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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Tired of hearing "we're working on it"


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Actually, I'M tired of NOT hearing "We're working on it"...go into the latest iteration of the "Horrid FPS" thread to see what I'm getting at.


Think of how long it takes your co-workers to fix a problem at your job. Especially if it has to go through management. And then think of any or all of the problems that get stuck in the system and take even longer to fix than they ought to.


Your impatience is entertaining on the forums at least. Even if it's not grounded in any sort of realistic set of expectations.

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Sigh. I have lost faith in these forums. We are NOT saying there is nothing wrong with the game. We acknowledge the problems that people bring up. We would LOVE most of the features that are requested. However, we can actually be patient, know that coding takes time, and appreciate that the devs actually do communicate. Would you rather have them communicate all the time instead of coding?!


All of the complainers and the "NEED IT NOW" people have no idea what software programming and design is. This game is not just "10 lines of code", it will take some time to fix bugs.


Sigh. I have lost faith in these forums. People want features yet do nothing but post in threads by people asking those features and tear the person down and do nothing to support them even though they want the same thing. They sit back and just expect Bioware to magiaclly know the person that is telling people to shut up about features also want them...or have no idea that if the community got TOGETHER and worked TOGETHER would actually make a DIFFERENCE.




MOST of the forums spoke in ONE voice and suddenly, amazingly, Bioware got a change WITH options on the test server already. This is something they WERE NOT PLANNING, they jumped on it because of US.


Stop making excuses and SUPPORT the threads with people asking or even ************ about wanting changes and stop being a Bioware Apologist so the changes/additions come faster

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jokes aside, i wanna hear the OPs brilliant ideas on how to make the dev procces go any faster when no company in the entire planet has managed it so far



Trion is actually producing content for Rift at an astonishing rate, and I'm willing to bet they haven't screwed up as bad as Bioware has with Ilum.

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Trion is actually producing content for Rift at an astonishing rate, and I'm willing to bet they haven't screwed up as bad as Bioware has with Ilum.


You sure you want to bet on that? That game's had its fair share of bugs and time consuming issues that have taken awhile to fix.

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This is a joke right. You expect them to patch in content faster than what they are now? I swear some of you have no idea how game development works. Don't you think if it was feasible they would have already addressed ALL of the issues that players are having? They don't like sub drops period. You're talking about not having features that are "essential" when those are really just quality of life items. Stop expecting Bioware to do something not even Blizzard could do. Seeing as how during wrath you had to wait an entire YEAR without any additional meaningful content. For those complaining about bugs that's an entirely different department than the one that is issuing nerfs / working on game balance / crew skills etc. I'm more than that their team sure is well funded and busy trying to fix those issues. Now let's see what we've gotten since launch.


1. Nearly weekly or biweekly patching.


2. An entire additional raid.


3 New flashpoint.


4. Semi Reasonable downtimes depending on region.


5. The devs listening to player concerns and working on implementing things players want including these "essential" things that "should have been in at launch".


6. Next month 1.2 which will have guild features , scalable and movable UI , new warzone , legacy system, etc.


If we can expect radical changes like those in a 3 month period I'm more than confident in the continued growth of this game. In it's current state I'd say it's fairly shaky , but have patience if you feel like there is nothing to do at end game unsub till the next patch comes out. It's fairly reasonable. Oh wait what's that there's a patch coming out next month then just wait for it if you enjoy the game to any degree. I know I certainly will.

Edited by Taridian
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This is a joke right. You expect them to patch in content faster than what they are now? I swear some of you have no idea how game development works. Don't you think if it was feasible they would have already addressed ALL of the issues that players are having? They don't like sub drops period. You're talking about not having features that are "essential" when those are really just quality of life items. Stop expecting Bioware to do something not even Blizzard could do. Seeing as how during wrath you had to wait an entire YEAR without any additional meaningful content. For those complaining about bugs that's an entirely different department than the one that is issuing nerfs / working on game balance / crew skills etc. I'm more than that their team sure is well funded and busy trying to fix those issues. Now let's see what we've gotten since launch.


1. Nearly weekly or biweekly patching.


2. An entire additional raid.


3 New flashpoint.


4. Semi Reasonable downtimes depending on region.


5. The devs listening to player concerns and working on implementing things players want including these "essential" things that "should have been in at launch".


6. Next month 1.2 which will have guild features , scalable and movable UI , new warzone , legacy system, etc.


If we can expect radical changes like those in a 3 month period I'm more than confident in the continued growth of this game. In it's current state I'd say it's fairly shaky , but have patience if you feel like there is nothing to do at end game unsub till the next patch comes out. It's fairly reasonable. Oh wait what's that there's a patch coming out next month then just wait for it if you enjoy the game to any degree. I know I certainly will.


All of the content in the world doesn't help when the game doesn't even run properly.

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In a couple of years when a lot of the complainers have "come back" to "check on how things were going" ... we'll all meet up on my moisture farm in tattooine and have a big laugh about these topics while swapping glasses of blue milk between our left and right hands during cut scene transitions.
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In a couple of years when a lot of the complainers have "come back" to "check on how things were going" ... we'll all meet up on my moisture farm in tattooine and have a big laugh about these topics while swapping glasses of blue milk between our left and right hands during cut scene transitions.


Just like in SWG right.

Edited by GavNash
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Sigh. I have lost faith in these forums. People want features yet do nothing but post in threads by people asking those features and tear the person down and do nothing to support them even though they want the same thing. They sit back and just expect Bioware to magiaclly know the person that is telling people to shut up about features also want them...or have no idea that if the community got TOGETHER and worked TOGETHER would actually make a DIFFERENCE.




MOST of the forums spoke in ONE voice and suddenly, amazingly, Bioware got a change WITH options on the test server already. This is something they WERE NOT PLANNING, they jumped on it because of US.


Stop making excuses and SUPPORT the threads with people asking or even ************ about wanting changes and stop being a Bioware Apologist so the changes/additions come faster

Basically, Bioware will always try to fix things the majority of players are concerned about. UI Cooldown issue may have been one of those. But many things just don't have these clear majorities in the community. That is not the fault of the community, fanbois, haters or apologist, or any other part of it. It is just what it is. People are different and consequently have different interests. But it means to Bioware that there is no easy straightforward way to prioritize bugs and features. They have to take into account how many it will benefit and how much time and resources it will take, and go on with that.


A change can occur fast the more of these aspects are true:

Many players want the change occur and see it as the most important issue.

The chance can be implemented quickly


But you cannot expect or force the community to all say that one particular change is the most important to them. A PvPer will just not worry all that much about some companion feature, and a PvEer will just not worry all that much about some crowd control issue in PvP. A player with an nVidea graphics card will not care as much about a problem with ATI cards as the ATI card owner. And so on. It's natural.


But what can rile up anyone - some screaming on the boards as if he had the worst problem of them all and his problem must take precedence over everyone else's.

Edited by MustrumRidcully
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All of the content in the world doesn't help when the game doesn't even run properly.


Well, the game runs properly for me, so all the content of the world helps would help me a lot. So I am glad they are trying to make the game run better for those it doesn't (see ability delays / UI lag), but also provide stuff for people like me that don't have any problems with the game.


Of course, I could also be angry that they are even bother to work on stuff that doesn't help me, but I don't, because I think it would just be unfair.

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These forums will be filled with apologists, Bioware back massagers and yes-men/women pretty soon. Any good idea or well thought out criticism will be drowned out by the defense task force.


I've played quite a few MMOs. No expert on gaming nor do I have a large resume of MMOs but of all the communities I've been a part of the fanbois here easily are the worst I've seen. They go from defense to all out full on personal attacks in roughly two posts in a thread.

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I think the better question is "what are we supposed to do about it?" I mean, yeah- I've been frustrated by this game before, along with fixes and things we want that seem so far away. But, no matter what the actual reason is, I don't know if we, as the fanbase and the paying customers, can really affect how fast these developments come in, and at what quality. The only solution I see is somehow putting together a host of programmers that are willing to work for peanuts just to help this game get fixes and more content out faster.
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Am I the only one who thinks Bioware hired brand new fresh rookie programmers for this game? Seems like they are learning how things are done in the process of repairing bugs and developing new things.

What I mean - there aren't the SIMPLEST mechanics - chat bubbles, the sit animation (omg), the performance and fps and lag, combat log,and so on...

But mostly, the User Interface is the most disgusting thing ever developed! Full of bugs, non customizable......

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Basically, Bioware will always try to fix things the majority of players are concerned about. UI Cooldown issue may have been one of those. But many things just don't have these clear majorities in the community. That is not the fault of the community, fanbois, haters or apologist, or any other part of it.


Did you NOT read what I quoted in that reply?


The states that they ALSO WANT THE CONTENT yet do NOTHING to back up those that are also asking for it.


If people would STOP complaining about "complainers" and those asking for content and actually do something USEFUL and say that they also want it, which they DO, but are too busy just being DISRUPTFUL...that minority wouldnt be viewed as a minority which it ACTUALLY ISNT.


How many times have YOU posted in a thread with someone asking for something YOU also want but didnt say it? Just replied, give them time, stop complaining or hey its a new game even WoWzers didnt have it at release?


Yeah...the problem with the forums is not that a consumer is making a complaint or a request, its the consumers telling people not to do what a consumer SHOULD DO and voice their opinions to the people they are giving money to.

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Did you NOT read what I quoted in that reply?


The states that they ALSO WANT THE CONTENT yet do NOTHING to back up those that are also asking for it.


If people would STOP complaining about "complainers" and those asking for content and actually do something USEFUL and say that they also want it, which they DO, but are too busy just being DISRUPTFUL...that minority wouldnt be viewed as a minority which it ACTUALLY ISNT.


How many times have YOU posted in a thread with someone asking for something YOU also want but didnt say it? Just replied, give them time, stop complaining or hey its a new game even WoWzers didnt have it at release?


Yeah...the problem with the forums is not that a consumer is making a complaint or a request, its the consumers telling people not to do what a consumer SHOULD DO and voice their opinions to the people they are giving money to.



When the post is constructive and the the point without name calling, shouting, or "Obviously this should have been in at launch" then I'm there with my support. When anything like that comes involved, I tell them that they need to be patient and post in a more constructive manner.

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When the post is constructive and the the point without name calling, shouting, or "Obviously this should have been in at launch" then I'm there with my support. When anything like that comes involved, I tell them that they need to be patient and post in a more constructive manner.


In other words you will come up with a great many excuses not to be constructive and supportive yourself.


That street goes both ways...because those people are obviously passionate about games and they are the ones you should be wanting to support to get them to stick around and push the game to new heghts.


By doing what you are doing you are making sure Bioware does not see the communities concerns...I mean seriously, you basically just said that if someone posts wanting something in game that YOU also want in game you wont support them if they dont do it in a way YOU want to see it...wow...just...wow.

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