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What are things that baddies do that make them terrible PvPers?


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Wow, good add. To add to it, those who don't buff between the two phases of Voidstar...it's an obvious place to make sure everyone around you has their buffs, and so many people sit there with their thumbs in nefarious places for that 30s.


Guilty. I buff like crazy before a match starts, but I've just now started rebuffing after I leave the spawn.

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Players who run into an enemy group, (usually 4 or 5) alone and expect something good to happen. I honestly don't know what the sweet hell goes through their minds.


I do it all the time. Its a completely valid role for a tank/dps to play when going for objectives.



Cluster of ranged after your healer/objective? Leap in and threat scream

Planting the bomb? Run towards the group trying to interrupt and intimidate roar

Group after huttball carrier? Leap in and chilling scream / intimidate roar

Group capturing node? Leap into them and aoe smash / intimidate roar


Now if they were all alone and you had a single guy go after 4 or 5 by himself, maybe he was keeping them occupied while others were resetting in huttball, capturing a node, or planting the bomb? Some people play roles that help their teammates complete objectives, not just to look good on a scoreboard.

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You get a pass. The other stuff you've posted in this thread show that you're not a Baddie.


Awww! Thank you! :) I have my baddy moments, though. I think everyone does, which is why I don't answer beginner questions in a match with shut up, noob! If I did that, I'd have to remind myself of the times I've screwed up even though I know better. Like when I've peeked into the pit and gotten force jumped to by the ball carrier.

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Awww! Thank you! :) I have my baddy moments, though. I think everyone does, which is why I don't answer beginner questions in a match with shut up, noob! If I did that, I'd have to remind myself of the times I've screwed up even though I know better. Like when I've peeked into the pit and gotten force jumped to by the ball carrier.




Okay, I take it back, you ARE a baddie.

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Operation leaders who fail to mark healers.

Did this in alderaan, pub battlemaster premade had a significantly harder time. Did it next queue in huttball, we facerolled to victory while 2 operatives and 2 assassins permaganked the other team's healers.


Hrmm...go pick up a Target Marker. I get mine at a vendor in Ord Mantell outside of the Commando headquarters. Like 500cr, cheap.


Use it on Bad Guy healers, and you don't have to rely on the raid leader.

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Stunning someone 5m away isn't a dumb thing to do. Thats less than 2 seconds from the goal line. Why let them walk in? If someone was going to grapple them, they should have done it by now. At least this gives the grappler an extra 6 seconds. Not stunning someone 5m away, when you could have, would be an even worse play.


Another thing I disagree with is standing alone and guarding a base. This most often occurs when a team is losing. They control only 1 base which is never getting attacked, yet they continue to guard it with 1 or 2 defenders. How is your team going to ever make a comeback when you are attacking with 6 vs 8?


You have to risk losing the turret (which usually wont happen) in hopes of gaining a 2nd turret. Almost every team only holds 2 turrets. There is no need to guard a turret the enemy isn't interested in.


Sure guard your only base for a few minutes. But if two people have been standing there alone for 5 minutes, that a major factor in the loss.

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This. I lost count of times when i am the only guy who protects east turret. Ans since I suck a t PvP and happened to play a hard to master class (marauder) a turret guarded by me is pretty much yours for taking.

Sure, I ask for "1 more to def with me" but no one ever listens until its too late.


How about NOT CALLING INCOMING early enough for help to get to you.... as demonstrated above.

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"1. Stun the enemy ball carrier 5m from the end zone when there's not a chance their going to be killed in that time, guaranteeing the score."


why in the world would you complain about that? Happened many a time where the BC was stunned near the goal..then pulled back or knocked back into the pit.


complaining because they used their stun as if it HELPED them score...good lord



Well, you should root if at all possible or stun after root is spent if it wont fill resolve, otherwise then yeah, id still stun and pray he is focused and killed, I think what he meant to say was fill the attackers resolve bar needlessly when he is being focused at the goal line thus ensuring he will score.

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Thinking that stealth in PvP is some type of cosmic anomoly. Like they've never experienced stealth in any sort of PvP in a game.


How can they claim to have played WOW, EQ, AION, GW, Neverwinter Nights, DAoC, Ultima Online, Dungeon and Dragons, .. Even Planetside for goodness sake...


How they can claim they've played any of the games and have no idea how a stealth class works is beyond comprehension. It's out right trollery or a blantant attempt to confuse those than honestly just don't know.

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Stunning someone 5m away isn't a dumb thing to do. Thats less than 2 seconds from the goal line. Why let them walk in? If someone was going to grapple them, they should have done it by now. At least this gives the grappler an extra 6 seconds. Not stunning someone 5m away, when you could have, would be an even worse play.


Another thing I disagree with is standing alone and guarding a base. This most often occurs when a team is losing. They control only 1 base which is never getting attacked, yet they continue to guard it with 1 or 2 defenders. How is your team going to ever make a comeback when you are attacking with 6 vs 8?


You have to risk losing the turret (which usually wont happen) in hopes of gaining a 2nd turret. Almost every team only holds 2 turrets. There is no need to guard a turret the enemy isn't interested in.


Sure guard your only base for a few minutes. But if two people have been standing there alone for 5 minutes, that a major factor in the loss.


There's a qualifier on that "no stun near end zone" thing...the qualifier being "if you can't kill the ball carrier yourself before the stun wears off." If that's the case, there is no point to do the stun to begin with, because you're only delaying the inevitable *and* ensuring that a last second Grapple or Force Push can't possibly work.


On the guarding the base thing...I disagree emphatically except for in the one case where you cannot possibly win the match unless you somehow pull off a three-cap. If you've already lost without that three cap then yes, there's no reason for that one guy to stay and guard.


BUT...if the score is still close, having that last dude leave means that any random stealther (or heck, even someone up in Mid looking down and seeing it undefended) can go ninja that node and turn what could possibly be a win if your team manages to wrestle one node away into a GUARANTEED loss when you get 3 capped yourself when you're already behind.


No, in 95% of the cases, you want to play "a man down" by having someone stay there to keep the yard trash off your node.

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Not passing the ball to the 3 people on the ramps ready to take it and score.


As mentioned before:


Players who run into an enemy group, (usually 4 or 5) alone and expect something good to happen. I honestly don't know what the sweet hell goes through their minds.


Medals, **** when I am in a steam rolling Alderaan and the opfor has no chance to win unless they suddenly get good and triple cap I will stroll on over to their point and have fun, usually get a kill, need my assassin medal, either way I increase my damage numbers.

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Don't be shocked, but I'm actually one "stupid n00b" who took the time to objectively read all the complaints/helpful suggestions in this thread. SWTOR is my first MMO, and I've only been PvP'ing about a week. The first thing I did was ask questions (on the forums and of my guildies) to try to learn as much as I could before playing a game.


A lot of people on these forums (this thread included) have been playing MMO's for years and have vast amounts of experience, knowledge, and skill doing so. SWTOR is a unique beast. There are lots of players/subscribers who are first-timers because they love Star Wars and thought this would be fun. Even learning as much as I could before attempting a WZ, NOTHING could prepare me for my first WZ as a level 37 Merc.


I was placed into Alderaan, gave everyone my buff, then hopped on a speeder. I followed 2 other people to a side node and was determined to help defend the node. After about 2 seconds at the node, I was left all by myself (did I mention the 2 people who left me were level 49'ers?). I tried my best with everything at my disposal (CC's, tracer missiles, death from above, etc.) but was quickly killed by 4 guys from the other team. When I checked the map, there were people all gathered at the center node. No one at the outsides at all.


After we lost horribly, I queued up again and got Huttball. I got passed the ball, but before I could even pass the ball, I was stunned by a Sorc (3 times in rapid sucession) while their BH shot tracer missile after tracer missile at me and I died. In the chat window I see, "YOU HAVE TO PASS THE BALL!!!!!!!!" At that point, I began wondering if I had maybe missed some kind of ability that would allow me to pass the ball when stunned. Upon further research, it appears that I did not.


Stooopid n00bs will only cease to become stooopid n00bs by experience. At some point in the vast, extensive gaming backgrounds of PvP experts, everyone was a n00b once.

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People who throw caution to the wind when there's a healer around. Just because I'm healing you it doesn't mean you get to become Superman and run through groups of enemies without a care. Help me help keep you alive.
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Expect people to die beacuse they attack them, without a real clue how their class works, if there is an order they should use, or is attacks may depend on each other without the tooltip implictly stating it.


Also: thinking anyone that manages to hit them harder than they hit back means the class, gear, and pvp systems are broken.

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No, in 95% of the cases, you want to play "a man down" by having someone stay there to keep the yard trash off your node.


Well I guess I can agree to disagree.


1 person guarding a turret is the same as 0 people guarding a turret. I find that 95% of the time its a waste and I feel like people are slacking by just standing there for 8 minutes without being attacked.

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Well I guess I can agree to disagree.


1 person guarding a turret is the same as 0 people guarding a turret. I find that 95% of the time its a waste and I feel like people are slacking by just standing there for 8 minutes without being attacked.


I solo guard turrets all the time. If you call inc as early as possible, use dots religiously, and do your best to stall, you can hold off a cap long enough for help to arrive at a side turret if your team is paying attention.


IF your team is paying attention.


0 people at a turret is just begging the other team to take it and seal your fate.

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Don't be shocked, but I'm actually one "stupid n00b" who took the time to objectively read all the complaints/helpful suggestions in this thread. SWTOR is my first MMO, and I've only been PvP'ing about a week. The first thing I did was ask questions (on the forums and of my guildies) to try to learn as much as I could before playing a game.


A lot of people on these forums (this thread included) have been playing MMO's for years and have vast amounts of experience, knowledge, and skill doing so. SWTOR is a unique beast. There are lots of players/subscribers who are first-timers because they love Star Wars and thought this would be fun. Even learning as much as I could before attempting a WZ, NOTHING could prepare me for my first WZ as a level 37 Merc.


I was placed into Alderaan, gave everyone my buff, then hopped on a speeder. I followed 2 other people to a side node and was determined to help defend the node. After about 2 seconds at the node, I was left all by myself (did I mention the 2 people who left me were level 49'ers?). I tried my best with everything at my disposal (CC's, tracer missiles, death from above, etc.) but was quickly killed by 4 guys from the other team. When I checked the map, there were people all gathered at the center node. No one at the outsides at all.


After we lost horribly, I queued up again and got Huttball. I got passed the ball, but before I could even pass the ball, I was stunned by a Sorc (3 times in rapid sucession) while their BH shot tracer missile after tracer missile at me and I died. In the chat window I see, "YOU HAVE TO PASS THE BALL!!!!!!!!" At that point, I began wondering if I had maybe missed some kind of ability that would allow me to pass the ball when stunned. Upon further research, it appears that I did not.


Stooopid n00bs will only cease to become stooopid n00bs by experience. At some point in the vast, extensive gaming backgrounds of PvP experts, everyone was a n00b once.


For the record, there is a difference between a noob and a newbie. A newbie is inexperienced and can improve by doing, or asking questions. A noob is somebody that should know better, but continues playing horribly anyway.


Unfortunately, in the middle of a match it's impossible to tell which is which. And in the middle of the match isn't the best time to be trying to give long-winded explanations to people either.

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I solo guard turrets all the time. If you call inc as early as possible, use dots religiously, and do your best to stall, you can hold off a cap long enough for help to arrive at a side turret if your team is paying attention.


IF your team is paying attention.


0 people at a turret is just begging the other team to take it and seal your fate.


Yup, same here. I play shadow tank, and have very little problem keeping up to 3 people off my node for long enough for help to arrive.


The key really is responsiveness from the rest of your team.


In any given match, I would guess that the average would be two to three times that while I'm at that node alone, in stealth, I end up defending it from (usually) another stealther.


Point is, if no one is guarding it at all, someone will take it away every time.

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You should have stopped with "When the ball is thrown to a sniper."



So true, Snipers/Gunslingers are your "tacklers" and center dominators primarily for huttball... we have no survivability for running the ball, period. We are good for a handoff pass if there is a plan and the next guy on the ladder is ready but do not expect us to run it. I guarantee I will be pissed if you pass to me while I'm trying to protect you running with you and will likely throw it right back or to someone else or ground it if it looks like I am pulp and no one is open. Definately do not b*tch to me about it afterwards for whatever reason.

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So true, Snipers/Gunslingers are your "tacklers" and center dominators primarily for huttball... we have no survivability for running the ball, period. We are good for a handoff pass if there is a plan and the next guy on the ladder is ready but do not expect us to run it. I guarantee I will be pissed if you pass to me while I'm trying to protect you running with you and will likely throw it right back or to someone else or ground it if it looks like I am pulp and no one is open. Definately do not b*tch to me about it afterwards for whatever reason.


If I throw to a sniper/GS its because there's no-one else to pass to. And I hope when that situation occurs that you do your best to get it closer to their goal line.

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