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We Have Been Heard!


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Brothers and Sisters, I present to you from the Feb 17th Q&A responses:


We plan on improving the overall Area of Effect healing performance of the Mercenary/Commando in the next major Game Update (1.2) by increasing the number of targets affected by Kolto Missile/Kolto Bomb.
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I can honestly say I am shocked they actually acknkowleged our aoe healing is broken let alone fix it! :cool:


I can only hope its 8 targets but that might be hoping a bit tooooooo much. :(


We will see. Apparently the Mercs, Cammandos, Scoundrels, and Operatives are all getting healing buffs and Sorcs/Sages are getting a little Nerf because they have "healing capabilities beyond what is intended" I am extremely happy with BW/EA today.

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So I get to be more powerful while I already wished I had rolled an op healer so I wouldn't be so powerful ... yey. I guess. =P


Though honestly yes, kolto missile 3 target max is stupid. 4 would be nice, 8 with lesser healing would prolly be too much due to gas buff and the normal buff ... but if they do 8, mwahahahahaha! =P

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We will see. Apparently the Mercs, Cammandos, Scoundrels, and Operatives are all getting healing buffs and Sorcs/Sages are getting a little Nerf because they have "healing capabilities beyond what is intended" I am extremely happy with BW/EA today.


this is great news, I was feeling kind of gimped as a healing merc, felt like some fights I feel very under-equipped compared to Sorcs as far as healing goes, even if it is increased to 4 people that is quite a nice boost

Edited by Oxydol
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as with all things i'm not going to get my hopes up


the fix to the aoe heals could mean increasing their targets but lower their healing, which would stil make them substantially inferior to sorc/sage aoe healing even with the added utility that kolto bomb/missile have

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