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Early access guys write the day u entered the code


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Bioware never stated early that this would happen so people can't be angry at others ordering later then them getting in at all, now if we knew this would happen in advance then people would have a reason to get angry.


Wrong. Bioware stated from the very beginning of pre-orders, back in July, that early access would be staged based on the order in which you entered your pre-order code. It was a part of the pre-order FAQ from the very beginning.

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I can't for the life of me understand why 97% of people posting in this thread didn't read (or maybe can't understand English) the topic title. Why are people posting that they didn't get in with their pre order dates. The title says to post IF YOU GOT IN AND THE DATE YOU ENTERED YOUR PRE ORDER CODE. What is difficult to understand about that?




Well you can extrapolate from the posts just what you are looking for.. it appears that if you ordered on the 21st your likely to be in game, any day after that at this point seems to not be in at this point.

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I entered my code at about 7:00am (eastern time zone) on the 21st and received my early access email around 7:23 this morning (first wave?). Unfortunately for me, I'm stuck at work. Actually, I have an internal interview for a new position, otherwise I would have taken the day off. 4:00pm can't come fast enough today...need to get my character names on lockdown!
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28th July 2011 for me, not in. A guildie entered his code 7 days before I entered mine, got in.

I understand a week IS a long time with pre orders, I am sure there were lots of people putting thier orders over that week.... but still.

Will just have to be patient!

I feel sorry for the people who pre ordered the game in November/December.. good luck seeing your early access..

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You have serious anger issues.


I fear for your children. If you have any.


Because typing in all capital letters means I have real life anger issues? Or maybe it was just, you know, for emphasis. The kind of emphasizing one might do when speaking with a person hard of hearing, or having difficulty grasping basic communication skills. What I fear for most is the community I am getting into once I do get in based on these forums. But thanks for white knighting for the morons!

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.... So annoyed that they decided on these tiny waves when we stressed the servers with much larger numbers in beta.


That's my issue. Why stress test and then allow a fraction of that in? It ran well by their accounts, and yet they aren't using that information. Yes, people will arrive from work and add some later, but that's exactly why they should be allowing more in.


To be honest, these servers need to allow alot more in by next week. IF they need to hold a million next week.. its idiotic to put in even 100k in batch one. At any time, I assume they would expect more than 100k. 100k is just a made up number. Since preorders are over 750k, and many more don't preorder, it seems beyond safe to not have 500k in by now.


How many servers are there? The only stress I would think would honestly be the login servers, which are probably more stressed now since everyone keeps relogging to see if they are in.

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I'm praying to the Nerd gods that they include at least 3 days in the last wave. So annoyed that they decided on these tiny waves when we stressed the servers with much larger numbers in beta.


They are not Tiny waves, more people ordered on these days than ordered in whole weeks later on.


I am curious about how many SW Galaxies players will get access and not play until after the end of the galaxy event later this week.

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23rd seems to be the limit so far, so maybe 23rd,24th,25th on the last wave for today:(

29th for myself Wednesday or Thursday for me it looks like :(


Is it stated anywhere that they are only doing so many waves a day or so many people a day? I dont see why they would do that and not just keep letting in waves until they hit problems.

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To be honest order date should not even matter, this should be done at random.


Think about it, we all paid and it doesn't even matter "when" we paid at all. People who have ordered recently have just as much right to get in game as any other.



Personally, I can't really think of a reasonable, fairer system than "first come, first served".


If you invite at random there you KNOW there will be a bunch poor people who ordered on day 1 but are forced to wait until the final wave, while some fence sitter who pre-ordered last week gets in days ahead of them. That doesn't seem fair to me at all.

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SWTOR The Old Republic

If you were not invited during today's invites, don't worry! We will continue to invite more people as Early Game Access continues.

3 minutes ago





Nah still one more wave, but yeah that's a little misleading.

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Wrong. Bioware stated from the very beginning of pre-orders, back in July, that early access would be staged based on the order in which you entered your pre-order code. It was a part of the pre-order FAQ from the very beginning.


Guess i was too busy to read that detail then, as stated i did order early but thanks to game i never received my code hehe.


Thanks for correcting me anyhow.

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