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Early access guys write the day u entered the code


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I was just about to post the same, people that just pre-ordered thinking they will get into the game in one of the first days are just being redicioulous. If anything they will get in on the last day ( 19th December ), and if they are lucky they will get in on the 18th Decemebr.


But I do think who already got their access are gonna come to the forums, people might have problems, so they will naturally seek help on the forums, and some people will simply come and brag about it, or simply just share the information so other people can use it to expect when they will get their invite.


Oh well, I can't wait to get in, I doubt I'll get in today, but hopefully I will :) Only time will tell.


Like I said earlier, this system only breeds elitist ****heads like you. EVERYONE will have at least 4 days of early access. People who think because someone preordered in Dec they don't deserve x amount of days is an elitist ****WAD. They paid just as much as you IF NOT MORE. Who cares WHEN they paid it, just THAT they paid it. This is what Bioware/EA fail to process, and is why they are already receiving so much flack for this across the internet.

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Something that might help folks gauge their early-access date a bit:


After multiple chats with the Bioware CS staff (Origin nuked my August code so I had

to get another), and a lengthy chat with an awesome rep; he looked it up and informed

my that my new 21OCT early-access date will get me into one of the 15DEC invite waves.


So if you entered your code before 21OCT you should for sure get in sometime between

the next wave and the 15th.


Hope that helps ease some folks.

Edited by Trihalo
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A guild m8 of mine is in game and has only 13 peeps in starting zone... it is not instanced


Yeh it's like playing a single player game. Where's the MMO part of this game? Some of the best gaming experience of any MMO is the launch. Excitement and mad rush people get when everyone starts fresh. Everyone running around, the zone is alive and rampage. Sometimes chaotic, but that is part of the fun and the competition is strong. But this thing going on atm, is taking alot of the fun that alot of Veteran MMOs crave from a game.


Who cares about server firsts, who got 50 first, first guild who has the most 50 and gets cracking at the high content first. With this going on, who really cares anymore...

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There is a poster on MMORPG who posted a screenshot of him playing (live build + current date) as well as an email of his order from Origin stating he purchased AFTER the Beta.


It COULD be an EXTREMELY elaborate plot, but I doubt it.

I can provide the same, very easily.


I preordered the game on July 21, entered my code.

In december 6th i preordered again from Origin. Cancelled my previous order.


Today, i can play - courtesy of my early preorder.

Also able to present the email from Origin. Not at all elaborate. It's a scenario i can't imagine i'm alone with.

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What a crappy way of doing an early access. So far off to a terrible start. I pre-ordered december 11th and entered the code december 11th, so I doubt I'll get in until the 19th. Thats so stupid.


Why is it stupid? You could pre-order the game months ago. Staggering admittance is probably the best move to control the population swarming the servers.

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I saw in another thread that someone who preordered and registred their code 10.12.2011 are in...sothere is a cjance that they are taking it pretty randmoly.

But in this thread people are doing the oppostie of what TS asks about....he asked people who were in to say when they preordered and registred.

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