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Huttball - stealthing in the goal line = clear exploit


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Yesterday I joined a huttball only to be rolled and lose miserably in a cold game of 0-6. What happened was there were always at least two stealthers in our goal line camping. The enemy ball carriers will purposely jump down to the pit right below the goal line and toss the ball up to a stealther before any of us could react. The stealther will break stealth and score, then pop a ability only to vanish again.


Half the team is trying to go for the ball while the other half is desperately trying to find the campers to no avail. It was probably the worst pvp I've experienced. the game was over in less than five minutes.


Before anyone says "why don't you kill the ball carrier before they go near the goal line?" Must I remind you that falling to the pit is a much faster way to go closer to the goal line, there's no fire or walkways to navigate through. A sorc would carry the ball and use his dash ability to reach near the goal line from the bottom pit and toss it up to a stealther.


I have been in four huttballs now with this exploit and being repub its already hard enough to win on my server. If a visible enemy is standing near our goal line and they toss it that's completely fair, but a stealther is just insanity. They just wait near the goal until a ball carrier comes out and unstealths to score the ball.


Please fix bioware, it is by far the worst exploit ever.




TL DR (because some are reading impaired)


-A stealther camps by the goal line to receive the ball

-Ball carrier goes through the pit, ignoring fires and throws to stealther

-Once they receive the ball, they have full health, at least 1 stun and a cc break ability.

- Advantage of the confusion around them.

-They're only a few feet from the goal line.

Edited by bumstah
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Yesterday I joined a huttball only to be rolled and lose miserably in a cold game of 0-6. What happened was there were always at least two stealthers in our goal line camping. The enemy ball carriers will purposely jump down to the pit right below the goal line and toss the ball up to a stealther before any of us could react. The stealther will break stealth and score, then pop a ability only to vanish again.


Half the team is trying to go for the ball while the other half is desperately trying to find the campers to no avail. It was probably the worst pvp I've experienced. the game was over in less than five minutes.


Before anyone says "why don't you kill the ball carrier before they go near the goal line?" Must I remind you that falling to the pit is a much faster way to go closer to the goal line, there's no fire or walkways to navigate through. A sorc would carry the ball and use his dash ability to reach near the goal line from the bottom pit and toss it up to a stealther.


I have been in four huttballs now with this exploit and being repub its already hard enough to win on my server. If a visible enemy is standing near our goal line and they toss it that's completely fair, but a stealther is just insanity. They just wait near the goal until a ball carrier comes out and unstealths to score the ball.


Please fix bioware, it is by far the worst exploit ever.


I....I just....I just can't believe this person is actually serious...next he will say damaging him is a clear exploit cause it leads to the death of his character.


brb grabbing some popcorn...this is going to be good when the pvp crowd gets to this one.

Edited by oblongship
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Yesterday I joined a huttball only to be rolled and lose miserably in a cold game of 0-6. What happened was there were always at least two stealthers in our goal line camping. The enemy ball carriers will purposely jump down to the pit right below the goal line and toss the ball up to a stealther before any of us could react. The stealther will break stealth and score, then pop a ability only to vanish again.


Half the team is trying to go for the ball while the other half is desperately trying to find the campers to no avail. It was probably the worst pvp I've experienced. the game was over in less than five minutes.


Before anyone says "why don't you kill the ball carrier before they go near the goal line?" Must I remind you that falling to the pit is a much faster way to go closer to the goal line, there's no fire or walkways to navigate through. A sorc would carry the ball and use his dash ability to reach near the goal line from the bottom pit and toss it up to a stealther.


I have been in four huttballs now with this exploit and being repub its already hard enough to win on my server. If a visible enemy is standing near our goal line and they toss it that's completely fair, but a stealther is just insanity. They just wait near the goal until a ball carrier comes out and unstealths to score the ball.


Please fix bioware, it is by far the worst exploit ever.




That's the furthest thing from an exploit and your team has stealthers too....



Move along now.

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lmao! this is hardly an exploit! its someone using their class mechanics and coordination to win a round - simple. If you know they are gonna be there, take measures to hit them out of stealth.


Its people like this who will ruin PvP for the rest of us


And just to let you know i am NOT one of those stealthers.

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You guys think your so funny and brilliant. I'm glad the OP brought this up. This is a hiccup in game design and needs to be looked at. There are a number of abilities that should be looked at while in a Huttball match.


Keep it up, OP!. These donkeys won't be heehawing at you if this gets addressed. And you have made the first step toward that. /cheer squeaky wheel.

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Lol everyone can use there kick/Stun/speed/bubble/defenceability and a Stealther should not use stealth seriously?


Vanguards and PowerTechs have abilities to see stealther use them!

You have AE to unstealth them use your AE!

Edited by Haralin
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Lol everyone can use there kick/Stun/speed/bubble/defenceability and a Stealther should not use stealth seriously?


Vanguards and PowerTechs have abilities to see stealther use them!

You have AE to unstealth them use your AE!


He's only referring to the goal area. Use stealth ofcourse. Don't get fussy when game design changes and anti-stealth fields are added to the goal line.


Don't forget to laugh when certain abilities are debuffed when your carrying the ball (such as sorc speed boost).

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I've finished a game in about 3 minutes, I camp at the ball spawn, guildy camps on top ledge, 1 over the flames, 1 stealth at the goal line. Pass, Pass, Pass, Pass Score.


Most players are too frantic and charge me to start with, so I pass, then harpoon 1 who charges away to my friend uptop etc.


Or I will fall into the pit hten charge up.


People just need to pay attention. I've Harpooned people as they were about 3m from scoring. Jump into the pit area, but just as I just hit the harpoon and he comes flying back with me.


Let me guess, you're team also filled his resolve bar, before anyone was near to do anything? As if chain CC'ing him without DPS is going to help.


Learn to play?

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cos leaping 50 billion metres over fire is not complete ********


but stealth is



play a stealth class


stealth mechanics are ****ed up. you can drop combat. you can tell how big aoes are. the animation doesnt match the size. every class has multiple aoes and pointless splash dmg that constantly knocks you out

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I had the similar thing in voidstar the enemy team would use these bombs on our doors and blow them up and then they left the room and we just was like w00t who do we kill now. I think this exploit ruined my game so i´m going to quit now and start playing FPS games alone so i can win.
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The only fix I could say need to be made to this are requiring players to be out of stealth to catch the ball, allowing a team to react to knowing where a ball is being thrown to ahead of time. Huttball is already easy enough. This type of strategy just makes it even more ridiculously easy.


Not sure what I really think about this overall, though...it seems like a really lame way to win. I think it very much takes out half the fun of Huttball to have players doing catching balls while hidden. There really isn't any way to react to it, barring having a player that can somehow pull them down/away from the goal.


Very lame tactic...hopefully something to be addressed and changed to keep Huttball competitive and fun. There is no competition in that. You either expend several teammates looking for stealthers and have a massive disadvantage with numbers, or you don't find the stealthers and just pray they never get anyone close enough to throw the ball up to the stealthers. Both ruin the fairness of the Warzone, in my opinion. I'm also aware that "it's not meant to be fair" with the announcer encouraging cheating...but seriously, it needs to be fair outside of the flavorful RP talking.

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The only fix I could say need to be made to this are requiring players to be out of stealth to catch the ball, allowing a team to react to knowing where a ball is being thrown to ahead of time. Huttball is already easy enough. This type of strategy just makes it even more ridiculously easy.



You already can't catch the ball if you're in stealth. OP and his buddy here just need some l2p.

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I....I just....I just can't believe this person is actually serious...next he will say damaging him is a clear exploit cause it leads to the death of his character.


brb grabbing some popcorn...this is going to be good when the pvp crowd gets to this one.


"...Weapons, namecalling and cheating - are all encouraged!" © Baron Deathmark.


The only thing I hate is BHs pulling the ballcarrier up their team's spawn ramp (49k damage lol).

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"...Weapons, namecalling and cheating - are all encouraged!" © Baron Deathmark.


The only thing I hate is BHs pulling the ballcarrier up their team's spawn ramp (49k damage lol).


That doesn't work any more? I try it all the time but says some message when you try instead of doing it.

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You actually do have to be out of stealth to catch.


And you can see where the ball is being thrown.


Apart from of course all teams easily being able to utilize this tactic there are several countermeasures. Some have been mentioned. 4 others would be: Stun the sorcerer as he/she uses sprint (which means even if cc-breaker is used it's now on cooldown), Kill the ball carrier after they catch the ball but before they score (easily done by 2-3 people if they know what they're doing, remember a slow is not a stun and doesn't give nearly the same resolve problems), Intercept the ball (you can see where it's thrown and they have to break stealth to catch it, run there with someone who has knockback), Control the middle (they have someone dedicated to guardibng a useless area, just dominate the rest of the field).



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Yesterday I joined a huttball only to be rolled and lose miserably in a cold game of 0-6. What happened was there were always at least two stealthers in our goal line camping. The enemy ball carriers will purposely jump down to the pit right below the goal line and toss the ball up to a stealther before any of us could react. The stealther will break stealth and score, then pop a ability only to vanish again.


Half the team is trying to go for the ball while the other half is desperately trying to find the campers to no avail. It was probably the worst pvp I've experienced. the game was over in less than five minutes.


Before anyone says "why don't you kill the ball carrier before they go near the goal line?" Must I remind you that falling to the pit is a much faster way to go closer to the goal line, there's no fire or walkways to navigate through. A sorc would carry the ball and use his dash ability to reach near the goal line from the bottom pit and toss it up to a stealther.


I have been in four huttballs now with this exploit and being repub its already hard enough to win on my server. If a visible enemy is standing near our goal line and they toss it that's completely fair, but a stealther is just insanity. They just wait near the goal until a ball carrier comes out and unstealths to score the ball.


Please fix bioware, it is by far the worst exploit ever.



Unbelivable how you guys can find so much to complain about. The team was better than you, deal with it.

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