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New PVP Abuse Incoming


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I need more details and I want to see how the community on my server uses it before crying "it fowl, t4r & f3ath3r GABE man." My hopes aren't high though. The sad truth is that no exploitable game mechanic survives contact with a jaded and self-centered player base. I expect more of a crap storm from this change than it's worth. I appreciate that they are thinking about these PVP issues and looking at doing something about them but trusting in people's good nature in these times is naive.
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Because not enough people are complaining about it.


So true, so very very true. Much like not enough people are complaining about the Over-queue'ing exploit. Which is stupid easy to pull off and could actually legit be done purely by accident, as rare as that'd be. Not to mention the fact that how to do it is plastered all over the internet.


Feeder = someone who dies a lot.


You're feeding the other team kills.


Is it still feeding if, even though I die alot, I still get 50+ kills/250K+ damage per Warzone?

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Whoah, so you won't be able to mouth off and act like a douche to the rest of the people in the warzone?


Oh no, the "abuse"!


what if that player thats giving abuse is carrying the teams weight. and they kick him because he is trying to get people to do what they are suppose to be doing ?


by kicking that person you are dooming only yourselves lol.

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League of Legends takes the stance of banning feeders from their game. Many feeders are just griefers, but some are honestly bad players and they get banned for being bad.


Riot stepped up and finally said "If you suck at our game, that's too bad for you" and LoL's competitive community has prospered because of it.


If Bioware did the same, the competitive pool of players in SWTOR would be cleaner.


I'm assuming the requirement of being a feeder would be pretty extreme. Because there have been more than a few games where I've died 10+ times. But never because of being bad. Every single "spawn and die" run I've had was to prevent a side turret from being capped as long as possible, or to stop explosives from being planted.

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Also, I welcome the vote kick idea. I've been seeing people without AC's in warzones way more frequently than I would like lately. If it were up to me, every one of them would be gone.


Me and the buddy I queue with wouldn't kick 10's or anything, so long as they had an AC. We've queued at 10 plenty of times, and we know it's possible to be helpful and effective, even at that level.


And as somebody has mentioned, it would be completely worth it kicking a douche. Regardless of whether or not he's carrying. From what I've seen, anybody being "that guy" just makes the team stop caring and play however they please, rather than for objectives.

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If they're acting like a douche? Totally worth it.


Considering "being a douche" lately is simply daring to give a tip, advice or simply trying to organize the raid, I expect a lot of people being kicked.


Some people even get annoyed from a simple "Hi, gl hf". I've seen it multiple times.

Edited by RamzaBehoulve
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Considering "being a douche" lately is simply daring to give a tip, advice or simply trying to organize the raid, I expect a lot of people being kicked.


Some people even get annoyed from a simple "Hi, gl hf". I've seen it multiple times.


I'm fine with tips and such. But the people who are spamming ops with things like "why the **** didn't you tards take the side speeder! One of you went to the middle! Horrible nooby idiots. I hope I never see you again"


Then proceed with caps locked rants. There's a couple people who I would opt to vote kick the second I saw them join the warzone because of how I've seen them talk to other players, whether the reasoning was right or wrong.


But that's unfortunate about the hi, gl hf thing lol. I can only imagine the person who would spite someone over pleasantries.

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Additionally, players will have the option to vote kick idlers. Kicked players will not be able to re-queue for several minutes.




Inb4 this system is abused


The key word here is idlers. Are they going to make it so you can't be kicked if you get in combat, or is it simply the decision of the team that you are idle?


If it's a get back in combat situation, will the timer be as ridiculously short as the door opening in Voidstar?


If you do have sufficient opportunity to get in combat, it won't stop bots and it won't stop semi-afkers like me when we can't win and I don't feel like feeding a meat grinder. But it will stop node defenders.

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The people in this thread trying to justify exploiting the function to kick the undergeared (and the underleveled, I presume) are in for a world of griefing, even if they don't know it yet. Many players have alts. Kick that low level or undergeared alt, go ahead. Next few games you're going to lose horribly and probably won't even know why. Plus, oops, getting pulled into fire? Have fun with that. You guys are not going to get away with booting people who aren't 'up to your high standards', trust me. Edited by maradigamer
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Remember how well the Wow dungeon finder vote kick system worked?


Your loading the zone, group asks a question... your getting a glass of water, you dont respond... they vote kick you..


You have 3 hps less than the standard tanks "required" hp amount.. you get vote kicked...


They are bored and dont care... they vote kick you....


Your a class they dont like.... they vote kicked you


You have a name they dont care for.... they vote kick you..



Yea i can see this system Not being abused........


/end sarcasm

Well, not to burst your bubble, but in WoW you have pretty much the internet annonimity. Its quite likely you will not meet same persons ever again so why shouldn't you abuse and grief with it? Cross server everything led to this.

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Considering you can buy purple gear on the AH and push your HP to close to 12k before even setting foot in a Warzone, I really don't see much of a problem in booting undergeared people.


My desire to win overrides my desire not to hurt your feelings.



Such a STUPID thing to say ...

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The kick option in WoW is actually very good. I don't understand where the whole kick because you are undergeared or low level is coming from. Bioware is most likely going to copy that implementation.


It was insanely abused when it was first released.... i quit around that time, so i cannot confirm wether its still crap or if its been revamped

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IMO, just reward players as they go through a match with objective medals, etc (which they're talking about implementing).


In this way, just being there and AFKing doesn't actually benefit you, whatsoever.


The reason people AFK is because the game gives the same base winning or losing rewards to the best on the team AND the worst on the team. Currently the only way to differentiate is how many medals you get.


Change the medal system so that some classes aren't disadvantaged by it like now and buff up the rewards you get for that instead so they make up the vast majority of the rewards. Ergo, if you are AFKing you get next to nothing ...


Problem solved.

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lol i can't wait ... this is going to be great.



those 2 guys guarding the west node in alderran? what they aren't doing anything no healing no damage .. kick the afkers!!!



What the west node is now enemy's ? come on guys defend!! fight on the nodes!!



and wait to see the epic trolling in the other bg's. if they let more than 4 ppl in a premade.


group of 5 will be able to vote 5 people out of the warzone due to crap gear. or any reason really. You actually think there will be a safeguard to keep it from being abused? you have too much faith.

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My companions do not like this at all! They believe they should be the only ones to interrupt my warzone with pop-ups.




But anyways, if I were to get kicked by some "cool kids" for a BS reason, I would consider it a favor as I wouldn't want to waste my time grouping with a bunch of idiots. I like to find out who's a complete F'ing moron as soon as possible.

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IMO, just reward players as they go through a match with objective medals, etc (which they're talking about implementing).


In this way, just being there and AFKing doesn't actually benefit you, whatsoever.


The reason people AFK is because the game gives the same base winning or losing rewards to the best on the team AND the worst on the team. Currently the only way to differentiate is how many medals you get.


Change the medal system so that some classes aren't disadvantaged by it like now and buff up the rewards you get for that instead so they make up the vast majority of the rewards. Ergo, if you are AFKing you get next to nothing ...


Problem solved.



If they go this route they need to lower rewards for farming and increase them for participation in game objectives. The fact that they didn't do this in the first place leads me to believe it's too exploitable or too difficult to program. I'll be nice and assume they realized it was exploitable.


Medal farming does not help your team. If I get on my merc and start tracer missile spam on a Huttball ledge, I get medals, I top dps, and I do absolutely NOTHING for my team. That shouldn't be rewarded more than the poor guy who got ripped apart trying and failing to carry the ball.


Healers who stand in acid or chase after their two buddies off fighting to the side aren't helping, neither are their buddies. Tanks who shield some poor guy getting beat down because the enemy caught him alone isn't helping. He shields the ball carrier, now he's helping.


Oh, and yet, if objectives are highly rewarded, guess what? Four man premades will die rather than pass the ball to a pug player over one of their friends. And we'll end up with 8 man dance parties at Civil War turrets even when we might have been able to come back and win. But if they make it so capping a turret is what gives the reward, enemy teams will trade caps back and forth.


I better stop, I'm starting to feel sorry for pvp devs.

Edited by maradigamer
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