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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Server population is dropping...


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Their first month was free and you were required to actually subscribe before you could play the game. Does nobody remember having to slap down their credit card and starting their sub before they ever got in the game?


And beside that fact, the game is a leveling mans game. Nobody is going to play this game for six months, not even you hardcore fans.


Wait and see, the end is near.


Feb 1st was one month after the game was out, but don't let things like that get in the way of your hate.

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You know what will solve this problem?


Everyone who claims their server population is X should just post screenshots of their servers with name included around PEAK TIMES from Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

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ToR has a retention rate unheard of in the MMO market, which is usually around 40-50%.


Especially for their first month which was around 85%.



A lot retain for a couple of months, really it's after 1 month, 3 months, 6 months and then a year where you get a good idea.


SWTOR did well at 1 month (but then many do), not so well at 3 months and we'll have to see at 6 months.


Personally I think maybe the populations are stabilizing from their peak...... and don't forget an MMO with 500,000-750,000 stable subs is still a great success.

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A lot retain for a couple of months, really it's after 1 month, 3 months, 6 months and then a year where you get a good idea.


SWTOR did well at 1 month (but then many do), not so well at 3 months and we'll have to see at 6 months.


Personally I think maybe the populations are stabilizing from their peak...... and don't forget an MMO with 500,000-750,000 stable subs is still a great success.


Most mmos dont have to pay voice actors. Which is extremely expensive.

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and where can i find stats on the average number of subs per server?


Join a full server and see if theres anywhere near 10 thousand there.


Join a standard server and see if theres anywhere near 500 there.

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Join a full server and see if theres anywhere near 10 thousand there.


Join a standard server and see if theres anywhere near 500 there.


you are talking about concurrent logins here not the average number of subs per server

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False. That was 1.7 million subs "currently" as of February 1, 2012, and "the majority of the 1.7 million are paying subscribers." Source: Transcript, Q3 2012 Electronic Arts Inc. Earnings Conference Call.




If you look over the period of the last year, EA has done no better or no worse than the S&P:




Thats including europe and asia, so the numbering meaningless for any one given region.


Overall i dont expect this game to survive a year with resonable subs. Not with EA's current development practices.

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i recall posting about this issue few weeks ago , and i'v got flamed like hell for some odd reasons and called a lair >< ,,,,



my server is kai kan and i just stop playing coz i can't form groups anymore , used to be one of "Heavy" server in the EU , now at night is 40-60 ppl in IF



and i still can't get my head around these ppl who call others lair over stating thier server statue ... are you guys for real ??????

Edited by alkaint
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Join a full server and see if theres anywhere near 10 thousand there.


Join a standard server and see if theres anywhere near 500 there.


Uh... okay? Have you ever played a mmorpg with 10 thousand players online on the same server at the same time?


What you see when you log on is not the same as active subscriptions playing on that server.

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you are talking about concurrent logins here not the average number of subs per server


No, he is talking INDIVIDUAL subscriptions.


People are claiming this game has 2 million UNIQUE subscriptions.


Ok so therefore we have:


91 EU servers

3 AP servers

123 US servers




Thats 217 servers all together.


For this game to have 2 million subscriptions plus+


Every server would have to have around 9216 players more or less.


And this is why I know for a fact the the 1.7 million subscrition number Bioware claims is a fabrication.


But they are notorious for lying to begin with e.g. Mass Effect 3 DLC SURPRISE!

Edited by Tiaa
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Uh... okay? Have you ever played a mmorpg with 10 thousand players online on the same server at the same time?


What you see when you log on is not the same as active subscriptions playing on that server.


I feel you on this.


But an average of 10 thousand. 10 THOUSAND. Per server is ludicrous at this point.


My main server is The Deadweight and i doubt 1000 people play on it. Total. It is listed as standard.

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Why? Why would you want to know the pop numbers of a low pop server during off-peak hours????



It's only going to tell you that the pop is LOW!!!!


Read my post for an accurate reflection of the numbers of a standard server!!!




151 TOTAL Republic players on. Server was standard.


Unless you think there were 800 Imps on, that's absurdly low. In Bioware's mind though, that's medium. Ergo, people calling this a single-player game (This is not mentioning the sharding/instancing in this game).


And to be honest, it matters not how many of the opposing faction is on, for all intents and purposes, they aren't a-part of each-others gaming experience outside a select type (PvP).


151 Republic, split into 30 zones, is unacceptable. Nay, pretty much unplayable.


The game won't make it to this time next year. It'll be F2P by then with a B2W Shop.


Being completely blunt, Biodrone's need not worry about this game so much, its fate is already decided, they should be worrying about Bioware in and of itself. That company has tanked like many before it when swallowed by EA and their ilk.


A strong company like Bioware, crippled into this.. this mockery of what once was. You can see it when you play their games. Lifeless, no depth in their stories, full of political garbage and romance coming out of every orifice (And if they had their way, apparently every man would suck sausage and every woman would munch carpet), and their overall writing is horrid.


Honestly, I'm pretty annoyed about it. I only play games for their interactive stories, and Bioware used to be amazing at it (IMO). What a terrible, terrible waste.

Edited by Azumio
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No, he is talking INDIVIDUAL subscriptions.


People are claiming this game has 2 million UNIQUE subscriptions.


Ok so therefore we have:


91 EU servers

3 AP servers

123 US servers




Thats 217 servers all together.


For this game to have 2 million subscriptions plus+


Every server would have to have around 9216 players more or less.


And this is why I know for a fact the the 1.7 million subscrition number Bioware claims is a fabrication.


But they are notorious fir lying to begin with e.g. Mass Effect 3 DLC SURPRISE!


Bioware Before EA:


Baldurs Gate Series


Mass Effect 1

Dragon Age


Bioware After EA



Mass Effect 3

Dragon Age 2


Anyone see a pattern here?

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Uh... okay? Have you ever played a mmorpg with 10 thousand players online on the same server at the same time?

What you see when you log on is not the same as active subscriptions playing on that server.


EVE Online.

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151 TOTAL Republic players on. Server was standard.


Unless you think there were 800 Imps on, that's absurdly low. In Bioware's mind though, that's medium. Ergo, people calling this a single-player game (This is not mentioning the sharding/instancing in this game).


And to be honest, it matters not how many of the opposing faction is on, for all intents and purposes, they aren't a-part of each-others gaming experience outside a select type (PvP).


151 Republic, split into 30 zones, is unacceptable.


The game won't make it to this time next year. It'll be F2P by then with a B2W Shop.


Being completely blunt, Biodrone's need not worry about this game so much, its fate is already decided, they should be worrying about Bioware in and of itself. That company has tanked like many before it when swallowed by EA and their ilk.


A strong company like Bioware, crippled into this.. this mockery of what once was. You can see it when you play their games. Lifeless, no depth in their stories, full of political garbage and romance coming out of every orifice (And if they had their way, apparently every man would suck sausage and every woman would munch carpet), and their overall writing is horrid.


Honestly, I'm pretty annoyed about it. I only play games for their interactive stories, and Bioware used to be amazing at it (IMO). What a terrible, terrible waste.


If this game goes free to play it will generate 12 million free to play subscriptions overnight.


Try to remember how many children and generally non-commital people still love star wars enough to spend 50 bucks.

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No, he is talking INDIVIDUAL subscriptions.


People are claiming this game has 2 million UNIQUE subscriptions.


Ok so therefore we have:


91 EU servers

3 AP servers

123 US servers




Thats 217 servers all together.


For this game to have 2 million subscriptions plus+


Every server would have to have around 9216 players more or less.


And this is why I know for a fact the the 1.7 million subscrition number Bioware claims is a fabrication.


But they are notorious for lying to begin with e.g. Mass Effect 3 DLC SURPRISE!


The 1.7 million number was for their investors. They can't lie about it. Get real. Feb 1st they had 1.7 million players spread out on the servers. Whatever the average number per server was then, was the correct one.

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Join a full server and see if theres anywhere near 10 thousand there.


Join a standard server and see if theres anywhere near 500 there.


Sorry, but this information isn't out in the public domain. All we have so far is some info from bioware that on 1 Fed there were about 2 million subs here


You can check out Torhead to see the number of light/standard/heavy servers - but these don't track numbers, just the status of each server.


For obvious reasons, the numbers game is something MMO companies keep close to their chest.


If you want some info on what indicates a standard server (I calculated about 800+ online), look through my posts (in my statistics) to see a count I did the other night.

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The 1.7 million number was for their investors. They can't lie about it. Get real. Feb 1st they had 1.7 million players spread out on the servers. Whatever the average number per server was then, was the correct one.


So you are saying there are 9216 players more or less on each server?


How about you get "real".

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Bioware Before EA:


Baldurs Gate Series


Mass Effect 1

Dragon Age


Bioware After EA



Mass Effect 3

Dragon Age 2


Anyone see a pattern here?


Mass Effect 2 has to be added in there for after. That games story was complete ***, and basically ruined the trilogy. Everyone that tries to defend talks about it being a "bridge" from 1 to 3, and if that's the case, what a horrible bridge it was. Terrible game story-wise. I haven't finished Mass Effect 3, but so far, it seems on par with the rest of their Post-EA trash, which is to say, dull and lifeless with a smattering of horrible writing. Oh, and we have romance sub-plots being shoved down our throats, and 80% of them are gay in nature.


Who knew asking Vega if he was Ok would lead to us sucking face? The hell is that about..

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Sorry, but this information isn't out in the public domain. All we have so far is some info from bioware that on 1 Fed there were about 2 million subs here


You can check out Torhead to see the number of light/standard/heavy servers - but these don't track numbers, just the status of each server.


For obvious reasons, the numbers game is something MMO companies keep close to their chest.


If you want some info on what indicates a standard server (I calculated about 800+ online), look through my posts (in my statistics) to see a count I did the other night.


Is that like how Bioware claims this game runs well on normal to high end pcs and that no one gets bad fps in ilum, but then releases patch notes addressing low fps in ilum?


Or like how Bioware said they fixed the ACW turret bug favoring empire when they didnt?


Or like when Bioware said they fixed the WZ quest bug in 4 consecutive patches?


Or like when Bioware said I can use emotes on my speeder and 2 months later I cant use emotes on my speeder?


Or like when Bioware said the game would have good graphics in the commercials and on the box, but then said the good graphics were a bug and it was out fault for not knowing they were only in cinematics?


Or like the time Bioware said SWTOR wouldnt have fights where large groups of people hit a single monster, but then every single fight in the game involved large groups of people fighting a single monster?


Or like the time Bioware said they would roll back peoples valor for exploiting and then they didnt?


Or like the time Bioware said they would ban people for exploiting chests in Ilum, but then they didnt?


Or like how the Website says companions change and reflect your decisions and playstyle, but they dont?


Man, Bioware always tells the truth am I right?

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