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People leaving wz is now out of control.


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I guess this is a better place for this post:


Leaving a warzone because OMG U DOODS ARE DUMMMMM I AM SO GOOD WHY ARE YOU DO BAD MY TEAM SUCKS RAGEQUIT REJGFNJKERFJKERBGFSLEF is really, really stupid. In my experience, the rage-quitters start going nuts about a minute into the match if his/her team isn't immediately dominating the other team. They call everyone stupid, mention how awesome they are, and then quit before the match even really develops. It's idiotic.


Here are some alternatives to being a cry-baby:


1. Communicate your awesome strategies to your team. Do it politely. Don't call everyone who doesn't bend to your whim an idiot.


Many times, no one will listen. Oh well. It's not worth rage-quitting.


Sometimes, people will listen, learn, and get better. Good for you for helping someone out.


2. Keep playing. There are plenty of warzones I've played where I thought my team was dumb and we were getting crushed. And then we ended up winning. It happens way more often than you'd think it would. The rage-quitters wouldn't know anything about this because they quit at the first sign of adversity.


3. Try playing this game for fun. You're probably not the best MMO player ever. Move on. Have fun with the rest of us.


4. Stop being an idiot cry-baby. Obviously, everyone wants to win everything they do. Sometimes, you lose. Maybe your team sucks. Maybe they're good and the other team is just better. Maybe the other team is worse but simply has a better mix of classes and abilities. Maybe they all have better gear. Either way, stop being a baby.



tl;dr version: warzones are typically won by teams that work together. Rage-quitting is the opposite of teamwork. Don't be a dick.

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I don't see why I should ever play at level 50, it doesn't sound fun, it sounds like a grind. So I don't have a level 50, just a dozen or so alts of various levels.


It is a grind.


It really is.


And it's a very hard grind.


It's as hard to grind in the 50's bracket without gear as it was leveling through the lower bracket from 10-49.




There are things people can do to make that grind less painfull.


Joining the 50's bracket with less than 12k HP is not one of them.


Start running hardmodes get the raid gear


It's equivalent to all the PVP gear relative to Tier... the only difference is PVP stat.


People often don't understand the difference between PVE gear vs PVP gear.


It is a known fact PVE raid gear bonus is better than PVP gear bonus.


Here's some more facts:


1. PVE raid gear gives you the damage and base stats but will not give you the resilliance to survive against a BM. It's more about skill in this type of fight.


2. PVP gear can be used in hardmodes and raids.


3. PVP gear is raid gear + 1 bonus stat called expertise (the PVP stat)


4. The fact about PVE gear vs PVP gear assuming skill isn't a factor means the PVP gear has an added advantage. Healing + Damage + Resistance to damage. Raid gear lacks this bonus. But the raid bonus' make up the damage/healing part just not the resistance part. The difference is noticeable.


The raid gear will make the 50's bracket transition less painful. Unless you have a tough skin about losing which most people don't. This would be the best less painful route to go.

Edited by Ahebish
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YOur facts seems to be very accurate.


It's good at least one person knows that dual stat'ing PVE and PVP gear isn't a viable theory to make it work then.


Get that PVP gear then maybe?


Then again it's a lot more fun than trying to fight a BM with 10k HP.


Believe it or not I've seen level 50's with 10k HP in the 50's bracket.


I had 11k HP at level 40. This person has no excuse.


I couldn't help but /facepalm

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Well, I've to say, I do understand now why people are leaving warzones. It's kinda frustrating to all the time have a) a total stupid team against b) a totally overpowered enemy team and c) having therefore never ever a chance to win a match.


Warzones are in fact totally broken and useless.

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It is a grind.


It really is.


And it's a very hard grind.


It's as hard to grind in the 50's bracket without gear as it was leveling through the lower bracket from 10-49.




There are things people can do to make that grind less painfull.


Joining the 50's bracket with less than 12k HP is not one of them.


Start running hardmodes get the raid gear


It's equivalent to all the PVP gear relative to Tier... the only difference is PVP stat.


People often don't understand the difference between PVE gear vs PVP gear.


It is a known fact PVE raid gear bonus is better than PVP gear bonus.


Here's some more facts:


1. PVE raid gear gives you the damage and base stats but will not give you the resilliance to survive against a BM. It's more about skill in this type of fight.


2. PVP gear can be used in hardmodes and raids.


3. PVP gear is raid gear + 1 bonus stat called expertise (the PVP stat)


4. The fact about PVE gear vs PVP gear assuming skill isn't a factor means the PVP gear has an added advantage. Healing + Damage + Resistance to damage. Raid gear lacks this bonus. But the raid bonus' make up the damage/healing part just not the resistance part. The difference is noticeable.


The raid gear will make the 50's bracket transition less painful. Unless you have a tough skin about losing which most people don't. This would be the best less painful route to go.


If they put in a good lfg system, I'll get to 50 and do hardmodes. I just don't feel like being in a guild to do them and I'm certainly not standing around spamming lfg.


I like random interaction in games and obviously, I'm not averse to it on message boards, but right now, I just don't feel like being in a guild for some reason. Kind of takes the fun out of my MMO time.

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How many teams that don't work together within the first 2 minutes are going to suddenly work together for the rest of the game?


You seem to think that warzone wins are predictable and deterministic. They are not. Teamwork in a match ebbs and flows. I dunno if you're a rage-quitter or not; but, if you are, try sticking with it through the OMG MY TEAM IS BAD matches. You'll find that the first two minutes of a match are a poor indicator of what happens in the remaining 18.

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I simply do not care if the match stats look bad or not. If you join a warzone, you stay! It's as simple as that. If it's a total massacre for your team, then at least tell your team what to do differently instead of leaving.


People who ragequit a warzone are on my ignore-list by default. I don't want to play together with you and I don't want to read your chatmessages telling me that you are the superior player who cannot under any circumstances keep fighting a lost fight alongside other players who are (in your opinion) to blame for the whole thing.


It's egocentric and undesirable.

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It's good at least one person knows that dual stat'ing PVE and PVP gear isn't a viable theory to make it work then.


Get that PVP gear then maybe?


Then again it's a lot more fun than trying to fight a BM with 10k HP.


Believe it or not I've seen level 50's with 10k HP in the 50's bracket.


I had 11k HP at level 40. This person has no excuse.


I couldn't help but /facepalm


I was just commenting to part that said fact and resilience when this game has no resilience as a stat.

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If they put in a good lfg system, I'll get to 50 and do hardmodes. I just don't feel like being in a guild to do them and I'm certainly not standing around spamming lfg.


I like random interaction in games and obviously, I'm not averse to it on message boards, but right now, I just don't feel like being in a guild for some reason. Kind of takes the fun out of my MMO time.


That can also work against you.


Example: Guild A wants to do False Emporer on HM. They need you to fill a spot.


"Have you ever done this before?"




"Sure we can explain how it's done. But the deck is stacked against you for loot. Thanks for helping us."


LFG system


Pug Tank


Pug (you)

Pug Healer


Now you have to need roll against 3 other people and it will happen. People will greed roll for a needed item just to make money off it.


This was the problem with wow and the xserver Q system.


So you can see the situation is the same for you without a guild and with LFG system.


Now if you joined a guild you are guaranteed to get what you need and get things done.


The LFG system opens up a new problem which is already in PVP 50's wz's.


Pug Tank - Idiot

Pug DPS - Idiot

Pug DPS - (you "smartcookie"

Pug Healer - Idiot


Failed attempt. Guess what same thing happens in the 50's pvp bracket.


While I respect your decision to remain guildless. You are shooting yourself in the foot at the same time. Not all of the time but a lot more frequently than you think.


My rl buddy said he was going to cancel his account. Why?


Same reason as you: He would ONLY do any content with people he knew. So what did he end up doing for the last month and a 1/2 when we were in a guild that didn't do anything. Belsavis dailies..... he never ran HM's or raids even tho he was geared for it.


I got him to leave the old guild and join up with a new one whom does this stuff almost daily.


Now he's doing what he loves... end game content with people he knows.


P.S Your welcome bioware.

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This thread reminds me of the Louis CK bit about not being able to always do your very favorite thing. Obviously, everyone wants to win his/her warzone. Quitting because you "know" you're going to lose is just childish.


Sometimes you lose. Sometimes you lose and it isn't your fault. Sometimes you lose and there is literally nothing you could have done to cause your team to win. Big deal. Welcome to life.

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That can also work against you.


Example: Guild A wants to do False Emporer on HM. They need you to fill a spot.


"Have you ever done this before?"




"Sure we can explain how it's done. But the deck is stacked against you for loot. Thanks for helping us."


LFG system


Pug Tank


Pug (you)

Pug Healer


Now you have to need roll against 3 other people and it will happen. People will greed roll for a needed item just to make money off it.


This was the problem with wow and the xserver Q system.


So you can see the situation is the same for you without a guild and with LFG system.


Now if you joined a guild you are guaranteed to get what you need and get things done.


The LFG system opens up a new problem which is already in PVP 50's wz's.


Pug Tank - Idiot

Pug DPS - Idiot

Pug DPS - (you "smartcookie"

Pug Healer - Idiot


Failed attempt. Guess what same thing happens in the 50's pvp bracket.


While I respect your decision to remain guildless. You are shooting yourself in the foot at the same time. Not all of the time but a lot more frequently than you think.


My rl buddy said he was going to cancel his account. Why?


Same reason as you: He would ONLY do any content with people he knew. So what did he end up doing for the last month and a 1/2 when we were in a guild that didn't do anything. Belsavis dailies..... he never ran HM's or raids even tho he was geared for it.


I got him to leave the old guild and join up with a new one whom does this stuff almost daily.


Now he's doing what he loves... end game content with people he knows.


P.S Your welcome bioware.


I get what you're saying, but I really enjoyed WoW's random dungeon finder despite some teams that made me want to pull my hair out. I was a pretty good healer, too, and this was before Cata, so healing wasn't that hard. A team had to be pretty bad to wipe us in anything I was geared for. I got sick of doing the same instances over and over and over, so I bought tons of BoA gear and started rolling alts, though. Was fun for awhile. Except of course the premade issue.

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You seem to think that warzone wins are predictable and deterministic. They are not. Teamwork in a match ebbs and flows. I dunno if you're a rage-quitter or not; but, if you are, try sticking with it through the OMG MY TEAM IS BAD matches. You'll find that the first two minutes of a match are a poor indicator of what happens in the remaining 18.


lol unless it's hutball or the other team is a premade.


Hutball matches last 5-7 minutes with premades.


Other warzones are over in the first 5-7 minutes if the opposing team is a premade with certain class makeups. That's when people are leaving, which includes geared vet players not just them but also new players leave as well because of the one sided skill level.


Wut? There's no class balance issues in this game?

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Believe it or not I've seen level 50's with 10k HP in the 50's bracket.


I had 11k HP at level 40. This person has no excuse.


I couldn't help but /facepalm


Well, that happens alot. It's no big deal as they will grow, but if they are here complaining about it..the it's a problem. :)

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I get what you're saying, but I really enjoyed WoW's random dungeon finder despite some teams that made me want to pull my hair out. I was a pretty good healer, too, and this was before Cata, so healing wasn't that hard. A team had to be pretty bad to wipe us in anything I was geared for. I got sick of doing the same instances over and over and over, so I bought tons of BoA gear and started rolling alts, though. Was fun for awhile. Except of course the premade issue.


Hope it works out for you of course.


But there are good and bad about xserver Q's. I'm not really opposed to it... but it means statistically you'll have to deal with "those" other players a lot more frequently.

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Hope it works out for you of course.


But there are good and bad about xserver Q's. I'm not really opposed to it... but it means statistically you'll have to deal with "those" other players a lot more frequently.


I'd be fine with it not being cross server. I think for awhile the wait times wouldn't be too bad if it was all same server and it would cut down on the ninja issue.

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Well, that happens alot. It's no big deal as they will grow, but if they are here complaining about it..the it's a problem. :)


They weren't, but vet players do complain about it... because you simply don't have the HP pool you need to compete with someone who is geared in the 50's bracket.


Then these people complain about class balance get classes nerf'd that doesn't need to be nerf'd.


It happend to scoundrels/operatives twice already and is pending a 3rd nerf... because people think these classes need to be in light armor. With none of the advantages every other class gets to support their lack of survivability.


All because some people don't understand that differences in gear and what those stats mean under certain circumstances.


I swear if scoundrels/ops get nerf'd again I will cancel my account. I delt with this kind of stupidity in wow and I refuse to deal with it again.

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This thread reminds me of the Louis CK bit about not being able to always do your very favorite thing. Obviously, everyone wants to win his/her warzone. Quitting because you "know" you're going to lose is just childish.


Sometimes you lose. Sometimes you lose and it isn't your fault. Sometimes you lose and there is literally nothing you could have done to cause your team to win. Big deal. Welcome to life.


Have you ever played a lvl 50 warzone with no level 50 gear? I tell you, on my server the opposite fraction is currently very overpowered, and all warzones end with all players on my side being ranked below all players on the other team. This is total bs.

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They weren't, but vet players do complain about it... because you simply don't have the HP pool you need to compete with someone who is geared in the 50's bracket.


Then these people complain about class balance get classes nerf'd that doesn't need to be nerf'd.


It happend to scoundrels/operatives twice already and is pending a 3rd nerf... because people think these classes need to be in light armor. With none of the advantages every other class gets to support their lack of survivability.


All because some people don't understand that differences in gear and what those stats mean under certain circumstances.


I swear if scoundrels/ops get nerf'd again I will cancel my account. I delt with this kind of stupidity in wow and I refuse to deal with it again.


Oh yeah, I do see folks complaining about the gear of others. And I think the vote kick option will be used to abuse players that are under geared. While I have no problem with it, and the folks I run with will groan if they see ppl under geared, we accept it as part of the growth process. However, yeah there are those that whine a lot about other players gear.

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Oh yeah, I do see folks complaining about the gear of others. And I think the vote kick option will be used to abuse players that are under geared. While I have no problem with it, and the folks I run with will groan if they see ppl under geared, we accept it as part of the growth process. However, yeah there are those that whine a lot about other players gear.


If you AFK, I will vote to kick you.


And I see even vet players doing this one person in particular irritates me to no end when he does it because he's a BM and in all BM gear. He quits hutball if his team gets 1 point behind. I know 5 people on my server that are geared and in wz's regularly that leave hutball if 1 point is scored against us.... I laugh at these people because all of them I can beat 1v1 if I catch them alone.


If you are undergeared I won't vote to kick you, but I won't fight on your side if you don't have the inteligence enough to not enter a warzone with less than 12k HP. I'm not asking a lot there 12k is far less than what you need... and 13k is about minimum before you can't say they are undergeared.


I had 13k on my concealment operative for a long time in wz's but I was in full PVP gear and could take down people with 6k more HP than me.


But as a general assumption 12k or less usually means they don't have all PVP gear or they have very poor PVE gear.

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If you AFK, I will vote to kick you.


And I see even vet players doing this one person in particular irritates me to no end when he does it because he's a BM and in all BM gear.


If you are undergeared I won't vote to kick you, but I won't fight on your side if you don't have the inteligence enough to not enter a warzone with less than 12k HP. I'm not asking a lot there 12k is far less than what you need... and 13k is about minimum before you can't say they are undergeared.


I had 13k on my concealment operative for a long time in wz's but I was in full PVP gear and could take down people with 6k more HP than me.


But as a general assumption 12k or less usually means they don't have all PVP gear or they have very poor PVE gear.


if you want to win kick undergeared that simple. it increases your win chances by removing the undergeared.

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