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Smuggle and surrender - how to use those?


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I'm already 45 sawbones, had some pvp, healed some fps and many hcs. Happy with the class. Still, there are two skills which I don't really understand. And since we don't have too many quickslots - I'd love to know if those are viable enough to keep them always at hand.

So, couple of questions about each one.


1. Smuggle: Cloaks you and party members within 10 meters of you in a temporary stealth field that lasts 15 seconds. Cannot be used in combat or while already in stealth.


Only obvious use I see here - is to drag non-stealthers to skip some packs an\or let party take some positions. It can't help in combat - so it's not "oh sith" button, which takes all survivers safe off-combat.


Could it be also of any use in pvp at all? Duration seems short, still if undetected it may bring some warm and unexpected greetings at the enemy-controlled point. What happens if one of the cloacked members is spotted? Does it reveal him or whole the group? Can it be affected by "sneak"?



2. Surrender: Puts up the front of surrender, instantly lowering your threat by a moderate amount.


Well, since we don't have any in-game threatmeter - aggromanagement is quite hard. Especially considering, that "stopcasting" thing is not the best idea for a healer. It seemed to me that this one does not work reactively - unless someone taunts it does not take aggro mob off me. Guess, it should be used as a part of regular rotation, as it does not trigger gcd and instant, right? Still, even when I do not use it - with decent tank and\or CC I rarely have overaggro issues. And not really sure if it's a "must-use" one or not.

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1) Smuggle:

I use this in Huttball if I see an enemy approaching our spawn with the ball. The idea is if they can charge us, they won't be able to target us and basically skip all the ramps and hazards until one of us reveals.


2) Surrender:

It seems to only reduce your threat by a small amount, so if you are very far ahead don't expect it to work a miracle. Best used at the beginning of a fight for inexperienced tanks. Has utility later. If you spec for it in dirty fighting it can be used to break roots/snares.

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1) Smuggle:

I use this in Huttball if I see an enemy approaching our spawn with the ball.

Do you mean on guarding your line zone or on following your carrier? I cant get from your phrase is it yiou or your enemy who's got the ball.:o Afaik carriers can not stealth...or do they?


2) Surrender:

Best used at the beginning of a fight for inexperienced tanks. Has utility later. If you spec for it in dirty fighting it can be used to break roots/snares.

Yes, I know there's a talent for it, but I'm more of a classic sawbones and dd\pvp is hardly among my priorities. I'm trying to get right its mechanics in pve group healing. Atm it looks like very optional and useless if not being spammed each time once off cd during the fight.

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Smuggle sounded so cool when I got it but mostly I find it quite useless.


Surrender other then looking hillarious and could possibly be used as a good excuse to be unable to purchase a speeder bike at level 25, because you are broke from throwing all your coin away, however its useless too...

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I use Smuggle in the beginning of WZ to freak people out that I just stealthed them since most people don't know we have the ability. It makes for a great shock value.


I have found little use for it other than that. There were attempts in Alderaan to stealth the group as they rushed turrets so the enemy could not see them, similar attempts were made in Voidstar with bomb planting as well. However, I realized most people are incompetent and turn it off as soon as I cast it and therefore it has proved fairly useless.


IMO making the range 20M instead of 10M might add a little utility or else you have to be like right on top of the group.

Edited by ahdavis
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Smuggle can be used to get you into stealth if you're out of combat but Stealth is still on cooldown (say for example you found someone on low health, unstealthed and rapidly finished them off).


Just make sure you're not in range of any teammates that are capping, because Smuggle will interrupt them.

Edited by OniGanon
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Smuggle can be used to get you into stealth if you're out of combat but Stealth is still on cooldown (say for example you found someone on low health, unstealthed and rapidly finished them off).


Just make sure you're not in range of any teammates that are capping, because Smuggle will interrupt them.

Wierd idea, imo. If you're in group - you'll need to move away from players and\or warn them, if solo and offcombat - you won't need it also, especially considering that smuggle lasts that short and cd on a regular stealth is not so long either. Torhead does not show exact numbers, but I usually have my stealth cd over by the time I gather bio mats from a random nearby herb. So If I spent about 4 secs on UWM it's almost for sure either off cd or I'm already in combat.


I thought about trying one out on Alderaan, yet it needs nice teamwork, not sure that random pug would bring any results xept for some fun like "*** why am I invisible?! is it a bug?!"

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Smuggle can help on Voidstar and Aldaraan initial attacks if I call a side and the opposing team doesn't split up right for defense. Have planted a bomb/capped turret in record time but it only has some shock value and some luck is needed for the enemy to split up wrongly.
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There's a lot of bosses that spawn adds throughout the fight, and sometimes you get instant healing aggro. Surrender works wonders.

Neither in fp\hcs nor in solo I NEVER EVER could get aggro off me with surrender, unless someone taunts mob off. I suppose it's not a reactive skill, but pro-active, that needs to be used constantly to work somehow...

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Neither in fp\hcs nor in solo I NEVER EVER could get aggro off me with surrender, unless someone taunts mob off. I suppose it's not a reactive skill, but pro-active, that needs to be used constantly to work somehow...


Works for me. I use it reactively.



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I have yet to use Smuggle for anyone other than myself (when I don't want to wait for Stealth's cooldown to finish).


Surrender though I use very regularly in grouped content. I use it immediately at the start of a fight. Usually, this is because I have pre stacked everyone with SRMP (or my companion), and it always seems the moment the fight starts, the mobs will aggro me because of the healing. Popping Surrender early on keeps this from happening. I then usually pop it every cooldown to keep the threat low. Especially if we have no tank, or a crappy tank.

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1) Smuggle:

I use this in Huttball if I see an enemy approaching our spawn with the ball. The idea is if they can charge us, they won't be able to target us and basically skip all the ramps and hazards until one of us reveals.


2) Surrender:

It seems to only reduce your threat by a small amount, so if you are very far ahead don't expect it to work a miracle. Best used at the beginning of a fight for inexperienced tanks. Has utility later. If you spec for it in dirty fighting it can be used to break roots/snares.


I have been stealthed and people can still target me and jump to me if I am close enough.

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Honestly with stealth mechanics as they are they nerfed the only real use of smuggle at all.


It is at most a hinderance in pvp, can easily passive anyone, in fact you have better odds of it due to more people in stealth, and in pve every mob sees through stealth anyways.

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I have been stealthed and people can still target me and jump to me if I am close enough.


Yes but it stops them from targeting you from 30m away in Huttball on a respawn and then charging you with the ball and promptly scoring thereafter. It is not the most USEFUL ability in the world keeping them off your platform is better than not.


It is also good if you need a second stealth if you aren't in combat and your first stealth is on cooldown. I have used it to try and cap a node and then uh oh there is trouble, pop smuggle and restealth to get a proper opener.

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Ironically, Smuggle is good for one reason only, and it's a design flaw.

If you just popped out of stealth OOC and it's still on cooldown, you can use smuggle for a quick escape.

Like how NE shadowmelt used ot work in vanilla, but you're movable.

Edited by Tokosteef
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