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Do You Like SWTOR In It's Current State? YES/NO


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To the OP: Yes.


Great start for an MMO and with good funding and good direction I think it'll be a big success.


I would really like to see a lot of effort in making the game deeper and wider, not just extending it.

Edited by Luculus
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It seems to me that most players who are saying no are PvP and Endgame players, while those who say yes are enjoying the leveling and story of the game.


Am I close?


It's possible.


Even as someone who voted "no", t me, the leveling experience is quite "fun" (subjective, I know). But BWA's focus on the leveling experience shows when you hit end game and realise that there is very little beyond that leveling experience.


And throwing more flashpoints, warzones and operations at end game won't necessarily cure the problem. Though I suspect that's precisely what BWA are prepared to do.


The game needs more depth beyond the leveling experience. If BWA needs feedback on what's missing, they only need to look at the countless threads about the subject.

Edited by Tarka
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Simply I am demoralised after playing from early access. In my honest and personal opinion, I feel like we have four classes, spread out across two factions with a side of the talent tree that's forbidden to whatever choice I make.


I'm not saying I want to be able to turn my Sage to Shadow, or my Merc to Powertech, I'm saying that despite my choice, looking to the classes a second time for a re-roll (Take for instance, a Bounty Hunter to Trooper) the class feels the same.


I loathe the worlds. They are boxed in. Why can't I ride across the dunes in Tattooine? Why is there a skinny tunnel marking the only way in from area to area? It's limiting and frustrating to be given a little box and expected to delight in the worlds when everything is copy paste. And it is just a copy and paste deal. Look at the space ports. This is almost game breaking for me, and a feature that makes me frown. Why are the fleets the same on each faction? Why? Why can't I feel like I'm on an EMPIRE ship? Not a ship that's the same skin as the Republic, just painted a different colour?


I can't interact with the environment. And I mean that I can't sit down, lie down or anything. Oh yes, there is the camp and awkward /sit which shares animation from gender to race, from twi'lek to whatever, but it's terrible when your back goes all the way through. It just looks awkward and rigid. Two words I'm never content to hear when it comes to MMOs. They should flow free and fluid-like.


My last point is the lack of communication with my server. It will kill my server. The "grouped" community forum for servers of my type... does not work. I have no where to look for guilds which I might want to join, or be apart of events the community is running. I'm isolated. And to be honest, I am thinking of leaving. That's not a threat, by any means, but a display how miserable these issues are and how they effect my game enjoyment.

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It seems to me that most players who are saying no are PvP and Endgame players, while those who say yes are enjoying the leveling and story of the game.


Am I close?


I'm guessing you have only leveled the one character, and havent experience the soul crushing expereince of going through the planetary quest chains for the 2nd, 3rd, 4th time through

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I'm guessing you have only leveled the one character, and havent experience the soul crushing expereince of going through the planetary quest chains for the 2nd, 3rd, 4th time through


Doing the same planet more than twice is enough for me, but I'm only leveling 8 characters at once. The game is not very alt friendly I do understand that.

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I loved playing 1-50 (enough to do it twice). The endgame is boring to the point of being broken. Some specific issues:


1) PVP consists of just three warzones and some unreliably scattered Ilum PVP.

a. Warzones get old. I did the warzones a hundred times 10-49 and much more since. They get old.

b. Ilum is just flat out broken. "If you build it they will come" is not a valid PVP game design strategy.

c. The rewards are linear and don't give players (especially DPS only classes like Snipers) a real choice over how to develop their character. After a week, which is all it took to get full Centurion and a few Champion pieces including my primary weapon, the rewards grow very small. And there's just the one set to for as a Sniper.


2) Crafting is worthless.

a. Only Biochem is worth having, and that barely. Cybertech would be worth it if you could get purple grenades as easily as Biochem gets purple adrenals, medkits and stims.

b. Almost nothing craftable is worth selling or buying.


3) Economy is in tatters.

a. With crafting broken, craftables are not powering the economy.

b. There are no "rare" drops that can be readily found on the GTM.


4) Soloing at 50 is useless.

a. Because there's nothing to buy, nothing is worth farming for.

b. There are no rare NPCs to search for.

c. There are no quests worth doing because the rewards aren't there.


5) Grouping feels stale.

a. Ops have a "been there done that" feel for anyone who's played MMOs before.

b. The rewards are broken. I did one Op and walked out with three Rakata pieces and one Columi piece. That's just too "Monty Haul" to be sustainable.


6) Population has dropped too low on some servers.

a. Population has dropped significantly on my server.

b. Population has dropped significantly in my guild (only three on nightly, down from 20 or so nightly at release).

c. With low population, PVE groups are tougher to come by and the PVP queues can drag some nights.


Between the solo 1-50 quests, warzone PVP and small group PVE, Star Wars: The Old Republic doesn't feel like a MMO. It's more of a solo/small group game.

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Q: Do you like SWTOR in it's current state?



No talk about/comparison to WoW.


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No fanboyism and/or hater banter.




Just a simple YES or NO answer with a brief description of why you feel that way. This should give a clear look at the current mood of many players with regards to SWTOR in it's current state.


















LAST UPDATED: February 20, 2012




(Responses to "Do you like SWTOR in it's current state?"):



765 SWTOR players voted NO.


700 SWTOR players voted YES.


108 individuals are Undecided/Unclear.



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Somewhat no.


Lvl12 Republic Knight Guardian. Since I made it to Fleet, I have been unable to get anyone to run The Esseles at this lvl denying the opportunity for light/dark points and social points.


"Move and and level up." Sure I can do this, sure I can move on. This is not the game's design however. No other opportunity to gain social points outside of multiple person flashpoints. What can you do when people won't run them?

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Short answer: yes.


I would like the universe to bit a bit more dinamic. It would definetlly add to the feel of the game.

The graphic engine could also use some optimising. I mean otherMMORPGs look a lot better have lower loading times, better fps on same hardware etc.

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a).Population is pathetic on all servers. If you think 1000 online maybe on the most populated server is good then........

b).wile the leveling was great enough to level 2 50s why bother cant find groups to save my life as a healer tank or dps because the pop sucks and there is no xserver queing.

c).no dungeon finder or cross server pvp this is 2012 are you kidding me.

d).The raids are toooooo easy id find myself hoping for it to bug out to provide some hint of a challenge.

e).The classes. Might as well just have called em warrior,rouge,hunter,warlock. and on top of that the repub classes and the imp classes are identical down to the very last skill, like in c). this is 2012 a group of 3rd graders could think up better classes.

f). space combat............

g). there is more but ill end with this. with the recent death of a once great SW mmo it makes you think is bioware incapable of learning anything from the past or are they just being blindly shoved forward into there grave by EA and Lucas arts.(the real culprits behind this royal f up). If you took the star wars world away from this game it would be NOTHING.


sad this is like my first dam post on these forums.

Edited by Veanocam
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It seems to me that most players who are saying no are PvP and Endgame players, while those who say yes are enjoying the leveling and story of the game.


Am I close?


Nail on the head.


I like PvP but it's a joke. I have no faith that there's any real direction Bioware's going with it. The first impressions of Ilum, trade killing, hacking (on my server), class imbalances, and overall response from Bioware on issues that have been going ignored since Beta... I see a pattern and it's the reason I left other games. After seeing an interview with Gabe on Darth Hater recently and knowing what I know about PvP I'm not so sure about the future of it either.


The patches have become lazy fixes that don't address the real problems occuring. No patch last week and looks like maintenance again next week atm. It's not acceptable after an infuriating surge nerf to all classes and then a patch that really didn't fix a single relevant issue to players to only follow them up with two weeks of no fixes at all? At this stage I believe we're owed weekly patches that affect our game play in a positive way. There's way too many things that have went untouched since launch that should have been fixed by now. To not be patching consistently is a big mistake.


The leveling process is too easy and people at end game are left scratching their heads at what to do next.


PvP on my server? Piece of cake... there's battle masters everywhere! Prestigious? Not so much. People with so much Valor it's disgusting.


Saw a tank the other day spamming, he was looking for HM's and he had full rakata gear... People asked him... Why? I was curious too... he said DPS set.. made sense but I got to thinking... after that what?


Single character progression after level 50 will too quickly lead you to leveling your next alt. Some people genuinely enjoy that, some do not. For anyone interested in having that "Main" that they love and always want to be on... there's simply not enough to do. If you're OCD and want to level multiple characters through their amazing story lines, this games for you!

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Yes and No. Fun game but there is a lot I still desire. In-game voice for one would be awesome. Would make communication in wz's and fp's a lot easier. It's fine for those in a guild with a vent or some other service but pug groups would run a little smoother if we didnt have to type everything. Server transfers, free or paid, just let me move my 50's. Some mini games in the casino and space port on Nar Shada would be cool. Some customizations for our ships, at least for the interiors. Give us relics to display/weapons, trophies of our conquests. I'm also a crafting whore, want more armour schematics.


I also want more options as far as adjusting in-game sound. Everything comes through my headphones. I normally like to have vent and in-game voice through headphones and rest of game sound through my surround speakers but with the limited options in-game I can't do that. Cosmetics slots would be nice. But the game is new and lotro didn't have those to begin with either.


Other than that I enjoy the wz's and the class stories. Space combat is mindless and entertaining. Would be cool if we could scale up the lower lvl missions.

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Close call but personally a No from me. Too little feedback over which issues the dev team is currently trying to address and which they're backlogging to revisit later has most people wondering what the hell is going on, whether the devs are aware of the issues being raised, and whether or not the dev team is actually doing anything or just sitting around drinking coffee and playing minesweeper half the time.
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I'd say 50/50 yes and no.



TOR is going to be a "NEED MOAR" thing for awhile..more patchs..more updates.


Maybe in the long run it'll pan out and be good but for now its hard to say...its got a bright future ahead of itself.



But god the hero engine sucks...

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In no particular order:


Space combat way to repetitive... I found that at times i did not have to be looking directly at the screen to know where/when the next series of ships would appear. First run through a mission was nice.. 2+ not so much.


Not enough character customization. This includes clothing/armor (( some of which looks like it escaped from the design team of a Yugioh MMO ))


Worlds feel time locked.. caught in a 3-5 second loop . No deep water.. no sunset.. no rain ... have not even seen it snow on Hoth


No matter what class I play.. I seem to end up being every lazy and or cowardly persons errand girl .. understandable when dealing with noncombat trained NPCs.... not so much when dealing with trained military personnel. Along this line of thought when the combat personnel DO agree to help... they seem to time it just right and arrive after my character has done all the work ... (( I think they are laughing in a coffee shop the rest of the time :p))


Invisible walls ... exhaustion zones...


Datacron locations.. I LIKE Mario type games... when they control well. Physics on jumps here can be a bit wonky. Any WHY can i not use my abilities to aid in acquiring them ? Obvious example.. a BH's jetpack/boots. :p


While my highest is only level 43, I have read what will have to do to get later gear... I am not looking forward to that hamster wheel .


Lack of downtime activities ... (( nice casino.. nice and utterly useless))


Lack of communication from Bioware concerning certain issues..


not enough character slots ... for me anyway .


What I do like.. the storyline quests .. love them :)


The game successfully grabbed me early on,, and I was eager to see what happened next.. but certain design choices and a general feeling of incompleteness have managed to drag my enthusiasm down .


enough rambling... food time

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