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People leaving wz is now out of control.


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I assume you are one of the delusional who think if you are losing it is someone's fault. Now you have surpassed the ability to determine that everyone but you on your team is bad and quit, now you have the ability to look on forums and determine who is bad. Will you be quitting this thread now?


You assume all people that leave games are bad, so how is that any different?


I don't play if I'm not having fun. If the other team is exploiting, or it's 8vs5/8vs6 and we're getting farmed it's not exactly fun.


Adding a deserter debuff doesn't fix any of the core issues with PvP, it's just a band-aid fix to stop people from leaving a buggy game.

Edited by savionen
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I'm fairly certain that all the pros and cons have been hashed out and argued to death, and newcomers to the discussion can benefit by either adding their opinions, or giving the same excuses for leaving warzones early.


Some reasons are legitimate, most are just very unsportsmanlike and unhealthy to the PVP environment.


It's still an on going discussion of the best and worst ways to solve a problem. Nothing has changed really. Some people are passionate on a side and refuse to see others views...those are the ones that are really not discussing anything.

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The only people crying about people leaving are the morons who don't leave themselves because they are too stupid too.




since you already quit and unsub i would like to say...


good luck to you in the future and thanks for your input!


take care!

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I'd like to personally thank DasWasup, the OP, my family, my manager, and of course all the inspiring members of the Academy - all of whom without which wouldn't have made it possible for me to accept the award for most posts in the previous thread.


And to make sure this post stays on topic: I still, and always will, remain in full support of any measure taken to discourage people from abandoning a warzone for illegitimate reasons and causing grief to the majority of the player base.


Any measure? Or just a measure that levy's a punishment to people that don't enjoy playing with bads?


I think you just want to see someone punished because you're immature.

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-give rewards/medals/valor w/e only to those who participate! go ahead and afk! you get nothing in the end.



I believe this may happen, but if done incorrectly, it will just encourage more medal farming. And if ruthlessly farming the other side is even more encouraged than it is now we'll see even more mismatches than we do now, with winning teams completely dominating and losing teams leaving with, at most, one or two medals regardless of how they play.


Which won't solve the afk problem because there will be no incentive in many games to try.

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totally agree!


so a few things need to happen here!


-give rewards/medals/valor w/e only to those who participate! go ahead and afk! you get nothing in the end. agreed as long as the quest changes too, and the medals are only given based upon a player's work toward the objective


-kick option need 4-5 votes to remove someone from a warzone! Good. My premade needs this so we can kick bads from the wz. The more ways we can allow players to grief each other, the better.


-deserter buff - u cant enter for leaving for another 20-30 minutes punishment exceeds the duration of the crime. That's great logic!


-add the option to select the warzone you enter. agreed


- open cross server warzones!subject to the last addition, also agreed



Edited by drdarpa
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What problem does this solve?


I think they have to in order to allow players to choose the wz. Population issues are so out of control right now that I think this is the only option they have short of forced merges, which will cause an uproar.


Given the situation, I'm inclined to agree with him on that one, dependent only on choosing the wz queue.

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everyone is worried that if the afk'ers and the leavers/quitters stop doing warzones the Qeue times will be long.


this is making the warzone qeue times shorter for everyone.


Cross server warzones do nothing for queue times.


There are only two things that can cause long queue times:


1.) Not enough players to form a huttball game.

2.) Not enough server capacity available to spawn a new warzone.


Cross server WZs don't really do anything for either of those.

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-give rewards/medals/valor w/e only to those who participate! go ahead and afk! you get nothing in the end. agreed as long as the quest changes too, and the medals are only given based upon a player's work toward the objective


you see this can go either way!


1. you leave it as is giving incentive for the players to win

2. if you change it to "get 10 wins" daily can result on afk'ers joining the warzone to only get the WZ done and leave...


much like you said they cant make players want to participate.


maybe the answer is to leave it the way it is now... win 3 warzones but they must participate to get the update.

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I keep hearing the same thing over and over again from the same few people on this thread...




Of course not anyone has really said any of that. But that's generally what it translates to in my opinion. The quitters are lucky that it has been like this for as long as it has. I seriously wonder where we are headed as a society when there are people literally whining that they will no longer be rewarded for taking their ball and going home.


Man up for God's sake.


How about, "the other team won't let me lose because they want their medals, but I want to move on"?

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Cross server warzones do nothing for queue times.


There are only two things that can cause long queue times:


1.) Not enough players to form a huttball game.

2.) Not enough server capacity available to spawn a new warzone.


Cross server WZs don't really do anything for either of those.


how doesnt that help number one? not enough players on your server maybe... chances are there will be players on other servers to make it enough to join a huttball.

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The only fix: Make it impossible to join a match that has already started


No matter what you do, you cant stop leavers, they will jsut afk if they cant leave


So let em leave, no reason to screw over more than the 6-7 ppl he already screwed, why screw 15 ppl as more join and leave a already losing match.

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how doesnt that help number one? not enough players on your server maybe... chances are there will be players on other servers to make it enough to join a huttball.



If you cluster 10 servers you might spawn 1, maybe 2 additional games. I doubt that would do much for queue times.

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How about, "the other team won't let me lose because they want their medals, but I want to move on"?


Heresy! Don't you know you're supposed to get farmed the full timer with your chin up and your big girl panties on?


Seriously, this isn't even an issue yet. Wait until premade teams and even dominant pug teams don't have to worry about their targets quitting in the middle of a match. It's going to be a meat grinder.


I'll be in those warzones, playing hide and seek, picking off an occasional straggler, and denying you your medals. Oh, and giggling. Let's not forget giggling.

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Heresy! Don't you know you're supposed to get farmed the full timer with your chin up and your big girl panties on?


Seriously, this isn't even an issue yet. Wait until premade teams and even dominant pug teams don't have to worry about their targets quitting in the middle of a match. It's going to be a meat grinder.


I'll be in those warzones, playing hide and seek, picking off an occasional straggler, and denying you your medals. Oh, and giggling. Let's not forget giggling.


Yup, after 1.2 the next hottest thread is going to be the pre-made v pug complaint.

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haha I call out the afk'ers out. They don't get away with it, and most stopped logging on.


Now if they allow cross-realm wz's afk will go through the roof, so maybe don't add that.


Yup, this is what I've seen alot in other games. People will complain about afkers and make mention of them in the wz, and then all hell breaks loose with verbal combat going back and forth between the two sides. Makes playing the game a whole lot less fun.

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haha I call out the afk'ers out. They don't get away with it, and most stopped logging on.


Now if they allow cross-realm wz's afk will go through the roof, so maybe don't add that.


Actually they DO get away with it.


Calling out an afker's does what exactly? Won't get them banned, thats for sure.

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