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PVP Healing, which class?


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Pretty basic question here. I'm trying to decide between Sorc and Operative. Everyone is a sorc, and looking at the trees/playing in pvp matches with them it'a because they're powerful as hell. I just don't know any operative healers, so I come here for info about em.


If sorcs are so powerful, do operatives have more utility? I've heard they are bad, is this the truth? I've only heard they were bad from people without operatives so....yeah.


TL;DR: I just want to pvp heal. Sorc or Op? I like utility.

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Sorc is probably the most flexible, while Merc is the most "secure".


Operative healing requires a... special touch. On my Sawbones, I can't dream of tanking multiple enemies, unlike Sorc\or Merc - I'll get eaten alive and quick. I'll be tossed around like a ball with limitless pushes and pulls and CCd into oblivion.


However, if you find a tight spot to sit (*sit*, not stand - this way, you won't be charged\grappled) with a solid "firing arc" and available escape routes\fallback points, you can do a lot of good and survive for extended periods of time.


Scoundrel\Operative healing is probably the least "visible". People are a lot quicker to notice Sorcs and Mercs and focus them down.



Bottomline: While definitely underpowered, Operative healing is definitely playable. But, unless you want extra concerns and headaches, I'd recommend Merc\Sorc.

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I mean I know sorc's are above and beyond the best, I was just hoping that op healers were good with a lot of utility for a trade off....bad players don't usually make use of utility/good classes that are hard to play are usually called bad (see: marauder).


Damn. Pretty upset that operatives seems to have no place in the game, time to roll a sorc.


edit: I mean, this is my alt. I have a BM powertech tank, so a class with a few extra headaches MIGHT be okay, i just really want some extra buttons. We shall see. Thanks for the input team

Edited by Umpire
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I mean I know sorc's are above and beyond the best, I was just hoping that op healers were good with a lot of utility for a trade off....bad players don't usually make use of utility/good classes that are hard to play are usually called bad (see: marauder).


Damn. Pretty upset that operatives seems to have no place in the game, time to roll a sorc.


edit: I mean, this is my alt. I have a BM powertech tank, so a class with a few extra headaches MIGHT be okay, i just really want some extra buttons. We shall see. Thanks for the input team


You're welcome. Sawbones is my alt, as well. I'm using her when I feel naughty and tricky. Tranq-harassment is priceless, and I have a 99.9% chance of escaping if things go wrong. Failing that, I can say that healing Scoundrels are surprisingly good for one on one - you just need the +energy cap set bonus to feel a bit more free in terms of resource management.

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Pretty basic question here. I'm trying to decide between Sorc and Operative. Everyone is a sorc, and looking at the trees/playing in pvp matches with them it'a because they're powerful as hell. I just don't know any operative healers, so I come here for info about em.


If sorcs are so powerful, do operatives have more utility? I've heard they are bad, is this the truth? I've only heard they were bad from people without operatives so....yeah.


TL;DR: I just want to pvp heal. Sorc or Op? I like utility.


I wouldn't say that OP-healers are bad, sorcs are just better in pretty much every area, besides maybe mobility while healing. Also, sorcs bring so much more utility in terms of cc.

With that said, i quite enjoy the mechanics of healing as an operative, i just think we need some love in terms of group utility. If i were you id roll sorc with the state of the game being as it is now tho.

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operative is completely terrible as a pvp healer.


most people will run a healing/dps hybrid. because you cant play as a 'defensive' healer on an operative. you dont have the tools to sit back and out heal or survive being attacked.


you have to get up in their faces and attack and stun etc



you have shield probe. which is basically like static barrier, except it absorbs about half as much, with CD thats 4x longer, and you cant put it on other people.


you get hots. first one is nice as a proactive heal. but you cant rely on it to heal through an attack, because it ticks too slow and for too little. you still keep it up on whoever when you have time to refresh/apply, because it can proc TAs for you and top people off. second one doesnt really work in pvp, and i see more and more people not even speccing it. its hugely expensive if you cant get it to tick on more than 1-2 people. which almost never happens in pvp.


injection in your bread and butter. it heals a good amount, and it gives TA.

surgical probe is what you will be spending your TAs on (apart from keeping stim up). costs no energy, is instant, only uses a TA.


infusion looks good at a glance, but in practice its kinda worthless. the cast is not so much faster than injection to justify the huge cost. infusion costs energy, AND TA, AND has a cast time.



without speccing deep concealment, vanish removes you ability to heal or recieve heals for 5(?) secs. sometimes it saves your life, but it puts you out of action for a while.


if people are focusing you, you best options are to stand there and cast, and pray they dont know how to interrupt. or, stun/flashbang and leg it

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Just a quick note, on the Q&A this week they have said that a nerf for sorcs is in the works (reduce ability to use buffs on several heals or some such - I don't have a sorc so am unsure), with a buff to mercs (kolto missile hits more targets). Remember this is an MMO and things will change.


Although for Huttball, which I seem to get all the time, sorc has some great abilities to shine there, eg, pulling up ball carriers to higher levels, kocking back enemies off the ledges and sprint to get through the fire.


As far as Operative goes, I've seen a couple of excellent op healers on my server who are topping healing meters everytime I see them, above sorcs and mercs. Although the only op player I actually know to speak to says they do suck at pvp. so /shrug, I dunno!

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Just a quick note, on the Q&A this week they have said that a nerf for sorcs is in the works (reduce ability to use buffs on several heals or some such - I don't have a sorc so am unsure), with a buff to mercs (kolto missile hits more targets). Remember this is an MMO and things will change.


It's a bugfix that only marginally decreases the output of a sorc in a pvp setting. It does nothing about their utility which trumps the other healers.

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It's a bugfix that only marginally decreases the output of a sorc in a pvp setting. It does nothing about their utility which trumps the other healers.


Exactly. I've seen a few people saying it's a nerf. It's just a bugfix to stop a healing buff affecting the next two heals rather than the intended one. In fact that will probably affect PvE more than PvP.


As for the original question, go sorceror lol. Easy decision.

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Well just because something isn't the best at something doesn't mean it can't still be fun :p


True enough. But I wouldn't play Operative\Scoundrel healer as my main, though. My fragile ego wouldn't be able to handle being the underdog.:D

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from a 50 op healer in pvp. Id say roll anything but an Operative. Our instant heal does too little for pvp. Our hot takes 2 casts to be of any use. Our shield is on a long cooldown and does not block much at all. Our only use is vanish to get away which is on a 2min cooldown.


Sorc have a knockback and force run. They have the best shield in the game. Their is a reason 60% of players are sorcs. (Seems like)


Mercs have a knockback and heavy armor. They seem to aways heal more then i do.


As an OP if someone is below 20% i have no way to save them. Instant heal is too weak and cast heal takes too long. Oud 31pt aoe heal is crap and most dont even take it. The sorcs aoe heal is very nice.

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I mean I know sorc's are above and beyond the best, I was just hoping that op healers were good with a lot of utility for a trade off....bad players don't usually make use of utility/good classes that are hard to play are usually called bad (see: marauder).


Damn. Pretty upset that operatives seems to have no place in the game, time to roll a sorc.


edit: I mean, this is my alt. I have a BM powertech tank, so a class with a few extra headaches MIGHT be okay, i just really want some extra buttons. We shall see. Thanks for the input team


So many people get the cart before the horse. Whatever happened to playing a game the way you want to, rather than allow temporary game mechanics (it's an MMO, waves of nerfs and buffs come all the time, and class performance varies month to month, update to update) and social opinion to play it for you?


Sounds like you want to go OP, so go OP, and show people how it's done.


I've played "underpowered" classes in MMOs and excelled. It's all about making the right decision at the right time. Don't allow the game, and the community, to chose how you are going to play. You'll just join the mobs of sheep that ride the FOTM wave from class to class.

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