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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Server population is dropping...


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People certainly like to delude themselves. The lack of proof doesn't mean something is false.


But keep kidding yourselves, it's funny to watch.


But being able to prove what you're claiming is a fact makes it a bit easier for people to take you seriously. You know nothing. Just like everyone else here. You're swayed and lured by what other posters have claimed. That doesn't mean it's true.

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That is actually incorrect. The basic principles of both Law and Science require consistent proof be made available before either are considered fact, truth or Law (in Science's case). In both fields, the burden of proof is also laid with either the accuser or the person bringing up the theory. A Law of Science isn't even considered if there is any possible way the Law can't be applied to any/every facet. For instance, the Theory of Relativity is now the Law of Relativity, despite it being in the theory state for decades.





There's no such thing as an absolute Law of Science.


Nothing even ever 100%, if it was we'd never have gotten past Newton's Laws.





You're misunderstanding what a scientific law is, it's NOT something a "theory" becomes when 100% proven (even if such a thing were possible - which is is not).


Rather a "Law" is usually something which always works (given certain conditions) as a formula suggests. Where as a "theory" is trying to explain why something works.


In fact often "laws" are found to be false when pushed beyond their original context (see Newton and many others... most others perhaps) despite still being perfectly functional an correct within that context.






None of that really applies to SWTOR's population though, because it is going up, down or staying the same and Bioware will know exactly which.


There's nothing to prove in that context.

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Well, if you log on at the new asian-pacific servers right now, they are full and 2 have queues even. I tend to believe that when a game is launched many people play a lot of time but eventually their playtime will go down to normal rates. This does not have mean however that there are less subs. Around peak times most servers still show standard or heavy and on the weekend still some more.


I have also seen that the amount of people on the fleet says nothing. Mostly there are more people on planets like Nar Shaddaa, Coruscant or Dromund Kaas than on the fleet, which leads me to believe there are not so many people standing around bored on the fleet, but playing alts or maybe even still their first character.

Edited by Ghaiana
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Bloodworthy has around 200 in the evenings, sometimes more with extra fleet instance cause the 1st one is full.


On the imp side at least, don't know about the republic.

Edited by Jandi
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Just to add at 11:52am GMT Monday 5th

Frostclaw showing low pop at this time



1-10 : 17

10-20 : 49

20-30 : 46

30-40 : 43

50 : 92



1-10 : 23

10-20 : 63

20-30 : 54

30-40 : 59

50 : 100+

Edited by becksuk
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Bloodworthy has around 200 in the evenings, sometimes more with extra fleet instance cause the 1st one is full.


On the imp side at least, don't know about the republic.


Rep side on the same server has 40-60 people on the fleet in the evenings. Rarely 100.


Lets hope 1.2 will bring back more players.

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I don't have a L50 char yet but if it proves to be consistently hard to find 3 other people for a basic FP, I will not renew. Simple as that.


Usually around 50 at Imperial fleet, Republic has around 30. Prime time, of course. (Server shows Light/Standard, never ever touched Heavy.)


The numbers are surprisingly consistent, so yes, fleet @ prime time is a great reference.

Edited by Dash_Fiss
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Sunday evening which is probably the time most play my server had 37 in fleet. GG


You do realize that most people do not sit in the fleet, right? They are doing dailies or flashpoints or operations, then they log off. Next time, do a /who 50 instead of just the fleet. The only time I'm on the fleet is when I'm handing in tokens from operations to get loot or if I'm at the GTN.

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You do realize that most people do not sit in the fleet, right? They are doing dailies or flashpoints or operations, then they log off. Next time, do a /who 50 instead of just the fleet. The only time I'm on the fleet is when I'm handing in tokens from operations to get loot or if I'm at the GTN.


My entire guild of 100+ almost all quit, with only 3-5 even logon to chat, maybe a warzone or two... yes, I supposed you're correct, not many are in fleet. EU maintenance times are still a slap in the face with yet another 6 hour "maintenance" tomorrow during the day.

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I've got a tool to track server pop numbers by doing /who to see how many players are present in 10-level bands and how many players are on Ilum (1-10, 11-20, 21-30, 31-40,41-49, 50, and on Ilum).


If you want to record data for your own servers, I'm more than happy to keep track of it.


You can record your server pop here:




You can review what results I have so far here:




This analysis is for SANCTUM OF THE EXALTED only.


About 44% of our server population is between levels 11 - 20. About 17% of our server pop is level 50 (but that's uncertain, because /who only gives me the first 100 results for lvl 50 players, so an estimate of 17% is low.)


Where I have surveys taken within one hour of each other, our server average Republic:Imperial ratio is about 0.9 Reps/1 Imp, but that value ranges from 0.8 to 1.2.


The average measurement is 433 persons on our server.


The average number of persons on our server from 16:00-02:00 (peak hours) is 523. About 3% of that population is on Ilum.


My number of measurements is small (n=14) and are only from the last four days. Still collecting data.


Of course, with Mass Effect 3 launching tomorrow, I predict we'll see a drop in server pop for a week or two.




Edited by Scorpienne
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I can say my server has dropped dramatically in average population during peak times. Fleet went from about 130 to 100, high level planets dropped to 15-20 people tops, starter worlds only have 30 or so now, and mid level planets idle at 40-50. This a big drop from a couple months ago.
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There is no question that server populations are dropping. Two months ago on a Saturday night, most of the servers would read Heavy, some Full. This Saturday (last Saturday too), most were Standard, many were Light.


My server is Kath Hound, and from Fleet to Nar Shadaa to Tattooine, I couldn't find a zone with more than 40 in it (many less), and this was during peak time Saturday. It was a little better on my alternate server, Darth Bandon....but not much.


Server consolidations or character server moves would be a help. MMOs do best with a large healthy population.

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My entire guild of 100+ almost all quit, with only 3-5 even logon to chat, maybe a warzone or two...


My guild just closed its second round of recruiting because it filled its membership limit.


My anecdotal evidence just canceled out your anecdotal evidence. Your move.

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My bet is this: IF server populations are "cashing" it's probably Europeans leaving because of jacked up maintenance times.




Much like any other online software/program game there is this... and because it happens during the day there, on a weekday when most people (well should) are working this would not cause this issue.


lol nice try though, almost funny of a reason though lol.

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My guild just closed its second round of recruiting because it filled its membership limit.


My anecdotal evidence just canceled out your anecdotal evidence. Your move.



Why were you recruiting it if was already full and no one had quit?

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population atm:



5 x standard

rest light



17 x light

rest standard



3 x light


... so asia has only 3 servers? 3, really? all light (doesnt matter what time is it, there is so many potential players that servers should be queued for month).


.. eu servers, yes.. we need almost 100 servers so soon we can play this game as single player game

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But being able to prove what you're claiming is a fact makes it a bit easier for people to take you seriously. You know nothing. Just like everyone else here. You're swayed and lured by what other posters have claimed. That doesn't mean it's true.


ok, now you are just frustrating me. Do you seriously think the population is holding steady or growing? Anyone that plays this game can SEE the decline in population for themselves. I don't have to read the forums to know that it's true. I can see it for myself. So can you, open your freakin eyes and quit lying to yourself.

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Somebody else gathered some numbers, from what I understand he posted them here and his thread got deleted.


While it only includes 6 planets and the fleet, it gives you a very good idea of how the top servers are doing fine, and then the rest go to half empty pretty quick.


He also has numbers on the Imp / rep faction balance (or imbalance rather)





He has another page with pvp server numebrs.

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This is funny. Always the same type of people who complain.


Here is the simple answer. People dont want to play with you. It isnt that the server pop is dropping. nope that is ok. They are out and about doing their thing and running with their guilds. Chances are they decided that due to other bad experiences with various tools that they simply dont want to answer a call whenever someone post for a run. Second point. You decided to rush through the content as fast as possible. Now you are bored. Your options are simple. Run with your guild; create an alt and join those who are doing the low level runs; wait...as in just wait and see what occurs (as in give it time); or leave.


These complaints are the same complaints that occurred with Rift. They opened servers up due to a heavy launch. Cries went out to "merge" servers due to "low pop". Guess what? Those who complained left. No servers were merged and Rift is now a year old and apparently is expanding into new markets.


The thing I ask is simple. Just wait and see what develops. The developers know when it is time to merge if the need arises. Now is not that time.

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