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Why EA is not respected


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I understand game companies need to make money. Every company wants to make money right? But it’s the little things that aren’t necessary that really puts me off. I was deciding whether to stick with SWTOR or switching back to WoW. But because I wanted to support SWTOR (especially since it’s still new and quite an awesome game) I decided to stick with it.


But anyway when I wanted to retrieve my Founder's Title, I found out EA is basically forcing us to buy another month of sub just to get it. (Shouldn't it be called a loyalty Title instead for sticking around with SWTOR?) And they said it’s a way of them 'thanking us', as if buying the game itself isn't enough to be thanked for. Technically we have to buy their "thanks" off them. Ofc this isn’t the first and definitely won’t be the last of my disappointments with EA’s role in this game.


I had a bad feeling about SWTOR when I figured EA was behind it... but I gave it a try anyway because I love Bioware Games. But EA is going to make many stupid and selfish decisions for the sake of money as this game goes on. I just don't want to be amidst a disappointed crowd every time this happens...


But seriously, EA is such a rich company now, can't they just be cool for once and be like: "here guys, have your Founder's Title! ^^" Instead of: "Money, NOW!" I mean they did out earn their development cost for this game afterall. The game itself is great and I really respect it. I also love the community, very fresh and friendly people. I really hope this game continues to be successful for the sake of the community.


I'll stick around until my sub ends. Lol ok I'll admit it, I was ranting a little but this isn't just about the Founder's Title, I just simply disrespect EA to the point that I'd rather quit SWTOR.


Cheers Guys.

Edited by CeN-Turion
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I love how everybody rips on EA for being the 'Evil Empire'. The Video Game industry is one of the fastest growing industries in the world, because like the food service industry, people want to be entertained.


I recall an interview that someone did with that douche who heads up Actiblizzion, where he basically said in no uncertain terms. 'I'll churn out a Call of Duty game every year if it sells like this most previous version'.


Perhaps it's me, but let's just stop trying to throw EA under the bus. The whole industry is back-asswards, and it ain't going to change until the gaming community says 'Enough' and stops shelling out $65 every time a new CoD or BF or whatever comes out.


Now, if you'll excuse me, this Founder is going back to playing the game which I already ponied up money for a time card that lasts until April.

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It's called an incentive and a perk.


The title is a reward for being a subscriber of the game at its beginning.


It's not anything new in the MMO world--nor is it new for EA. Another EA MMO that I played--more that ten years ago even--also had a founder's title granted for being a subscriber.

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EA bought up Bullfrog studios and then sat on the promised DK3 sequel for 13 years - still never been made. They also bought up Westwood studios (who made the original C&C and Red Alert) before proceeding to turn one of the greatest RTS franchises into something Capcom would be embarrassed to put their name on.


EA didn't get to where they are now by being good game makers in the same way that Windows didn't get to be the most ubiquitous OS because it was just that great. Good at business doesn't mean high quality.

Edited by CommonKnowledge
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EA is rich because they're neither nice nor cool.


It's called capitalism or "the most unscrupulous win".


That's corporatism. The origins of capitalism predate the corporation concept. Capitalism isn't even really the proper term as that is a derogatory term created by Marxists. Free Market Economy is the proper term. You aren't forced to even participate if you don't want to under a pure free market.

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My only gripe with EA is that the games they do release seem to be rather short for the price you pay.


They're usually quite well made, but some of the single players are finished in a matter of hours. They feel a lot shorter than equivelant titles (such as MOH Tier 1 Vs the COD series). They seem rushed, and Starwars is no exception.


Truth be told, when they take over a game they actually start pumping resource into it. People say DAoC went downhill after EA took over, but the game had already started going down the New Frontiers and TOA route by that time. Mythic did nothing for their customer base prior to EA.

Edited by Soazak
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Haha lol, I totally agree I did over react alot. What can I say? I just have a lot of grudges against EA, Westwood being one of them (And EA laying off the entire EALA crew over one failed game was just brutal). I guess I'm one of those people who wait for EA to make a bad move and then have a toss about it.


For those of you who think I’m leaving becuz of the Founder’s Title, that’s not true. It's the things that EA does (like the Founder’s Title issue) that upset me, not the fact that I can't get the title without a new subscription. EA has also screwed up so many times in the past for me to trust them anymore. The only thing they haven’t screwed up is profiting by rushing their games onto the store selves.


I'll still stick to my words and end my sub for now. But I never mentioned anything about not returning in the future so maybe when an expansion for SWTOR comes out I might get back into it again :p I just hope EA doesn’t rush Bioware and end up releasing a half-finished project.


Cheers Guys.

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EA bought up Bullfrog studios and then sat on the promised DK3 sequel for 13 years - still never been made. They also bought up Westwood studios (who made the original C&C and Red Alert) before proceeding to turn one of the greatest RTS franchises into something Capcom would be embarrassed to put their name on.


EA didn't get to where they are now by being good game makers in the same way that Windows didn't get to be the most ubiquitous OS because it was just that great. Good at business doesn't mean high quality.




I still could not forgive them for Command and conquer 4 :mon_trap:

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Greetings everyone,


We just wanted to jump in here and clear up any misconceptions about how one earns the Founder's Title. As stated in our news article, "Becoming a Founding Member!" there are two ways to become a Founder:


So how do you earn the “Founder” title? This reward is only available to players who have completed either one of the following transactions (by March 19th, 2012, 12:01AM EST; Pacific: March 18th, 9:01PM PST; European: 4:01AM GMT, 5:01AM CET):


Billed at least once for an active Star Wars: The Old Republic subscription



Redeemed a Star Wars: The Old Republic Pre-Paid Game Time Code


We hope this clears things up a bit.

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The money (profit) is mostly funneled to the senior executives, board members/stock holders.


These people don't give one atom's worth of poodoo about you. Their sole desire is $$$$, and the people they employ had better deliver the $$$$$ or else.


Any act of "goodwill" on their part is 100% marketing and 0% emotion.


The sooner people realize what corporations truly are, the sooner they can emerge from that bubble of naivete and start looking out for number 1.

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EA is rich because they're neither nice nor cool.


It's called capitalism or "the most unscrupulous win".


Let me guess...you're a product of our failed public school system, aren't you?


Capitalism is based on free markets. If you don't want a company to have your money, don't buy from them. Simple as that.


EA is rich because they created products that people have purchased, and in most cases, enjoyed.


There is nothing unscrupulous about this, just as there is nothing unscrupulous with Bioware setting a one month subscription as one of the condtions for having the founder title. If you have a problem with this, don't give them your money.

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