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NA Server Status 9:48 EST: Population Thriving!


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Not true if you think of it logically. It would be pretty obvious if all the servers said heavy during the night with no one on.


I do love a good conspiracy, but I think that BW would start somewhere else instead.


How often do you really look at the server list?


All I know is that the servers are populated. I use mine and a person from another thread as my evidence. He started a thread first saying his server was dead. Asked him which server, he gave it to me, logged on and there were well over 100 people in fleet alone. Needless to say, his new name is Shady.

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The Forum trolls are sucsesseding in driving away players though, i have lost a number of friends sick and tired of the negitive people attacking mindlessly in the name of there alterior goals, and i do think the forum bods are being way to nice with these trouble makers.


The thing that blows my mind is there continued use of key phrases, "lag", "frame rate", " lack of content", "PvP sucks", thjey use over and over with little proof or fact to back them, knowing its these words that drive away prospective players.


The forum mods need to come down hard on these people and those who are fans of the game need to start to openly question, not attack but point out flaws in the ************ and whineing, by asking what, were, when, and debunk these lies that the trolls are useing.


Open world PvP does suck.(worst PvP I've ever seen)

There are Fps issues especially for a DX9 based MMO with PS3 textures and shadows.

Trolls do damage but fanboys also do damage.

The whole SWTOR universe is not your healthy polulated server if you are on one.

There are also really lightly populated servers.

And players might also leave the game because of that.

So mentioning the problem is not trolling

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On the server I am playing on it is marked as High.


On the fleet I have noticed upwards of 100 people. On DK around 120 and on Blamora around 80.


These numbers has higher then what I recall them being last week.


Now if Bioware is making the servers look high then they must also be adding people to zones to make it appear as there is more.


So if you believe this conspiracy theory then please dont forget to put on your foil hat and make sure all of your window blinds are closed.

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I do love a good conspiracy, but I think that BW would start somewhere else instead.


How often do you really look at the server list?


All I know is that the servers are populated. I use mine and a person from another thread as my evidence. He started a thread first saying his server was dead. Asked him which server, he gave it to me, logged on and there were well over 100 people in fleet alone. Needless to say, his new name is Shady.


On my server it went from queues to very heavy to heavy and now standard. Imperial fleet used to be around 180-210. Tonight it's around 120-140ish on a Saturday.


That's not a lot of evidence to say SWTOR is dying, but in my case server population is dropping.

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Open world PvP does suck.(worst PvP I've ever seen)

There are Fps issues especially for a DX9 based MMO with PS3 textures and shadows.

Trolls do damage but fanboys also do damage.

The whole SWTOR universe is not your healthy polulated server if you are on one.

There are also really lightly populated servers.

And players might also leave the game because of that.

So mentioning the problem is not trolling


There are ways to mention problems.

Some people (which I'm guessing the person you quoted is referring to) seem to post just to bash the game. The only say things like 'this game sux' ect. There is a difference between trolling and constructive criticism.


And to the other point, of course there are light populated servers. There seem to be very few, though.

Edited by Azzras
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Open world PvP does suck.(worst PvP I've ever seen)

There are Fps issues especially for a DX9 based MMO with PS3 textures and shadows.

Trolls do damage but fanboys also do damage.

The whole SWTOR universe is not your healthy polulated server if you are on one.

There are also really lightly populated servers.

And players might also leave the game because of that.

So mentioning the problem is not trolling



Mentioning problems in the correct forum is not trolling.

Mentioning problems in the correct thread is not trolling.


Your 0 for 2 at this point.


I agree that their are people with the issues you mentioned above. I must not be a fanbois cause I admit there is problems, but pointing those problems out in the correct forum is one thing, doing so in the incorrect forum in a thread that is not about them is now what is considered trolling, and that is what you did.

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On the server I am playing on it is marked as High.


On the fleet I have noticed upwards of 100 people. On DK around 120 and on Blamora around 80.


These numbers has higher then what I recall them being last week.


Now if Bioware is making the servers look high then they must also be adding people to zones to make it appear as there is more.


So if you believe this conspiracy theory then please dont forget to put on your foil hat and make sure all of your window blinds are closed.


And my server is light populated.

Where does that get us?

You win?

There are some light populated servers that need to be boosted either by merging or by

server transferring cause it is really a shame to play SWTOR on a server that looks empty.

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Mentioning problems in the correct forum is not trolling.

Mentioning problems in the correct thread is not trolling.


Your 0 for 2 at this point.


I agree that their are people with the issues you mentioned above. I must not be a fanbois cause I admit there is problems, but pointing those problems out in the correct forum is one thing, doing so in the incorrect forum in a thread that is not about them is now what is considered trolling, and that is what you did.




lol.I quoted a previous post when I wrote this.look at my original post plz.

and then look at the post I quoted.

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And my server is light populated.

Where does that get us?

You win?

There are some light populated servers that need to be boosted either by merging or by

server transferring cause it is really a shame to play SWTOR on a server that looks empty.


I was really posting a response to Lordskynite who has a theory that Bioware is only listing servers as high to make people believe they are high pop.


Anyway, I am not disputing that there arnt some low pop servers, I can see that there are. Bioware did state that mergers/transfer will be looked into, but I really dont see that happening anytime soon.


I have toons on 3 servers. One that is currently marked very high, one marked high and one marked low. There are times where I enjoy playing the toon on the low pop server more then the others as I dont have to fight over mobs, resources, places you have to click on, bosses, etc.


Anyway, if they would take those servers that are low pop and either merge them with another server or allow them to transfer then that would help.

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And my server is light populated.

Where does that get us?

You win?

There are some light populated servers that need to be boosted either by merging or by

server transferring cause it is really a shame to play SWTOR on a server that looks empty.


Server xfers coming in the near future.

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I want numbers. I don't care about the qualitative rankings. BioWare can change the definitions for the qualitative rankings any time they want. I'm not saying that they have manipulated rankings to make the game look more populated, it would just be very easy for them to do so.
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Quick question...


Why do people use Fleet populations as an indicator of server population?


I ask because most of the people I know, in-game, avoid the fleet like the plague. I haven't been there since the mid 30s (48 now), and I can't remember that last time Ive seen anyone from my guild (of 24 active players) or on my friends list show up as being on the fleet.

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I want numbers. I don't care about the qualitative rankings. BioWare can change the definitions for the qualitative rankings any time they want. I'm not saying that they have manipulated rankings to make the game look more populated, it would just be very easy for them to do so.




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Quick question...


Why do people use Fleet populations as an indicator of server population?


I ask because most of the people I know, in-game, avoid the fleet like the plague. I haven't been there since the mid 30s (48 now), and I can't remember that last time Ive seen anyone from my guild (of 24 active players) or on my friends list show up as being on the fleet.


Because it's fairly safe to assume that the number of people in fleet is somewhat proportional to the number of people playing (provided you take samples from the same time period/weekdays to compare).


Ex. go to a FULL WoW server, and look at Orgrimmar/Ironforge. It's PACKED full of people, right? Even though there's WAY more people *not* in Org/IF. Now go to a nearly empty WoW server, and check the same cities. Almost empty by comparison, right?



Yeah, a lot of people avoid hubs. But if half of the players quit (not an actual amount, just to give an example) then I'd expect the hub population to drop by about half, just as the rest of the population would.

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I want numbers. I don't care about the qualitative rankings. BioWare can change the definitions for the qualitative rankings any time they want. I'm not saying that they have manipulated rankings to make the game look more populated, it would just be very easy for them to do so.


Wait, when the server stats were showing less activity, that was the truth, but now that they show more activity, its a BW conspiracy??

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The least populated servers have not had their cap increased so that doesn't really say much.


how do I know?


I was browsing torstatus.com or whatever the site with the server pop data is called and realized a ghost server, I knew for a fact was a ghost server showed very high on their list, above my two very well populated servers even.


Logged in, /who. Yeah. dead server.




heavy, standard, light. those words mean nothing.



tell that to the people playing on a "Standard" server where the little number above your chat says Republic Fleet: 23 on a weekday evening prime time. I dare you.

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Wait, when the server stats were showing less activity, that was the truth, but now that they show more activity, its a BW conspiracy??


Why does it have to be a conspiracy? In the first few weeks of the game people were complaining about server queues so it would be natural for BioWare to increase the server population limits and redefine what equals light, medium, heavy, etc. Now people are complaining that the servers are empty so it wouldn't be beyond thinking that BioWare would redefine the qualitative ranks once again in order to avoid the appearance that server populations have taken a hit. I'm not saying that this is the case. I'm saying it could be the case. That's why I want numbers not qualitative ranks.

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It's not a conspiracy.


a lot of servers had their capacity increased, so many of those show as standard most of the time now, maybe heavy sometimes.


There are a lot of european ghost servers already though, most of them are still standard. I even saw one heavy a week or so ago :D


because the caps were not increased for those servers or maybe even decreased.

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Just spent an hour on my "heavy" server. 80 people at Imp Fleet. 30 people at Taris. Peeked on rep Fleet, a 100.


That's a complete joke for a "heavy" server pop. When I first started playing in early Jan Fleet pop was easily 170+ on both sides.

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Because if that were the case, then why would they let them ever show light...especially during off hours when most go light due to work, school, etc.



they are not trying to actively deceive anyone really. Although it certainly does not hurt giving people playing on a ghost server the impression things are not quite as dire as they seem to be. I mean after all it's still the "standard" community experience on a fleet of 30 man during prime time ,right? :D


all they did is increase the server cap on the well populated servers and the empty servers have decreased caps.


This is a fact and one you can easily convince yourself to be true by checking it out for yourself ingame.

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