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When do Ops/Scoundrels realize they aren't ranged?


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If you don't like the way a toon looks, smells, or plays their class just don't group with them.


Just mind your own business and move on.


sooooo what your saying is if you group up with someone than find out they arent playing well you should boot them without saying why.

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You know, it might be more interesting and challenging for experienced players to sometimes adapt to players who are not playing optimal, rather than the other way round.


Just sayin'


(In fact, I recall vividly that part of the fun I had PUG-ing in CoX as a team leader, once I was a vet, was damn well MAKING whatever cranky bunch of unoptimized weirdos I'd lucked out with manage to get through the instance with flying colours. That, in itself, is a huge challenge, and immensely satisfying when you pull it off. It requires everything from friendliness, politeness and diplomacy on the one hand, to brutal threats sometimes on the other hand, but boy it's fun when it all clicks.)


This is not a job folks, it's a social game and there are all sorts of ways of playing it.

Edited by gurugeorge
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I agree 110%.


Actually, more like 140%.


The whole purpose of creating two advanced classes with their own choices between three skill trees was to make it easier for us to figure who was failing to play correctly. Choice is for losers. It's just a test to see if you're as cool and uber as I am. There is only One True Way[tm] to play and anyone deviating from that is obviously a complete moron.


I mean, honestly, if they made the game so that there were multiple different ways of playing it, then how would we know who to be elitist jerks to? We'd have to actually use our brains for like... analytical thinking. And that takes a while, so we'd have to actually respect people's opinions until we figured out whether it was okay to insult the way they spend their free time.


This whole situation is just getting worse, too, with the fixes that Bioware is doing. As much as I want some damage meters to help me flag people for ridicule, I just don't think it will come fast enough. They really need to add some simple calculations to check to see whether a given player is playing in the One True Way[tm] and flag them with a dunce cap or maybe big clown shoes.


RPG's are complex, and I don't have time to figure out who I'm supposed to be acting like an elitist jerk around.


[/sarcasm, in case it wasn't obvious]

So you're saying I should have assumed he was playing like a doofus intentionally and just not said anything? Well that's mean. At least by telling him about his class I potentially gave him the CHOICE of playing how he wants.


If he's too naive to figure out his class is drastically different than it was from levels 1 to 10 then I feel responsible enough to at least make sure he becomes aware of that.


After that point he can do what he wants, but I'm certainly NOT going to let him walk away blissfully unaware. There's no way I'm going to stay silent about it.


Letting someone play the game how they want IS NOT the same thing as being unaware how to play the game properly.

Edited by TaintedSquirrel
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sooooo what your saying is if you group up with someone than find out they arent playing well you should boot them without saying why.


Please quote me where I said to "boot" someone...


I never, ever PUG. I refuse to and this is one of the reasons why.


Who am I to tell someone that they aren't playing "well"? My definition of not playing well may be someone else's definition of fun. Most people are going to play the way they want to regardless of what anyone says to them.


If someone asks me for my opinion, I'll be more than happy to give it, but I will never tell someone how to play.

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sooooo what your saying is if you group up with someone than find out they arent playing well you should boot them without saying why.


Don't have to boot people, it's perfectly possible to just say nothing, get the quest done, leave group and think nothing more of it.


The OP was only talking about some guy playing dps doing a heroic quest on Nar Shadaa after all.

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The exact quote I told him was:

"You know you're melee like a rogue, right?" I know this because I've said it to about half a dozen Operatives in the past but they were level 11.


This is kind of what I think there should be a one time advanced class respec offered in a few months. Someone that doesn't spend a lot of time on the forums, which is most of the game, wouldn't necessarily know that in a game with Jedi and Sith that the operative is primarily a knife fighter.

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Where did I say I was polite about it?

Like I need to be criticized by some guy in-game who clearly has a weak grasp on the game's core concepts and chooses to get angry at me because I tell him his Rogue is, in fact, not an Archer.


The exact quote I told him was:

"You know you're melee like a rogue, right?" I know this because I've said it to about half a dozen Operatives in the past but they were level 11.


Maybe let them level, learn new abilities, die a few times? You shouldn't fault a lvl 11 smuggler for staying ranged, can you?

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Please quote me where I said to "boot" someone...


I never, ever PUG. I refuse to and this is one of the reasons why.


Who am I to tell someone that they aren't playing "well"? My definition of not playing well may be someone else's definition of fun. Most people are going to play the way they want to regardless of what anyone says to them.


If someone asks me for my opinion, I'll be more than happy to give it, but I will never tell someone how to play.


you do know not everyones guild have people readily available to group up at all times or even most of the time. oh did i mention its possible for ppl in your guild to not know how to play thier class as well. You aren't gonna know if someone is good or not without grouping with them if they suck your not gonna group with them again so there was no need for you to even post if that what you meant. So your saying never pug which trans late into "never do the alerts/operations" for some ppl and "only do operations with guildies who also may not be playing optimal" to others.

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I have an op alt that I chose just for stealth and the whole secret agent themed storyline, I play him ranged and if anyone tells me that i have to do otherwise, they are going to be told the same thing that you were told.


What was the point of your post? Are you trying to further shame this player? Are you trying to get brownie points with other like minded know-it-alls?

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Don't have to boot people, it's perfectly possible to just say nothing, get the quest done, leave group and think nothing more of it.


The OP was only talking about some guy playing dps doing a heroic quest on Nar Shadaa after all.


did you actually read what i replied to or did u just reply to what i said?

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Just did a heroic on Nar Shaddaa with a level 28 Scoundrel who was using cover ~20m, snipe shot, etc.

Told him he's a melee class like a rogue and he sort of scoffed at me... "dont tell me how to play" kind of stuff...


Very frustrated.


Surprised everyone is being so mean to you, normally people hate other people not playing properly. But I can't say for sure whether or not sniping may actually work quite well at that level, so I neither support nor chastise you.


most useful post ever.

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People who give unsolicited advice almost never know what the **** they're talking about.


Like this time, for instance. If the OP knew enough about the class to have a valid opinion, he/she never would've made the assumption that this guy should've been doing melee.

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you do know not everyones guild have people readily available to group up at all times or even most of the time. oh did i mention its possible for ppl in your guild to not know how to play thier class as well. You aren't gonna know if someone is good or not without grouping with them if they suck your not gonna group with them again so there was no need for you to even post if that what you meant. So your saying never pug which trans late into "never do the alerts/operations" for some ppl and "only do operations with guildies who also may not be playing optimal" to others.



Once again, please quote where I said to "never pug". I didn't say to "never pug". I said that I choose not to PUG. Big difference.


If you have to PUG to get things done, then that's your choice. Congratulations. But by choosing to PUG you are also choosing to play with a wide range of different people that may not play exactly the way you deem fit. All I'm saying is if you run into someone that doesn't meet your criteria, simply don't group with them anymore.


Grouping with guildies in Flashpoints and Operations is a completely different ballgame.

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and this is why i play this game as a singleplayer game unless im grouped with my small guild.


because why the hell would i want to play with some of you ******es? yelling at a guy because they refuse to play you think they should play? who the hell are you? the min/max police?

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What give you the right to tell someone how they SHOULD play?


You have the right to advise someone on how they might optimize their dps, tanking or healing skills, but you DON'T have the right to tell someone how they should play.


If you had done this to me, I would have done two things:


1) Put you on ignore.

2) Reported you for Harrassment.



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Good for him. I'm glad he told you off for telling him how to play.


They can be played as ranged. Maybe he was a Dirty Fighting Scoundrel. Did you ask or did you just assume that was a Scrapper since he wasn't healing?


Scoundrels/Operatives still have all the fundamental Smuggler/Agent skills that help them to be ranged.


Is it optimal? Of course not, but not everyone gives a flying Force what's optimal.



No, they cannot be played as ranged ( except every state of mind is lost ) - okay, cannot be played "useful" as ranged.


The maximum range is 10m if they want to be effective. And 10m is no real "range".

Edited by LovarBoy
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Here's an idea for the OP. Next time ask, "Are you spec'd for range or melee?" or just "how are you spec'd?"rather than assuming you know how the player has spent their points. Maybe they were playing the character right for how they've leveled. If they don't know, now's your chance to be a hero and actually help them rather than being a D bag to them.
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Here's an idea for the OP. Next time ask, "Are you spec'd for range or melee?" or just "how are you spec'd?"rather than assuming you know how the player has spent their points. Maybe they were playing the character right for how they've leveled. If they don't know, now's your chance to be a hero and actually help them rather than being a D bag to them.


or maybe just let the guy play how he wants to play especially at level 28 for god sake. sorry my anger isn't directed at you its the pieces of **** who think they should rule over how others are playing.


its people like the Original poster who make MMO communities complete and utter crap

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