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People leaving wz is now out of control.


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Which is typically the chief complaint of habitual quitters.


They don't want to get roflstomped by a premade when they get queued with a PUG, so they quit.


Not the one's I've seen. The folks that I see quitting the most are the ones that are trying to maximize wins, and see a no win situation, hence it's detrimental to their character progress.


They fight it out otherwise.

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Which is typically the chief complaint of habitual quitters.


They don't want to get roflstomped by a premade when they get queued with a PUG, so they quit.


Getting stomped and having no chance of winning sucks. How dare players long for enjoyment in their pvp experience!

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They are on the same server, screwing over allies. They get harrased for afk'ing and you never see them again since they are blacklisted.


Won't work here, as there is no mechanism for preventing them from joining a queue. You don't get to pick who you go into a warzone with.

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Is it REALLY too much to ask that I have fun during WZs too?
Of course not, but when your fun crosses the line into causing grief for everyone else, you are no longer a valued customer, but a problem player. And I'm not directing that at you personally, just speaking in general.


Everyone is entitled to their own fun. But they're also not allowed to take that fun to a level that causes everyone else to suffer.

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Getting stomped and having no chance of winning sucks. How dare players long for enjoyment in their pvp experience!
You're right. How dare them long for a match with a full team of 8 vs. 8, only to get down by 1 point and be undermatched because 2 quitters just left.


How dare them long for an enjoying pvp experience.

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It's a game, and I want to play it. I'm not going to learn to enjoy 2v6 because more than 3/4 my team is literally useless. I'd rather do something else. I'm not going to learn to enjoy pointless combat with random people with no regard for competing to win the match. I'd rather do something else.


Premades are the only real partial salvation from a significant chance of completely un-fun warzones now. But I don't always have a group wanting to PvP. Or, frequently, it's 5 or 6 people so we don't all get to premade. The 4 man limit is awfully small (like the warzone player count).


Otherwise, you can always quit and try again in a minute. For now. When a debuff goes live I'll certainly consider if I want to keep playing. I presume it's coming before significant performance optimization and any sort of rated, competitive pvp.


The small 8 man teams of this game mean that complete idiocy on the part of only a few members completely destroys a team.


Given the options of staying on a completely garbage team with only pointless combat to be had or doing something else, I'll do something else.

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Of course not, but when your fun crosses the line into causing grief for everyone else, you are no longer a valued customer, but a problem player. And I'm not directing that at you personally, just speaking in general.


Everyone is entitled to their own fun. But they're also not allowed to take that fun to a level that causes everyone else to suffer.


Agreed. But how is quitting different from getting three (or more if sync queuing) of your friends together to farm the full clock on some poor team that has no chance not taking the fun out of the game for others? And why does this game promote that sort of griefing by making slow wins or even slow losses so much more profitable than a quick win?

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You're right. How dare them long for a match with a full team of 8 vs. 8, only to get down by 1 point and be undermatched because 2 quitters just left.


How dare them long for an enjoying pvp experience.


It joins people back in seconds.


You are just spitting empty air now. Get a new complaint.

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Won't work here, as there is no mechanism for preventing them from joining a queue. You don't get to pick who you go into a warzone with.


Yeah it works wonders on afk'ers. They don't want people to know what they are doing, but I have no problems ensuring every WZ knows who is doing it.


It has helped greatly, because nobody quits on my teams anymore, and it has created a trend on our server where others have ran with it.


Most of the ones called out you never see again.

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It joins people back in seconds.


You are just spitting empty air now. Get a new complaint.


To be fair, it does not always join people back on a low pop server, or, in my experience, even on a high pop server, Republic side.


Deserters are an issue. But dealing with that issue and failing to address the reasons they quit is not going to make warzones better for anyone.

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Yeah it works wonders on afk'ers. They don't want people to know what they are doing, but I have no problems ensuring every WZ knows who is doing it.


It has helped greatly, because nobody quits on my teams anymore, and it has created a trend on our server where others have ran with it.


Most of the ones called out you never see again.


"Never see again"


because they just find a new spot the next match.


You can cry and flag afkers until your face goes blue, you are doing NOTHING but wasting those odd seconds of your time. No bans, no downfalls, no nothing.


As I said, once people can't leave wz's, they will just AFK more.


meaning the spots that WOULD have been filled by someone else joining is instead taken by someone /dance behind a crate somewhere.

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Agreed. But how is quitting different from getting three (or more if sync queuing) of your friends together to farm the full clock on some poor team that has no chance not taking the fun out of the game for others? And why does this game promote that sort of griefing by making slow wins or even slow losses so much more profitable than a quick win?
That's a problem of premade groups versus PUGs. Which, unfortunately is not very easily solved, though WoW did do what was probably best.


Separate queues works, somewhat, but what ends up happening is premade groups just solo synch queue to get into the same warzone vs. a PUG. WoW fixed this by scrambling the queue a little bit.

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Yeah it works wonders on afk'ers. They don't want people to know what they are doing, but I have no problems ensuring every WZ knows who is doing it.


It has helped greatly, because nobody quits on my teams anymore, and it has created a trend on our server where others have ran with it.


Most of the ones called out you never see again.


Nope, it doesn't have an effect at all, other than causing an issue in the warzone itself. It doesn't make them start playing, and it doesn't prevent them from queuing in the future.


If there was a overriding dependence of players on each other in the community it "may" have an effect, but it won't here and hasn't in other games I've played.


When people are called out, if they are actually in game, they just start tossing the "you suck" type remarks around. It's a futile effort to try to adjust those players playstyle.

Edited by Vydor_HC
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just dont add cross-servers...keep it server side..for the love of god. nothing good will come of it.


Yeah I was for cross server, but not anymore or afk will go crazy because there isn't any accountability.


At least now on the same server you can humiliate/shame afk'ers from doing it again, and if they do they get blacklisted and called out in future games.


I will hit them up before the match if they are on my afk list, and surprisingly they will actually play, or quit right then before the match starts.


Nobody likes to be busted out, and peer pressure is a powerful tool.

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My personal take on it is this:


I play to have fun. If I'm not having fun in a WZ I leave it. I don't give a single rat's backside about medals, commendations, valor, objectives, protection, damage, healing, kills or any other complete bullcrap measurement of one's epeen. All I care about is the "We win, you lose" column.


So if I get in a game where half the team is just farming medals rather trying to win I just leave it, wait a few minutes, and queue again.


So if changes are made to the game and it results in me having to endure many more games that I don't find enjoyable than ones I do then I'll just quit playing the game all together. I won't make any dramatic good bye post on the forums where I claim Bioware sucks and everyone else is a bunch of noobs. I'll just unsub and move on. The list of triple A titles coming out this year is literally longer than my arm so there are plenty of other options for my gaming time.

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Agreed. But how is quitting different from getting three (or more if sync queuing) of your friends together to farm the full clock on some poor team that has no chance not taking the fun out of the game for others? And why does this game promote that sort of griefing by making slow wins or even slow losses so much more profitable than a quick win?


then maybe that needs to be looked at also, a medal cap could help that situation (just a random idea)


I've been on the receiving end and giving end of that. my team doesn't want to end it so they farm for medals or joining a group where 2-3 people quit and getting stompped!


maybe completely redoing the medal system is needed!

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To be fair, it does not always join people back on a low pop server, or, in my experience, even on a high pop server, Republic side.


Deserters are an issue. But dealing with that issue and failing to address the reasons they quit is not going to make warzones better for anyone.


Exactly. They need to address the cause, not the symptom.

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It joins people back in seconds.


You are just spitting empty air now. Get a new complaint.

No, it's not seconds.


Yes, someone else from the queue gets added to the team. But that person must then load into the warzone, which for many people, can take 30 seconds or more. Then, it takes that person to get into the fight, which couples situational awareness of knowing where the battle stands, and getting their character to the front line, which can add another minute to that time, depending on barriers, etc.


In effect, one person dropping out of a warzone early can handicap that team for approximately a minute and a half - which is a significant amount of time for the other team to really crush the undermanned team. This is exponentially magnified by how many quitters leave.

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Nope, it doesn't have an effect at all, other than causing an issue in the warzone itself. It doesn't make them start playing, and it doesn't prevent them from queuing in the future.


If there was a overriding dependence of players on each other in the community it "may" have an effect, but it won't here and hasn't in other games I've played.


Ahh but it does. Calling out the scrubs does wonders, because you never forget the afk'ers.


It's part of the game now to bust them out and it's one of the most enjoyable parts of the game.


Now with that said I am talking 50s bracket mostly, and I know just about everyone on our server, or at least remember their names in the 50s bracket.


AFK at your own risk on the maw.

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That's a problem of premade groups versus PUGs. Which, unfortunately is not very easily solved, though WoW did do what was probably best.


Separate queues works, somewhat, but what ends up happening is premade groups just solo synch queue to get into the same warzone vs. a PUG. WoW fixed this by scrambling the queue a little bit.


I wasn't aware WoW fixed it. Last time I played, sync queue premades were still happily stomping pugs in the unrated games.


However, I will say Bioware has done a better job than WoW or Rift on at least reducing the number of sync queue premades and possibly eliminating them on high pop servers at peak hours. I can't be certain they've succeeded entirely because premades sometimes play under no guild tag or different guild tags (a premade player admitted to this in a post a month or so back), but it does seem that if you pick the right server and the right faction you can avoid getting constantly stomped.


But what about those players who didn't get lucky with server and faction choice? I would really like to play Republic, but the few times I've dusted off a Republic toon, the games were hideously imbalanced. Most didn't even start 8vs8. We usually started down two players and then of course people left. Plus for some reason we were all low level and most of the Imps were in their 40s.


I just want to see some other issues addressed as well as the deserter issue. Maybe the devs are working on something.

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I hope all the e-honor white knights enjoy playing huttball 7v8.


Because there isn't a single chance I'm going to play that monstrosity.

So I'll just get the 3-4 fast medals and go afk while doing something else on the other pc.


Have fun reporting.

I was caught by explosive diarrhea, so I really really had to go afk super-fast.

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then maybe that needs to be looked at also, a medal cap could help that situation (just a random idea)


I've been on the receiving end and giving end of that. my team doesn't want to end it so they farm for medals or joining a group where 2-3 people quit and getting stompped!


maybe completely redoing the medal system is needed!


I actually like the medal cap idea, as well as perhaps more gains for winning. But I can see unintended consequences from it, too. Right now unless the teams are really imbalanced, the losing side can at least content themselves with farming medals. People are not going to be happy sitting around and waiting for a dominant team to finish up after they have their max medals. Yet they also won't be happy if that dominant team finishes the game so quickly that the losing team doesn't cap their medals.


Plus faster warzones means faster cred and xp gain while leveling and faster gear gain all around. This will upset whatever delicate balance of time played = rewards gained that Bioware created. And on top of that, if win gains are increased and medals capped, win trading becomes more appealing.

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Ahh but it does. Calling out the scrubs does wonders, because you never forget the afk'ers.


It's part of the game now to bust them out and it's one of the most enjoyable parts of the game.


Now with that said I am talking 50s bracket mostly, and I know just about everyone on our server, or at least remember their names in the 50s bracket.


AFK at your own risk on the maw.


For that to work, there has to be dependence in the community between the players. There is none here. You do not need to team with anyone to play a warzone, shaming people will not get them blacklisted because there is no effect of being on a blacklist. You have no way to prevent people from getting into a warzone match.


In addition, those that are quitting for the most part are already a part of a team, but cannot get an entire ops group together in a warzone due to the 4 man limitation. They are losing due to the makeup of the entire warzone op group and find it beneficial to leave. If forced to stay, they will "afk" as a team and calling them out serves no purpose. Others that afk solo, already have an idea that they are better than the scrubs calling them out...so they just verbally attack them in the warzone and it creates a whole mess.


Calling players out for "afking" is meaningless and serves no purpose in addressing the issue at hand. It doesn't prevent anyone from requeueing and it doesn't make them want to stay in warzones and participate when the odds are down.


What you are saying works "in theory", but has no effect in the real world.

Edited by Vydor_HC
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