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PvP tank - Jugg vs Assassin


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Long story short, since I'm bored with my merc main and don't really do anything with him except dailies and operations twice a week I want to start an alt which I will level up only in warzones (+class story ofc).


PT is off the table since I don't want to go through the same class story again, so that leaves me with Juggernaut or Assassin. Which one would be better for PvP? And more importantly which one is easier to play, I love the easy merc rotation and heard that Juggernaut needs like 20 binds to be played properly. Is it the same with the assassin?

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Never played my Assassin as a tank, don't get it. DPS FTW!


Let us know how you get on as an Asassin tank, if you try it.


I want to try the Juggernaut next.


I do have all 4 quickslot bars full up with abilities and the odd healpacks/shockfrozen water, and I'd say use a rotation of 20 skills too. Razer Naga mouse helps.

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Having tried both(Or the republic mirrors at least), I definitely suggest Assassin.

I've played my Shadow as a dps for a long time, and damage was fine, but "fine damage" isn't worth being so squishy.


So I respecced to Kinetic Combat(Tank spec) and have been enjoying it since.

You have really really good damage for a tank, really good survivability, awesome self heals, really good utility with lots of slows, stuns, aoe knockback and force pull. High mobility with Force Speed(This one is my favorite, and I wouldn't trade it for anything else.).


My Juggernaut is not half as fun nor powerful.

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Having tried both(Or the republic mirrors at least), I definitely suggest Assassin.

I've played my Shadow as a dps for a long time, and damage was fine, but "fine damage" isn't worth being so squishy.


So I respecced to Kinetic Combat(Tank spec) and have been enjoying it since.

You have really really good damage for a tank, really good survivability, awesome self heals, really good utility with lots of slows, stuns, aoe knockback and force pull. High mobility with Force Speed(This one is my favorite, and I wouldn't trade it for anything else.).


My Juggernaut is not half as fun nor powerful.


Agreed. I played a Jugg up to level 49 and had no desire to make him 50 to do pvp again. I enjoy my shadow much more.


And yes the Shadow/Assassin dps tree is currently kinda broke I'd say because I think at this time it is much better to be in the tank tree right now, even for dps because the tank spec doesn't give up that much damage and isnt as squishy as the dps specs which really don't do enough damage to justify the squishy.

Edited by Nezis
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Jugg tank in PvP is a lot of fun, never played assassin. There are a ton of keybinds, however. You definitely use ALL of your abilities as the situation requires. I currently have 27 keybinds and really should add a few more.


I believe that a tank specced assassin would have more dps than a tank specced jugg. However I recently switched to full rage spec, with a mix of dps/tank gear and love it. If you stay in soresu form you can still guard people, and have fairly good survivability. Amazing for running ball in huttball. You lose some survivability vs. full tank spec, and some utility as well (backhand stun and instant cast force choke), but gain a lot of dps.

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Since I got Battlemaster on my Assassin I've specced tank on it to get easier wins and complete the warzone daily faster. It is a lot of fun actually, but your damage is pretty rediculous. However, that's ok because by this point you don't need medals anyway. The Force Pull is definately one of the funnier skills in the game. There's nothing quite as fullfilling as seeing the enemy ball carrier flanked by his herd of healers, then pulling him into the fire, stunning him and sprinting for the goal line with the ball. Oo your 5 Commando friends weren't much help were they? :D


Seriously though, it's a powerful specc if used right. You just have to realize that your main focus isn't killing people anymore. Good use of guard, aoe to lower other peoples dps and control are your strong points, as well as assulting a base by yourself and surviving 3-5 people for up to a minute so the rest of your team can cap/score.


Has a gear requirement, if you're starting out with no PvP gear and go tank specc to survive longer, you won't be a lot of help to your team really, since you don't bring any dps and don't have the toughness to survive and distract people.

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Long story short, since I'm bored with my merc main and don't really do anything with him except dailies and operations twice a week I want to start an alt which I will level up only in warzones (+class story ofc).


PT is off the table since I don't want to go through the same class story again, so that leaves me with Juggernaut or Assassin. Which one would be better for PvP? And more importantly which one is easier to play, I love the easy merc rotation and heard that Juggernaut needs like 20 binds to be played properly. Is it the same with the assassin?


jugg is ALOT easier. assassin is prolly the hardest class to play along with mara/sent. however a well played assassin is better than jugg in pvp imo. but if ur not good u wont have much fun. so kinda depends on ur abilities.

Edited by Laoi
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Being an assassin in warzones requires you to use like... 15 things at once. It's kind of a pain, but your survivability is good if you use dark charge (which you will, since that's your source of armor) and your DPS can be pretty good if you wear DPS gear instead of tank gear.


More or less the assassin is a very fun class, the only problem I have with it is that I tend to find myself the target of gang violence. If I and four teammates show up, the other team seems to not know that I have four other people with me, they just all target me and kill me horribly sometimes. This happens with well coordinated teams, which seem to be all that's around on that server. I guess once I gear up things won't be so bad.

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Jug has two charges and at least one knockback.


Sin has no charges, a pull and an AOE knockback. Another tiny knockback if you include Spike, but they'd have to be right on the edge to be knocked off.


For Huttball, Jug wins hands down for ball-control.


Stand on fire, pull Juggernaut into it right when it fires. CC him, take the ball, make yourself immune to cc, sprint to goal line, profit.

Edited by Crowleyz
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I play a Kinetic Shadow and absolutely love it in WZs. It's true that you need a lot of keybinds, but that's something that can make the class really fun and add more depth/utility to your role.


You should accept your role as a harasser, controller and de-buffer. Don't worry about scoring high on the damage charts, although you will be doing great damage when played correctly if paying attention to your procs. After an initial attack from stealth I like to concentrate on the appropriate de-buffs and AOEs first, single-target damage second, if in the midst of a group. These include (every time they are up) Slow Time, Mind Control and Mass Mind Control, Force Slow and Stun, and Force Breach. I use Force Wave judiciously and only in the appropriate situations (clearing a platform, for example). Guard is up at all times, either on my healer or primary DPS. With a good, guarded healer on your back you can be close to invincible sometimes.


As to a few other class benefits you have superior reduction of Internal and Elemental damage, a decent self-heal with Harnessed Shadows, and an Oh ****! button that you can trait for a 2-minute CD. Stealth goes without mention.

Edited by Trebarian
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I'm SI assasin tank since 14th December. I have over 24 000 hp and I think I'm better tnak for pvp than JUGGS. I would say this:




BH tank > SI tank > SW tank




SW tank > BH tank > SI tank


Ofc im speaking generally. But playstyles are completely different. And yes I'm using 99% of my skills. It's not about spamming one or two skills.

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Unless they have CC immunity (half the time a Jug charges me they are immune to knockbacks) because they spec Unstoppable.


Well that is something you obviously have to watch for ;) It's not do X then X then X and it's /win. Too many people are too bad at observing and adjusting.

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