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ILUM 1 day of fun 6 days of pure frustration(imperial pov)


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I'm gonna go ahead and put this out there. I for one will run around solo in Illium for an hour and chase every pub I see. Even camping the pubs base solo while the rest stay grounded in central until a bit pub force comes. Whenever there is a straggler pub I always go at him, I might even go for 2v1 if I think I can take one of you out before I die. However, for whatever reason you guys use that base a clutch for ever situation. Every pub still runs away even when I am alone, they run directly for the base as soon as I attack them. At one point they kept trying to kite me back into their base when there was 2 of them. Yeah I know imps outnumber you, but when you have a ratio of 60%-40% and we are at your doors, go for the damn push. your spawn point is like 5 feet away. You'll die once then come back and stomp us.


I think a lot of Rebs are demoralized and assume they are simply going to lose when they see an Imp. Because for every Imp they see, there are 20 Imps either stealthed or waiting to steal the KB.


Your contempt is misplaced. Come play Republic - get stomped into the ground by trash-talking brats who hold a >5:1 advantage over you and tell us how tough you feel while you are riding around in Ilum.

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Story from yesterday.


Had a group of about 16 pubs that worked pretty well to grab central. After about 30 minutes we got aoe zerged by at least 6 sorcs, 4 BH and a total of 15-16 empire spamming aoe and tracer over and over. It was a pretty close fight, but the sheer amount of lightning, tracers, death message spam, valor spam, no valor gained spam and other FPS slowdowns really killed us. I would try to move away from an aoe to find out I had already died.


So, we regroup, get our ops to 22 people and retry thinking we had them outnumbers. We zerg in to find TWO OPS of Empire waiting for with at LEAST 40+. Needless to say, we were literally fodder for their valor.


At this point, we basically gave up. How long did all of that take? About an hour and half to get 22 people in ops, 6 minutes to lose all hope.


That is a typical day where we actually try, which is maybe two days out of the week. The rest of the week it's NASCAR for the Imperials.

Edited by KilmarFyrewynd
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30 minutes? Really?


I spend a good 1-2 hours on it if there are no pubs in the zone.


1-2 hours? I spend a good 2-3 hours.. Usually more because I get SO bored of mindlessly circling on my speeder collecting boxes that I take a bunch of breaks..


But there are a lot of imps on my server so we have A LOT of people circling looking for boxes so it's even harder and more frustrating..

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I agree. Imp here too and I agree.. ilum is awful. It sucks spending 30 min just riding around in circles


If you kids would quit being scared of small group pvp, maybe more republic would come to ilum. Or you can re-roll on my server where when the republic make a group half the size of the imperials they wipe them.

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If you kids would quit being scared of small group pvp, maybe more republic would come to ilum. Or you can re-roll on my server where when the republic make a group half the size of the imperials they wipe them.


No sarcasm on this post. I would love to see a video if possible. I am interested in what tactics you use. I can see it if it's 4v6 or 5v8. When it's 25 v 45, I just can't. I would love to learn some new strategies and show the people on my server.

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No sarcasm on this post. I would love to see a video if possible. I am interested in what tactics you use. I can see it if it's 4v6 or 5v8. When it's 25 v 45, I just can't. I would love to learn some new strategies and show the people on my server.


All you need is good heals and pulls. Even with zerg vs zerg there's that threshold line in the middle only few will cross, fearing they will not get valor if they are the first to die. So most try to stay ranged until one zerg is obviously overtaking the other.

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If you kids would quit being scared of small group pvp, maybe more republic would come to ilum. Or you can re-roll on my server where when the republic make a group half the size of the imperials they wipe them.



I love the imp droves that stand in our pretty circles on the ground. " Hai gais its a purrty circle we better all get in it as tight as we can!"

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In my opinioni Ilum needs more than the bases they have now. Each point, except the Imp and Rep bases, is open area with three walkers there to destroy. It makes taking points way too easy. As an Assassin I have single handedly "retaken" a base by stealthing, destroying a walker, stealthing, destroying a walker, and the same for the third. The Rep players couldn't find me.


They should have smaller bases with defenses that players can control which would require some skill to take. As it is now Ilum is a waste of time because it turns into a zerg rush of players flying across the way-too-big-pvp-basin on their speeders like some sort of manic biker gang of hate. That's assuming the game doesn't lag to the point of freezing, which seems to happen to me all too often.


As it is now, I don't even bother going to Ilum because it's so boring. I do my daily's and weekly's with warzones to get bags. If Ilum weren't the same crap every day (Empire controls all points all the time because of the population distribution) I might consider it. But for now it just isn't worth it.

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All you need is good heals and pulls. Even with zerg vs zerg there's that threshold line in the middle only few will cross, fearing they will not get valor if they are the first to die. So most try to stay ranged until one zerg is obviously overtaking the other.


We tried to do that with our 25 vs their 40 yesterday. We had a good 5 healers. They had about 10 sorcs/BH healers. There was a clear threshold line. They AoE, we AoE, melees huddled behind the healers (me included). We both pull some, take some losses. After pulls and AoE lost, it became 21 v 36. Then 16 v 30. Then 12 v 25. Then 6 v 20. Then game over.


So we tried to take out the healer. A few of us shadows cloak and go behind to try to kill the 10 sorc/bh. We cloak, go around hit their sorc/bh that are bubbled and instantly get 10 lightning spammed. We lasted 4 seconds.

Edited by KilmarFyrewynd
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There is also a faction imbalance on Belgoths Beacon favoring Imperial, but Republics still routinely roll us these days. We have 15-20 minute Ops v Ops fights between 5 cst and around7:30p cst.


Basically, everyone that has come to the conclusion that Warzones suck hangs out there during prime time, on both sides it seems. It's a great way to get your daily/weekly bag and some awesome valor, without having to spend hours losing WZ's to premade Sorc/Sorc/Jug/Jug cheesymoders and closely related specimens of enormous (just ask them) PvP "skill".


By 5:45 yesterday it was an Ops+ v Ops+ fight. Imps still eventually roll pubs most of the time, but in a 20 minute fight good valor is had by all, especially when you have a couple of people out taking/retaking assets on both sides. 60-100 valor per kill over a couple of hours is good stuff, whether you patted little bunny rabits or force choked them in your class quest line.


Seriously, I'm up from valor 56 to valor 58k valor since Sun, just from spending an hour or so on Ilum primetime. Who needs to join a fail WZ?


Bonus: the people are generally happier doing Ilum, and don't act like WZ dbags in channel. With the exception of one Dbag who kicked me from the Ops to make room for his buddies yesterday, I have never had a nasty Ilum encounter.


Btw: By no means am I arguing that Ilum is not broken. It's just the next most convenient, accessible, non-grindy way to gear up in PvP since they stopped letting 50's farm lvl 10's in endless WZ's and sent them packing (with their skillfully earned gear versus lvl 10's) off to farm the fresh 50's lol.


tl:dr: So, shameless plug for my server, Belgoth's: Republic still mostly bite it, after long fights and winning much valor in Ops+ v. Ops+ situations. And, pretty often (3-4 times per night), they back the Imps up all the way to our spawn!

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We tried to do that with our 25 vs their 40 yesterday. We had a good 5 healers. They had about 10 sorcs/BH healers. There was a clear threshold line. They AoE, we AoE, melees huddled behind the healers (me included). We both pull some, take some losses. After pulls and AoE lost, it became 21 v 36. Then 16 v 30. Then 12 v 25. Then 6 v 20. Then game over.


So we tried to take out the healer. A few of us shadows cloak and go behind to try to kill the 10 sorc/bh. We cloak, go around hit their sorc/bh that are bubbled and instantly get 10 lightning spammed. We lasted 4 seconds.


Obviously as the numbers dwindle, it will be obvious and the larger zerg will just run you over with no threshold line. If they don't see a sea of red, they won't hesitate.

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There is also a faction imbalance on Belgoths Beacon favoring Imperial, but Republics still routinely roll us these days. We have 15-20 minute Ops v Ops fights between 5 cst and around7:30p cst.


Basically, everyone that has come to the conclusion that Warzones suck hangs out there during prime time, on both sides it seems. It's a great way to get your daily/weekly bag and some awesome valor, without having to spend hours losing WZ's to premade Sorc/Sorc/Jug/Jug cheesymoders and closely related specimens of enormous (just ask them) PvP "skill".


By 5:45 yesterday it was an Ops+ v Ops+ fight. Imps still eventually roll pubs most of the time, but in a 20 minute fight good valor is had by all, especially when you have a couple of people out taking/retaking assets on both sides. 60-100 valor per kill over a couple of hours is good stuff, whether you patted little bunny rabits or force choked them in your class quest line.


Seriously, I'm up from valor 56 to valor 58k valor since Sun, just from spending an hour or so on Ilum primetime. Who needs to join a fail WZ?


Bonus: the people are generally happier doing Ilum, and don't act like WZ dbags in channel. With the exception of one Dbag who kicked me from the Ops to make room for his buddies yesterday, I have never had a nasty Ilum encounter.


Btw: By no means am I arguing that Ilum is not broken. It's just the next most convenient, accessible, non-grindy way to gear up in PvP since they stopped letting 50's farm lvl 10's in endless WZ's and sent them packing (with their skillfully earned gear versus lvl 10's) off to farm the fresh 50's lol.


tl:dr: So, shameless plug for my server, Belgoth's: Republic still mostly bite it, after long fights and winning much valor in Ops+ v. Ops+ situations. And, pretty often (3-4 times per night), they back the Imps up all the way to our spawn!


It helps that a fair number of BB imps re-rolled republic because it's boring sitting in central collecting armaments. I'm one of those :)

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It helps that a fair number of BB imps re-rolled republic because it's boring sitting in central collecting armaments. I'm one of those :)

Lol, I will not do Nascar


That's kinda' what I had thought happened. We only have five active fifties in our Rep guild, compared to around 16 active on Imp side. I know they'd like to start running some guild HM's in addition to what passes for PvP :)


My vanguard is coming along; it's welcome break from a medic operative. Bonus: huttball everyfew rounds, not huttball every time!

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