could heal/tank, you wouldn't need other classes, imo.
  9. New update: added Imperial Officer and Republic Spy "Power" resource, combat mechanics, and some updated information for the Renegade/Imperial Guard.
  10. Thank you for adding that, I forgot to mention it in my earlier post. Yes, money, but it feels like a job. I wouldn't get into my personal space ship and fly in on a space mission and go "okay, another day another dollar," no, I want it to be an adventure, like a Star Wars movie, not a job! That's why I really don't like Ilum, it's a daily hub, not adventure.
  11. LOL! This is actually in-game, especially the higher level ones. However, they are so predictable in terms of flight path, and most of the time they escape quickly behind an asteroid.
  12. Totally agree on everything above. Your idea would inspire competition, a reason to do them besides getting free exp, tokens, titles. Also, add something of a curve-ball during the mission, because most of the time i can expect where the guy comes in and leaves. Love the idea.
  13. I don't want to sound like I'm redirecting to or endorsing my thread, but take a look at my thread i made some time back of class ideas.
  14. Update: New explanations for new attributes, new resource and mechanics for new the classes and clarified their roles based on the mechanics. Enjoy and keep the recommendations and opinions flowing.
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