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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Do You Like SWTOR In It's Current State? YES/NO


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No, not anymore

  • Planets are too small and feel static, no feeling of exploration, Packs of mobs are just spread on the map and serve no purpose.
  • Poor crafting
  • Leveling a new character is painful and not fun
  • Lack of playable races, lack of character customizations
  • 1.5 GCD is way too long and makes the combat feel slow and non-dynamic.
  • Lack of things to do after lvl 50
  • Need more different looks for armor
  • Choices doesn’t matter

Edited by SGadara
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NO - I unsubbed tonight. I haven't played for a couple of weeks and just don't feel compelled to log in any more.


Good: Nice stories and voice acting. Enjoyable levelling the first char. Good music/atmosphere and the game generally does the Star Wars license justice.


Bad: Horrible engine especially when it comes to PVP, which is a MASSIVE disappointment for me. Decent PVP in the Star Wars universe would have kept me playing for months or years. Second biggest disappointment is crafting. It's shallow yet time consuming and frustrating thanks to failed RE attempts. Easily attainable PVE rewards make it mostly pointless anyway, both while levelling and at end game. The poor GTN front end and lack of terminals also hurt the chances for a decent economy. Everything else just feels like years-old MMO design - lacking innovation. The game soon becomes the typical, repetitive MMO grind but with nothing entertaining or exciting enough in there to make the grind worthwhile.

Edited by MootPinks
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In it's current state I would say No. The reason for that would mean they would have no reason to add things if the game was already perfect. I like this game alot and it has great growth potential and I wouldn't want them to stop trying to improve it.


Things they need to look at first and foremost IMHO is WZ preformace. Quite a few people like myself have decent systems and are getting terrible frame rates in fleet and especially WZ. Of course there are the UI improvements that are coming and perhaps addons down the pike.


This game is good, but I can see the potential in it and want them to continue to work towards greatness.

Edited by Delphian
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The more I think about swtor, the more I hate it.


PVP, class design (har har har lets give sorcs/sages every useful tool), INSANE AMOUNT OF LOADING (anyone remember stuntman for ps2?), horribly optimized, terrible gimmicky gear grind, getting BM is a joke, every planet is basically just reskinned and not to mention how empty every zone feels in general.

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#1 - PvP design is an abomination.

-Way too much CC, Stuns, ect. I don't care the reasoning it's just NOT FUN.

-The BM RNG grinding(I know it's being changed but that's only because of a massive outcry)

-FPS in WZ's and Illum brings my GTX590($700 video card!!!) to it's knees.

-World PvP in Illum is the world PvP we were told we would be 'blown away' by? Hardly

-No World PvP on a PvP server(outside of Illum). What's even the point of PvP servers?

-No point to world PvP or PvP at all. Rankings? Nope. Server vrs Server? Nope. Tourneys Nope. Yes, yes, I know it's coming but this game is released in 2012 not 2000 those should have been in launch.


I agree with this 100% especially the FPS portion.




#5 Loading Screens and loading times.

-Why is it that Skyrim and load an entire huge area with 10x the detail of a Swtor planet in 1/10 the time? Mind you even going to a planet where there wasn't a soul around would be painfully slow on my raptor HD.

-Honestly do we really need to go from our ship to orbital station to planet. How bout from ship to planet, it's silly running through an empty corridor that means nothing just to get to the planet.


Another really good point, but I know it's hit or miss on some computers regarding the loading times. I agree on the planet hopping too alot of wasted time, can we get a teleport to our ship or something to speed things up a bit?



#11 The Interface.

-Really, no movable windows? Hero Engine FTW again!.


Another one I agree with, but is supposed to be addressed in 1.2 when it comes out.


One I would like to add is Cross-server PVP and/or Flashpoints. since some servers seem to be having problems even getting a WZ to pop-up it would be nice to be able to play across servers as another MMO which will not be named does. I never did Dungeons in the other MMO until cross server group finder came along, becuase i hated trying to find a group, once that came out on the other MMO I did PVE much much more often and not just PVP.

Edited by Delphian
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I didn't unsub since I added a 60 days gametime card (money wasted) after the first "free" month to see how the game would evolve.


I won't add more gametime, the game is way, waaaaay too boring. Escpecially since I never ever make alts in mmo's. I like to stick with 1 character only and max it out the best possible way.

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Nope, endgame is far too easy. Clear EV in one week... Now try it with bosses that have more health!!!! No thanks. All for that sweet, sweet endgame armor... It looks absolutely terrible.


Crafting... so simple. How do MMO developers see crafting in Star Wars Galaxies and not model after it? SWTOR... click on this item...It gets built... Now destroy the item for a very small chance to get the artifact schematic... which is exactly the same as the other hundred or so crafters on your server.

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still w8ing for patch 1.2 ,cause im an open pvp player and so is all my guild which has 50 ppl active atm(we are a community that seeks a good open pvp game after WH and we play together 5+years now.Our members are more than 200 spreaded in several games as we speak and we meet surely once per year to have personal contact and to talk about games we will play)


if we dont see a good open pvp soon with objectives and rewards(serious ones) and if we see that arena gear will be better that the one we can take with open pvp we will all leave.


so we are uncertain/not sure.

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I don't pvp, and what flashpoints I have done are boring and uninteresting. Same goes for the dailies. Operations...well my guild just started them (we're rather casual) and I wasn't able to go to the first one. I'm not able to find anything to hold my interest. Maybe this game just isn't for me /shrug. I'm giving it until 1.2 before I make a final decision.


I was in the last 3 phases of beta testing. I enjoyed the leveling both then and now, but after my first 50 (alts are currently 43, and 35) and the promise of the supposedly awesome legacy system, trying to level an alt isn't holding much interest.


Edit: The promise at least, of free-roam sandboxy space system would keep me around, or at least bring me back when it came. As would more planets to vary the questing outside of the class story line.

Edited by arekthewild
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I'm going with so-so/maybe, the fact that SWTOR's later levels are slower than the early parts. Not talking about leveling, of course that's slower, I'm talking about the combat. The combat on later levels are pretty slow it seems like you'd need to take most of your skills into one guy and then wait for the cooldowns to **** the other two/three. What irritates me the most is that it looses it's "******" effect which is for me, having the ability to kill a group of three/four in at least under 10 seconds. I'm sure some are satisfied with the combat system but for me, it's pretty darn slow.


Also, the cooldowns do not make sense for me. Some are instantly able but then have a cooldown of 1. I'm sure and pray to god that they fix that. They should have a queue ability where the abilities are able to fluently transition to one another.

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Damn all i'm seeing is pages of no's with a yes here and there. Bioware needs to see this so they can see what to improve so i hope the devs are looking.


No sadly .. not in its current state. There just simply is'nt enought to do if u dont pvp in end game. I enjoyed the class quests and lvl'n but that is not what defines a mmo at ALL and the way they created this game is backwards.

ALTHOUGH i will continue to play and pay for now simply for the fact the game does have a good foundation and i believe they are working to make end game better .. but if i odnt start seeing it wtithin the 6 month mark sadly i will unsub.

stuff i wanna see is lfg, addons, WAY more to do at end game, way better and more space combat with diffuclties and rewards, end game bosses need cooler mechanics and in hm's need to have different ability's and not just tougher enrage timers that is just extremly lazy imo.

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No this game is awful.. An EXTREME amount of fun when leveling then you get kind of bored around Hoth but grind it out... Then you hit 50 finish your class quest and have nothing to do but grind dailies... PvP system is horrible... Open world PvP is just flat out stupid, meaningless, and utterly disappointing... PvE is entertaining... The first 3 play through's then you just want to get the 30-45 min grind over with and start your next daily objective...


Meaningful end game content is virtually non-existent.. Especially for PvP.. Very disappointed with the game just a real let down... They would have to re-haul the entire PvP system and the class "mechanics"...


Sorry to be so long winded but NO!

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There are way too many items missing from this BETA TEST for this to last for me, personally.


Too many issues... but here are a few:

1) Knock Backs in PVP. It's just a ridiculous state of anti-PVP right now where (on my server) 75% of the time I play Huttball and knock backs are so incredibly NOT FUN on that map that I can barely be bothered at all... I just fight death-match style now in either the pit areas or at the ball pick up... just to NOT have to worry about such an over-powered, and stupidly unfun item in the game. (EDIT: by ANTI-PVP I mean that people ONLY use this skill to knock someone into fire, acid, or off ledges... it is NOT being used as a "get away" ability, but as an offensive minded ability to knock someone out of player vs player activity. It is ANTI-PVP... it is PLAYER AVOIDANCE... you may as well let a stealther carry the ball while stealthed and not show up on the map... it's literally the exact same premise.)


2) No addons. I don't care if you like them on not. I do. I want things in the game created by its loving community... it actually keeps the game much more interesting. It also allows me to do things like: set up hotbars in the game the way I choose... move items on the screen around how I please... block "LFG" "guild" and other spam without using up ignore lists... it basically adds "FUN" back into the game bypassing some of the unfun things that are in it.


3) LEAVERS... omg... wow... Some mornings, I literally spend 75% of my time in LOSING games that people leave out of in WZ. 3-3.5 HOURS of WZ losing time after time for 1/3 wins thanks (like 90% of the time) to LEAVERS ditching WZ the moment some type of adversary shows up.


4) AFKers/Non-Pacticipants... again: directly cause massive issues the WZ environment with literally nothing being done to these players.


5) No looking for group tool that is EFFECTIVE and actually WORKS properly... including the likelihood of needing cross realm. Now: I don't necessarily even want to use the tool... but to have to sit through LFG SPAM endlessly... is just stupid for me.... and NOT FUN. Oh - and by the way... to all the jackholes claiming "ohhhh - LFD tool will wreck community" - Listen up, Jackhole: I CANNOT EVEN READ MY COMMUNITY GENERAL CHAT BECAUSE OF THE LFG SPAM. So... WHAT community??? You are disruptive to the community wanting to just spam for groups.... and it's not fun for anyone. Including yourself if you were ever honest.


6) Due to the totally unprofessional release of this game (and don't think I'll ever forget, or forgive you for it... the most unprofessional, disastrous release of an MMO in the history of all MMOs)... every day I stare at a character I created on a server AWAY from everyone I usually gamed with... one that I started during the feasco that was "lets open the servers X days before we are meant to launch the game" and am constantly reminded of it. If this was always part of the plan... then this is the most thoughtless plan I have ever seen... including a means for us to move characters around to rejoin our gaming buddies once the dust settled.


7) NO MACROS. Like... really? Of all the sub-systems to completely skip... you picked MACROS? I won't even bother adding more than... even free to play MMOs offer a basic macro system.


8) This game is in BETA and it's obviously in BETA.


9) Too many knock-backs, stuns, slows, roots... and nothing actually works against it. If I take 3-4 of the list above in succession, I should NOT get impacted again by any of those for awhile... but unfortunately this isn't the case. If it's SUPPOSED to work that way, then it's broken.

Edited by FadeXF
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There are way too many items missing from this BETA TEST for this to last for me, personally.


Too many issues... but here are a few:

1) Knock Backs in PVP. It's just a ridiculous state of anti-PVP right now where (on my server) 75% of the time I play Huttball and knock backs are so incredibly NOT FUN on that map that I can barely be bothered at all... I just fight death-match style now in either the pit areas or at the ball pick up... just to NOT have to worry about such an over-powered, and stupidly unfun item in the game. (EDIT: by ANTI-PVP I mean that people ONLY use this skill to knock someone into fire, acid, or off ledges... it is NOT being used as a "get away" ability, but as an offensive minded ability to knock someone out of player vs player activity. It is ANTI-PVP... it is PLAYER AVOIDANCE... you may as well let a stealther carry the ball while stealthed and not show up on the map... it's literally the exact same premise.)


2) No addons. I don't care if you like them on not. I do. I want things in the game created by its loving community... it actually keeps the game much more interesting. It also allows me to do things like: set up hotbars in the game the way I choose... move items on the screen around how I please... block "LFG" "guild" and other spam without using up ignore lists... it basically adds "FUN" back into the game bypassing some of the unfun things that are in it.


3) LEAVERS... omg... wow... Some mornings, I literally spend 75% of my time in LOSING games that people leave out of in WZ. 3-3.5 HOURS of WZ losing time after time for 1/3 wins thanks (like 90% of the time) to LEAVERS ditching WZ the moment some type of adversary shows up.


4) AFKers/Non-Pacticipants... again: directly cause massive issues the WZ environment with literally nothing being done to these players.


5) No looking for group tool that is EFFECTIVE and actually WORKS properly... including the likelihood of needing cross realm. Now: I don't necessarily even want to use the tool... but to have to sit through LFG SPAM endlessly... is just stupid for me.... and NOT FUN. Oh - and by the way... to all the jackholes claiming "ohhhh - LFD tool will wreck community" - Listen up, Jackhole: I CANNOT EVEN READ MY COMMUNITY GENERAL CHAT BECAUSE OF THE LFG SPAM. So... WHAT community??? You are disruptive to the community wanting to just spam for groups.... and it's not fun for anyone. Including yourself if you were ever honest.


6) Due to the totally unprofessional release of this game (and don't think I'll ever forget, or forgive you for it... the most unprofessional, disastrous release of an MMO in the history of all MMOs)... every day I stare at a character I created on a server AWAY from everyone I usually gamed with... one that I started during the feasco that was "lets open the servers X days before we are meant to launch the game" and am constantly reminded of it. If this was always part of the plan... then this is the most thoughtless plan I have ever seen... including a means for us to move characters around to rejoin our gaming buddies once the dust settled.


7) NO MACROS. Like... really? Of all the sub-systems to completely skip... you picked MACROS? I won't even bother adding more than... even free to play MMOs offer a basic macro system.


8) This game is in BETA and it's obviously in BETA.


9) Too many knock-backs, stuns, slows, roots... and nothing actually works against it. If I take 3-4 of the list above in succession, I should NOT get impacted again by any of those for awhile... but unfortunately this isn't the case. If it's SUPPOSED to work that way, then it's broken.


With the exception of #7(Macros are bad), I think I love you...really hope you are a Chick..i'm a Guy...

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