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"Tab" targeting. A nightmare.


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iirc, it was mentioned that one of the main reasons tab-targeting feels so busted is that the 'cycle' is based on the direction your character's head is facing, not where your camera is pointing.


So if the previous person you targeted is now behind you, causing your character's head to look like it's trying to recreate a scene from the exorcist, good luck trying to tab to the person in front of you.


rofl !!!



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I have next enemy target bound and if it doesn't land on the person I want I hit it again. It doesn't seem to hinder me too much. there is some delay, because there may be 5 targets around me and my "next target" button isn't able to use psychic powers to guess who i want targetted.


much better than clicking on someone with a mouse.


is it a nightmare? not sure, I usually wake up surprised and out of breath from a nightmare, a wrong tab target usually requires another button push. hmmm, you must have really mild nightmares...


no, its a nightmare. makes me think you dont PVP alot. if you did, you would know what the OP is talking about.


Just as an example, on VS, the door comes up w/someone already capping the door, leaving you MAYBE 3s to interrupt. You run around the corner, hit tab to target the guy, but it selects some dude behind the pillar. You are now screwed and your team is down a door, even though you were there in time and in position to interrupt.


This is just a simple example, but it happens all the time in PVP. They need to improve this before rateds start.

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Tab targeting in 3 words. Does not work.


In pvp, you might have one guy in front of you and it seems like you are tabbing through every target you don't even have line of sight on. It is especially bad in Huttball where you don't just have X and Y corrdinates to deal with but Z as well as height also plays a roll.


And as a healer, it really gets annoying. We are forced to manual click on everyone we wish to heal. Good luck with that if there is a cluster of players close together. If you put two players close together, one opposing and one friendly, the game automatically assumes you want to target the opposing player and it could take repeated clicks on the player you wish to heal before you can actually heal them - and by then they are already dead and respawned.


If my AOE heal was worth a damn, I would only use it. Single healing in warzones is an absolute pain in the @#$.

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You do know you can change who it targets first right? It's set to next player by default but you can change it to closest player


Tried it all and for too long. It all just becomes random and sometimes chooses targets behind me or completely to my sides and i'm forced to mouse target eventually.

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I didn't read the whole thread so forgive me if someone else mentioned this.


Tab targets aren't random. I don't know how it DOES choose but if you notice, it only picks people currently on your screen.


What do u mean in my screen?

Im pretty sure in civil war this happened,

2 people capping, I run there watching them to shoot an aoe bomb as soon as i can target one of the 2....I keep tabbing and he keep targeting someone I'm not even watching somewehere on my side or behind me or I just not changing probably but way too long before it target one of the 2 so now what I do is just clicking them, wich is hard if they are behind the tower.


Target closest enemy is also bugged and is not a good solution for interrupting.

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The problem, like so many issues in this game, is that BW didn't copy already perfected mechanics from previous games. For whatever reason, they've decided to take things that should be simple and straightforward and make them overly complicated and cumbersome.


Like the GCD stuff. They probably would dismiss this as me being ridiculous, but it's truly embarassing that it has become such a fiasco for something as simple as counting down a timer. WoW had a good GCD from launch that did what it needed to do intuitively. It's hilarious to me that BW is still fumbling around with dumb changes and have even included a slew of menu options to set the cooldown. Just make it the way Blizzard did. Don't reinvent the wheel (as a square).


The targetting system is the same way. Why is it split as either target nearest or target next? Why wouldn't you just copy the age old format that most MMOs use- target next nearest. As it stands now, if you are trying to target the second closest target, you need to use "target next" and cycle through to that player. If you pass them, you have to cycle all the way through.


If you're targeting the nearest player already, and you hit "target nearest" again, it doesn't change to the next nearest. It's completely inefficient. This game's targetting is apalling. The clicking isn't any good either because they apparently designed hitboxes in the shape of mac trucks for player models. PvP would play completely differently if they had a decent targetting system. How sad.

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I removed it from my keybinds because it's useless. ~ for me targets the closest person. If I want to target someone else I click, because it's more effective than tab targeting.


Yeah, I have this set up too when TAB doesn't give me who I want. I use the "T" key to target nearest enemy and "B" for target nearest ally (think "buddy") and it works quite well.

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Simply saying, Tab targeting is horrible. Completely broken.


Please make it more intelligent by:


Rotating targets according to the char's current 90% vision cone.

Rotating targets according to distance.


Not just randomly in a way that makes us really... really angry.


Support this thread and hopefully we will get some developer think he is up for the task of programming this.


Couldn't agree more.

What I hate the most is when Tab "cycle" between the same two feckin targets 10 times while the third one is happily capping a turret/bomb door/whatever.

WAR had horrible Tab targeting as well, but at least there you could click players to target them. Try clicking someone in the heat of battle here in SWTOR. You're lucky if you get it right the forth time.

Edited by Senefera
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