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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Server population is dropping...


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That flies in the face if what they announced yesterday.


Still the fastest growing mmo ever, over two million active subscribers and growing and 3 million units sold. They are suppose to announce the new sub numbers when 1.2 drops but at 3 million units sold you can bet that we are looking at a population between 2.5 and 2.7 million possibly more given the Asia launch.


So much for reality huh?


it was 2 million sold partner. 1.7 million subs? that was as of December 31st 300 k people spit this game out in 11 days. you want some more current info or some blind fanboism finger crossing? here is a dosage of truth for the masses http://www.videogamer.com/pc/star_wars_the_old_republic/news/ea_stock_drops_3_after_star_wars_the_old_republic_doubts.html

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it was 2 million sold partner. 1.7 million subs? that was as of December 31st 300 k people spit this game out in 11 days. you want some more current info or some blind fanboism finger crossing? here is a dosage of truth for the masses http://www.videogamer.com/pc/star_wars_the_old_republic/news/ea_stock_drops_3_after_star_wars_the_old_republic_doubts.html


why do people still get this wrong.


it was 1.7 million on January 31st not December.

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thats the second time you posted that old story. Do you get money for page views?

that blog post is from January 20th how is that more current then their January 31st quarter reports?



Anyway that is also WRONG. that was 1 analyst idea of what MIGHT happen.


the truth is the stock actually ROSE


if you are going to troll try to use up to date information.

Edited by jarjarloves
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Imagine how much they will further drop if EA admits that it is loosing customers :jawa_eek:


They would rather end up having a few fanatics play on empty servers than merge, or at least allow free character migration (so not to loose angry players), which their engine cannot support atm because of bad programming. Hence their inability to send Australian players who had enrolled on other servers to the new Oceania ones, even if the players want to.

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F2P, F2P, F2P...hmm...1.2 update isn't until April...another 4 wks until then...possible 5 wks if not until the 2nd week of april.


I suggest you sale the game to Sony...they will take anything...because I do not think even they could screw it up much more...but then again...I could be wrong (OH!! not about screwing it up), but about they might not even want to touch this one.

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F2P, F2P, F2P...hmm...1.2 update isn't until April...another 4 wks until then...possible 5 wks if not until the 2nd week of april.


I suggest you sale the game to Sony...they will take anything...because I do not think even they could screw it up much more...but then again...I could be wrong (OH!! not about screwing it up), but about they might not even want to touch this one.


WoW is >> that way buddy. Go there and fail. :D

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God this game could be so cool - I'd spend even more time in it if I felt like I was in a Star Wars Universe. Sadly it feels cartoonish and a ripoff of a formula that's had success.


Just so disappointed.

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Got to love the amount of maturity in the forums from gamers. You all are making yourselves look bad. F2P or crying is not helping any. How about this if you do not like the game go away if you like the game how about you help it prosper. yes we get it the POP is down on some of the servers. I get it they can either server merge or advertise more.


As for the stock for those who are interested. The fact yes EA stock is down. Well the whole market is down alot. How about some positive out look. So read into that all you want:






I must be a fan boy right. I love this game there no dought I have faith they can make it work. I am not given up after 2 months. You should have seen otehr games after two months. I guess since Blizzard is laying off 600 people they are going down too.

Edited by LordTie
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F2P, F2P, F2P...hmm...1.2 update isn't until April...another 4 wks until then...possible 5 wks if not until the 2nd week of april.


I suggest you sale the game to Sony...they will take anything...because I do not think even they could screw it up much more...but then again...I could be wrong (OH!! not about screwing it up), but about they might not even want to touch this one.


sony just has one big success, the EQ,

EQ2 failed.

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F2P, F2P, F2P...hmm...1.2 update isn't until April...another 4 wks until then...possible 5 wks if not until the 2nd week of april.


I suggest you sale the game to Sony...they will take anything...because I do not think even they could screw it up much more...but then again...I could be wrong (OH!! not about screwing it up), but about they might not even want to touch this one.


There are too many servers because they caved into the player base complaining about queue times. And rather then reroll an alt we have people complaining about dead servers and no endgame and yet they refuse to stop playing their 50's...


With a subscription base of 850 000 you can have less then 12 players per zone during peak hours. With 1.7 million you will have less then 24 during peak hours.


Do some research and find a server with a better pop there are many sites out there that will give you an idea.


Because when it comes time for transfers it will be just players not guilds and odds are you will lose your legacy names, your character names and your guild name will probably be taken.


Right now rerolling elsewhere now might just give you the chance of having the legacy name you want and maybe the guild name you have on the server you are on now.



Reroll, complain or quit are the option


Course i am curious how many rerolled on the same server in the last month :rolleyes:

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Since we are on the topic of stocks. One year ago Activision was trading at 11.11 on cent and now it is 11.77. LOL I guess they must be failing too. You kids should stick to your economic classes in school.
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Some thoughts on server numbers;


Long post, but contains actual numbers playing on a Standard Population server, so may be worth reading.


I’ve been a bit concerned about the pop on my server Starstorm One (EU) since 20 Feb. I’ve noticed a drop in the amount of people on the fleet, and questing generally, although WZ continue to pop regularly.


Anyway, I thought I would look as see how many were actually playing, and did a search per lvl on the WHO.


The WHO lets you see how many players of each lvl are online and playing while you are, no matter if they are on a planet, an op, FP or WZ.


So, last night at 8.30pm GMT – which I’d say is the tail end of peak time, but still when you’d expect the majority to be playing - there were 239 people of lvl 1-49 on the Republic side.


Pretty gloomy? Well, no – there were also at least 100 lvl 50s on (The who only shows you the first 100).


For the purposes of this count, I’ll be pessimistic and assume that there were actually exactly 100 lvl 50s. So, that’s 339 people on the Republic side.


I then logged on with an Imperial alt (he’s a nameholder .... never levelled the scummy Imp past the intro :D) and did a similar count. Because the first one was a bit time consuming – I do have a life, I promise – I just took samples at different lvls.


They were:


Lvl – nos playing


10 – 7

15 – 10

20 – 7

25 – 9

30 – 10

35 – 8

40 – 6

45 – 10

49 – 10.



Now, these numbers may seem low, but you have to remember that once added up across all lvls you quickly get into the hundreds. They do have implications for getting an appropriate lvl group for a flashpoint, but that’s a discussion for another thread.


Now, the numbers on the Imp side for each lvl are actually consistently 30-50% higher than the Republic side. Again, the count of lvl 50s maxed out at 100.


Let’s assume that the samples taken on the Imp side are reflected across all lvls.


Also, to be pessimistic again, I’m going to work on the basis that the actual % increase on the Imp side is 40%, as its the mid-point of the 30%-50% increase noted earlier (are you paying attention at the back of the class?)


That gives us a total figure for lvl 1-49 Imps on Starstorm One (EU) at 8.30pm GMT of ...... 374 (239 Republic + 40% [135] = 374)


To that we have to add 100 to reflect the number of lvl 50s. I’m being pessimistic again as there could have been, and probably were, more, but the WHO stops counting at 100, remember?


So – Total Imp population could reasonably be assumed to be – 474.



Meaning , at the lowest estimate because (I don’t know the total number of lvl 50s), Total Server Population of the Standard Population Server Starstorm One (EU) at the tail end of peak time – 8.30pm GMT – was .....





Now, how you view that figure is up to you. I believe it’s pretty healthy; higher than I expected, although lower than I would want.


It’s also interesting as this is the number of players which indicates Standard Population – not heavy, very heavy or full – but the population lvl the majority of the 45 EU servers are at during peak time.


What does worry me slightly, is if you multiply this across all 45 EU servers – and get a total population of 36,585.


I know that everyone who bought the game isn’t playing it right at the same time, all the time, and that what I’ve done is nothing more than a statistical snapshot based on one server ..... but that number seems low if you take box sales of 1.7 million.


However, I’m not sure that such a comparison is valid as I don’t have the real numbers across all servers.


I’d also like to point out that in no way should my numbers be used as the basis for a calculation about actual numbers of subscribers.


One server, at one time point, on one night, with a few assumptions thrown in for good measure, is not a good enough statistical basis – by quite a wide margin – to make such a calculation.



Thanks for reading. Now, please go kill some Imps. :)

Edited by UltimateKrucible
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You can actually use the /who search function to get quite accurate numbers:


Try the following in the search field:





If any range exceeds 100 people, just split the range, e.g. 41-45 and 46-49.


Since there are more than 100 level 50s online at peak time on your server, split them up in classes.

50 commando

50 vanguard

50 sentinel

50 guardian

and so on.

(You could also try "50 commando vanguard", but I have not tried that myself.)


Now, if you get more than 100 results when searching "50 guardian", you could either split those again or be happy that there are so many.


You should probably not need more than 13 queries to get the numbers for one faction.

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or for a low pop server just clear the search field and hit enter, during off peak hours I can return an entire server in one go...


Why? Why would you want to know the pop numbers of a low pop server during off-peak hours????



It's only going to tell you that the pop is LOW!!!!


Read my post for an accurate reflection of the numbers of a standard server!!!

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Why are ppl suprised?

Shows your age, thinkong this was going to be a wow killer, lol.


It was never going to be a wow killer but with the server populations as they are the game is becoming its suicidal cousin; I couldn't care less about other games that are coming or have been, I am playing this right now and expect the product to be fun. The game itself is/was fun when the servers were populated but now with no multi-player, I cant enjoy it. It seems contradictory that server merges are being ignored in the ignorant through that they will publicise the game isn't doing as well as intended with the knock on effect of drawing in less new players; when by not doing it they are loosing many of the players they've got. I'd imagine most people who wanted to try the game have it by now so holding off to grab a few more will only destroy the game in the long run.

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Let's do some actual numbers.


So check this out.


I built a survey. http://www.guildportal.com/Guild.aspx?GuildID=433241&TabID=3813820


Here are the results: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Aregkvys5QFodDlvU05lQ3o2S3ZrYU9SYjRwM29OSnc#gid=0


About 44% of our server population is between levels 11 - 20. About 17% of our server pop is level 50 (but that's uncertain, because /who only gives me the first 100 results for lvl 50 players, so an estimate of 17% is low, but now I've got an optional section to look at the 50s by class.)


Where I have surveys taken within one hour of each other, our server average Republic:Imperial ratio is about 0.9 Reps/1 Imp, but that value ranges from 0.8 to 1.2.


The average measurement is 433 persons on our server.


The average number of persons on our server from 16:00-02:00 (peak hours) is 523. About 3% of that population is on Ilum.


My number of measurements is small (n=14) and are only from the last four days (this is an analysis I ran a few days ago). Still collecting data, up to 5 days and 19 observations now. These data should be regarded as draft, preliminary, and anecdotal.


Of course, with Mass Effect 3 launching, I predict we'll see a drop in server pop for a week or two.




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How? I'd love to know.


I'm guessing Fatman just has older people who don't log on early in the morning. I get on early early though. Like 5am and there aren't many people. However, about 11am it's packed. Republic side obviously


The server is in no way dead and probably has one of the highest pops.


But people have a weird skewed outlook on server pops these days. I played on a higher pop WoW server and there were less people online than my SW server. It's just that cross server has given people the impression that they're playing with thousands of people on their server of 300.

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