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SWTOR [Reviews]


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People come out with crap like oh i dont have dual spec there for this is NOT MMO


Thats bull crap


an MMO has


Raids of various difficulty


Dungeons - Normal and Hards


Elite Questing


PVP Battlegrounds


The ability to form guilds and come together as a community


The ability at any point to group with others even for single player questing to make your life easier


Now tell me this is less of an MMO than anything out there

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i hate how gamespot said something about there being no day night cycle. I mean if they did put one in they'd have to change it for every planet or people would say something about one planet not being as big as another etc.


I could care less about that. I hate that they gave SW:TOR an 8 and gave Age of Conan AND Warhammer Online an 8.5 How does that even happen? There is no possible way that either of those two games was even on par with TOR's polish at launch. Not that 8 is a bad score, but when you put it into perspective relative to other games in the genre, it makes Gamespot look like a joke.

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Go play rift if you want to see what a real MMO is like for anyone to say this game has standard MMO features has never played another MMO besides this one or they haven't played one since 2004. So you fanboys can troll all you want but denying the obvious is just plain silly.


Again go play Rift then. Personally I found the game to be boring and uninspired. In fact I fell asleep many times when I was leveling my warrior. i set up a macro to play the game for me. All I had to do is run up to a mob and press...1...11....1.1111.....1..... and I won.


More features and adding more to your game (great RIFT dev team BTW) does not make a game good. It was a boring game at launch and when I quit.

Edited by sheisty
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I know. That was a "well DUH!" comment. Why would you even try? If you put a day/night cycle on Tatooine you may as well add Klingons too. In other words, it does not have one! Do all the planets even rotate on a north/south axis like Earth? How many do not spin or do so very slowly? How many spin on an East/West axis? Best to just avoid all the inconsistancies all together and assume we all wait to land until it is daylight on the part of the planet we want to be.


And they should make Hoth have very low visibility like in the movies!

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For what point?


You want links to posts from companies that may or may not be paid by EA and other software publishers that review a game in which most if not all of the reviewers didn't even get to the endgame?


If you're not going to stay on topic then why bother to post in the thread? Did you read any of the reviews? They all had their own likes and dislikes about SWTOR. Not sure why you think EA paid these writers?


Feel free to add a link to a review to SWTOR so I can post it in the OP. thx.

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I could care less about that. I hate that they gave SW:TOR an 8 and gave Age of Conan AND Warhammer Online an 8.5 How does that even happen? There is no possible way that either of those two games was even on par with TOR's polish at launch. Not that 8 is a bad score, but when you put it into perspective relative to other games in the genre, it makes Gamespot look like a joke.


Amen to that, personally i think gamespot bases all their mmo reviews on WoW because they always give wow expansions a really high score compared to other mmos

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I have said it before, and I will say it again.


All the features that are heavily requested do not make or break the game.


Do you honestly think that somebody that absolutely hates everything about WoW will play it just because it has a combat log?


If you need to quit this game because of no combat log, it is not the game's fault.

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I would write a review of my experience with this game, but then I realise it's only going to be a waste of time. Even though I would mention both positive and negative points, the fanboys would only read the negative ones and nerd rage over it. Or just go tl;dr.


This game for me... is the worst experience I have had in all my gaming life. The game itself is pretty average... 7/10 at most. The community is a 1/10, or 0/10 if you allow me. They don't take any criticizm and that may be one of the reasons why everything in this game is so broken. Bioware probably doesn't even know about any of the problems because fanboys deny it.

Would like to hear what you have to say. I would classify myself as a "fanboy" (I guess ... I am a fan of the game) but would in no way blow up your goods vs bads as long as they aren't vitriolic either way. Point/counterpoint is what drives community forums and gives the BW types who peruse them legit feedback. Calling out other people for differing viewpoints is what kills them. What's on your mind?
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Again go play Rift then. Personally I found the game to be boring and uninspired. In fact I fell asleep many times when I was leveling my warrior. i set up a macro to play the game for me. All I had to do is run up to a mob and press...1...11....1.1111.....1..... and I won.


More features and adding more to your game (great RIFT dev team BTW) does not make a game good. It was a boring game at launch and when I quit.


I couldn't agree more. I didn't even give Rift the time of day because it literally did nothing new with the genre. You couldn't pay me to play another fantasy based MMO that isn't World of Warcraft. I got to level 14 in Rift before I realized that the game was going to do absolutely nothing new. All the features in the world couldn't keep me interested.

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Again go play Rift then. Personally I found the game to be boring and uninspired. In fact I fell asleep many times when I was leveling my warrior. i set up a macro to play the game for me. All I had to do is run up to a mob and press...1...11....1.1111.....1..... and I won.


More features and adding more to your game (great RIFT dev team BTW) does not make a game good. It was a boring game at launch and when I quit.


O well your loss the game is Amazing now easily the best MMO out atm.

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I have said it before, and I will say it again.


All the features that are heavily requested do not make or break the game.


Do you honestly think that somebody that absolutely hates everything about WoW will play it just because it has a combat log?


If you need to quit this game because of no combat log, it is not the game's fault.


I can drive a car with no dashboard...for a while, but I can't drive a car with no dashboard, no wipers, no windshield, no safety bags, no chair upholstery, and a broken sound system.

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my personal review in a nut shell



Great Story

Good Implement of the companions

Companion quests take the grind out of professions

Fast pace combat compared to other MMOs

Flashy combat



Planets feel Baron at times

Quests can get repetitive (like in most MMOs, kill this collect this etc.)

Space Combat kind of bland


Score: 8.75


(now this is just off the top of my head)

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I can drive a car with no dashboard...for a while, but I can't drive a car with no dashboard, no wipers, no windshield, no safety bags, no chair upholstery, and a broken sound system.


The game's content can and has been beat without the build/rotation tuning such meters are needed to do.


A more appropriate analogy would be to compare the game to a car that doesn't have seat warmers, sunroof, or automatic seat positioning. I.e. totally optional features.

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not general game features that are part of a single players experiance


Now can you get your head out the sand?








It means features that matter to the MMO aspect of the game


Ok, so this game is missing a LOT of GENERAL GAME FEATURES then. That sort of sounds worse.

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The game's content can and has been beat without the build/rotation tuning such meters are needed to do.


A more appropriate analogy would be to compare the game to a car that doesn't have seat warmers, sunroof, or automatic seat positioning. I.e. totally optional features.


The car drives - no question.


Those features are about as optional as windows, safety bags, and dashboards are on a car. You can drive without all those too, but your experience won't be too pleasant.


Raiding content in this game was done on an exceptionally amateur level, and people have beaten it in spite of the horrible interface, lack of any metrics, and lack of customization options. To continue the car analogy, its like taking a complete beater for a spin around a parking lot. Sure you can do it, but are you gonna enjoy it?

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The game's content can and has been beat without the build/rotation tuning such meters are needed to do.


A more appropriate analogy would be to compare the game to a car that doesn't have seat warmers, sunroof, or automatic seat positioning. I.e. totally optional features.


So now the argument has changed from "its not missing any features" to 'Its missing what I consider to be optional features"


Got it.

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